Missing album art after restore

This seems to be a recurring issue but I haven't found any definite solutions. After I restored my iPhone 5 and then restored my backup, the album art for much of my music is gone. They'll all show up on the Songs menu, but under Artist and Album, only some will show up. I've tried unsyncing (removing) all the songs and then resyncing (readding) them but to no avail. How can I get the album art to be displayed for everything?

Delete and re-sync the affected songs.

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    Is there any quickfix to this, or do I have to reload all the album artwork? There were quite a few albums for which I had located the art manually (not using iTunes) so it's a shame if it's all lost
    Any help is appreciated.
    thanks and regards,
    Svein-Helge Lea

    It's solved !!
    It was really silly of me not to see this immediately. On my old computer I had the small album art window showing "selected item", but after moving to my new computer it showed "Now playing". And last night I wasn't playing, hence nothing showed up there.
    Now evertything is okay and in place.
    Thanks anyway.

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    Delete and re-sync the affected songs.

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    - Reset the iOS device. Nothing will be lost
    Reset iOS device: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Unsync all music and resync
    - Reset all settings
    Go to Settings > General > Reset and tap Reset All Settings.
    All your preferences and settings are reset. Information (such as contacts and calendars) and media (such as songs and videos) aren’t affected.
    - Restore from backup. See:       
    iOS: How to back up           
    - Restore to factory settings/new iOS device.

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    Dell Dimension 4400   Windows XP  

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    Any ideas?

    That happens sometimes
    - Reset the iOS device. Nothing will be lost
    Reset iOS device: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Unsync all music and resync
    - Reset all settings      
    Go to Settings > General > Reset and tap Reset All Settings.
    All your preferences and settings are reset. Information (such as contacts and calendars) and media (such as songs and videos) aren’t affected.
    - Restore from backup. See:                                 
    iOS: How to back up                                                                
    - Restore to factory settings/new iOS device.      

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    If all your music is in iTunes, you could try restoring your iPod, this will erase the hard drive, reload the software and put it back to default settings: Restoring iPod to Factory Settings
    Alternatively if your iPod is set to update automatically then try this:
    1. Connect your iPod
    2. Disable "Show Album art" in iTunes>Edit>Preferences>iPod.
    3. Syncronise the iPod with iTunes. (Disconnecting and then reconnecting your iPod will do the trick)
    4. Re-enable "Show Album Art" in iTunes>Edit>Preferences>iPod.
    5. Syncronise the iPod again.

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    I did a master reset on my device because I wanted to start from a clean slate, and set it up as a new phone. I went through and adjusted all of my settings and synced my music back on via iTunes, now its not showing these pictures any longer, infact, the strangest issue of them all.. is now when I view artists, the album that I synced now has a complete different album artwork picture that is not related to that album.
    I am at a loss, my iTunes is extremely organized, I have everything configured to be 100% accurate for track names, artist, album, and album artwork.
    Anyone have any input here? It only screwed up after the reset I did. This has to be a bug or something.

    SiMooew469: Thank you!  After countless wasted hours messing with this, your solution was the only one that worked!  After setting up a few phones "as new" I noticed all the artist images would appear (for those that have one) even with my Match turned on.  I could not duplicate it on my restored-from-backup iPhone5S, as I would get a mix of the images and album art, even for those artists that have profile photos on the as-new setups.  I couldn't afford to lose all my text messages, etc. that come with restoring a phone as-new, so I tried about everything else under the sun: I tried logging in-and-out of my Apple ID, toggling Match on-and-off, I even deleted iTunes_control folder using iExplorer on a Windows machine.  Nothing worked.
    Here's what finally did:
    If you don't have it set this way already, toggle "Group By Album Artist" in Settings->Music. For some reason that makes a difference for some artists in your library that appear when album artist is set to "Various Artists" or something other than the track's artist.  Logout of your Apple ID.  Log in with any other Apple ID.  Open the Music app and watch all the artist images load in the Artisits tab.  Once it is done, logout of the other Apple ID and login with your regular Apple ID.  Finally, all the artist images will remain.  Those artists that do not have a profile photo with iTunes will still show album art, which is by design.  Hopefully Apple will keep updating that database.
    Incidentally, it's a bit odd that those profile photos don't appear in the Artists view in iTunes 11...or am I the only one?

  • Missing Album Art Work - Suggested Fix

    I have recently subscribed to iTunes Match on the cloud and noticed some album artwork was not showing up on my iPad.  I read several posts from people having the same issue.  After kicking this around I found a fix that has worked every time for me and may help you as well.
    Overview:  The art was on my iTunes library, but some art did not make it to the iCloud and was not showing on my iPad - "Albums" Section of iTunes while streaming.
    1). Identify an album that is missing the art from your mobile device.
    2). Go to that album and select the first song from iTunes (All Songs) on your computer.
    3). With the song selected do a "Command i" to expose GET INFO for that particular song.  There are several tabs at teh top of this GET INFO window... the last one is ARTWORK.
    4). Click on the art then drag a copy to your desktop.
    5). Go back to the GET INFO and highlight the artwork once again and click DELETE ...then OK.
    6). Poof, the artwork will be deleted from the GET INFO and will no longer show for that song.
    7). Go back to GET INFO window. (command i) ... click ADD in the ARTWORK tab.
    8). Select the art file from your desktop (or where ever you dragged / saved the original to), click OK.  I used a few personal pictures for some art and it worked too!
    I did several this way and once I was done I did an UPDATE iTUNES MATCH from iTunes (found on the STORE Tab...not the store itself). I closed iTunes on my iPad and re-opened it...presto, the art work came in. 
    My ARTIST tab still has a few missing covers but it is coming!
    Hope this works for you!

    The music was matched perfect, just a few missing album covers were missing (I'm fussy that way)... after doing the little fix suggest by "Sansimeon" (notted below) they all came in perfect...I actually had my iPad on the iTunes Artist section and while I made the changes (I was doing that on my mac) the album covers poped up on the iPad, it was kind of cool!  I'm easily amused
    As a follow-up note, I bought about 50 songs over the past 24 hours and all came in 100% with art... no more issues.
    Correct Answer by Sansimeon  on Dec 21, 2011 6:18 PM
    Got it fixed for the single songs, change the album artist to AAAA then clear the album artist and all is looking good.  worked each time

  • Lost embedded album art after iTunes 11 upgrade

    I just spent 6 months embedding album art into my music files and movie files.  Pre-iTunes 11, all album art was displayed.  After upgrading to iTunes 11, every album and movie starting with the letter A and B has no album art.  I used purchased Mac apps to embed album art into my files, so I know it is there.  Can somebody from Apple please fix this bug?  Maybe in the next iTunes update, can Apple fix the issue with iTunes not showing embedded abum art.  I am not talking about added album art, I am talking about purchasing an App to use and actually embedding album art into my music and movie files from my own personal purchased content.  Please somebody look into this and fix in the next update?  If I got into Finder and navigate to my iTunes music/movies folder, the movie/music file is there with the embedded album art.  So, this proves to me that there is a bug in iTunes 11 that prevents it from displaying album art for every piece of content that starts with the letter A and B.  Please fix?

    I have the exact same problem. I've found that for movies, if I choose "Get Info" for each movie and then click on the "Artwork" tab, my cover art is still there and I just have to select it and it restores it for the movie. I haven't checked with music, as most of my music art is fine. This is a pain as I have a couple hundred movies that I have to do this for (uuuggghhhhh), but at least it's a fix.

  • Missing album art in iTunes Match

    Ever since I joined iTunes Match album art is missing from several albums. I have read that this is a glitch in iTunes Match, but after spending a lot of time carefully curating a very large music collection (including scanning in art work for the albums that I had purchased outside of iTunes matching the size of the art work for albums purchased in iTunes), this is frustrating enough that I will not renew my iTunes Match subscription next year if it isn't fixed. Does anyone know if there is a fix for this yet? I appreciate any feedback. Thanks in advance.

    I solved the problem selecting all the songs of an album, getting information pannel (command i) and dropping a new artwork found on Google.
    Choose an artwork smaller than 1000x1000.
    Thats it.

  • Changes made on my iPad do not appear when plugged into iTunes; missing album art on iPad.

    If I make changes to the music on my iPad--i.e. delete songs/albums, add ratings, add a song to a playlist--when I plug my iPad in to view the contents in iTunes, none of these changes have been saved. The deleted music reappears, the ratings do not show up, and the new songs are not in the playlist.
    Additionally, when I have my iPad plugged in to my Mac, all of my album art shows in iTunes. However, if I look at the music on my iPad by albums, much of my album art is missing.
    Any suggestions?

    Visionplace, i have the issue where my ipad2 changes/edits to my current playlists are NOT synced up with my itunes 11 on my computer (Windows 7).  I have icloud and Itunes Match is turned on.  My settings are to auto-sync and i have ALL my music set to be synced, not just select playlists. (Note I have not tested whether new playlists will appear because i usually just edit my existing ones).
    So whenever i make playlist changes on my ipad2 (e.g., add or delete songs), i see the changes correctly on my iphone 4, and my Apple TV within 15 minutes without taking any steps, but they do NOT appear on my itunes 11 on my computer (Windows 7).  The only way i have found to get the ipad2 playlist edits onto my itunes on my computer is to sync my iphone4 up with the computer. (My ipad changes are already on the iphone 4 automatically). My computer's itunes 11 CAN see the playlist edits i have made on the iphone4 (immediately), but not the ipad.  It *****, but it works for me.
    For new music purchases (from itunes store) on my ipad2, the only way i can see them on my itunes 11 on the computer is to go to the store, and download them again. Otherwise, they will not appear.
    Note - in another forum when i was researching this ipad sync issue, someone had stated that the ipad/computer sync is one way. (I.e., from computer-to-ipad only). If true, that would explain why the ipad edits and new music purchases dont show up in my computer itunes. However, the iphone sync must be two ways.

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