MP4 looks grainy

The file on this page was a Quicktime Movie converted to an MP4.
Can anyone help me understand why the MP4 that is there now looks "grainy"?

Can anyone help me understand why the MP4 that is there now looks "grainy"?
Frankly, the file doesn't look all that bad for the setting you used.
1) You Devoted less than 64 kbps to the video track but twice that (128 kbps) to your audio track. Suggest at the minimum you reverse this and use a minimum rate of 128 kbps to video track and 44.1 KHz/64 kbps mono AAC for same sound quality as in your current stereo track. In addition, the movie played as a "fast-start" movie when I looked at/downloaded it. So the streaming tracks are a waste of storage space/bandwidth here.
2) Would personally recommend trying a 320 kbps video data rate at 23.98 fps (key frame rate either in auto or manually set in the 24-120 range) and mono AAC 44.1 KHz/64 kbps audio track with streaming turned off. It may be overkill for your purposes, but you can adjust the video data rate downward to reduce file size. Assume you used MPEG-4 here rather than H.264 for greater compatibility. Switching would, however, improve quality if this is not an issue for you or your recipients.

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    morganj_8 wrote:
    Oh and lastly, I really didn't appreciate how UTTERLY rude and completely unhelpful "station_two" was.  It seems he/she prefers to get on here and find ways to criticize and nitpick vs. actually try to help or find solutions for people. I wonder if that level of disdain could ever be necessary towards a total stranger who is just asking for help?  I hope their life improves and they don't feel the need to take it out others through tech support message boards.  Props to sharmstr for being so cool about it all.
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