MPEG Imports W/O Audio

I import an MPEG file, but when I drag it onto the Timeline there is no audio. THe MPEG file plays correctly in Quicktime. And I've tried to EXPORT it as .MOV and .DV but they all have the same problem.
Any ideas?

When you say MPEG, did you mean MPEG-1, MPEG-2 or MPEG-4? I'll assume that you mean MPEG-2 (which is what DVDs use).
During the DVD authoring process all the audio tracks are combined with the video track in a process know as multiplexing (muxing). Because of the way MPEG-2 stores frame info these files are non-editable. You must de-mux and convert the MPEG-2 before you can edit it.
That said you do not really want to edit files that have been compressed to MPEG-2. MPEG-2 is a highly compressed format. If you convert that file to a .mov and then edit it, then compress it again to MPEG-2 you will have a noticeable loss in quality. Think of photocopying a photocopy.

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    However, instead of seeing a normal 57:32 (or similar stop time), I am seeing 789:57:13.152. When I try to play it through iTunes or IPOD, it skips it as if it wasn't there and plays something else. I checked out importing a music CD, and find the same problem.
    let's first see if you can get the CDs to import normally if you switch off "error correction" in the iTunes Advanced-Importing preferences subtab.
    but if no joy there, try checking through the other suggestions from the following document:
    You can't import or play music from an audio CD in iTunes for Windows
    ... and these resources might be helpful with that:
    Using CD Diagnostics in iTunes for Windows to troubleshoot CD/DVD drive issues
    iTunes for Windows: Updating the firmware on your CD or DVD drive
    Updating the drivers on your Windows PC
    Where to find firmware for your CD/DVD drive

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    Hello and welcome to the forum!
    Yes, there are a few ways that are faster. Have a look at this thread
    You could use software, such as "streamclip", or import by plugging your camera into your capture device and hooking your capture device into your computer and capturing by non-controllable device settings.
    Good Luck

  • How can I Import 2 channel audio from a Sony PMW300 camera?

    How can I Import 2 channel audio from a Sony PMW300 camera?

    Terry Woolf
    Thanks for the reply.
    The link to your prior thread is
    I suspect that the issue of no audio for your .mp4 file goes to your conversion method MXF to .mp4.
    Please excuse if I am saying what you already know. When you import your video into Premiere Elements (in your case 12 Mac), a project
    preset is established, either by you manually or the project automatically. That project preset contains a description of the project settings
    for audio as well as video. Unless you select one of the project presets which are described for use with 5.1 channel, your audio in video audio
    imports into a stereo project. It is in the export area that you will find your opportunity to customize (if necessary) the settings for audio.
    In the project, if applicable to your situation, you can duplicate an audio channel (See Fill Left or Fill Right under fx Effects/Audio Effects).
    Please let me ask this to make sure of the details.
    If you import your .mp4 with 2 channel audio (derived from your .mxf convert and dragged to Video Track 1/Audio Track 1) and cannot hear the sound....
    a. do you see any evidence for an audio file in the Timeline Audio track 1?
    b. if you do, how many wave forms do you see, one or two?
    c. if you have the audio meters opened while you are playing back the Timeline content in Edit area, do you see 1 or 2 channels and is
    there activity in both.
    d. when you import the file into Project Assets, do you observe any conforming activity going on in progress bar in the lower right cover of the workspace...if
    so, do you wait for it to go to completion before continuing on?
    We could also try deleting the conformed audio in the Media Cache Files Folder to force the program to re-conform the audio. See Edit Menu/Preferences/Scratch Disks should show you the location of the Media Cache Files Folder whose contents you will be deleting.
    Please review and consider, and then let me know if I targeted your question. If not, please do not hesitate to let me know, and I will rethink my reply based
    on your response.
    Thank you.

  • A low level exception occured in: Importer MPEG (Importer)

    Okay, first some system specs:
    Macbook Pro
    2.2 GHz Intel Core i7
    8 GB RAM
    Radeon HD 6750
    OSX Lion 10.7.5
    Premiere Pro CS6 (updated to lastest available version)
    --I remember installing updates a few days ago (maybe last week), but don't remember if any of them were for Premiere and could possibly be the problem.
    The trouble I'm having is with one .MTS clip. I have a timeline about 20 minutes in length. I edited the whole thing and had no problems the whole time, with any clip. All clips originally imported correctly, played back fine, etc.
    I exported a copy for client review (from Media Encoder CS6) the other day. One clip (the .MTS clip in question) showed as "Media Offline". It is not offline, I did not move the clip, etc. I unlinked the clip in the project, relinked it, and it did show up in the project and was able to be played back.
    Exported another copy, found the same error occured with just this one clip. Now I'm noticing that when I open the project, I receive the error in the topic title (A low level exception occured in: Importer MPEG (Importer). The clip will not play back and shows up as "Media Pending", as if it's not coming in correctly. Unlinking and relinking doesn't fix the issue.
    I have many other .MTS clips in my timeline. All of them work correctly, play back correctly, and export correctly. There doesn't seem to be any inherent problem with the clip itself; it plays back smoothly in VLC, and I've transcoded it to a .mov to try and just bring that in and get around this stupid issue. This didn't work either; I unlink the clip, then relink to the transcoded .mov -- it actually will play back in the preview monitor, but will not display when trying to view it on my timeline. I have also created a copy of the project, tried this inside of the copy, as well as created a new sequence and pasted over the information; none of that worked either. There are also other sequences this clip is on, and it will not play back in any of them either, but as I mentioned, plays back in the preview.
    I did find one other topic with a similar issue; they recommend deactivating Premiere, restarting the computer, and activating it again. I did do a restart initially to try and diagnose the problem, but to no avail. I tried deactivating the program, but the Adobe Application Manager doesn't load; it has almost never loaded for me whenever I try to use it, which is frustrating in and of itself.
    I tried creating an entirely new project and importing the other project. When I did this Premiere just froze; I'm assuming it can't handle all the pieces (it's a fairly complex project with hundreds of clips) and they are also coming off an external drive through a USB 3.0 cable.
    I've temporarily "fixed" this by bringing in the transcoded clip, resyncing it to to the spot I need it in, and cutting it as necessary. I typed this post as I went and tried various things, and while I've found my way around the problem, it doesn't really solve it. I opened another old project that was very similar to this one and also encountered the same error message. I didn't stick around to find out if there was just one clip causing the issue; the fact that it was there was enough for me.
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    If the answer is to uninstall and reinstall Premiere, do I need to run some cleaner tool? I vaguely remember hearing about that before in regards to uninstalling and reinstalling.

    I'm having the same issue here.
    Error: A low level exception occurred in: Importer MPEG (Importer)
    Anyone here who can help with this?
    Some Specs:
    MBP Retina, NVIDIA Gforce GT 750M, 16GB Ram, i7, G-RAID Thunderbolt (external media storage)
    Premiere CC 2014
    I'm working in a 1080p25 Timeline with Canon C300 footage (.MXF), normally it runs properly.

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    I'm having the same issue here.
    Error: A low level exception occurred in: Importer MPEG (Importer)
    Anyone here who can help with this?
    Some Specs:
    MBP Retina, NVIDIA Gforce GT 750M, 16GB Ram, i7, G-RAID Thunderbolt (external media storage)
    Premiere CC 2014
    I'm working in a 1080p25 Timeline with Canon C300 footage (.MXF), normally it runs properly.

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    My problem is:
    I have MPEG-2 movies from my Sony digital camera. Quicktime plays them without problem. But when I export them to any format, QT exports them without audio. The audio section in the export dialog is grayed out.
    Doing the same in MPEG Streamclip works without problem.

    MPEG-1 is an obsolete low-res, poor quality format. MPEG-2 (DVD) is a delivery and not an editing format. You can send in 1000 sugegstions and you will never see MPEG-1/2 exporting audio in Quicktime.
    They do read the forums and there are people who test and submit feature requests for programs like Quicktime. But this one won't fly, and it has been around for ages here.
    The good news is the free MPEG Streamclip is as fast or faster and does batches of these pesky files so use that and forget asking for this feature.

  • MPEG-1 Layer 2 audio support

    This is not a Mac specific question, but a general QuickTime post. One of my clients has something like 100.000 hours of MPEG-1 Layer 2 audio programs (.mpa) that he wants to put on-line. Unfortunately, this format seems to be incompatible with HTTP delivery on QuickTime. If you try to connect to such a file's URL from QuickTime player, the player loads the file until its end (no progressive download) and then considers that it is made of a text track : QT Player displays a superb text track made of the binary data of the audio file! You can test it at the following address:
    On the other hand, if you open the file locally with QT Player, it works almost fine. The only problem is the time it takes: it seems that QuickTime needs some time to scan the whole file before starting to play it. It takes around 7 seconds for a 1 hour file. If you save the file with QT Player then, allowing dependancies, you get a 1,5 KB QT movie (vs. the original 110 MB MPEG file) that plays immediately.
    So, I plan to develop a small QT tool based on QT APIs in order to make these audio files compatible with HTTP progressive download:
    1. When a file is required by a user, this software tool will open the audio file with QT on the server
    2. The audio file will be then saved on the server, allowing dependancies, but the link to the original file will be modified: instead of the local path (e.g. /Volumes/Media/CollectionName/FileName.mpa) the tool will save its URL (e.g. I hope that QT APIs will let us do that, and that the resulting reference movie will be compatible with QT progressive download mode.
    Taking for granted that this method works, which I don't know at this time, it has a major drawback: my tool will take around 7 seconds to open the original file, so it will roughly take 8 seconds before the user can start to download the audio file. It can seem reasonably short, but we really don't need that delay, because most of the time we need also to trim the file before this operation, which may take 5 seconds or so, using mpgtx, an open source software.
    I wonder if I could use a different method in order to make these file downloadable with QT. Something like what QTFaststart can do with MPEG-4 file (in one second or so, it can modify a MPEG-4 file header in order to make it compatible with QT progressive download). Such a opensource software would be very useful. I could even merge it with mpgtx, so I can cut my excerpt and make it downloadable at the same time.
    Any idea would be welcome!

    This is not a Mac specific question, but a general QuickTime post. One of my clients has something like 100.000 hours of MPEG-1 Layer 2 audio programs (.mpa) that he wants to put on-line. Unfortunately, this format seems to be incompatible with HTTP delivery on QuickTime. If you try to connect to such a file's URL from QuickTime player, the player loads the file until its end (no progressive download) and then considers that it is made of a text track : QT Player displays a superb text track made of the binary data of the audio file! You can test it at the following address:
    If your goal is to simply create a "fast start" file, why not simply put the audio in an MOV file container and unconditionally set the file property to open automatically once it is recognized as valid MPEG-1 data. Try this URL:

  • Cannot import video and audio

    cannot import video with audio
    can import audio but with no video

    Are you using FCP for the first time?
    Have you ever had files that imported correctly?
    What format are the files you're importing and where did they come from?
    What are your system specs?

  • Trying to import 24 fps audio

    I edited my project in 24 fps (not 23.98). Then I exported a 24 fps quicktime file for my sound editor and he created a mix using protools. When I import his mix (48 kHz, 24 bit wav) the computer seems to think this is a 23.98 file. When I stretch the audio it synchs fine.
    Here's where it gets strange for me. If I export my stretched video and re-import it into the same 24 fps sequence I'm back where I started. No matter what I try, I can't seem to export and re-import 24 fps audio without losing synch.
    The finished mix needs to go to a post house for 16mm optical sound, but I have no way of telling if the mix is in synch or even whether the mix is timed to 24 fps (which I suspect) or 23.98.
    Any information is appreciated, thanks.

    Thanks for jumping in.
    I tried to avoid describing the workflow - it kind of defies description at this point. This project originated in 16mm 15 years ago. Most of the picture editing was done in 16mm on a flatbed Steenbeck editing table. Then for reasons that are complex, I switched to FCP and finished my edit that way. To complicate matters, it's a mixed media project bringing together 16mm, super 8 and some video. The workflow is unconventional to say the least, which is why is a shortage of people I can ask about this issue.
    However, regardless of workflow, the issue I'm experiencing (specifically as it related to working with FCP) is the following:
    When I export audio from a 24 fps timeline and re-import the aiff file back into the same timeline, it is no longer in synch. I've never had this problem working in 29.97 or 23.98, so I'm baffled. I've now tried this with other source footage unrelated to my project and I get the very same result. There must be something unique about working in 24 fps that I don't know about and can find no reference to in the manual.
    I invite anyone to try this: Create a sequence (I've tried two codecs: photo-jpeg and DVCPRO 50), set the editing timebase to 24, plop in 30 minutes of video footage, export the audio, re-import the audio and place it back in the sequence. When I perform this operation on my machine I lose synch.
    My sequence settings: 720 * 480, DVCPRO50, 48 kHz audio, 24 bit (the editing timebase, of course, is set to 24)
    Thanks for your help.

  • I am trying to import an mp3 audio file into garage band for editing.  drag and drop doesn't work. What now?

    I am trying to import an mp3 audio file into garage band for editing.  Drag and drop does not work. any ideas?

    Try reposting in the Garageband forums. You can find it at:

  • Trouble Importing 12-Bit Audio

    I'm importing 12-bit audio from a Sony DCR-HC21, and Final Cut Pro HD has warned me that my audio will be out of synch because of a difference between the audio quality on the tape and the quality (16 bit) that I'm digitizing it at. I've been trying to change my audio catpure preset, but can't find a way to capture it at 12 bits. I've been checking around the discussion forums, and have seen that others have had the same problem, but couldn't find a solution anywhere...
    Does anyone have any tips?

    You can create your own custom capture presets.
    Do your part in supporting your fellow users. If a response has been Helpful to you or Solved your question, please mark it as such as an aid to other lost souls on the forum.
    Also, don't forget to mark the thread Answered when you get enough information to close the thread.

  • MPEG-1 Layer 3 Audio Files

    Will MPEG-1 Layer 3 audio files work on the iPod Touch 4g?
    They work okay in iTunes on my computer.

    Yes. I noticed that in the Advanced drop down menu. In a test conversion from MPEG-1 Layer 3 to AAC, the file ballooned from 4.8 to 6.5 MB. I'm presuming AAC would be the best choice.
    I have hundreds of MPEG-1 Layer 3 tunes. I see that I can select multiple files for conversion, but that is still tedious.

  • Can you import only the audio?

    In the latest version of FCPX, is there a way to import only the audio and not the video (I'm dealing with AVCHD files, if that matters)?

    No. But, once you get the media into your event browser there is an easy way to bring just the audio to your timeline.

  • Importing Video with audio- Converting MPEG comes out pixelated

    I've got two problems.
    I know I need to convert my MPEG movie to another format, and I cannot remember which, in order for FCE to capture the audio that comes with it. Right?
    Do you know which format and specifications I need?
    I've been using an MPEG Streamclip program to convert, but whatever I try (I havent gotten to importing it to FCE, so I dont even know if the audio will come in there or not) the video comes out extremely pixelated. I know it can be remedied, because the original is in much better quality. Ive tried MPG4 an Quicktime movies, but nothing is working. Is it the frame rate? Anything else? I am drawing a blank.
    ANY help is GREATLY appreciated.

    From Streamclip export to QuickTime. Set the codec to DV NTSC and the frame rate to 29.97.

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