Moving folders with data

I have element 11 on two computers and want to move a folder with data from one to the other

Import from this folder into Organizer catalog. Take a full backup on an external hard drive. Now use this backup of the catalog, to restore on the other computer.
Ensure to tick the checkbox corresponding to maintaining folder tree hierarchy while taking backup and while restoring.

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    Hello friends
    I have 2 clients 001 and 002.
    I have created a table with lots of data on client 001.
    I have to get the same table on 002 also with the same data.
    Is there an easier way of transfering this data from one table to another?
    I would appreciate any feedback on this.
    I know that mappings etc., can be done using the export and import of tpz file. So I want to know if there is any similar thing to transfer a table with data.

    If you do not have the client field in your table, then the table is cross-client.
    IF you have the client field filled with 001, then you need to create the same entries with client 002, I dont think that you can do this with a transport.
    You have to write an ABAP that reads and writes the data.

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    Make sure you have write permissions on the destination disk. You may need to repair permissions.

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    I have a photo album in iPhoto on MacBook Pro where all of the photos have been edited, rated and titles and descriptions have been added. How do I move that album to my iMac without losing any of the data?

    Well assuming that none of those things are the case, iPhoto Library Manager is telling you that the Library is damaged in some way.
    Option 1
    Back Up and try rebuild the library: hold down the command and option (or alt) keys while launching iPhoto. Use the resulting dialogue to rebuild. Choose to Rebuild iPhoto Library Database from automatic backup.
    If that fails:
    Option 2
    Download iPhoto Library Manager and use its rebuild function. This will create a new library based on data in the albumdata.xml file. Not everything will be brought over - no slideshows, books or calendars, for instance - but it should get all your albums and keywords, faces and places back.
    Because this process creates an entirely new library and leaves your old one untouched, it is non-destructive, and if you're not happy with the results you can simply return to your old one.

  • LR2: moving folders within LR

    I import my pictures to my mac HD, sort through them, then wish to move them to my external HD for storage. On my external HD I have a folder for pictures, then a folder for each day's shoot. When I set up my catalog I just added the existing folders, not the folder that contains each day's folder. The problem is when I want to drag a folder over from my mac HD to my external, I have no where to place it. If I hover over the name of the external drive, it wont' move my folder. I've just been adding the new folder to an existing folder, then moving it back up one level in the OS, and updating the location in LR. There's got to be a better way right??

    Thanks for your reply... my main issue is I'm trying to do the second option you outline, drag within LR. The problem is I have my external disc listed and all the folders it contains. There doesn't seem to be any place I can drag the folder to- I can't drag it to the external disc's name, only to a folder.... but I do not have the folder that I want all my folders in added in LR.
    Included a picture because I'm sure I'm not describing this well. AIRPORTDISC is my external drive. All the folders with dates contain my pictures. I wish to add another folder to the list. But I can't drag it anywhere where it will go there directly! I've just been adding it to a random folder, then moving in the OS, then refinding it in LR.

  • Problem with missing files after moving folders around

    I keep my music files manually organized. This is mostly because I have a LOT of music and I don't want to take up all the space on my MBP HD. So my music is split up between 2 external drives and the MBP drive.
    I was moving around some folders since I wanted to reorganize my music folders, and iTunes can't seem to find the files anymore, and in order to fix it I see I need to find each and every file I moved (which is really not practical).
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    I also tried putting aliases in the old folders' locations pointing to the new ones (iTunes kept saying the files are missing)
    Is there any way to simplify the process of moving folders?? This is really strange that such a feature is missing.

    If you have the 'keep' option enabled and let iTunes do the work - take a sound track album as an example - that has various artists and you didn't tell iTunes that the album was a compilation album - then iTunes will put all the tunes into into the iTunes Music folder as Artist>Album>Song - if you have the compilation option enabled for the tunes on that same album - iTunes will nest it as iTunes Music>Compilation>Album>Song. This helps reduce the clutter in the iTunes Music folder with a thousand artists and only one tune for that artist.
    With the 'keep' option selected iTunes will move tunes automatically within the iTunes Music folder. Since iTunes moved the files it can keep track of the links.
    To create a second library launch iTunes with the 'option' key down and follow the dialog box instructions. I have a 'Master iTunes Library' on my internal HD and several ext HD's with other libraries which I give unique names i.e.: Really Big Music. I give the library data base file its' own unique name so I don't accidentally erase the wrong file. I also keep all the files that you would normally see for an iTunes library on the ext HD (iTunes library. .xml, art work etc.,). If you are into lots of movies and TV Shows you could create a library on and ext HD with only video content and name it accordingly. You would keep all the files for that library including the library 'management' files on the ext HD in the same nesting as you would find on your internal HD.
    This strategy works for me. I tried to manage the files by myself at one point and just had to many problems so I decided to not fight City Hall and go with the flow and it works for me.

  • Cannot open your default e-mail folders. You must connect to Microsoft Exchange with the current profile before you can synchronize your folders with your Outlook data file (.ost)

    Fresh installation of Exchange Server 2013 on Windows Server 2012.
    Our first test account cannot access their email via Outlook but can access fine through OWA. The following message appears - "Cannot open your default e-mail folders. You must connect to Microsoft Exchange with the current profile before you can synchronize
    your folders with your Outlook data file (.ost)" is displayed.
    If I turn off cached Exchange mode, setting the email account to not
    cache does not resolve the issue and i get a new error message - "Cannot open your default e-mail folders. The file (path\profile name).ost is not an Outlook data file (.ost). Very odd since it creates its own .ost file when you run it for the first
    I cleared the appdata local Outlook folder and I tested on a new laptop that has never connected to Outlook, same error message on any system.
    Microsoft Exchange RPC Client Access service is running.
    No warning, error or critical messages in the eventlog, it's like the healthiest server alive.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated. I haven't encountered this issue with previous versions of Exchange.

    So it looks like a lot of people are having this issue and seeing how Exchange 2013 is still new (relatively to the world) there isn't much data around to answer this. I've spend ALOT of time trying to figure this out.
    Here is the answer. :) - No I don't know all but I'm going to try to give you the most reasonable answer to this issue, in a most logical way.
    First thing I did when I was troubleshooting this issue is that I ignored Martina Miskovic's suggestion for Step4 it didn't make sense to me because I was trying to connect
    Outlook not outside the LAN but actually inside. However, Martina's suggestion does fix the issue if it's applied in the correct context.
    This is where the plot thickens (it's stew). She failed to mention that things like SSL (which I configure practically useless - anyone who ever worked in a business environment where the owner pretty much trusts anyone in the company, otherwise they don't
    work there - very good business practice in my eyes btw, can confirm that...) are some sort of fetish with Microsoft lately. Exchange 2013 was no exception.
    In exchange 2003, exchange 2007 and exchange 2010 - you could install it and then go to outlook and set it up. And when outlook manual Microsoft Exchange profile would ask you for server name, you would give it and give the name of the person who you setting
    up - as long as machine is on the domain, not much more is needed. IT JUST WORKS! :) What a concept, if the person already on premises of the business - GIVE HIM ACCESS. I guess that was too logical for Microsoft. Now if you're off premises you can use things
    like OutlookAnywhere - which I might add had their place under that scenario.
    In Exchange 2013, the world changed. Ofcourse Microsoft doesn't feel like telling it in a plain english to people - I'm sure there is an article somewhere but I didn't find it. Exchange 2013 does not support direct configuration of Outlook like all of it's
    previous versions. Did you jaw drop? Mine did when I realized it. So now when you are asked for your server name in manual outlook set up and you give it Exchange2013.yourdomain.local - it says cannot connect to it. This happens because ALL - INTERNAL AND
    EXTERNAL connection are now handled via OutlookAnywhere. You can't even disable that feature and have it function the reasonable way.
    So now the question still remains - how do you configure outlook. Well under server properties there is this nice section called Outlook anywhere. You have a chance to configure it's External and Internal address. This is another thing that should be logical
    but it didn't work that way for me. When I configured the external address different from the internal - it didn't work. So I strongly suggest you get it working with the same internal address first and then ponder how you want to make it work for the outside
    Now that you have this set up you have to go to virtual directories and configure the external and internal address there - this is actually what the Step 4 that Martina was refering to has you do.
    Both external and internal address are now the same and you think you can configure your outlook manually - think again. One of the most lovely features of Outlook Anywhere, and the reason why I had never used it in the past is that it requires a TRUSTED
    See so it's not that exchange 2013 requires a trusted certificate - it's that exchange 2013 lacks the feature that was there since Windows 2000 and Exchange 5.5.
    So it's time for you to install an Active Direction Certificate Authority. Refer to this wonderful article for exact steps -
    Now even after you do that - it won't work because you have to add the base private key certificate, which you can download now from your internal certsrv site, to Default Domain Policy (AND yes some people claim NEVER mess with the Default Domain Policy,
    always make an addition one... it's up to you - I don't see direct harm if you know what you want to accomplish) see this: if you want to know exact steps.
    This is the moment of ZEN! :) Do you feel the excitement? After all it is your first time. Before we get too excited lets first request and then install the certificate to actual Exchange via the gui and assign it to all the services you can (IIS, SMTP and
    there is a 3rd - I forgot, but you get the idea).
    Now go to your client machine where you have the outlook open, browse to your exchange server via https://exchang2013/ in IE and if you don't get any certificate errors - it's good. If you do run on hte client and the server: gpupdate /force This will refresh
    the policy. Don't try to manually install the certificate from Exchange's website on the client. If you wanna do something manually to it to the base certificate from the private key but if you added it to the domain policy you shouldn't have to do it.
    Basically the idea is to make sure you have CA and that CA allows you to browse to exchange and you get no cert error and you can look at the cert and see that's from a domain CA.
    NOW, you can configure your outlook. EASY grasshoppa - not the manual way. WHY? Cause the automatic way will now work. :) Let it discover that exachange and populate it all - and tell you I'm happy! :)
    Open Outlook - BOOM! It works... Was it as good for you as it was for me?
    You may ask, why can't I just configure it by manual - you CAN. It's just a nightmare. Go ahead and open the settings of the account that got auto configed... How do you like that server name? It should read something like [email protected]
    and if you go to advanced and then connection tab - you'll see Outlook Anywhere is checked as well. Look at the settings - there is the name of the server, FQDN I might add. It's there in 2 places and one has that Mtdd-something:Exchange2013.yourdomain.local.
    So what is that GUID in the server name and where does it come from. It's the identity of the user's mailbox so for every user that setting will be different but you can figure it out via the console on the Exchange server itself - if you wish.
    Also a note, if your SSL certs have any trouble - it will just act like outlook can't connect to the exchange server even though it just declines the connection cause the cert/cert authority is not trusted.
    So in short Outlook Anywhere is EVERYWHERE! And it has barely any gui or config and you just supposed to magically know that kind of generic error messages mean what... Server names are now GUIDs of the [email protected] - THAT MAKES PERFECT
    SENSE MICROSOFT! ...and you have to manage certs... and the only place where you gonna find the name of the server is inside the d*** Outlook Anywhere settings in the config tab, un it's own config button - CAN WE PUT THE CONFIG ANY FURTHER!
    Frustrating beyond reason - that should be Exchange's new slogan...
    Hope this will help people in the future and won't get delete because it's bad PR for Microsoft.
    ALSO if you want to pick a fight with me about how SSL is more secure... I don't wanna hear it - go somewhere else...

  • Just bought a 2tb external hard drive with the intention of moving my iPhoto data files on it. I have so much of my 500 gigs being used up by images and video. Questions: Will this foul up my iPhoto app? Do I need to point iPhoto to this new location?

    Just bought a 2tb external hard drive with the intention of moving my iPhoto data files to it. I have so much of my 500 gigs being used up by images and video. Questions: Will this foul up my iPhoto app?
    Do I need to point iPhoto to this new location?

    Are you running a Managed or a Referenced Library?
    A Managed Library, is the default setting, and iPhoto copies files into the iPhoto Library when Importing. The files are then stored in the Library package
    A Referenced Library is when iPhoto is NOT copying the files into the iPhoto Library when importing because you made a change at iPhoto -> Preferences -> Advanced. (You unchecked the option to copy files into the Library on import) The files are then stored where ever you put them and not in the Library package. In this scenario you are responsible for the File Management.
    Assuming a Managed Library:
    Make sure the drive is formatted Mac OS Extended (Journaled)
    1. Quit iPhoto
    2. Copy the iPhoto Library from your Pictures Folder to the External Disk.
    3. Hold down the option (or alt) key while launching iPhoto. From the resulting menu select 'Choose Library' and navigate to the new location. From that point on this will be the default location of your library.
    4. Test the library and when you're sure all is well, trash the one on your internal HD to free up space.

  • Can Not Remove "with" Data from Calendar Event Details

    I currently have a Palm Tungsten|E2. For a short time I used to sync it with my work computer; this was before they replaced the computer (lease was up) with a new one where it was locked down and I could not reinstall the Palm desktop. Since then I have been syncing it with my home computer that runs MS Vista. Just recently I have noticed that when I create new Calendar events on my Palm, they all get a new "With:" data line (and a user from my old job) after sync'ing with my home computer. Selecting this "With:" entry brings me to a screen that allows me to select from a list of people I may "Done", "Reply", or "Reply All" to; although selecting either reply only causes a fatal error that requires a soft reset (button on back of machine). Looking at the event through the desktop software shows no data point so that it may be cleaned.
    I would like to know why my desktop software is adding this person to a "With:" data point to all new entires I create on the Palm hardware, how do I turn it off and keep it from doing it in the future.
    Post relates to: Tungsten E2
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    Are you sync'ing the new device to the same username in Palm Desktop as an older device?
    If you are, this will cause problems on the new device. When you sync the device, it saves the device settings, 3rd party apps, preferences, etc. in the backup folder in the username folder on the PC. When you sync the new device it copies the contents of the backup folder for the old device to the new device. This will cause corruption in the settings for the new device thus causing erratic behavior of the new device.
    The best way to preserve your data is to export the data in each category in Palm Desktop to a seperate folder on your PC.
    Create a new folder on your PC somewhere that is convenient. Name it something like Palm Desktop Data. Click on the link below and follow the instructions on that page for the export procedure.
    Make sure you select all for the range in the export window.
    With the data saved in the folder you created, make a copy of that folder and save to a flash drive, cd-rw or external hard drive.
    Anytime you make a change in Palm Desktop, export the data that was changed to that folder and save again to the external media.
    With this process you can always import the data back into Palm Desktop anytime you have a problem with the data in Palm Desktop or if your computer/hard drive/device crashes.
    Looks like you may need to hard reset your device and rename your backup folder. Go to and follow the directions to do a hard reset. Next before you hotsync your data back over you will need to rename your backup folder, to do that go here;
    C:\program files\palm or palm one\[hotsync username]\ and rename your backup
    folder to backup.old
    Start-->documents\Palm OS Desktop\[hotsync username]\ and rename your backup
    folder to backup.old
    Then hotsync to your current hotsync name and all your contacts, calendar,
    tasks, and memos will come back over.
    Show file extensions for XP or Vista
    If you can not view file extensions on your PC I would like you to open a
    folder go to Tools-->Folder Options--> View (tab) and under show hidden
    files and folders uncheck hide file extensions for known file types.
    Open control Panel go to Folder Options--> View (tab) and under show hidden
    files and folders uncheck hide file extensions for known file types.
    Post relates to: Palm i705

  • Unable to Connect Oracle 7 with Data Services 3.2

    Hi All,
    I am incredibly facing an issues with Oracle 7 connecting with Data Services 3.2. with Native client drivers (TNS Names).
    The client legacy application is on Oracle 7, they are moving the data from legacy to SAP ECC. My role is to transfer the data from Oracle 7 to SAP ECC, We are using Data Services 3.2 for conversion. This Data Services 3.2 is not connecting with Oracle 7 by using oracle native drivers (TNS Names).
    I am able to connect Oracle 8 client with SQL *Plus, but with Data Services its not connecting, I am able create Data Store but when try to import the table the error message I am getting like "ORA-24316: Illegal handle Type"
    Is there any other solution for this to connect, or Is Data Services 3.2 will not connect to Oracle 7 since its older version.
    Please reply with your thoughts, or with some solution.
    Appreciate your prompt reply. Many thanks.

    Hi Paul,
    Currently I am using ODBC connection to read the data from legacy Oracle7, but ODBC is very very slow, queries are taking hours to fetch the data. Is there any other solution by chance... I read that DataDirect is the one can connect to any versions of oracle and its bit faster, is that true. Please clarify me. If that is the solution where can I get this DataDirect drivers for oracle 7? Please advice me.
    Thank  You,

  • Problem with Date Parameter

    I am new to reporting services/report designer but have created a number of simple reports with Parameters using data from queries that have worked but I have a problem with this using Date and Time. 
    I am using MS Visual Studio 2008 (BIDS) and our SQL Server is Windows Server 2008 R2
    I need to allow the users of the report to choose a start date and an end date
    The Start Dates are held in a field called PhaseStartDate
    The End Dates are held in a field called PhaseEndDates
    I have tried multiple ways to try to get this to work with no success and with the latest attempt I get the message  
    "An error occurred during local report processing. The definition of the report 'JKVoidLoss' is invalid. The report parameter 'StartDate' has a default value or ValidValue that depends on the report parameter"Startdate". Forward dependancies
    are not valid"
    I will explain how I set up the Startdate. The EndDate is set up the same with the relevant values and fields.
    I created a new data source called StartDate. Under QUERY I have Select PhaseStartDate from QLHRA_VoidPhases. This runs okay when tested in Query designer and RUN.
    Under FIELDS I have Field name as PhaseStartDate and Field Source as PhaseStartdate
    Under PARAMETERS I have Parameter Name as PhaseStartDate and Parameter Value as [@StartDate]
    I set up a Parameter called StartDate with Data type as Date/Time
    Under Available Values I selected Get values from a query with Dataset being StartDate, Value field being PhaseStartdate and Label field being PhaseStartDate
    There are no Default Values
    I have tried moving the parameters up and down using the blue arrows under report data. I have tried multiple different methods to resolve this by changing values in the Properties screens.
    I also tried removing the DataSets and just using the Parameters with default settings. in preview, this ran the report but no matter what dates where entered the output was always the same.
    Any assistance will be greatly appreciated as I have spent hours on this so far

    I am new to reporting services/report designer but have created a number of simple reports with Parameters using data from queries that have worked but I have a problem with this using Date and Time. 
    I am using MS Visual Studio 2008 (BIDS) and our SQL Server is Windows Server 2008 R2
    I need to allow the users of the report to choose a start date and an end date
    The Start Dates are held in a field called PhaseStartDate
    The End Dates are held in a field called PhaseEndDates
    I have tried multiple ways to try to get this to work with no success and with the latest attempt I get the message  
    "An error occurred during local report processing. The definition of the report 'JKVoidLoss' is invalid. The report parameter 'StartDate' has a default value or ValidValue that depends on the report parameter"Startdate". Forward dependancies are not valid"
    I will explain how I set up the Startdate. The EndDate is set up the same with the relevant values and fields.
    I created a new data source called StartDate. Under QUERY I have Select PhaseStartDate from QLHRA_VoidPhases. This runs okay when tested in Query designer and RUN.
    Under FIELDS I have Field name as PhaseStartDate and Field Source as PhaseStartdate
    Under PARAMETERS I have Parameter Name as PhaseStartDate and Parameter Value as [@StartDate]
    I set up a Parameter called StartDate with Data type as Date/Time
    Under Available Values I selected Get values from a query with Dataset being StartDate, Value field being PhaseStartdate and Label field being PhaseStartDate
    There are no Default Values
    I have tried moving the parameters up and down using the blue arrows under report data. I have tried multiple different methods to resolve this by changing values in the Properties screens.
    I also tried removing the DataSets and just using the Parameters with default settings. in preview, this ran the report but no matter what dates where entered the output was always the same.
    Any assistance will be greatly appreciated as I have spent hours on this so far
    As I understand what you need to do is to just remove parameter from the dataset query for populating the date values and then it should work fine
    Please Mark This As Answer if it helps to solve the issue Visakh ----------------------------

  • Sharing two folders with the same name

    Hi all.
    I have two folders with the same name and I would like to be able to share these under different share names. Problem is, this doesn't seem to be possible.
    For instance, try doing this in File Sharing under Server Preferences:
    * Click +, add /Data/Media
    * Edit permissions on "Media" to permit guest access
    * Click +, add /Volumes/Drobo/Media
    * Edit permissions on "Media" (make sure you click the right one!) to permit guess access.
    This appears on the surface to work, but what it has actually done is to delete the share for /Data/Media. If you exit the File Sharing pane and go back into it again, it will be gone.
    Server Admin has the ability to rename a share's name from AFP,SMB,FTP,etc. but this doesn't appear to help either -- I tried adding the second media first, renaming its shared name to Media2 over in Server Admin, and then adding the first. Server Preferences just deletes the second one.
    Such a basic thing as being able to rename the share from Server Preferences would appear to be enough to get around this, but since Apple didn't make it possible, I have no idea how to proceed.
    Does anyone else have this working, and how did you do it?

    The best way to solve this, would be make sure you use database paraneter GLOBAL_NAME, to change your database from lets say orcl1 to, by this you can make sure each database actualy has a different name. Your other database then could be named
    When chaning the display name in EM you might face other issues later on when for instance trying to run a restore using EM for one of these databases.

  • Issue in moving files from data fodler to processed folder in background

    Hi All,
    I am facing one issue in moving files from data fodler to processed folder in case of background execution.
    When i am executing the file in the foreground, i can move the file from Data folder to processed folder. I am using SXPG_COMMAND_EXECUTE FM to move the file from data folder to processed folder.  I can see the file in processed folder once the program is executed.
    But in case of executing the same program in background, it is giving me the error "Failed to move the file to processed folder" in the spool of SM37 and i can see the file still laying in data folder.
    I tried to check other programs which acesses the same folder as the above program, whether they are able to move. They are able to move the file to processed fodler successfully both in foreground and background mode.
    Please help me in resolving this issue.

    Hi Sanu,
                    Please use teh following code to move the file from source to target folder.
    This is a code showing how to create and use COPY command of UNIX in ABAP
    Input file path
    p_input TYPE localfile,
    Processed file path
    p_proc TYPE localfile.
    Declare the Types to file data
    sys(200), " Please note, there are asterisk before and after sys (i.e.sys)
    * Internal table to store file data
    * Variable for the UNIX command
    DATA: l_v_unix_comm(255) TYPE c.
    Copy command of UNIX
    CONCATENATE 'mv' p_input p_proc
    INTO l_v_unix_comm SEPARATED BY space.
    For example the Copy command is stored as below
    cp u2018/data/interfaces/input/input_fileu2019 u2018/data/interfaces/processed/processed_fileu2019
    Examples of UNIX Command *u2022 mv filename1 filename2 --- moves a file (i.e. gives it a different name, or moves it into a *different directory (see below) *u2022 cp filename1 filename2 --- copies a file
    Execute the UNIX Copy command.
    This command will copy the file from input file path to the processed file path
    CALL 'SYSTEM' ID 'COMMAND' FIELD l_v_unix_comm
    ID 'TAB'
    FIELD l_i_output-sys.
    IF sy-subrc eq 0.
    write: 'File is copied successfully using UNIX command in ABAP'.

  • How do I replace data on my PC with data from iCloud?

    How do I replace data on my PC with data from iCloud?

    This long article covers all types of transfers, including moving to a new computer: -a-new-hard-drive

  • Moving folders to an external hard drive - LR3.2, Mac Snow Leopard

    I apologize for this right off, but after reading other threads in this forum, buying a book, and watching a video, I'm more confused than ever! I want to move (not copy), 6 months of folders, with their subfolders, meta-data and keywords, off my laptop hard drive onto an external hard drive, to free up room on my laptop. Then I want to be able to access them with the LR catalog on the external drive. The catalog I'm currently using (pointing to all my 2010 pictures) also contains more recent folders that I don't want to export, as they're still current. From my studies, there are all kinds of suggestions about creating new folders by drag and drop, using the plus sign, exporting catalogs etc., but nothing that tells me step by step how to achieve what I want to do! Could some kind person please walk me through this?

    To make LR "see" your external hard drive, you have to make a folder on it from within LR.
    In the Library Module, click on the "+" icon in the Folders-panel, then click "Add folder".
    Navigate to your external hard drive and create folder, call it whatever you want it to be.
    Right click the new folder and click on "Add parent folder"; the drive should then become visible.
    Then drag and drop your images into that folder.

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