Microsoft VM + problems

Hi everybody,
It is said that Microsoft does not support its virtual machine anymore. My applet has problems running under Windows with Sun virtual machine, under Linux everything is ok. It is recommended to use the Microsoft virtual machine under Windows, however, a question would be, what will happen in the long run? I mean what if Microsoft completely removes its VM from its operating systems?
And my problem under Windows XP SP 1 is the following: when the applet tries to connect via Sockets, each data transfer freezes the applet for 3 - 4 seconds. I could find no solution for it, except switching to Microsoft VM, which I'd better avoid.

Thanks for the advice,
As to the code, the problem is I am using a library that actually performs a socket connection (I have no sources). I am just calling it like "query(String str)". If it did not run perfectly under linux, I would say the problem was in the library. The person who wrote it, says its nothing but a socket connection, nothing special.
It freezes under windows XP and only in Applet form. If I turn it to
a normal application, it runs ok. By the way, at there is an applet ICQ version, that also uses network connections, I've downloaded it and it freezes the same, just like my applet.
The freezing looks like : 4 secods no response, and then it is ok.
Maybe somebody have experienced it before?

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    do i have to have a create a corporate account?
    No. You may use the personal account for accessing the MSN network for chatting. Corporate accounts are more for collaboration using Exchange, to my knowledge. I have never used a corporate account with MSN.
    can i just use personal account email and password for corporate account?
    No, you cannot. I'm not aware of how to use the corporate account system in MSN. I just use personal.
    If i have to create a corporate account, how can i do it?
    You don't have to create a corporate account. The personal account will work just fine for chatting purposes.
    If i can use my personal account to sign into corporate account, i have tried
    You can't use the personal account to sign into corporate. An "Office Communications Server" is required for a corporate account. My guess is that a company that wishes to use MSN Messenger for corporate communications must first implement an "Office Communications Server" and then implement MSN Messenger clients on each of the workstations in that company. Then, individual employee User IDs would be assigned that would allow the MSN client app (on your Mac) to connect to the "Office Communications Server". In short, you require a large company (lots of $$$ for an "Office Communications Server" I would wager) and the associated IT support to implement corporate MSN accounts.
    Reason being personal account, what i'm using currently cannot provide me with video calls.
    Microsoft has not yet implemented video conferencing in the personal accounts of MSN Messenger. They state that they are working on this for the next release, which was due out in beta form sometime in 2009. But 2009 is rapidly coming to a close. They also state that the next version of Office will be released in time for holiday season 2010. Perhaps an updated version of Messenger will be released at that time, or before.
    If you are looking for video support for MSN chatting on Mac, try aMSN. It is an open-source MSN clone that has these features (as well as many of the other Windows-only features) currently.
    Additionally, you could try to convince the people you are chatting with to change to something more compatible across platforms, like Skype.

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    I, too unexpectedly ran into this problem yesterday while doing my [usually] routine client billing. I have an invoice template in MS Word (now version 2011), and I create PDF copies and email them to my clients.
    I spent half the day yesterday trying to get to the bottom of this issue, and it was certainly comforting to see in the forum that at least a few other people are experiencing the same symptoms. I have now verified everything that others have reported in this thread:
    1. The problem occurs when saving a text document (MS Word 2011 or Apple Text Edit in Rich Text mode) to PDF using the PDF conversion tools in the Mac OS Print dialog (Save as PDF or Save as Adobe PDF).
    2. The problem only occurs when your document contains OpenType PostScript fonts (e.g Adobe's Myriad Pro, Minion Pro, etc.) The problem does not occur when you're document contains only Adobe PostScript Type 1 fonts, TrueType fonts, or OpenType True Type fonts from Microsoft (e.g. Calibri or Cambria)
    3. Apple's Preview application is impervious to this problem, but Adobe Acrobat 9 (Mac or PC) chokes on files generated this way.
    4. If you generate the PDF using the simple "Save as PDF" in the Mac OS Print dialog, the file will seemingly save ok, but Acrobat 9 will hang when it tries to open the file.
    5. If you generate the PDF using the "Save as Adobe PDF" option in the Mac OS Print dialog, the PDF exporter will hang, and the file will not get generated.
    6. If you generate the PDF by saving the PDF Preview from Word or by opening the "simply" generated PDF in Apple Preview and then re-save the PDF, Acrobat 9 will open the file but display alphabet soup wherever the OpenType PostScript font was used.
    7. For some reason, neither Excel and PowerPoint 2011 seem to exhibit this problem when using OpenType PostScript fonts and exporting to PDF from the Mac OS Print dialog.
    Now, here's the clincher: This problem DOES NOT OCCUR if your Mac is running the previous version of Snow Leopard (OS X 10.6.6).
    I purchased a new MacBook Pro laptop a couple months ago, and about two weeks ago, Apple pushed out what they called the Mac OS X 10.6.7 update for "early 2011 MacBookPro computers." Naturally, I installed the updgrade back then, and this is the first time I've exercised the PDF export from Word since then.
    I also have a MacPro tower, which is still running OS 10.6.6, and I can export PDF documents contaiing OpenType PostScript fonts with no problem in Acrobat from that machine.
    Bottom Line: Apple's latest Snow Leopard upgrade to OS 10.6.7 is causing this problem, but getting it fixed is going to require cooperation between Apple, Adobe and Microsoft...
    In the mean time, if you're using Apple's Time Machine and you want to revert your Mac OS to version 10.6.6, here's a link to an Apple Tech Note about how to do that:
    I've contacted Tech Support at all three companies, and of course, each one thinks that it's the other comany's problem...but perhaps since this essentially an Adobe Acrobat issue, Adobe can take the lead in troubleshooting it.
    Bob K

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    Open the MS Ofice Trial folder.
    Run the Installer and select Uninstall

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    Hi Marlane1,
    Yes, I am actually from Australia, so I try to use American numbers and laws to help people, as America would have a substantial majority of users on this site.
    I agree that the Company that you bought it from needs to take responsibility and give you a refund.
    This website states your consumer rights, they are pretty much identical from ACCC (Aus version) FTC (Us version). Yours would come under a faulty good and under your law, they must give you a refund. Then using this refund purchase it from Apple Store closest to you.
    Apple cannot do much as it is not downloaded from them or the App store however, if you take the laptop in, they might have a look? Depends on how happy they are!!
    Good Luck and remember your consumer rights:
    Anything that a sales person says to you, can be used as a guarantee and therefore you can say that you asked them to do it for the reason of issues, they did that therefore as they did this they have to fix or replace.
    iBenjamin Crowley

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    You don't need all of them. The ones you must apply (assuming you're starting from 12.0.0) are:
    Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac Service Pack 1 (12.1.0)
    Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac Service Pack 2 (12.2.0)
    Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac 12.2.5 Update
    However, you can't install updates that are older than your current version. What you should do is:
    1) First, back up you Office files; PowerPoint, Word, Excel and the Entourage database. The last is the Main Identity folder in your user account.
    2) On the CD, and also in the Office folder on the hard drive is a small app named "Remove Office". Run that to remove every trace of Office from the hard drive.
    3) Reinstall Office from the CD.
    4) Apply the available updates. After the initial install, you can run any of the Office apps and choose Help > Check for Updates. It will let you know what you need to download so you're not wasting your time on incremental downloads you don't need.
    5) Restore your files if necessary. Make sure to put the "Main Identity" folder back where it was. Entourage will pick it up and continue on without asking to create a new user mail account.

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    OK - this is solved.
    I followed the instructions from the right hand column under "Re: I cannot enter time machine when I press the icon to enter time machine".
    Basically it was some sort of disply glitch. Unplugging the Cinema Display and restarting the computer allowed the system to enter the "outer space" view again.
    Plugging in the Cinema Display again hasn't recreated the problem.
    Thanks for helping out.

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    Hi Gurus,
    I am facing a problem when i try to open the Microsoft Visio in my repository.
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    Please do check the version of the visio which u have installed it should be visio 2000 or greater.
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    hope this may help you,

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    If anybody is remotely interested in helping this situation I would GREATLY APPRECIATE it.

    Hi  ,
    Thank you for visiting the HP Forums! A great place where you can find solutions for your issues, with help from the community!
    I came across your post about the Notebook, and wanted to assist you! I have looked into your issue about your HP ENVY Notebook and a forgotten Microsoft Password. Here is a link to help you recover your account. You could look at this document on how to Refresh Windows. 8. It gives you the option to Refresh Windows 8 when you cannot get to the desktop. Please read all the documentation before starting. Please note remove any and all USB devices. Disconnect all non-essential devices, as these could cause some issues. Hope this is a help. Please let me know how this goes. Thanks.  

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    Hi nyoknying,
    Thank you for your feedback, We have found the problem last week, and it now fix today, please wait for the next ota version

  • Microsoft Office Problems

    I bought new Macbook Air. Following problems i have with Microsoft Office 2011 (probably they related to Lion)
    1) Microsoft Word. Try to open a word file. But no russian font was shown on screen. It is shown only some symbols.
    Huge problem for me
    Where i should use encoding or font drivers for Lion and Word
    Finally, i managed to open file by text edit, but text edit is not suitable for me
    2) Microsoft Excel
    My macbook air has been freezed due to some reason. After i restarted i didnt found excel workbook that i was working on.
    I know it should be autosave but i din't find it. And it didn't save it
    3) Microsoft Outlook
    First i received message. It has blue page color and has attachement.
    But when i open message i can not find attachments. So on usual message (without specific format) i can find attachments but when sender has some user format (coloured msg or etc) attachments are not available
    4) Microsoft outlook
    I want to put task. But when i press ok, message closed and i can not see this task in my task list. So tasks are not working at all
    Please help me in resolving this issues, as they are quite important.

    The best place to search/ask about those apps is often in the forums run by the people who make them:

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