Missing place to discuss ECM solutions

Dear SAP colleagues
We have no place to discuss Enterprise Content Management (ECM) solutions, which are mainly provided by Open Text.
And actually there are discussions around Open Text but all they are strewn across all the forums.
In contrast, there is a dedicated thread for Adobe solutions, which are also 3rd party.

I suggest you create an Idea on Idea place, provide the link to the idea here, tell your friends and other people who may be interested, get some votes on IP and hope it will be enough to prove your idea should be implemented.
Cheers Otto

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    You will then be required to enter your password. 
    I used OmniDisk Sweeper (free App) with the above command to run it from the root directory, should look something like this, showing all files,  hidden or otherwise and file sizes.  (Must be run as User with Admin privileges).
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    See following article to explain further about this step:
    To delete the mobilebackups.trash file I used this command in Terminal.  Obviously it will need amending to delete any other files you want rid of.
    sudo mv /.MobileBackups.trash /Trashme
    From this link:
    This will create folder in top directory of hard disk  (double click on ssd or hd image to open into this directory) called “trash me” That contains the mobile backup.trash files to be deleted.
    Other useful commands in Terminal
    Show hidden files:
    defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
    Stop showing hidden files:
    defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles FALSE
    I hope this is helpful.

    LowLuster wrote:
    They are not real backups. They are made just in case you accidentally delete a files, that is IF the LSS has backed up that file and or the changes to that file before you deleted it.
    Your statement does not define what 'Local Snapshots' are and and the reasons for having them (your syntax is very confusing).  From the Apple link, the definition is as follows:
    "What are local snapshots?
    Local snapshots complement regular Time Machine backups that are stored on your external disk or Time Capsule by creating a local backup on your startup disk when your normal backup drive is not available. This provides you with a "safety net" for times when you might be away from your external backup disk or Time Capsule but accidentally delete a file. When your normal backup is available again, Time Machine copies the local snapshot contents from your startup disk to your normal backup drive."
    Thus they can provide a historical Time Machine record in cases where the user is not connected to the Time Machine backup disk such as on a business trip.  That is why this is a feature on portable devices and not desktops.
    Local Snapshots will record changes in the same way as if the MBP were connected to the Time Machine HDD.  When the MBP is reconnected to the Time Machine HDD, these changes will then be downloaded to the Time Machine. The changes will be stored using the same criteria as if the changes had been made when connected to the Time Machine HDD.
    Again a careful review of the two links I posted should clarify what Time Machine Snapshots are, what and how they are used and correct the misconceptions that one may have regarding same.

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    Have a read of this: Photoshop CC 14.2 update – Linked Smart Objects
    Glad I could help.
    Also always worth looking at "Whats new in the Help menu" Photoshop Help | New features summary

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    Kind regards,

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    Ing. Angela Serrano

    Congrats to Mr X! Also, the runner ups did a great job!
     Microsoft Azure Technical Guru - June 2014  
    Mr X
    Configuration of WATM (Windows Azure Traffic Manager) for Web Portals hosted
    on Azure VMs
    JH: "Two simple words: Love it! The detailed explanation on how Traffic Manager works is awesome."
    Ed Price: "Wow! Incredibly well written, with beautiful diagrams and a great use of images and tables! Great topic!"
    GO: "This is a great article! Thanks Mr.X"
    Mr X
    How to use Windows Azure as Traffic Manager for Web portals
    hosted in multiple on-premise datacenters
    JH: "Very detailed! Great explanation at the beginning followed by a good step-by-step guide."
    Ed Price: "A much needed article! Great job on the formatting and images!"
    GO: "Thanks again, MR.X"
    Mr X
    How to connect Orchestrator to Windows Azure
    GO: "I really enjoyed reading this article, clever and well written. Lovely done!"
    JH: "Great article! I especially love the amount of pictures provided in the article."
    Ed Price: "Good procedural article! Great use of images!"
    Also worth a mention were the other entries this month:
    Configure a custom domain name for a web site - Windows Azure (Godaddy)  by
    Saad Mahmood
    Ed Price: "Great details!"
    GO: "Well written.. Thanks for your help and article for the community"
    JH: "A very relevant topic. Would love to see more articles related to other hosting providers."
    Azure storage block blob upload from Android by
    Isham Mohamed
    JH: "Good explanation of block blobs. Unfortunately the biggest part is a code snippet provided by Microsoft. It would be great to have a real-world implementation a reader can use directly."
    Ed Price: "Good topic and commenting in the code! But a lot of this article is from other sources." 
    Ed Price, Azure & Power BI Customer Program Manager (Blog,
    Small Basic,
    Wiki Ninjas,
    Answer an interesting question?
    Create a wiki article about it!

  • Upgrade button missing in maintenance optimizer of Solution manager

    We are going to perform upgrade R/3 4.7*110 Non uniocde to ERP 6.0 EHP non unicode.
    We used SAP EHP 1 for SAP Solution Manager 7.0 and support packake for SAP EHP 1 for SAP Solution Manager 7.0 is 24.
    Applied following OSS notes  pertaining to MOPZ  :
    COnfigured using tx code SMSY - Product System is SAP ERP and product version is SAP ERP 2004.
    Created logical components and assigned to <SID> of R/3 4.7 Development system.
    Then created solution and configured solution landscape  . Logical component was assigned to solution landscape.
    Then clicked on "Create new Optimizer transaction"
    Then select product version : ERP 2004
    Then select Product system  and selected <SID>.
    But  only "maintenance" button was displayed.
    However "Upgrade with enhancement package" button is not showing.
    Please help us the solution.

    A Prasad Rao wrote:
    Hi Sunny
    > For R/3 4.7*110 product name is ERP and product version is ERP 2004
    >  I want upgrade button or upgrade with Enhancement package button should appear
    > It seems we need to apply some OSS notes but coul not find anything becasue SP stack  for solman installed was 24.
    > Please help
    > Thanks and Regards
    > APR
    As I said earlier, you need to register it as ERP 6.0 only to get Enhancement Package installation button. There is no other option for it. If you want to confirm then check How to install EHP4 guide on http://service.sap.com/erp-ehp.

  • On my Windows 7 machine with iTunes I get a message stating APSDaemon.exe can't start because msvcr80.dll is missing.  What is the solution

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    See Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates.

  • ERROR 7 (Windows Error 126) and MSVCR80.dll missing. HERE IS THE SOLUTION!

    Read the instructions very carefully and follow the steps exactly as shown: http://http://support.apple.com/kb/ht1923 "Removing and reinstalling itunes and other software components for Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8".
    After completing STEP 2, you may still find a couple of applications (icloud & mobile). You may only see the "change" option. If so, click on "change", it will prompt you to the uninstall option. Click on "uninstall" and the applications will be removed.
    Tip: You may still find a shortcut and a file called itunes64setup on your desktop. DO NOT DELETE THEM.
    Restart  your PC as indicated in STEP 3, and reinstall you itunes. You´ll have it alive again!
    Tip: make sure you're running the latest Windows updates.

    Click here and follow the instructions. You may need to completely remove and reinstall iTunes and all related components, or run the process multiple times; this won't normally affect its library, but that should be backed up anyway.

  • Missed place text on upload to iWeb

    I'm using a LOT of my upload allotment trying to get around what I consider a "bugs" in iWeb. Text I insert into iWeb looks fine on the iWeb page but when uploaded, it grows dramatically in size, distorts, moves itself around the page, makes other text invisible, etc. I've had text I have previously deleted due to these problems(even after saving the file, closing iWeb) still show up on the site at a size and position of it's own determination.
    It seems it may be related to overlapping text/object layers and what layer is on top of another. I've had to make sure no layer overlaps another to get the site to where it is. Here's the site as good as I can get it(work in progress). What I'm trying to do is to pull the text at the bottom of the page higher thus shortening the height of the page but this starts the "distorted, misplaced, disappearing, text that has been deleted yet still appearing, syndrome.
    Anyone else having these issues or know why I might be?

    I had this problem in 1.1 before I finally reverted back to 1.0.1.
    I found text could be totally shifted over to one side or misaligned on publish despite looking perfect on the screen in iWeb. I identified that the problem may be due to using non-standard font sizes in the Font menu. Try and stick to the standard sizes shown in the menu, eg 14, 18, 24, 36.
    Try it and see. Anyway, there are clearly problems with the 1.1 update, so I'm waiting for 1.1.1 or 1.2.
    A Trusty Quicksilver G4 Dual 1GHz

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