Microphone setup wiz

Hi folks,After much installing of drivers and setting things up, I've now got my microphone working great in Teamspeak. Strangely though, The microphone setup wizard does not recognise it at all. The bar never moves and the Next button never gets highlighted. Microphone is selected as default device, the +20db boost is on and the mic lvl is set to 100. So if it works on TS, why not on the speech wizard Any ideas Many thanks

Firstly, make sure that the mic is selected in TS as the input device, even if it looks as if it's selected... select it again anyway. Then in my sound settings, I made sure that the mic was selected as the default input device and the +20db boost was ticked. Did this all work Nope. So I uninstalled the drivers and reinstalled them. Set it all up again, exactly as before and strangely, it started working. Don't ask me why..... This morning it started working with Vista speech recognition too! But now it's back to only working with TS. I've given up trying to work out Vista, it's not scientific at all. Seems that you're better off slaughtering a chicken on the top of the computer and calling for the tech gods to show mercy.

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    Marc Lee
    "Will_3" <[email protected]> wrote in
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    > What microphone setup do you guys suggest for nariating
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  • Microphone Setup (and Choice)

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    I am working with Garageband 3 on a Macbook Pro (15"). The show has two main hosts every week with a guest host every week as well. We need to be able to have all three of us audible with relatively good quality. Basic stuff really.
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    MacBook Pro 1.83 GHz 15", iPod Photo 30Gb Mac OS X (10.4.8)
    MacBook Pro 1.83 GHz 15", iPod Photo 30Gb Mac OS X (10.4.7)
    MacBook Pro 1.83 GHz 15", iPod Photo 30Gb   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

    Of course, the best way to go is 3 mics to a small mixer into the Mac. There may be another way, and that is to go through an Edirol or M-Audio converter. They have multiple inputs, some with volume control, and then to the Mac Firewire or USB.
    The UA-101 might be something to look at...
    Or the MobilePre
    Or, buy two inexpesive converters, do the aggregate so you have 4 channels and mix within GarageBand.

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    Thanks for the help Lanrat...
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    [ewan@ewanslaptop ~]$ lsmod|grep snd
    snd_cs46xx 77640 1
    gameport 11656 2 snd_cs46xx
    snd_rawmidi 19488 1 snd_cs46xx
    snd_seq_device 6924 1 snd_rawmidi
    snd_ac97_codec 87456 1 snd_cs46xx
    snd_ac97_bus 2432 1 snd_ac97_codec
    snd_pcm_oss 38944 0
    snd_mixer_oss 14592 2 snd_pcm_oss
    snd_pcm 67972 3 snd_cs46xx,snd_ac97_codec,snd_pcm_oss
    snd_timer 19204 1 snd_pcm
    snd 42724 8 snd_cs46xx,snd_rawmidi,snd_seq_device,snd_ac97_codec,snd_pcm_oss,snd_mixer_oss,snd_pcm,snd_timer
    soundcore 7776 2 snd
    snd_page_alloc 7816 2 snd_cs46xx,snd_pcm
    I'm guessing I must be missing some key link in the chain... Any ideas?
    Thanks again for all your help...

  • Advice: Wireless Microphone setup

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    Hard to say what would help in your situation without more information. But I can try:
    First step - do you live in an apartment or other "dense" living arrangement where there may be many wireless networks on the same channel as yours and interfering? You don't have so many wireless devices that your network should be that slow.
    If you haven't already, run a free a wifi scanner such as AirRadar (http://www.koingosw.com/products/airradar.php ) and map out the situation - the three ideal network channels to be on are 1, 6, or 11, as they don't overlap and interfere with each other. Try to find and set yours to an unused channel. And if yours is not encrypted, (Enc Type "None" in AirRadar), your neighbors may be helping themselves to your wifi and slowing you down.
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    Get started with that, if you need more info, then give more data on your living situation, nearby networks, and exactly what models of iMac, MacBook, Netgear, etc. you have. You might also run some speed tests connected directly with no wireless devices on to compare - see http://speedtest.net

  • 2 zs microphone setup probl

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    I just wanted the card to play r63 online and use teamspeak with it but with the mike problem I have found the only known solution to this .... put in another sound card ( my old one ) and configure the mike to be used through this card.
    Its a pitty this rarther expensi've 2 zs card is not worth a tin of beans to me, I may as well have saved my money and stook with my original card

    Althogh this is my very first post here I have to say it is VERY hard to keep the volume down when talking about this very subject! If you look at
    http://delltalk.us.dell.com/supportforums/search?submitted=true&type=message&q=xps+audigy+mi crophone&logic=AND&page_size=0&fuzzy=false&prefix= false&refine=false&days=-&page=2
    you will find some more people with this same issue. And that's just the few people who bothered to a) look for and go to and b) register with one of these support forums - believe me, there's a lot more people out there who don't do that! I know from my own experience with our own support. Very few people even bother to report a problem because they already know company XYZ (it's the same for all large corporations selling to the mass market) won't/can't (that's the same) help.
    The problem is - and it's NOT a driver installation problem (a driver problem maybe, but not with the installation) or a hardware problem - that on the Audigy 2 ZS in Dell machines(?maybe more?) (8400, XPS Gen 3&4, any of them it seems) the mic has to have option "+20db" enabled AND the mic volume set to the maximum to hear (i.e. let the computer hear through the mic) anything at all! Okay, you may say, what's the problem - you say it works? Well, it doesn't! This extreme setting is useless for all practical purposes since even the tiniest bit of sound causes huge feedback problems. I couldn't even use Skype (same with any other app, please don't blame it on the application) with headsets, even less speakers, regardless of what (volume - both mic and headset or speaker) settings I tried.
    And by the way I use a Creative mic - HE-00, came with my NX Ultra webcam. I also tried a very good wireless mic I use on my Sony TRV900 (digi cam). Both work flawlessly on my notebook with the exact same ap
    Asking Dell is as useless as asking Creative. Dell sent me a replacement Audigy 2 CS. Very annoying, I can't even use it to make any money on ebay since used Audigys with no warranty are at ca. 0 Euros only... this amount doesn't compensate for not having a working mic!
    I read lots of articles since 2004 in both the Creative and the Dell forums about this exact issue - NEVER a solution (only useless guesses) from anyone, least not by the two corporations responsible - Dell and Creative. Of course, you can rely on the fact that no other large IT corp. selling to the mass market is any better... but this is not very satisfying.
    Michael Hasenstein

  • Microphone setup

    I have been trying to work this out for a little while but I've not had any luck so far. I want to use an external mic with headset on windows but I don't seem to be able to setup the mic to work with the modable audio port on my imac. I have had the same issues on a mac book pro and mac mini.
    I am just wondering if there is a way to setup an external mic head which runs without any drivers just 3.5 input jacks.
    - Chris

    Of course, the best way to go is 3 mics to a small mixer into the Mac. There may be another way, and that is to go through an Edirol or M-Audio converter. They have multiple inputs, some with volume control, and then to the Mac Firewire or USB.
    The UA-101 might be something to look at...
    Or the MobilePre
    Or, buy two inexpesive converters, do the aggregate so you have 4 channels and mix within GarageBand.

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    As for drivers, here is what I have tried so far:
    SoundMAX driver uninstall
    Installed Microsoft UAA Bus Driver for HD Audio
    Installed SoundMAX Integrated Digital HD Audio driver (
    None of this made any difference.  When I plug in an external mic, all applications, including the SoundMAX Control Panel > Microphone >  Setup Wizard, detect zero sound from the external microphone.  I have muted/unmuted the external microphone, muted/unmuted the microphone in Windows, boosted/decreased the volume, used the Microsoft microphone troubleshooting wizard, etc., etc.
    Please help!  Using an external microphone is very important for my work (speech recognition) and for several of my colleagues.  If we would have known external microphone do not work with T61s, my company would not have purchased these.  Now we are all stuck until we get new laptops again (2 more years)!
    P.S. One strange thing I noticed while plugging and unplugging is that if I plug in headphones to the external microphone jack, one of the headphones (R, I think) becomes an "external microphone."  The quality is terrible but applications register sounds coming through the external headphones.  Why then have none of the 3 different external microphones I've plugged into the mic jack worked?!?!
    SoundMAX Integrated Digital HD Audio (Driver, Location 65535, C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\ADIHdAud.sys is
    Windows XP Pro Version 2002 SP2
    Intel Core2 Duo CPU
    T7300 @ 2.00GHz
    2.99 GB of RAM

    I am having this same problem and am also using voice recognition software.  Have you found a resolution yet to this problem?  I have not.  Please share if you have.

  • Macbook microphone not working

    It seems that the Macbook wiki page is missing a quick how-to for microphone setup.  Have any other macbook users had any success?
    I've followed the ALSA wiki page and installed/configured alsa-lib, alsa-utils (but did not install alsa-oss).  I am able to hear audio from the speakers, it is just the built-in microphone that is not working.  It works fine in OS X, so it is not a hardware issue.  I've unmuted the channels and my ALSA config is as follows:
    Master 100 [ENABLED]
    Front 100 [ENABLED]
    Surround 100 [ENABLED]
    Center 100 [ENABLED]
    LFE 100
    Side 100 [ENABLED]
    Line in as Output [OFF]
    Mic as Output [OFF]
    IEC958 [OFF]
    IEC958 Default PCM [ON]
    Capture 100 [ON]
    Capture 1 100 [ON]
    Input Source [Mic]
    Input Source 1 [Line]
    Mux 100 [ON]
    Mux 1 100 [ON]
    Swap Center/LFE [OFF]

    It works for me out of a box (with Macbook Pro 3.1). You can try this:
    bash-3.2# alsaconf

  • Microphone not working - Conexant 20561 Smartaudio HD

    Hello~ I am using Windows 7 Ultimate on my Lenovo T500. My microphone suddenly stopped working. Why is that? It is not detecting any sound at all in the microphone setup screen or on skype even though it is the only device and it is selected. I have Conexant 20561 Smartaudio HD and drivers released on 10/6/2009. It just recently stopped working. No sound is detected. Help! Thanks
    Go to Solution.

    I had the same problem.
    My steps:
    Control Panel > Speech Recognition > Advanced speech options > Microphone > Advanced...
    And checked real Conexant 20561 SmartAudio.
    After that action my microphone will start working properly.

  • X-Fi microphone/Line-in flexjack quest

    im looking at a new pair of headphones, and my friend has the SoundMAX array microphone that comes with the newer Asus motherboards. I understand that this specific microphone is to be used with a stereo microphone jack.
    my question is will the X-Fi work properly with this stereo microphone without being amped at all? i understand the flexjack will work with 2 channels when set to "Line-in" but every situation that i read about with stereo microphone setups has the mics being preamped.
    for reference i am interested in buying:
    the website also says that it only works with soundmax platforms, doesnt bother me, i just want to record normal voice in BF242/BF2/Ventrilo/TS. this whole noise canceling thing is not needed.
    thanks for your time!

    Hi?I've been working on solving a mic problem with my X-Fi sound blaster card and the SoundMax Superbeam Array2-S. I can't get the card to recognize the mic. The mic is connected to the flexijack. In the Creative Game Mode Console under settings, the Digital I/O is grayed out and I cannot set it to either Digital I/O or Mic-in/Line-in. Any ideas?Sincerely,?Luis

  • Libretto U100 - cant get the microphone to work

    I have a microphone problem on laptop and also when using my recently purchased Philips SHM3100 Multimedia headset. I have tried to use the Windows Sound Recorder software but my voice is not recognised at all.
    I have a Bluetooth Headset configure of which the sound and microphone works perfectly. Has anyone had the same problem, and found a solution?
    Thank you very much in advance.
    Kind regards.
    Message was edited by: julia1

    I am using :
    Playback: SoundMax Digital Audio
    Recording: SoundMax Digital Audio
    I did a Sound Hardware Test and test result was:
    Microphone test: "Cannot complete the Sound Harware test as your voice was not detected"
    Under Voice Recording, "Advanced" is greyed out.
    You mentioned:
    "By the way; In the SoundMax control panel you should be sure that in the microphone setup the option called headset was selected and not standard mic!!!!"
    Can you please explain?
    Message was edited by: julia1

  • Microphone and webcam not working on Yoga S1 after windows 10 update

    I have to admit I never tried the webcam since I got my Yoga which had win 8.1 originally installed on it, but with the update to windows 10, I'm trying more things out. I did install the camera driver from http://support.lenovo.com/us/en/products/laptops-and-netbooks/thinkpad-yoga-series-laptops/thinkpad-yoga?c=1  but no luck.I dont even see any kind of camera in device manager. The camera app just says "something is wrong" amd closes. I tried Skype and it also could not detect a working webcam. After installing  windows 10, I did try Cortina and it had me go into microphone setup and it was working. However after subsequent updates, it no longer works. The micropphone levels are ll the way 100%, but when I try to setup the mic, I never see the level meters move when trying the speech test dictation,. Ive installed the Conexant drivers in the the above link, and also uninstalled them and tried to go back to what are the default microsoft drivers, neither seem to wor  

    Hey 22d05da3,
    Hey I see that you're having an issue with the webcam and microphone.
    This could be a hardware issue knowing both of these features are in the same module
    But first,
    Can you go to device manager then go under the section that says imaging devices and tell me if the webcam shows up under there. Also, check and see if there's any type of exclamation mark next to it.
    Next, Go to the sound controllers section also and let me know if you can see the microphone underneath that.
    Now, these two don't have drivers to install from the website. What you can do is uninstall these drivers from the device manager then restart your Notebook. It should install the drivers after you restart.
    Also, if this doesn't work you can do a driver recover from the software. Here is a document to show you how to do that.
    Go down to the section that says "Reinstall the original webcam program that came with your computer".
    If any other issues come up before this like you can't find the drivers in the device manager. Go to the section on that document that says " Webcam is not listed in the device manager ".

  • Sennheiser PC 350 microphone not working

    First my specs:
    Windows 7 Ultimate English
    Headset: http://www.sennheiser.com/sennheiser/home_en.nsf/root/private_headsets_pc_pro-gaming_502141
    MSI P35-NEO-F, Intel P35 (Realtek onboard soundcard)
    I let Windows 7 install two drivers (High Defintion Audio Device and Realtek High Defintion Audio), I then installed this driver/software http://eu.msi.com/index.php?func=downloaddetail&type=driver&maincat_no=1&prod_no=1215 (Realtek High Definition Audio Driver at the bottom)
    The sound is working, but my microphone wont work. It worked on XP with the same driver, but there is no sound coming when I speak. The volume indicator is also not moving.
    Here is what the sound settings look like in Windows 7 and Realtek HD Audio Manager:
    It doesnt matter if I use stereo mix or anything else. It doesnt change
    Any ideas?
    Thanks :)

    Hi Dumpen,
    Please double check if you have plugged in the headphone in the correct jack. Also, can other microphone be recognized? Does this microphone work on other computers?
    In the meantime, please also perform the following suggestions:
    Use Speech Recognition to test Microphone
    1. Please click Start, type “Speech Recognition” (without quotation marks) and press Enter.
    2. Click “Set up microphone” and follow the Microphone setup wizard.
    3. When you reach “Adjust the microphone volume”, please note if the volume bar moves from yellow to red.
    Is the Setup wizard complete? If the microphone works properly, we can eliminate hardware problem from the possible causes of the issue. Please check to see if the issue persists in the Third-party software.
    Also, you can run the Troubleshooting by going to Start -> Control Panel -> Troubleshooting -> Troubleshooting audio recording -> Follow the wizard to complete the troubleshoot.
    Hope this helps.

  • Do not use the Megaphone effect when using external amp and speakers

    Hi guys,
    I just wanted to let you know that I damaged my Yamaha NS10 speakers while I was testing the effect section on garageband with an external mic through my studio amp and the NS10 studio monitors. When I switched to the Megaphone effect to test it I received such a high frequency signal that it killed my NS10 tweeters. It is very frustrating and I had never really any issues in the past with my monitors.
    I am just posting this topic here to warn you guys, just in case you are trying the same thing. It cost me 250 dollar to replace the tweeters so you better test the effect section of garageband on a very low level or even use your old headphones before you plug your mac to an external amp and speaker set up.
    Good luck,

    Sorry to hear about those blown tweeters.
    If it'll help, once you establish a microphone setup using the dropdowns in the lower right-hand corner of the browse window, there are three monitor options: Off, On, & On (no feedback protection).
    Knowing this, the latter may have been the unbeknownst destructive culprit.

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