Moved to G4 MDD... want to upgrade fans. Fan specs? Internal temp sensors?

Just a week ago, I upgraded from an older Quicksilver (single 733) to a Dual-1.25 Ghz FireWire 800 MDD. To say this machine leaves the QS in the dust is an understatement! This nifty MDD feels faster running Leopard than my MacBook Pro does!
In any case, while the noise is not as bad as I feared given the reputation of the "G4 Windtunnel", it's definitely a bit more annoying than the QS it replaced. I've noticed that it's not bad when idle, then when I start using it for any heavier-duty stuff (EyeTV, for example) one of the fans kicks in at high speed - keeping the G4 cool makes it much more "ear-friendly". I've kept it out in the open as much as I can, to allow for ample airflow, but am considering replacing one or more of fans with more quiet ones.
I have three questions:
1. How do you tell if this MDD went back to apple for a fan replacement? I know they were recalling them for a while.
2. What are the airflow and noise ratings of the fans - or at least the big case fan? I'm comfortable swapping out the fans for ones with higher airflow per unit noise, but do not know what the baseline flow is!
3. I have yet to find an app capable of accessing the temperatures of any sensor other than the CPU board and the hard drives - yet I know there are more sensors in there. Is there some app, apart from iStat or Temperature Monitor, that can read the other sensors?
Thanks for tips,

I modded my G4 MDD a couple of years ago.
Upgraded the main large fan to a Vantec Stealth super quiet fan with the silicone noise reduction kit.
Upgraded the 2 fans on the power supply too using x2 Vantec fans.
Also did the mod fitting 2 smaller fans behind the processors using a fan controller I bought from Maplins. Works a treat keeping the mac super cool & quiet.
Ulitmately the rear fans acted as an xtra exhaust sucking the warm air out of the unit instead of it creating a nice cool area between the main fan than processors.
Its all quite easy to do if you are comfortable/confident in messing with it.
Installed drives to 7200rpm and again used silicone quiet kits when reinstalling.
It also helped installing an ATA 133 pci card with decent cables which I think made a huge difference in overall performance.
Ram coolers are also a good addition.
I wish I hadnt have sold it as it was a solid machine and put some of the earlier G5's to shame.
Good luck & have fun
Did a cool little mod fitting a blue neon cold cathode tube which illuminated the front retro exhaust ports which was cool. Again this was powered using a molex connector of the DVD drive, simple but nice mod.

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    from Bill.

    Carl has some pretty good points that I'd agree with - trying the replacement PSU and fans should quiet it down somewhat and replacing the stock main fan with a newer, quieter unit will also help. But I'm going to disagree with him on running Leopard on the G4's with a few reservations.
    As you might notice from my profile, I'm running Leopard on my dual-867 MDD and find the performance acceptable; perhaps a little slower than Tiger in some respects but it does run well enough within the limitations of the G4's capabilities. The reservation I have about recommending Leopard on a G4 is the graphics card - without Core Image support (which you won't have unless you upgrade the video card) Leopard is going to tax the CPU more and may bog down in some tasks like Quick Look and Cover Flow.
    In the end, whether to continue upgrading the G4 is a matter of use and economics. Tiger would be a fine upgrade with minimal cost and squeeze a few more years out of your G4 if you're not requiring software that needs an Intel CPU (like certain iLife '08 apps).

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    Hi, Pat!
    First of all, get the new drive and install it. (Insure you buy an ATA drive and not a SATA drive.) If you need any assistance with installing, configuring, or initializing the drive, please post back.
    In the interim, check for updates to your third-party apps to make sure that they will all be up-to-date and Tiger-compatible. Download a free copy of Superduper! or CarbonCopyCloner to later clone your startup drive. You can also use Disk Utility's Restore option for cloning, if you'd rather do so.
    Next, you have a decision to make about the Tiger install. You can either upgrade it from Panther on your current drive, or do a fresh install of Tiger and use the Setup Assistant to incorporate your data from the Panther volume. I prefer and would recommend the latter as a much "cleaner" way of upgrading, leaving less "baggage" from the older OS. I would install Tiger directly to the new drive, which precludes the immediate need to clone anything while still leaving the original startup drive and system intact. If you'd rather do the upgrade install, then you should clone the Panther volume to the new drive, check the clone to insure it's okay, and install Tiger over Panther onto one drive or the other.
    After installing Tiger, doing the software updates, moving your user files, apps etc. to the Tiger volume, you can run and test it for a week or so to insure all is well and that you have everything you need from the Panther drive. Once you're satisfied, you can then either retain the Panther volume as-is, using it as an alternate startup drive, or (preferably) you can instead erase it, zero it, and clone a copy of your Tiger volume to it as a backup and alternate startup drive.
    Feel free to post back with any questions or concerns and one or more of the members will gladly address them.
    1GHz DP G4 Quicksilver 2002, 400MHz B&W rev.2 G3, Mac SE30   Mac OS X (10.4.5)   5G iPod, Epson 2200 & R300 & LW Select 360 Printers, Epson 3200 Scanner

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    In the link japamac posted, scroll down to the heading, "12 Volt Power Connector for 4th Mount Point". If you click on any of the small pictures, they will be shown much larger. This picture shows how the author used a nut and short bolt to fix a "loop" or "spade" connector on a wire to supply the required 12 Volts to the fourth lug on these faster processors. No soldering needed, and can be undone in a jiffy.
    There is one more issue you may face if your old processor has the cooling fan powered off two pins on the processor module. The new processor will not have those pins, and you will need a 12 Volt fan adaptor (also off a Hard Drive power connector, or even the same power connector) to run the cooling fan.
    Some of these adapters have Red, Black, and Yellow wires (instead of the expected Red and Black only). The yellow wire is an RPM output from the fan, and can be safely ignored.

  • TS4058 Why  has iChat been taken from me?  I don't want to upgrade to Lion!

    Why  has iChat been taken from me?  I don't want to upgrade to Lion!

    iChat 5.x.x works in Snow Leopard.
    (Older versions also work in earlier OS versions)
    iChat 4 and iChat 5 had a method of getting to a registration page for names.
    The iChat version no longer does this (but the registration page still exists)
    In addition to this if you selected AIM then the option does not work now as AIM moved their Registration pages soon after Snow Leopard came out. registration page
    Keep the password to 16 characters or less (AIM server limit)
    You cannot use an email that has already been used with or is an Apple ID.
    AIM registration Page
    You cannot exceed the 16 character limit here
    You need an email for Confirmation and for Password recovery (You can use it again and again if you want to set up loads of names)
    You can chose a Name or use an existing email.
    iChat can also use Jabber IDs
    Google Mail IDs can have Talk enabled in their Google Account settings and then it can be used in iChat
    Facebook have a Chat option that needs enabling.
    Both use Jabber servers and your ID with them is a Valid Jabber name.
    There are lots of other Public Jabber servers.
    10:22 PM      Tuesday; April 17, 2012
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
      iMac 2.5Ghz 5i 2011 (Lion 10.7.3)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

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    No problem, glad to help!
    Update: my PC USB hub was connected to a USB 3 port, I connected the 30 pin cable directly to my PC, And the restore worked just fine. Restored phone from iCloud backup and seems to be working fine.

  • I want to upgrade my Imac from tiger 10.4.11 to Mac OS 10.6 Snow Leopard. What is the best way to do this.

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    Catherina wrote:
    ...  What is the best way to do this?
    The best way, really the only way, is to purchase Snow Leopard.
    Online (UK):
    Elsewhere: call the phone number in the Apple Online Store.
    Apple's price is $19.99, £14.00, €18.
    Snow Leopard is not available to download from any legitimate source.
    Once you install Snow Leopard, upgrade iTunes to version 10.7 or the latest, iTunes 11.
    iTunes 10.6.3 is the last version of iTunes to support Mac computers with Mac OS X 10.5.8 with either Intel or PowerPC processors, but since you have an Intel iMac, the best solution is to purchase Snow Leopard. Leopard is no longer available from Apple and prices from aftermarket vendors can be unreasonably high.

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    It also appears that synergy is functioning even though the monitor is off.  My mouse does move to the screen and progress across it (I have a three monitor setup with the Mac in the middle, so I can move it off my left system to my Mac, keep moving, and eventually it will show up on the third screen).  If synergy weren't working, I would expect it to go from screen 1 to screen 3.
    So I think there's something up with how Lion detects that the monitor should be reenabled, and synergy is even more affected by that decision.

  • Want to upgrade to CS6, but issue with AVCHD scrubbing might stop me

    I've been using the Adobe Creative Suite for years and really love it. The last version I stuck to was CS5. Premiere Pro CS5 had no problems scrubbing my AVCHD footage (mts wrapper from GH2 cameras) and I wanted to upgrade to CS5.5 when this became available. Then a problem occured: although the project files (old and new) loaded a lot quicker than before, it was no longer possible to scrub through the footage. The lag was just incredible and I can see (and hear) my drives go mad as I try to scrub through the footage. I assume this is because certain things are no longer loaded at the opening of the project, but just when you look at the footage on a timeline.
    I hoped the issue would have been fixed in CS6, but after a colleague kindly installed the software for a few days on my machine (spare licence he had, since been uninstalled), it is clear that it is still impossible to use. WHY?
    I'm happy to upgrade some of my system to try and make this work, but I need to know what the problem. My current set-up is (no longer) cutting edge, but hardly bottom of the pile either. Any advice would be appreciated.
    Current Spec:
    6 core AMD processor 3.6Ghz
    8 GB of ram
    Nvidia GT440 card (cuda enabled)
    MTS files and project files are on a 2TB raid 0 (though windows 7, not dedicated card) (2 drives 1TB each 7200RPM sata 3)
    Thanks for any help.
    PS: I tried with and without cuda, moved the media cache to other drive, disabled sound whn scrubbing,... pretty much everything

    I've seen them and will add them to the results page later today.
    You end up around rank #630, somewhat as expected. Your disk score is quite acceptable and reflects your raid setup. However, your MPEG score is disappointing, but that may be attributed to only 8 GB memory and the relatively meager GT 440 card. However, in comparison with other Phenom II X6 systems, nothing really stands out.
    Your dilemma to improve the scrubbing behaviour is twofold: You are hindered by the slowness of the Phenom II X6, and whatever you will upgrade, but keeping the AMD CPU will only marginally improve performance. If you really want to improve performance you need a completely new Intel based system, but that is costly, requiring a new CPU, mobo and memory.
    Upgrading memory does not look attractive, since it will not really help performance and is not portable to a new Intel system.
    The only things that can help IMO and that can be ported to a new system in the future are extra disks and a better video card. I would start with additional disks, see if that solves the scrubbing issues. If that still is not enough, you can consider upgrading the video card to a GTX 670 or even a GTX 560 Ti if your PSU can handle it.

  • I have ip 3gs and ios 4.1 i want to upgrade it to download latest version of apps ,which ios will be compatible and is there any danger to update ios before i erased all settings and content and i tried to update but it failed .it is working properly

    i have ip 3gs and ios 4.1 i want to upgrade it to download latest version of apps ,which ios will be compatible and is there any danger to update ios before i erased all settings and content and i tried to update but it failed .it is working properly but i want to update from itunes.iwill do back up but is there any other thing i will face after updating like it will jut show apple loge and will not work. please answer quickly

    An iPhone 3GS is too old to update to the very latest iOS and you will never be able to use apps that are compatible.  The phone is just too old now in technology terms and the app makers have all moved on, so it's time to get a new phone. 
    Ideally, perhaps get an iPhone 4s or if you can afford it, an iPhone 5s or 5c which are the newest models.

  • I curently have Snow Leopard MAC OS X 10.6.8 & want to upgrade to Mountain Lion - would I encounter any problems?

    I curently have Snow Leopard MAC OS X 10.6.8 & want to upgrade to Mountain Lion - would I encounter any problems? If so -- what?

    mende1 wrote:
    2. OS X Lion and Mountain Lion aren't compatible with PowerPC applications. After upgrading, if you have a PowerPC application (as Office 2004, AppleWorks, old Final Cut Pro editions, etc.), they will be moved to a special folder and they will stop working. Check that your apps are supported >
    If you are unable or unwilling to update to Intel versions of your PowerPC applications (if you have any), you can install Snow Leopard Server (with Rosetta) into Parallels or VMWare Fusion and continue to use most PowerPC applications concurrently with Lion or Mt. Lion:
                                  [click on image to enlarge]
    Snow Leopard Server is now available from the Apple Store for $19.99 + sales tax & shipping: 1.800.MYAPPLE (1.800.692.7753). Apple Part Number: MC588Z/A (telephone sales only)

  • I currently have Snow Leopard 10.6.8 and I want to upgrade to Lion 7.4. I see no upgrades available to get there. Can someone help me?

    I currently have Snow Leopard 10.6.8 and I want to upgrade to Lion 7.4. I see no upgrades available to get there. Can someone help me?

    WZZZ wrote:
    Maybe they've pulled Lion temporarily in order to clear server bandwidth for the expected feeding frenzy over ML?
    There's always that possibility but I suspect that any Lion purchases today will be just a drop in the bucket. Still, there really ought to be some provision for those whose Macs can't go beyond Lion to upgrade since continued Snow Leopard support is now in question (the reason I finally moved to Lion).
    There are a lot of people complaining that their free upgrade redeem codes for ML aren't working so I bet keeping Lion available is way down on Apple's to-do list.

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    Thanks, Joan

    I understand that it is difficult to determine which forum to post in since there are so many. This particular forum (sharing and storage) was created to help those transitioning from to Adobe Revel. I am moving your post to the correct forum so that it can get proper attention.
    I'll put this posting in the installation community so the experts there can help you.
    We also have many other forums relating to other Adobe products

Maybe you are looking for