Migration Assistant / Intel

Does Migration Assistant work for transferring files, data and applications from PPC to Intel Mac ? What about those applications that are universal and already on the Intel Mac ?
I'm getting ready to order a Mac Mini duo and want a smooth transition from my MDD G4

There's nothing in Apple's knowledge base addressing the issue. I suggest you contact AppleCare and see what they say. The latest Migration document is dated mid-Februrary: http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=25773

Similar Messages

  • Migration Assistant Intel-Mac - Intel-Mac stuck transfer?

    I have a Macbook and a Mac-mini of which the Mac-mini had a hard drive crash. I was successful in clearing the hard drive on the mini and installing the OS and applications. As both computers had almost exactly the same data, I wanted to Migrate the data from the Macbook to the mini. I connected the two computers via firewire and the files started to transfer. However, it seems to be stuck at around halfway at:
    Transferring your Applications folder
    It reads that there is 1 hour and 53 minutes left for the last four hours.
    Is this stuck or does it really take a long time to do this?

    Welcome To  Discussions WB89!
    "I wanted to Migrate the data from the Macbook to the mini."
    Exactly what are you trying to migrate to the Mac Mini from the MacBook?
    If you are trying to transfer system files, it won't work, as the Mini is a PPC Mac, and the MacBook is an Intel Mac.
    Also, do both Macs have Tiger 10.4.10 installed?
    Review this FAQ Can I use the Assistant to copy data to a computer that came with an earlier version of Mac OS X?.
    ali b

  • Migration Assistant to an Intel Mac?

    Will it be possible to transfer things like current user settings from my current mac to a new intel mac?
    Anyone whose done this, please let me know....

    The Migration Assistant comes up early in the setup process and works fine. I moved my PB to the iMac with only one error, that due to a software registration issue and it was easily fixed by entering a registration code.
    - gws

  • Can I use Migration Assistant G4 Intel

    I'm getting a MacBook Pro 2.4 15" to replace my existing G4 1.67 15" PowerBook. Will Migration Assistant work smoothly migrating form a G4 machine setup to an Intel? What should I be wary of? Can anyone give me some tips as I've not done this before and I can't afford to have the machine out of action for too long with errors or failures. Or am I better to just bite the bullet and make it a fresh install of everything on the new machine (argh!)? One of my concerns is networking and internet stuff such Network setups and locations being carried over, and MACaddress etc.
    Many thanks.

    Hi Paul, Welcome to Apple's Users Help Users Forums.
    by *||||| Kappy* is touted by many as the definitive word.

  • I used migration assistant and my ethernet cable to move data and apps from my 5-yr old Intel-based iMac to my brand new Intel-based iMac running OS Lion.  The old machine was running OS 10.5.8.  Not all my files transferred (or I can't find them).  Help

    I used migration assistant and my ethernet cable to move data and apps from my 5-yr old Intel-based iMac to my brand new Intel-based iMac running OS Lion. The old machine was running OS 10.5.8.  Not all my files transferred (or I can't find them).  I've seen recommendations to select the old computer in System Preferences, but that didn't work.  Help.  Thanks!

    IMO, wrong choice. Start over, using a FireWire cable and following the steps in Pondini's Setup New Mac guide.

  • Migration assistant power PC G5 to macbook pro intel

    Hi, my experience with migration was not plug and play but there's some tricks. First get to the desktop of your new computer. Choose a firewire cable (800 if possible for faster transfer) and connect the two mac together. Rebbot the old one holding «T». When you see the firewire sign on the monitor of the old mac, you're ready to rock! First, my primary disk didn't mouth on desktop, I change the firewire cable, nothing happen. You have to open disk utility (then my primary disk of the old G5 mount on the desktop) you repair the disk (all of them) and then you open the migration assistant. IT take a while before (6 minutes!) before the application is ready to process (like a pre-scan or something like that... so be patient.) I tranfer 80 GB in 40 minutes. I didn't transfer the applications however... It the only part you have to do manually (too much problems for me...) Finally, if you want transfer your apps anyway, get the xslimer apps that will remove every powerpc code useless for your intel. Hope it will help and enjoy the next generation of mac!

    Welcome To  Discussions Goliath955!
    I have requested that a Host relocate your Topic to a more appropriate Forum.
    As it will be transferred it is not necessary for you to repost elsewhere at this time.
    But for future reference, please review the first entry How To Post A New Topic, on Feedback About Discussions.
    That is the Forum where you erroneously posted your issue.
    Enjoy Your Stay In  Discussions!
    ali b

  • Migration Assistant 90 GB from PowerPC to Intel user folder

    This at first seems like it will only take 3 hours. Next thing I know I come back an hour later, it tells me 20 hours. I've verified the directory, even restored the original software on the Intel Mac, and use a dummy folder as my default user folder on the Intel Mac. Are the estimates realistic, or should I just let the machine spend the better part of a couple days trying to transfer if I have that much data?
    I've turned off Energy Saver, Screen Saver, and use Macbrightness to dim the display so there won't be too much burn in.

    Anything in your Library folders. All your PowerPC applications if you overwrite those pre-installed on the Intel machine with those from your PPC machine. Any plug-ins, preference panes, contextual menu items, startup items, etc. If you overwrite Intel items with PPC items then they may not work at all or will cause the system to run very slowly.
    I really don't know what happens if you do an Archive and Install of an Intel system that's been partially altered with PPC components. I don't know if the applications will be replaced or simply transferred. I've only done them on same version/hardware machines.
    If you've migrated "everything" including applications then all the Intel software will be replaced by PPC software. Not a desired outcome. I always recommend not using Migration Assistant and simply transferring only personal files and data plus certain support files and preferences that will not affect the Intel system. Migration Assistant is convenient but it's better used when you are moving across machines that have the same OS X version installed and the hardware is the same (PPC or Intel.)

  • PPC- Intel via Migration Assistant.

    I've recently upgraded myself and a couple users to intel machines and it seems if I use the migration assistant to transfer everything over I end up having issues. I usually end up reloading their machine with a fresh install and reinstalling all the apps manually. Is this a known issue? You'd think with Intel being the only option, 99% of people upgrading at this point would be going from PPC to Intel and that Apple would have thought about this?
    Any thoughts, suggestions???

    A Basic Guide for Migrating to Intel-Macs
    If you are migrating a PowerPC system (G3, G4, or G5) to an Intel-Mac be careful what you migrate. Keep in mind that some items that may get transferred will not work on Intel machines and may end up causing your computer's operating system to malfunction.
    Rosetta supports "software that runs on the PowerPC G3 or G4 processor that are built for Mac OS X". This excludes the items that are not universal binaries or simply will not work in Rosetta:
    Classic Environment, and subsequently any Mac OS 9 or earlier applications
    Screensavers written for the PowerPC
    System Preference add-ons
    All Unsanity Haxies
    Browser and other plug-ins
    Contextual Menu Items
    Applications which specifically require the PowerPC G5
    Kernel extensions
    Java applications with JNI (PowerPC) libraries
    See also What Can Be Translated by Rosetta.
    In addition to the above you could also have problems with migrated cache files and/or cache files containing code that is incompatible.
    If you migrate a user folder that contains any of these items, you may find that your Intel-Mac is malfunctioning. It would be wise to take care when migrating your systems from a PowerPC platform to an Intel-Mac platform to assure that you do not migrate these incompatible items.
    If you have problems with applications not working, then completely uninstall said application and reinstall it from scratch. Take great care with Java applications and Java-based Peer-to-Peer applications. Many Java apps will not work on Intel-Macs as they are currently compiled. As of this time Limewire, Cabos, and Acquisition are available as universal binaries. Do not install browser plug-ins such as Flash or Shockwave from downloaded installers unless they are universal binaries. The version of OS X installed on your Intel-Mac comes with special compatible versions of Flash and Shockwave plug-ins for use with your browser.
    The same problem will exist for any hardware drivers such as mouse software unless the drivers have been compiled as universal binaries. For third-party mice the current choices are USB Overdrive or SteerMouse. Contact the developer or manufacturer of your third-party mouse software to find out when a universal binary version will be available.
    Also be careful with some backup utilities and third-party disk repair utilities. Disk Warrior (does not work), TechTool Pro (pre-4.5.1 versions do not work), SuperDuper (newest release works), and Drive Genius (untested) may not work properly on Intel-Macs. The same caution may apply to the many "maintenance" utilities that have not yet been converted to universal binaries.
    Before migrating or installing software on your Intel-Mac check MacFixit's Rosetta Compatibility Index.
    Additional links that will be helpful to new Intel-Mac users:
    Intel In Macs
    Apple Guide to Universal Applications
    MacInTouch List of Compatible Universal Binaries
    MacInTouch List of Rosetta Compatible Applications
    MacUpdate List of Intel-Compatible Software
    Because Migration Assistant isn't the ideal way to migrate from PowerPC to Intel Macs, using Target Disk Mode or copying the critical contents to CD and DVD or an external hard drive will work better when moving from PowerPC to Intel Macs.
    Basically the instructions you should follow are:
    1. Backup your data first. This is vitally important in case you make a mistake or there's some other problem.
    2. Connect a Firewire cable between your old Mac and your new Intel Mac.
    3. Startup your old Mac in Target Disk Mode.
    4. Startup your new Mac for the first time, go through the setup and registration screens, but do NOT migrate data over. Get to your desktop on the new Mac without migrating any new data over.
    4. Copy the following items from your old Mac to the new Mac:
    In your /Home/ folder: Documents, Movies, Music, Pictures, and Sites folders.
    In your /Home/Library/ folder:
    /Home/Library/Application Support/AddressBook (copy the whole folder)
    /Home/Library/Application Support/iCal (copy the whole folder)
    Also in /Home/Library/Application Support (copy whatever else you need including folders for any third-party applications)
    /Home/Library/Keychains (copy the whole folder)
    /Home/Library/Mail (copy the whole folder)
    /Home/Library/Preferences/com.apple.mail.plist (* This is a very important file which contains all email account settings and general mail preferences.)
    /Home/Library/Preferences/ copy any preferences needed for third-party applications
    /Home /Library/iTunes (copy the whole folder)
    /Home /Library/Safari (copy the whole folder)
    If you want cookies:
    /Home/Library/Application Support/WebFoundation/HTTPCookies.plist
    For Entourage users:
    Entourage is in /Home/Documents/Microsoft User Data
    Also in /Home/Library/Preferences/Microsoft
    Credit goes to another forum user for this information.
    If you need to transfer data for other applications please ask the vendor or ask in the Discussions where specific applications store their data.
    5. Once you have transferred what you need restart the new Mac and test to make sure the contents are there for each of the applications.
    Written by Kappy with additional contributions from a brody.

  • Using Migration Assistant from iMac G5 to Intel Core Duo

    I've developed a problem while transferring files using Migration Assistant.
    I've inadvertently created two accounts. I misunderstood what was going to happen when renaming one of them. I thought I had to change the old home folder/user name to avoid a conflict when creating a new Admin/user acct on the new computer .... don't ask!! So, I now have several folders: some that came on the new iMac, the others that read 'from the old Mac'. It's apparently the new login/acct name that's linked to the 'from the old Mac' files . Hope this is making sense.
    If I go up to the top right menu and select the newly named acct., it rotates and brings up all the settings and preferences I wanted transferred and obviously were. If I use the old login name, it's just the basic iMac settings without my settings, prefs,etc..
    How can I delete the basic acct. and use the imported settings/preferences? I want only one Admin Acct./log in with my imported settings/prefs. Do I delete folders and rename the 'from the old Mac' to just the folder name? I've read some of what Kappy has said aout migrating files from the G5 to the Intel, and I know he's an expert, he's helped me before, but in truth, I don't really understand what he's saying about how to migrate to the Intel.
    Can someone offer some advice? I'd appreciate it.

    You may not want to keep the Home folder you've migrated. See the following:
    A Basic Guide for Migrating to Intel-Macs
    If you are migrating a PowerPC system (G3, G4, or G5) to an Intel-Mac be careful what you migrate. Keep in mind that some items that may get transferred will not work on Intel machines and may end up causing your computer's operating system to malfunction.
    Rosetta supports "software that runs on the PowerPC G3, G4, or G5 processor that are built for Mac OS X". This excludes the items that are not universal binaries or simply will not work in Rosetta:
    Classic Environment, and subsequently any Mac OS 9 or earlier applications
    Screensavers written for the PowerPC
    System Preference add-ons
    All Unsanity Haxies
    Browser and other plug-ins
    Contextual Menu Items
    Applications which specifically require the PowerPC G5
    Kernel extensions
    Java applications with JNI (PowerPC) libraries
    See also What Can Be Translated by Rosetta.
    In addition to the above you could also have problems with migrated cache files and/or cache files containing code that is incompatible.
    If you migrate a user folder that contains any of these items, you may find that your Intel-Mac is malfunctioning. It would be wise to take care when migrating your systems from a PowerPC platform to an Intel-Mac platform to assure that you do not migrate these incompatible items.
    If you have problems with applications not working, then completely uninstall said application and reinstall it from scratch. Take great care with Java applications and Java-based Peer-to-Peer applications. Many Java apps will not work on Intel-Macs as they are currently compiled. As of this time Limewire, Cabos, and Acquisition are available as universal binaries. Do not install browser plug-ins such as Flash or Shockwave from downloaded installers unless they are universal binaries. The version of OS X installed on your Intel-Mac comes with special compatible versions of Flash and Shockwave plug-ins for use with your browser.
    The same problem will exist for any hardware drivers such as mouse software unless the drivers have been compiled as universal binaries. For third-party mice the current choices are USB Overdrive or SteerMouse. Contact the developer or manufacturer of your third-party mouse software to find out when a universal binary version will be available.
    Also be careful with some backup utilities and third-party disk repair utilities. Disk Warrior 4.1, TechTool Pro 4.6.1, SuperDuper 2.5, and Drive Genius 2.0.2 work properly on Intel-Macs with Leopard. The same caution may apply to the many "maintenance" utilities that have not yet been converted to universal binaries. Leopard Cache Cleaner, Onyx, TinkerTool System, and Cocktail are now compatible with Leopard.
    Before migrating or installing software on your Intel-Mac check MacFixit's Rosetta Compatibility Index.
    Additional links that will be helpful to new Intel-Mac users:
    Intel In Macs
    Apple Guide to Universal Applications
    MacInTouch List of Compatible Universal Binaries
    MacInTouch List of Rosetta Compatible Applications
    MacUpdate List of Intel-Compatible Software
    Transferring data with Setup Assistant - Migration Assistant FAQ
    Because Migration Assistant isn't the ideal way to migrate from PowerPC to Intel Macs, using Target Disk Mode, copying the critical contents to CD and DVD, an external hard drive, or networking
    will work better when moving from PowerPC to Intel Macs. The initial section below discusses Target Disk Mode. It is then followed by a section which discusses networking with Macs that lack Firewire.
    If both computers support the use of Firewire then you can use the following instructions:
    1. Repair the hard drive and permissions using Disk Utility.
    2. Backup your data. This is vitally important in case you make a mistake or there's some other problem.
    3. Connect a Firewire cable between your old Mac and your new Intel Mac.
    4. Startup your old Mac in Target Disk Mode.
    5. Startup your new Mac for the first time, go through the setup and registration screens, but do NOT migrate data over. Get to your desktop on the new Mac without migrating any new data over.
    If you are not able to use a Firewire connection (for example you have a Late 2008 MacBook that only supports USB:)
    1. Set up a local home network: Creating a small Ethernet Network.
    2. If you have a MacBook Air or Late 2008 MacBook see the following:
    MacBook (13-inch, Aluminum, Late 2008) and MacBook Pro (15-inch, Late 2008)- Migration Tips and Tricks;
    MacBook (13-inch, Aluminum, Late 2008) and MacBook Pro (15-inch, Late 2008)- What to do if migration is unsuccessful;
    MacBook Air- Migration Tips and Tricks;
    MacBook Air- Remote Disc, Migration, or Remote Install Mac OS X and wireless 802.11n networks.
    Copy the following items from your old Mac to the new Mac:
    In your /Home/ folder: Documents, Movies, Music, Pictures, and Sites folders.
    In your /Home/Library/ folder:
    /Home/Library/Application Support/AddressBook (copy the whole folder)
    /Home/Library/Application Support/iCal (copy the whole folder)
    Also in /Home/Library/Application Support (copy whatever else you need including folders for any third-party applications)
    /Home/Library/Keychains (copy the whole folder)
    /Home/Library/Mail (copy the whole folder)
    /Home/Library/Preferences/ (copy the whole folder)
    /Home /Library/Calendars (copy the whole folder)
    /Home /Library/iTunes (copy the whole folder)
    /Home /Library/Safari (copy the whole folder)
    If you want cookies:
    /Home/Library/Application Support/WebFoundation/HTTPCookies.plist
    For Entourage users:
    Entourage is in /Home/Documents/Microsoft User Data
    Also in /Home/Library/Preferences/Microsoft
    Credit goes to Macjack for this information.
    If you need to transfer data for other applications please ask the vendor or ask in the Discussions where specific applications store their data.
    5. Once you have transferred what you need restart the new Mac and test to make sure the contents are there for each of the applications.
    Written by Kappy with additional contributions from a brody.
    Revised 1/6/2009

  • Migration Assistant From a Cube with 10.4.11 to iMac Intel duo Core

    Did not use Mig. Asst. on first start up. Now trying to use it to transfer applications to the new iMac. Using Firewire, iMac does not connect so I choose "Use Network" having previously connected to the Cube and can see it. However as with the Firewire the rotating black radial lines never seem to go off.
    I cannot set the Cube's Mig. Asst. to "To another Mac" only "From another Mac"
    Advice would be welcomed.

    This is the way I read the initial instructions which asked for the 'old Mac' to be restarted with 'T' pressed.
    Having done that, by FW I left the two machines on for about 2 hours plus and the rotation radial lines showed now sign of stopping. When I connect these Macs without Mig. Asst. I can see everything without delay.
    According to Mac Help->Migrating->*Using Migration Assistant to transfer files from another Mac*
    +On your new computer, open Migration Assistant, located in the Utilities folder in your Applications folder. Read the Introduction screen, and then click Continue.+
    +If a dialog appears, type your password, and then click OK.+
    +In the Migration Method screen, select “From another Mac,” and then click Continue.+
    +Connect a FireWire cable from your new Mac to your older Mac, and then click Continue.+
    +Follow the instructions in Migration Assistant to restart your older Mac and select the hard disk and user accounts from which you want to transfer. Then, select whether you want to transfer applications, files and folders, or your Library folder.+
    +NOTE: When you first open a transferred application on your new computer, you may need to reenter the application’s serial number or registration code.+
    +Select whether you want to use your old network, time zone, and sharing settings, and then click Transfer.+
    +When Migration Assistant is finished, click Quit.+

  • New imac 1.8ghz intel Old g4 10.2.8 migration assistant palm5.2.8 isync

    I am awaiting my new imac 17". I was told by the mac store that i can transferr my user accounts, itunes, etc. via target mode and migration assistant. I have been reading as much as i can find about this, but this brings up more questions than answers.
    I read that i should only sync my palm on one machine. i want to sync it with the new imac, but read that the migration assistant will not transfer this info. is this true
    what is the best way to sync my old palm with my new imac without loosing all my old data? I also use eprocates with my palm which is another program. as is with my old g4 computer it works ok. I am afraid what complications lay ahead.
    thanks in advance for any help

    What they have said is correct to some degree, but not completely.
    The primary purpose of the migration assistant is to user user data to your new environment. To insure that your user data—which includes contact, calendaring and task data used by the Address Book and iCal and synchronized using iSync—is transfered properly to your new machine, you should use the migration process with your source disk in FireWire target mode.
    But you should also do this: depending upon which specific Palm organizer or smartphone you are using, you should install the Palm Desktop on your new machine using the package on the CD-ROM bundled with your device, then update it with the downloadable 4.2.1 revision D package if that package is later than or equal to the bundled package. Once you've installed the Palm Desktop on your new machine, you should launch iSync and add your device to it using the Enable Palm OS Syncing… option in that application.
    Do not synchronize until you have performed the migration of your user data, opened the Address Book and iCal to insure that your records appear there and are complete and contemporary, have backed up both records types using the built-in Back up… option under the file menu of each application, have installed and updated the Palm Desktop, and have added your device to iSync. When you first synchronize on the new machine, you should choose to overwrite [or replace, in iSync terminology] the records on your Palm device. Do not merge the records during this initial synchronization on your new machine.
    ePocrates is a more complex issue. Users have had recurring difficulty synchronizing this application in the OS X environment. This note below explains why you should investigate using the Missing Sync for Palm OS instead of either the Palm Desktop or iSync to synchronize your device:
    Information on how to bypass the ePocrates Macintosh conduit and sync with ePocrates via Internet Sharing
    User wants to sync with ePocrates using the Missing Sync for Palm OS application
    The ePocrates Macintosh conduit is supported by the Missing Sync for Palm OS application. However, many users of the Epocrates Mac conduit have experienced inconsistent results, corrupted Epocrates databases and the need to reinstall the handheld Epocrates software.
    Customers report that using the Internet Sharing feature to bypass the ePocrates conduit and sync directly with ePocrates produces better and more consistent results.
    Requirements for this bypass to work:
    • ePocrates already installed on your handheld
    • the Missing Sync for Palm OS 4.0.2, or higher [currently 5.1]
    • a Palm device in its cradle, connected to your Mac via USB [Bluetooth optional]*
    To sync with ePocrates, do the following:
    1. Connect your device via USB to your Mac
    2. Set up Internet Sharing on your device (refer to the Internet Sharing Assistant from the Help menu for setup information
    3. Tap on the "AutoUpdate" application that was installed with ePocrates
    4. In the ePocrates main display window you should see the following information :
    Server : ePocrates Server
    Server Addr : sync6.epocrates.com
    Port : 80
    User Name : <enter your name here>
    Password : <enter your password>
    Enabled check box : checked
    5. Tap the Sync button in the ePocrates AutoUpdate application
    *This relatively old technical note does not mention internet sharing via Bluetooth, but it is available. You will find, however, that the USB path is a faster and more reliable choice.
    If you let me know which Palm device you will be using, I can give you more specific instructions than those generally outlined above regarding the Palm Desktop. It's critical to install the package, as iSync requires the HotSync Manager and Transport Monitor to be installed to perform the synchronization of Palm devices.

  • I recently bought a new macbook pro and set it up using the migration assistant and my mac mini.  I can't get the text message forwarding feature to work with both computers.

    I recently bought a new macbook pro and set it up using the migration assistant from my mac mini.  I can't get the text message forwarding feature to work with both computers.  It keeps saying that I only have 2 devices setup, my iPad and my macbook pro.  When I mess with the setting on my mac mini, it goes from saying that that is one of the devices to my macbook pro being the 2nd device.  I think that something happened as a result of my using the migration assistant and now it thinks that my macbook pro and my mac mini are one and the same computer.  Any ideas?

    Thanks, Sig.
    The old computer is a 2.6 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo
    The new one is a 2.3 GHz intel core i7
    In going over this, thanks to "tallking it out" with you, I did discover the Text Edit problem.  Because I've still been unable to get the new computer text size (fonts or whatever) to match the old computer, I did not notice that the curser is now different--the line midway down the curser has to be placed on the line I am working upon, otherwise the edits go elsewhere on the page.  Now, with a bit of difficulty, I am able to get Text Edit to work correctly.
    If you have any ideas as to why my menu bar and Text Edit type are still so slow, I'd love to have them. 
    (I went through the process you suggested earlier, re my Trackpad preferences, and found no improvement.)

  • How many times can I use Migration Assistant?

    Hello All,
    I am planning on buying an Intel i7 iMac in the near future, and I want to take some of the files from my old Core Duo computer and move them to the i7 iMac. I'm not throwing out the Core Duo iMac, I just want some of the files on the new i7, but I don't want to clutter it up with files I don't need to move. How many times am I allowed to run Migration Assistant? Suppose one day I just want to bring over my iTunes 7 library, and my email accounts but I don't need anything else on the first day. Is it ok to just migrate those couple of things in one session and migrate other things in another session? It seems like that's how it will work but I don't know for sure.
    This was posted from my Core Duo running OS X 10.4.11. I want to use the i7 as my main computer but still use this one (Core Duo) in another room on my WiFi network. The i7 will be taking all new emails.

    That's what I did on all my other Macs as I got them. I just decided to upgrade the memory in my old slow core duo iMac to 2 Gigs and I bought the box set. So far I installed 10.6. It works but just as slowly as before, which I think is it's normal speed. But now I have the option of turning Rosetta on and off.
    Now I can wait for Lion and the second generation i7 iMac to be released and be up to date on my Core Duo iMac. I'll be back when I get to migrating to a new iMac, or maybe before.

  • How do I use Migration Assistant to get my Mail and Keychain settings from

    How do I use Migration Assistant to get my Mail and Keychain settings from my Power Mac G5 2.3Ghz? I just purchased a new 2.5 MacBook Pro which will be delivered tomorrow, and I want to to know how to transfer Mail and Keychain?
    Thank You in advance for your reading and replying.
    Kindest Regards,

    Rather than using Migration Assistant, which can cause trouble with the PPC to Intel change, simply boot the G5 in FireWire target disk mode and manually transfer the following:
    /Home/Library/Keychains (copy the whole folder)
    /Home/Library/Mail (copy the whole folder)
    You might want to look over Kappy's helpful guide for migrating, which covers the full process for a manual migration (including the above files).
    Hope this helps...

  • HT4889 Am I wrong or does Migration Assistant not work in Mountain Lion (10.8.2) when migrating from a PowerPC running Tiger (10.4.11)? Apple really needs to get on the ball or face losing people buying their new desktop products.

    The title alone speaks to my frustration about this issue.
    Used the process that was recommended by Apple to migrate from my "Lampshade" iMac (PPC running 10.4.11) to the new iMac (Intel running 10.8.2) and I got bupkiss...
    Just a spinning wheel (not beachball) and no drive recognized using Migration Assistant for both nor when using Target Mode on the iMac running 10.4.11 and Migration Assistant on the iMac running 10.8.2. Which is ironic, or more accurately oxymoronic, since the iMac in Target Mode (10.4.11) is recognized on the desktop of the iMac running 10.8.2 but not in the Migration Assistant. And before you can misdiagnose..it is not the Thunderbolt connection since I have the Apple recommended Thunderbolt to Firewire adapter and also used the Firewire 400 to 800 cable to expedite the transfer.
    On a personal note...
    I'm not bashing Apple for this...they are "head and shoulders" above the competition in what they do but I've been burned a few times so I feel I can share a small bit of loyal customer advice...I understand your iOS and mobile products hold huge sway in company focus and market-share but I find it a tad unwise to slack on the desktop applications. I don't recall any app for the iPhone/iPad family being made on the iPhone/iPad...only from desktop applications if I recall correctly. And how can I clearly "Move my Mac even further ahead"  as your marketing states when I can't even migrate my files from my old Mac to my new one in a simple fashion as per your instructions?
    I thank anyone in advance with an answer or even a workaround for this issue and please have a great day.

    Migration from Mac OS X v10.4 Tiger to OS X Lion
    Migration from Mac OS X v10.4 computers to OS X Lion over your Wi-Fi or a wired network is not supported. However, if both Macs are equipped with a FireWire port, you can use Target Disk Mode to transfer your data:
    Verify that both Macs are equipped with a FireWire port. Note that different model Macs may have different FireWire connectors, which will require an appropriate cable, such as FireWire 400 to FireWire 800.
    On the Mac you want to transfer data from, Restart, and immediately hold the T key.
    Wait for the FireWire logo to appear on the screen.  If it does not, restart and try again.
    Connect both Macs via the FireWire cable.
    On the Mac you want to transfer data to, Open the Migration Assistant application.
    Select the option "From another Mac, PC, Time Machine backup, or other disk" and click Continue.
    Select the option "From a Time Machine backup or other disk" and click Continue.
    Select your other Mac's volume, such as "Macintosh HD", from the list, and click Cont
    EDIT: Actually I realize you did follow these directions and if your drive is seen on the new Mac it should work. You're entitled to free Apple support with the new purchase, I'd give them a call.

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