Moto assist very limited functionality

Does anyone find the moto assist very limited? The preset "sleeping, driving,home and meeting" settings have very few options.
I used to have a droid maxx HD and it had something called "smart actions" app that allowed you to set dozens of automated triggers.  For instance I used to be able to set a time that the phone would essentially go into airplane mode so it wasn't draining the battery yet stay on so I could use it as an alarm clock.   Moto assist has a "sleeping" setting but it only silences the phone and doesnt let you tweak many features.
Moto assist should be able to do something as simple as this,  For either home or work locations, it should automatically turn off data and connect to wifi. 

Short answer is No. Having had several Moto and Droid phones, answer is no. Maybe it will get better when Android v5 rolls out for Droid Turbo but I doubt it will happen.

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    Once you sync your mail accounts with iTunes the first time, you can turn that off in iTunes. You don't need to do that anymore, unless you make a change to the account. It only syncs the settings. You can reset the sync history after deleting the accounts from your phone and then do another sync. That should correct the problem. I'm not as familiar with Mac computers, but maybe someone with a Mac can help a little.
    Hope this answers your questions.

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    My catch-all list of Airport 6.0 & Firmware 7.6.1 problems:
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    Introduction: If you find AirPort Utility v6.0 too limiting or strange, you can ALSO install AirPort Utility v5.6, released alongside v6.0, to maintain all your previous capabilities. It works fine with both Airport g and n devices.
    PLEASE NOTE: According to Apple you must FIRST install Airport Utility v6.0 in order to access and install Firmware upgrade 7.6.1. Do that first. THEN install Airport Utility v5.6 and use it instead if you prefer.
    1) According to Apple's documentation, Airport Utility version 6.0 is ONLY for Mac OS X 10.7 Lion. It is NOT for 10.6 Snow Leopard. If you accidentally installed v6, you'll have to dig around in Apple - Support - Downloads for the previous relevant version for your devices and OS version. Here is the relevant page:
    2) The HELP for Airport Utility has been updated. When you first access it you may well be looking at the old Help. It is supposed to update itself spontaneously over the Internet. It took a couple minutes in my case. Be sure you are looking at the NEW Help before you start using it. One way to tell is that the list of help topics essentially doubles from what there used to be. Also, the very first topic in the NEW Help should read:
    "Set up an AirPort device > Set up a new AirPort Base Station or Time Capsule"
    3) The HELP has some WRONG information. Here we go:
    3a) There is NO "Enable Guest Network" setting. You CANNOT create a guest network or name it or give it any settings. Why this is still listed in Help, I have no idea. Why the setting is gone: This is most likely because the technology behind guest networks, WPS, has been thoroughly CRACKED in the wild. Google "WPS cracked" for lots of documentation of the situation. It won't be resolved soon.
    3b) I can't find any 'Setup Assistant". Everything is now manual. This is not to say that there isn't a setup assistant that appears when you FIRST set up your Airport device. I don't know.
    4) After installing Airport Utility v6.0, there is no indication of the accompanying firmware update until you decide to run the new version. Even then, you have to click on the big icon of your Airport device and notice an 'Update' button about halfway down the popup window. You then have to assume that this button is telling you to update your firmware.
    5) After you update your Airport device's firmware, you may well discover an ERROR subwindow popping up inside Airport Utility that says:
    "An error occurred while updating the firmware. -6721"
    Don't panic! All you need to do is go into your Wi-Fi settings, either in your menubar or the Network preferences, and turn OFF Wi-Fi, then turn ON Wi-Fi again. This is part of a long standing bug in Lion's Wi-Fi with which I bet you are already familiar, certainly up through Lion version 10.7.2.
    6) Miscellaneous changes in Airport Utility 6:
    6a) The keyboard command to manually change your Airport devices settings is GONE. You have to click the little 'Edit' button after clicking on the big icon for your device.
    6b) There is no longer any summary window for your Airport device. You have to instead click on the big "Internet" icon for related data, then click on the big icon for your Airport device for local settings data.
    6c) There is no longer any HELP advising users to EXPORT their settings. (The Help only talks about Import of settings). BE SURE TO EXPORT YOUR NEW SETTINGS! I did this immediately after both updates.
    6d) MAC address filtering for Airport devices is GONE.
    6e) All references to IPV6 anywhere are GONE. I have to assume the IPV6 settings are now entirely working and entirely automatic. Let's hope so.
    6f) Signal and Noise data and graphs are GONE. Use Apple's Wi-Fi Diagnostics app instead. Apple have hidden it here in Lion:
    /System/Library/CoreServices/W-Fi Diagnostics
    6g) In order to access the menu items in Airport Utility, you have to first click on the big icon for your Airport device.
    --> No doubt there are other changes, oddities or bugs related to these changes. But this is what I came up with during a cursory strafing of the software.

  • Very Basic Functions Question

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    The setup is this:
    * I have a movieClip called 'slides_MC' containing all the
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    * This movieClip is placed inside another movieclip named
    This is given an instance name of topslide_mc, and faded up
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    The idea is that, when the slides mc is faded right down,
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    This is my attempt at a reusable function to do the swapping.
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    // Go to and stop at random frame in slides movieclip
    function goRandom(mc) {
    // Number of slides in slides movieclip
    var slides = 22;
    // Random number between 1 and number of frames in slides
    var randFrame = Math.ceil(Math.random() * slides);
    mc.goToAndStop("slide_" & randFrame);
    This function is called from keyframes in slideshowRand_MC:
    I know this is really basic stuff, but can anyone tell me why
    this isn't working.
    I've tried adding a breakpoint in the goRandom function, but
    it doesn't look like it ever gets called.
    Any assistance very gratefully accepted.

    Hi Bob, thanks for getting back to me.
    Originally posted by:
    Bob Pierce
    There's a typo in that line - if it's in your code, it won't
    Ah, true. The typo actually happened when I was re-writing
    the code in post. The actual code in the movie is
    This is attached to a keyframe of the container movie-clip
    containing the slides MC.
    I've put the fla file on our server.
    If you, or someone else could download it and help me find
    out what I'm doing wrong, I'd be ever-so grateful. I'm sure it's
    something really obvious. Without being very familiar with Flash
    and Actionscript, it's hard to explain things, and much easier to
    show you the actual Flash file.
    The 2 functions are on a keyframe on frame 1 of the root
    timeline. The 'goRandom' function is supposed to be called from a
    keyframe in 'slideshowRand_MC'. I envisaged calling the random
    pause function from another keyframe in the same movieclip.
    Thanks again,

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        We certainly want to make sure your phone is functioning properly, Anna_Droid_Maxx. Did you possibly have the "Someone Calls Twice" enabled on the Silence options? If testing a number of times in a row, the phone may recognize this as an emergency call. When you go into the Moto application, tap the settings in the upper right corner. What Version are you seeing?
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    Go to the View menu and turn on the Status Bar. If you don't see the menus, go to the small icon with the arrow at the extreme upper left and select "Show Menu Bar":

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    There is a big misconception in what customers believe a cell carrier is obligated to do.
    You pay a set price to use up to that amount of xx data. It makes no difference if you use it to the paid limit or way under. Its like peace of mind when you don't have to worry about a data counter.
    Your daughter used the data, your plan is quite clear of what overage charges are. Why should or would Verizon wireless just forgive the charges because you are a customer? Your daughter used the data, get the money from her. That is the responsible thing to do.
    There is no "I have been a loyal customer so please remove the $120, or $250, or $2,000.00 since I did not mean to use it"
    Your electric company, or gas company or any other company does not remove valid charges. Why should Verizon wireless?
    Just pay the invoice and don't think you are being mistreated because Verizon is a business and not a charity.
    Good Luck

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    The MimeMessage constructor you're using needs to copy the entire message from the server.  It uses the Message.writeTo method, writing the message content into a pipe that is read by the constructor.  It was a bug in previous releases that the writeTo method wasn't fetching the data in chunks, as it does in other cases.  Setting partialfetch=false will revert to the old behavior for writeTo, and for all other accesses of the message content.
    It looks like both 1.4.4 and 1.5.1 are fetching the message content using a single FETCH command when you set partialfetch=false, according to your message.  If they're both sending the same commands to the server, I can't explain why it would be fast in one case and slow in the other.
    I did similar testing using my Exchange 2010 server.  Fetching a similar size message took less than 20 seconds.  Setting partialfetch=false brought it down to less than 5 seconds.  Something's clearly wrong in your environment, but I don't know what.
    Finally, I'm sure you understand that you only need to use that MimeMessage copy constructor in special circumstances, and you should probably avoid using it unless it's absolutely necessary.  Even in the best case it's wasting time and memory.

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    *+Disk Repair+*
    +The disk "disk" was not repairable by this computer. It is being made available to you with limited functionality. You must back up your data and reformat the disk as soon as possible.+
    Then I drag the files over with the Zip drive until everything blows up and I have to reformat the disk. I'm scared what might happen with the SD cards, if that will have any effect on the camera or if the disk will stop working entirely. The external hard drive was the first to blow up but we didn't know that this was going to be a trend so we had returned that to Best Buy. It had worked beautifully under OS X v.10.3.
    Does anyone have any ideas on what is going on here and how to fix it? I do not have vast sums to upgrade hardware and software nor do I even really want to. I'm quite fond of the old Power Mac 5500 and OS 8.6.
    Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!

    Have you tried backing up again by manually running a Time Machine backup? Unfortunately, if your backup is corrupted I don't know of a way to fix it except to start over.

  • I need to find out how much wifi data my apps are using. I have a very limited amount of wifi data, and I am exceeding my monthly allowance. Apparently, even apps I think are not open are sending/receiving data through the wifi and using up my allowance.

    I need to find out how much wifi data my apps are using. I am on a very limited amount of WiFi data each month, which I am regularly exceeding. I have been told to work out which of my apps is using the data. Also, I think I have closed an app by double clicking the home button, then swiping the app up - is this the way to close it, or will it still be sending/receiving data?

    Go into your Settings : General : and turn off background refresh for your apps.  In Settings : Mail  turn Fetch new data to OFF and Load Remote Images to OFF.  This will mean that Mail will only check for messages when you actually use it, and all your advertising junk mail won't have all the images in it.
    Turn off push notifications every chance you get.
    Make sure you are actually quitting apps:  to quit apps press the Home button twice and you should see a bunch of smaller screen images for every open app.  To quit the app swipe from the screen image (not the icon) upward off the top of the iPad.  You can swipe left and right to see more open apps, but there must be no left-right movement on the screen when you swipe upward to close the app.
    Turn off your internet connection when you do not need it.  The easiest way to do this is to swipe up from the bottom of you screen to get the control centre, and then touch the airplane to turn on airplane mode.  You can repeat this sequence to turn it back on again when you need it.  Most especially turn airplane mode on whenever you are sleeping your iPad for long periods.  This will save battery life too.  OR actually turn your iPad off - which means holding the power key down for several seconds until the red swipe bar appears, and then swipe to turn it off.  If you go this route, note that it will take longer to turn on then it takes to wake from sleep.

  • Disable Wizard (limited functionality) under Analysis Editor Preference Tab In OBIEE

    Hai Experts
    I want to disable this option(Disable Wizard (limited functionality) under Analysis Editor Preference Tab) for all users globally.
    This option should not appear in Preference tab of OBIEE
    Saurabh Anand

    It is a standard application privilege you can find and set under "Administration" -> "Manage Privileges":

  • I do not see the DAQ Assistant Express on Functions Input palette.

    Software config: Windows XP machine, Traditional NI-DAQ 7.4.4 for PCI 6602. I do not see the DAQ Assistant express on Functions>>Input palette. I get error message when I place the Instrument I/O assistant on the block diagram:-" Measurement and Automation Explorer or Instrument I/O Assistant not installed correctly. Please install from LabVIEW CD". I've tried uninstalling, re-installing driver and rebooting my computer several times.

    Hello PJ-SJM,
    The DAQ Assistant Express VI installs with the NI-DAQmx Driver and not Traditional NI-DAQ.  The good news is that the PCI-6602 is supported in both Traditional NI-DAQ and NI-DAQmx.  Check this KnowlegeBase article to find out what version of NI-DAQmx you need and then search the Drivers and Updates page for to find the version you need.  Once you download and install the driver you should see the DAQ Assistant Express VI on your functions pallet.
    The Instrument I/O Assistant is not for use with DAQ cards, it is for using other communication protocol like serial or GPIB.  However, if you need this you can install the Device Driver CD and it should work after that.  Note:  The device driver CD that came with LabVIEW should also contain the correct version of NI-DAQmx.
    I hope this helps, and have a great Friday!

  • Why the currency format in numbers is very limited into few countries???  I think this is a must have in next update of numbers ..

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    As Badunit suggests, in Numbers 2.3 you can turn on the preference that shows the full currency list.
    Put a value in a cell and then choose Philippine Peso.  Save the document.  Open the document in Numbers 3.0 (if that is what you are working with) and you will still have access to that currency.
    You might go to Numbers > Provide Numbers Feedback to let Apple know you need the option to use more currencies in Numbers 3.

Maybe you are looking for