Moving i tunes library with my i pod

I bought a new mac - I tried migration assistant on my old mac and it wont or cant move my huge i tunes library to my new mac. Can I use my i pod to accomplish this? If so how do you do that?

Hey there,
Click on the link below and follow the instructions. Hope this helps.

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    I bought a new computer with Windows 8. I downloaded I Tunes to it. How do I transfer my I Tunes Library from my I POD to the new computer?

    If you purchased all of the songs through itunes store, please follow these steps:
    1. Open up Itunes and Click on Itunes Store
    2. Once you're in the Itunes Store look to right side of the screen and you should see the word "purchased". Click purchased and you'll be sent to a purchase screen.
    3. Click on "All Songs" and then it will show all the songs you've downloaded. From there you just hit the button that looks like a cloud with an arrow on it, and it will download all the songs all over again.
    If you didn't purchase them through Itunes, then you'll have to download software that will strip the songs from your iPod. And here is a guide about how to transfer iPod music back to computer. Hope it helps. Feel free to email me if you need further help.

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    Click here and follow the instructions.

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    Thanks very much Michael
    This article showed me how to back-up my library to an external drive, but there was a link from there that I would not have found on my own to exactly do what I needed.
    Thanks again

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    Ick, that message usually shows up while trying to sync an iPod. Well, iTunes thinks one of the files is corrupt and doesn't tell you which one, lovely, isn't it?
    The only thing I can think of is what I had to do when I got an error message from the consolidate command. I kept watching the folder it was consolidating to using Windows Explorer, look at the column Date Modified or Date Added. The last file in there is the last file iTunes was able to copy with success.
    Now, you need to go hunt for the next file, the file that made it error in iTunes. The consolidate command copies files in the order they were added to your library.
    iTunes menu > View Options > Date Added must be checked off.
    Now click twice on the Date Added column so iTunes will sort by Date Added, oldest files at the top. Find the file AFTER the last successful song. Either delete it from the iTunes libary list (not your hard drive), or rename it (which is waht I did - I had to rename a whoel album it was freaking on).
    Hope that makes sense. It took me hours to consolidate my 200G+ library.
    Some people just give up and create a new library with no playcounts or ratings, but I persevered; perhaps you will, too.

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    Recover media from iPod
    See this post from forum regular Zevoneer for options on moving your iPod data back to your computer.

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    Keep in mind that what you have done now is you have multiple iTunes libraries accessing the same media folder. Meaning, that each account can have their own ratings, playlists, etc. but more importantly, each account does NOT know what the other account does, so if your daughter adds a CD to her account, it will go into the shared folder, but it will NOT automatically go into your wife's iTunes library. She would have to add it manually. Likewise, if one account deletes music from their library and tells iTunes to remove it to the trash, the other accounts will not know and iTunes will still try to access the file from the shared location even though the file is now trashed.
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    How to open an alternate iTunes Library file or create a new one

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    To move your iTunes music...
    Quit iTunes.
    Move the entire iTunes folder including music to the external drive.
    Click on the iTunes icon to start it, then immediately press an hold the Shift key in Windows, Option key in Mac.
    iTunes will ask to Create new library or Choose existing library. Select Choose existing library and select the library in the folder you just moved.
    Move the old iTunes folder to the trash but do not empty it.
    Restart iTunes normally and verify the songs work. If they do, empty the trash.

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    Connect your device with iTunes and then click on it then go to music and click on sync music and then you will be able to sync all of your music

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    See either of these two support articles.

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    vanbeet wrote:
    Is there any way of keeping songs not in the library, on the shuffle when adding new tunes?

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    You can't transfer songs from iPod to computer using iTunes, except for songs you purchased from the iTunes Store (and you can re-download any previous purchase from the iTunes Store Purchased screen).
    However, there are third-party methods and utilities that can transfer songs files from iPod to computer.  If you do a Google search on something like "ipod transfer," you should get some links.
    Once the song files are on your computer, drag the files (or the folder containing the files) to the iTunes window to add them to the iTunes library.

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    See Recover your iTunes library from your iPod or iOS device.

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