Migration 3 4: borderStyle=none?

I've started to test a migration of a Flex 3 app to Gumbo. I couldn't find out how to remove the border from components like e.g. mx:TextInput. The code below shows the problem:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        text="A red border is visible but I expect no border."
        text="A red border is visible"
How can I remove the border of Flex 3 components?
Thanks for any hints,

I believe you may need a custom TextInput border skin to achieve the same effect with the Spark skins for the mx:TextInput control. Certain styles that were supported by the default Halo controls/containers are not as easily tweakable with the Spark skins.
So, long story longer, here is my solution. I copied the default Spark skin for the Halo TextInput control (you can find the default skin, TextInputBorderSkin.mxml, in the <SDK_Dir>\frameworks\projects\sparkskins\src\mx\skins\spark\ folder) and made a couple minor tweaks and then saved my custom skin as CustomTextInputBorderSkin.mxml in the /src/skins/ folder of my Flex Project. Here's the revised CustomTextInputBorderSkin.mxml file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!--- The Spark skin class for the border of the Halo TextInput component. -->
<local:SparkSkinForHalo xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
            import mx.core.EdgeMetrics;
            import mx.core.IUIComponent;
            /* Define the skin elements that should not be colorized. */
            static private const exclusions:Array = ["background"];
            override public function get colorizeExclusions():Array {return exclusions;}
            /* Define the content fill items that should be colored by the "contentBackgroundColor" style. */
            static private const contentFill:Array = ["bgFill"];
            override public function get contentItems():Array {return contentFill};
            /* Define the border items.*/
            static private const borderItem:Array = [];
            override protected function get borderItems():Array {return borderItem;}
            static private const metrics:EdgeMetrics = new EdgeMetrics(2, 2, 2, 2);
            public function get borderMetrics():EdgeMetrics {
                return metrics;
            override protected function updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number):void {
                super.updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight);
                if (parent && parent is IUIComponent && !IUIComponent(parent).enabled) {
                    alpha = 0.5;
                } else {
                    alpha = 1;
    <!-- fill -->
    <s:Rect id="background" left="1" right="1" top="1" bottom="1">
            <s:SolidColor id="bgFill" color="0xFFFFFF" />
And then I specified the custom border skin by specifying the borderSkin style on the Halo TextInput control, as seen in the following example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
            text="A red border is visible but I expect no border."
            borderSkin="skins.CustomTextInputBorderSkin" />
            text="A red border is visible" />
Hopefully that helps. For a lot of other great migration information and differences between Flex 3 and Flex 4 (and how to use the Halo skins in your projects), see the following article on the Flex Developer Center: http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flex/articles/flex3and4_differences.html
Peter deHaan
Flex SDK Team | Adobe Systems Inc

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    Hi hardikvaishnav,
    This is a known issue which has been reported to Microsoft Connect. Unfortunately, this issue will not fix due to stability issues around MDI. For more details, see 
    You might use a user control or panel instead.
    Best Regards,
    Bob Wu [MSFT]
    MSDN Community Support | Feedback to us

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    John Lockwood wrote:
    Shane Depner1 wrote:
    Hi all,
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    Kerio provide a free tool to do IMAP migrations to Kerio, something similar for (Snow) Leopard Server would be nice. However it might be possible to do basically the same thing via the command line using Dovecot's own routines.
    See http://wiki.dovecot.org/Migration
    That page also refers to an open source utility called imapsync to do direct IMAP transfers, it looks like it is a Perl program and should run on a Mac (it will almost certainly need some Perl modules adding and this requires you to install XCode). Ah! I have just found another tool called Larch which is written in Ruby, this looks from reports to be more flexible and more reliable.
    imapsync - http://freshmeat.net/projects/imapsync
    Larch - http://github.com/rgrove/larch/tree/master
    Let me know if you successfully do an IMAP->IMAP migration. If anyone manages to use Larch under Mac OS X let us know what was involved. I have done some Perl, and a bit of PHP but never touched Ruby before.
    I've used imapsync in the past; it is fairly reliable, although there are definitely a few caveats that you must read the documentation to catch (for example, there is a command-line switch that, if not used, will reset the sent/received dates of ALL transferred email to the current date, and another that is used to preserve the seen/unseen status). Getting it up and running requires (or at least required, as of my last use of it back in July of this year, on a 10.5 server) installing of a few Perl modules from CPAN as well, necessitating the installation of XCode on the server; you are correct on that point. That being said, it's a pretty handy tool for doing a wide variety of migrations, as it doesn't care WHAT the source and destination mail servers are, so long as they both speak IMAP. There are, of course, minor issues if the source server is Microsoft Exchange, since Exchange's IMAP implementation is a bit ... nonstandard ... at times.
    Just my $0.02 on that topic

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    Ray in Galway

    Another thought, if they're just typical image files like jpegs, or PDFs or some other universal file format.  Have a friend with a windows computer copy the contents of the CDs to an external media source (flash drive, external HDD etc) and copy them to your mac.
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    We have also expierenced the same problem, or similiar even.
    After reading the docs on the opensource website
    you will find that there is a flag you can set on the compiler arguments as follows:
    by doing this, i think this allows the modules to work as before, inheriting the styles by default from the application.
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    Hi Dirk,
    Thanks for the reply.
    As I mentioned earlier, by Non-SSO I mean "http" and by SSO I mean "https". This is because, before migration the application was accessible using "http" and now we have to use "https" alongwith SSO to access the application. I only want to highlight the Flash Chart issue with this migration.
    The problem doesn't solves with your solution as I am getting correct instance/environment name with #HOST# but prefixed with "http" and not "https". Hence the application won't be able to locate the required swf file.
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    A better solution is required by which the Flash chart source is not touched and the #HOST# variable for the application is updated to take the "https" prefixed to the swf file path.
    Edited by: Mangal on Mar 5, 2009 11:31 PM

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    Thanks again!

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    PS. I have no idea why DU and CCC errored when copying... but at this point, I don't really care. It worked with Super Duper!

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    In ECC6.0, you will need to activate the extension EA-FS. When you do this, you will see a new node for Financial Supply Chain Management in the IMG. Navigate as below for the data transfer process:
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    [Legacy Data Transfer|http://help.sap.com/saphelp_erp2005/helpdata/en/56/d880392c58ab54e10000000a114084/frameset.htm]

  • Migration Assistant fails on non-existent file

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    Besides that, I like doing fresh installs of all the bits.

  • Migration over private network - Non-Cluster

    Hello everyone...
    I have a hyper-v cluster (3 nodes), and a second stand-alone hyper-v host; all of which is managed by SCVMM 2012 R2.  The VMM server, and all hyper-v hosts are connected to a 10gbs private network.
    When doing a live migration between nodes in the cluster; everything is being transferred over the 10gbs network.
    When doing a live migration between one of the cluster nodes and the stand-alone host, it uses the public LAN.
    All machines can ping each other on the 10gps network, so it isn't a connectivity issue.  (I am using that network to do backups as well.)
    On the stand-alone host, I have "use the following IP subnets" set to the subnet of the private network.
    All machines are running Windows Server 2012 R2.
    Any suggestions on how I can do the migration using the 10gps network?

    Hi Sir,
    >>I have a hyper-v cluster (3 nodes), and a second stand-alone hyper-v host; all of which is managed by SCVMM 2012 R2.  The VMM server, and
    all hyper-v hosts are connected to a 10gbs private network.
    >>When doing a live migration between one of the cluster nodes and the stand-alone host, it uses the public LAN.
    If I understand correctly , you may need to check the link layer between the cluster node's live migrate IP and that stand-alone host's LM IP .
    I want to know the detail of the network topology between cluster and stand-alone host because you mentioned "it uses the public lan" .
    Best Regards,
    Elton Ji
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact [email protected] .

  • Cleanup after a 2013 forklift migration...leftover non-user mailboxes on old server?

    So, I did a forklift migration from 2013 RTM to 2013 SP1. Everything is great with 1 exception: Arbitration and system mailboxes still think they are on the RTM server, so I can't remove the RTM server from the environment.
    I ran the powershell command to "re-home" all the user mailboxes to the SP1 server's database...it succeeded!
    Because the original information store file isn't mounted on the RTM server, I can't issue a get-mailbox -arbitration | New-Moverequest -Targetdatabase
    My question:
    Wouldn't a forklift have brought the Arbitration and system mailboxes to the new SP1 server and all I have to do is run a seperate command to rehome them specifically?
    Is there a better way? Can I safely recreate the Arbitration and system mailboxes on the SP1 server?

    Hi Martina, thanks for chiming in!
    Upon running that, I get the list of all mailboxes in that Old Database.
    DisplayName                             ItemCount    StorageLimitStatus       
    SystemMailbox{311ff57d...         193
    HealthMailbox87302716d...         4783                                                      4/18/2014
    7:52:46 PM
    Personal Archive - Hea...             0                                                           4/18/2014
    7:52:46 PM
    Discovery Search Mailbox            3
    Microsoft Exchange                     10
    Microsoft Exchange                     22
    Microsoft Exchange App...            3
    Microsoft Exchange Fed...            3
    Microsoft Exchange Mig...            19
    HealthMailbox311ff57db...           9044                                                 
    5/13/2014 11:02:04 AM
    Personal Archive - Hea...             0                                                            4/24/2014
    7:46:02 AM
    test1                                         70                                                           4/22/2014
    2:32:52 PM
    9102_Scion                                9                                                            4/24/2014
    6:15:27 PM
    admin                                       38                                                           4/23/2014
    2:58:54 PM
    Anna Valle                                14904                                                      4/23/2014
    2:58:55 PM
    That HealthMailbox311ff57db...is the only one with a recent logon, could that be the culprit!?!?
    Everything else shows a logon timestamp of the evening it was forklifted to a new database, which is what I expect to see.

  • Migrate reference library to non-referenced ...

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    Is there a trivial way to force iPhoto to now import all the existing referenced photos, so that my library will no longer be a referenced library?
    The Library packages contains aliases that point to the actual files. You'll need to replace these aliases with the actual files.

  • What to do when SLS - Lion Server Upgrade & Migration Fail

    Hi everyone,
    I've had a tough time over the past week trying to updating my SLS to LS. (It was a slow week at the office so despite the warnings in these discussions I wasn't disturbing anyone, so I thought I'd try...) Both an upgrade to the current running system and a clean install on a wipe of that hard drive stall at the "Configuring Services" "Upgrading services" screen of the set up process. The migration path eventually fails, and as far as I can tell, it seems that the upgrade path just stays there forever.
    Don't worry - I'm doing this all on a Super Duper! clone of my primary drive, so I can go back to SLS whenever I need to.
    BUT, I can tell that the server's status is at least partially okay, even in this stalled setup state - iChat seems to work on various clients, and I can use Server Admin to see stats and services, etc.
    So despite the discomfort of a failed install, part of me feels like I'll be fine with the LS if I can just figure out how to move my old data into the right places for the new system to use it. But I can't find any guidance for that. I'm looking to migrate OD (seems to have migrated fine), iCal, iChat, Address Book, Wikis, Time Machine, and File Sharing (which should be trivial to set up, I reckon).
    Can anyone point me in the right direction?
    Thanks very much,

    Okay, so I've had some marginal success.
    After leaving the hung install for a ridiculous amount of time (24+ hours), I realized that I could click the help button, and from the help window click the "further info about Lion Server" link to launch Safari. That gave me access to Software Update from the Apple menu, which then let me install the latest Safari update which conveniently enough requires a restart.
    After restart, the Server Migration Assistant kicked in again, but failed quickly in the upgrading services stage. Another restart, and the sever finally booted more or less normally.
    The strange thing was that although chat services worked fine during the hung install, all OD-related services stopped working after restarting. Turns out there were no users or groups in OD. Importing them from an OD archive, though, restored them.
    So now iChat works great (even the old chat longs migrated successfully), and AFP is properly sharing our volumes across our studio's network. So our server is limping along.
    The other services we need that aren't up yet are Wiki and iCal. Some info about those:
    Wiki: administrators can log in and see all wikis just fine. That's awesome because it means the data migrated successfully. Any non-admin users can log in, but are then get a wiki-styled page that says simply "No wikis found". It's as if they don't have permissions to see the wikis, even though in Server.app they belong to the groups that the wikis are associated with. I've tried removing and re-adding users to groups, but that doesn't seem to do it. Any ideas how to fix this?
    Calendar: While I can't get this to work, it's not like it's completely lifeless. An account in a client Lion iCal configured with the proper Lion settings returns an error that reads:
    "The Server is Busy or Unavailable.
    "The server at myserver.com is currently unable to handle the connection for account “ Calendars” due to a temporary overloading or maintenance of the server. If this continues you should contact the server administrator.
    "You may try to connect to the server again or take the account offline."
    As a logged in administrator, in a wiki clicking on Calendar in the nab bar goes to the calendar style page with an unending dialogue box that reads "Getting events from server". And clicking on Calendar from Home page footer takes me to the URL https://myserver.com/webcal with an error that says:
    "Service Temporarily Unavailable
    The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.
    Apache/2.2.20 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.2.20 OpenSSL/0.9.8r DAV/2 Server at myserver.com Port 443"
    Again, at least I'm confident that the data migrated properly -  I can find all the calendar data in it's proper new location - but either the service won't start or something's not configured correctly. I've tried chaining the hostname and restarting the service about a billion times. I've got no idea what to try next. Any ideas?
    Thank you so much,

  • No migrated network IP / Removal VMware Tools

    Hello guys! good night!
    I'm trying to convert about 100 VMWARE VMs to my Hyper-V 2012 R2 environment. I'm using the new MVMC 2.0.
    After converting the VM, I realize that the network IP address was absent. The NIC was using the DHCP config. (The source VMWARE VM was configured with Static IP).
    Other point is that the VMWARE tools wasn't removed.
    In addition, during the migration process, the source VMWARE VM was power on and the MVMC did the snapshot and turned it off.
    None of this itens has occured after the VM migration complete process. Even the VLAN ID in the VM settings on the Hyper-V was blank. No error message was returned. The whole migration process has completed successfully (green check mark). 
    On the link http://blogs.technet.com/b/privatecloud/archive/2014/04/08/migration-automation-toolkit-for-mvmc-2-0.aspx
    states that with this tool is possible to:
    MVMC removes VMware tools;
    MVMC migrates network IPs;
    But none of this itens has occured after the VM migration complete process. Even the VLAN ID in the VM settings on the Hyper-V was blank.
    Besides this issues, the whole migration process has completed successfully (green check mark). 
    I would like to confirm that steps should I take to do a troubleshooting (for example, where can I find the verbose logs, etc).
    Best regards, 
    Leandro Soares - MCP/MCSA/MCTS

    I have the same problem on ESXI 5.5 for over a month now, tried the patches, tried the LTS kernel which others say results in an immediate result without patches, nothing seems to work and nobody seems to be able to offer a solution.
    Did you make any progress ??
    Error! Build of vmblock.ko failed for: 3.10.25-1-lts (x86_64)
    Consult the make.log in the build directory
    /var/lib/dkms/open-vm-tools/2013.09.16/build/ for more information.
    make[2]: *** No rule to make target '/var/lib/dkms/open-vm-tools/2013.09.16/build/vmblock/linux/inode', needed by '/var/lib/dkms/open-vm-tools/2013.09.16/build/vmblock/vmblock.o'. Stop.
    Makefile:1224: recipe for target '_module_/var/lib/dkms/open-vm-tools/2013.09.16/build/vmblock' failed
    make[1]: *** [_module_/var/lib/dkms/open-vm-tools/2013.09.16/build/vmblock] Error 2
    make[1]: Leaving directory '/usr/src/linux-3.10.25-1-lts'
    Makefile:120: recipe for target 'vmblock.ko' failed
    Last edited by crankshaft (2014-01-10 11:32:32)

  • Migrated files to new MBPro w/Mountain Lion, Excel Files won't save

    Just received my new MB Pro and migrated files from my 5 y/o MB Pro to the new machine using Migration Assistant.  Now, none of my Excel files on the new machine can be updated and saved.  Help!!

    I have a problem along similar lines. MBP 2007 new logic board fitted. Restored files from Time Machine. iPhoto messed up - still to fix but appears to be something to do with permissions. Now to your problem, and mine, with Excel. I originally found one file opening as Read Only. Checked all the permissions, etc, as you have done. Initially thought it was only one file as others opened OK. I have now found another one with the same problem. I found that by changing the name of the file in the Finder i.e. adding a "1" to the name, the files would open OK. In looking through the Microsoft site I found one similar problem and one suggestion was to copy (I just dragged them) the files to the Desktop and see if they would open. Answer, yes they do. The theory is that there is a sharing problem. I have checked these two files and enclosing folders. Nothing is locked and nothing is, or ever has been, shared. All the permissions appear to be correct and I am signed in as Administrator. That is as far as I have got at the moment. You might like to see if your file(s) will open from the Desktop - just double click them.
    Not sure where to go next but at least I can now use the files.

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