Mnemonic on button : CTRL + N instead of ALT + N

Can anyone help me.
When I push CTRL + N in a screen, I would like a button to be clicked.
A mnenomic is working with ALT + N. But it must be CTRL + N.
Is this possible ?

Alt is the standard mnemonic modifier on Windows, so you get this behavior for free from the JDK.
If you want to support other keystrokes, you will need to do this manually. You can do so by inserting entries into the action map and input map of the panel containing your button.
Here's an example that installs an action for Ctrl+N:
package project1;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class TestPanel extends JPanel
  private final JButton _button = new JButton();
  private final JLabel _label = new JLabel();
  public TestPanel()
    setLayout( new BorderLayout( 0, 15 ) );
    add( _button, BorderLayout.CENTER );
    add( _label, BorderLayout.SOUTH );
    _button.setAction( new AbstractAction( "New" ) {
      public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
        _label.setText( "Clicked!" );
    _button.setMnemonic( 'N' );
    getActionMap().put( "clickButton", _button.getAction() );
      KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( "control N" ), "clickButton" );
  public static void main( String[] args )
    JFrame f = new JFrame();
    f.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE );
    f.setContentPane( new TestPanel() );
    f.setVisible( true );

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    Lol jk.
    Try System Preferences > General > Appearance > Change to Blue, if its set on Graphite.
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    Welcome to the forum.
    This is easily done by doing dupe Menus for each Button. The Button on the original Menu will be set to Auto-Activate, and be linked to the dupe Menu with the different graphic. I would probably turn OFF Sub-picture Highlights.
    The trick is to do a layout, and also name your Menus (especially the dupes), to reflect exactly what they do. I use Illustrator for my layout, but pencil and paper work well too.
    Note: if run on a computer, the user will need to Dbl-click the Button, as Auto-Activate only works seamlessly from a DVD set-top player.
    There are several other posts on this forum (a few very recent), where I go into much more detail. Also, Jeff Bellune's excellent book, The Focal Easy Guide to Adobe EncoreDVD 2.0, by Focal Press, has excellent, easy to follow steps for doing this. Though written for EncoreDVD 2.0, 100% of the book will apply to CS3 & CS4.
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    Hi, Ryan -
    If you are using an Apple Pro keyboard on that machine, there is a set of keystrokes which may allow you to shut it down 'in the blind' (they work with OS 9; not sure about OSX) -
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    Hi Diana. You can use the Button object (not a Submit button) and modify it to submit the PDF version of your document.
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    mailto: [email protected]

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