MS RDP Client for OSX

I have latest version of all software components.
[ALT GR] makes false character with for examle [a] [s] [d] [f] [g].

I'm using English keyboard layout so I'm not quite familar with others  - do you mean that in another layout the right Alt key will change to [ALT GR] (I searched and it is for typing special font)?
First will this work on a Windows system by default? If it will only work in MacOS, then it is not an issue but just not supported in Windows.
I tried to instore DE (Germany) and only rightALT+Q could get @ but nothing with asdfg.
With RDC in a MacBook, Alt+Q = œ, but still no asdfg.
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    Reflexvest wrote:
    I've been using it for 3 months without a problem.
    Maybe it's because I have office installed but I tought it was free to use?
    I underwent the same exact scenario. Installed MS Office (Home and Student), and also installed the RDC client. Worked for several months, and then gave me the "license expired" problem. Since it went a few months longer than the previous installation, which was not part of Office, I erroneously thought that the licensing problem was gone. Not so. Six months after install, it is dead. I think the Office version just gives you six months or so of usage, instead of three.
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    -- Daniel
    Message was edited by: daniel4632
    Message was edited by: daniel4632

    Would you please provide us the log file after reproducing the issue for further research.
    Microsoft Remote Desktop -> About Microsoft Remote Desktop -> Send log via email
    Jeremy Wu
    TechNet Community Support

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    Thank you

    Have you looked at "Chicken of the VNC"?
    (apparently playfully named after a brand of tinned tuna, here in the States, "Chicken of the Sea"...go figure
    Whatever -- it is not precisely RDP, since you are going to be controlling the desktop, and not making a virtual desktop connection. But if you only need one person to connect to the Win Machine, this might do it.

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    Thank you for posting in Windows Server Forum.
    Which version of RDP client you are using for your client systems?
    Please update to the latest available RDP client for machine.
    On RDS Server 2008 R2, please check following setting and verify. (Part 1 from below article) 
    1. Start the System tool. To start the System tool, click Start > Control Panel > System Icon and then click OK.
    2. Under Control Panel Home, click Remote settings. 
    3. Click the Remote tab. Under Remote Desktop, Select either option depending on your security requirements: 
       Select the option “Allow connections from computers from computers running any version of Remote Desktop (less secure)”
    4. Click OK and verify.
    Apart the issue may occur if a certificate on the terminal server is corrupted. Please try to
    delete the registry key for “X509 certificate” to verify. (Part 4 from below article) 
    You can get all above step by step guide from following article.
    Remote Desktop disconnected or can’t connect to remote computer or to Remote Desktop server (Terminal Server) that is running Windows Server 2008 R2
    Hope it helps!
    Dharmesh Solanki
    TechNet Community Support

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    Any advise appreciated. Happy to provide any logs.

    As this case has been quiet for a while.I need to close the case and will mark it as Answer. If you still have any issue,I suggest you ask in a new thread. 
    Thanks for your Support & understanding!
    Dharmesh Solanki
    TechNet Community Support

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    Process:         Microsoft Remote Desktop [56434]
    Path:            /Applications/Microsoft Remote Remote Desktop
    Version:         8.0.24308 (8.0.24308)
    App Item ID:     715768417
    App External ID: 224042646
    Code Type:       X86-64 (Native)
    Parent Process:  launchd [331]
    Date/Time:       2014-04-10 16:21:58.896 +1000
    OS Version:      Mac OS X Server 10.6.8 (10K549)
    Report Version:  6
    Interval Since Last Report:          11 sec
    Crashes Since Last Report:           1
    Per-App Interval Since Last Report:  7 sec
    Per-App Crashes Since Last Report:   1
    Anonymous UUID:                      1FCED11E-54A0-400D-8433-DE8DDFD05728
    Exception Type:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV)
    Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0xfffffffffffffffc
    Crashed Thread:  8
    Thread 8 Crashed:
    0             0x0000000172f937dd void HLW::bltImpl::bltWordImplDR<unsigned int>(unsigned char, unsigned char const*, int, HLW::Point const&, unsigned char*, int,
    HLW::Rectangle const&, unsigned char const*, int, unsigned int, unsigned int, int, int, unsigned int) + 6365
    1             0x0000000172f99827 void HLW::bltImpl::bltWordImpl<unsigned int>(unsigned char, unsigned char const*, int, HLW::Point const&, unsigned char*, int,
    HLW::Rectangle const&, unsigned char const*, int, unsigned int, unsigned int, int, int, unsigned int) + 167
    2             0x0000000172f7a305 HLW::Blt::blt(unsigned char, unsigned char const*, int, HLW::Point const&, unsigned char*, int, HLW::Rectangle const&, unsigned
    char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, int, int, unsigned int) + 2101
    3             0x0000000172f9c021 HLW::SoftwareRenderer::drawBlit(unsigned char, HLW::IBuffer*, HLW::Point const&, HLW::Rectangle const&, HLW::IBuffer*, HLW::Point
    const&) + 1345
    4             0x0000000172fc8cee HLW::Rdp::RenderManager::PatBltOrderImpl::threadedHandle() + 2060
    5             0x0000000172fc8f0d non-virtual thunk to HLW::Rdp::RenderManager::PatBltOrderImpl::threadedHandle() + 29
    6             0x0000000172fcd504 HLW::Rdp::RenderManager::OrderHandlingThread::run() + 114
    7             0x0000000172be6ead Gryps::Thread::threadFunc(void*) + 103
    8   libSystem.B.dylib                 0x00007fff876edfd6 _pthread_start + 331
    9   libSystem.B.dylib                 0x00007fff876ede89 thread_start + 13

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    you should not be getting that many crashes and unlike others here i don't see any strong reason to go to 7.2 other than to get to 7.2.1. i very strongly suspect you have dodgy AU's (probably around 218 of them) and if you have a look at your crash log it should show you why you are crashing. if you see an AU in the crash log it is telling you it is causing headaches. my guess is that upgrading is not going to solve your problems.
    just so you know, if everything is running as it should be logic will hardly ever crash. post up the crashed thread from your crash log next time it happens. also make sure that you have the proapp kit latest version.
    i know its deeply frustrating when things are going pear shaped. everyone but everyone feels that the stupid thing should just work and gets the over-whelming feeling that apple is supposed to make products that just work, that we paid good money for that level reliability and if it's going to act like this we might just as well have stayed with cheaper PC's. reality is, once you start throwing thrid party's into the mix it is really hard to keep control of reliabillity. if you took logic back to zero 3rd party plugs and in built audio, it would take fanatical fundamentalist to crash the thing. (having said that - i reckon i could)

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    Thank you

    I would like to know this as well.

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    get the DBD::Oracle Driver installed, because I don't have the ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/demo/
    Can anyone point me to where I can download the file for Oracle9i? And/or is there an Oracle9i client
    for us Mac users?

    As of now Oracle ODBC driver is not supported on MacOS platform. That's why ODBC Instant Client Package is missing in that page.

  • How to enable "remote printing" from a .rdp shortcut on OSX

    I cannot get my .rdp file to open with "forward printing devices" working on OSX (works fine on Windows).
    When I create an entry in RDP Client and check "forward printing devices", it works fine, but if I then export the configuration to a test.rdp file and run it, then the forward printing does not work.
    If I then import the test.rdp I just exported and open the session params, "forward printing devices" is not checked anymore.
    What is the param(s) that I should set in my test.rdp to forward the printers (same as checking the "forward printing devices" in the ui)?
    I have already tried the following:
    but it does not seem to work
    Thank you,

    It seems that the parameters we set in the .rdp file do not work for the app of Mac. You may have to configure this via UI.
    I will forward this issue to the product team.
    Thanks for your understanding.
    Jeremy Wu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Remote App and Desktop RDP client never succeed to logon the RDS gateway server running Windows 2012R2

    Remote App and Desktop RDP client never succeed to logon the RDS gateway server running Windows 2012R2
    1. Client Os : Windows 7 Pro
    2. Server OS : Windows Server 2012R2 with RDS broker and RDS Gateway server with 3.part Certificate  with friendly name activated.
    The  main problem is following: The RDP logon session never ends
    Any ideas ?
    Kenneth Knudsen
    Email : [email protected]
    mvh Kenneth Knudsen MCSE 2003 HP ASE

    Hi Kenneth,
    Here for your case suggest you to configure RDP session time limit so that your user can disconnect\log off once the specific time limit reached.
    You can setup the session time limit in different method.
    1. Open the Server Manager, select Remote Desktop Services.
    2. In Remote desktop Services, in right side you can drop down to collections.
    3. Select the collection which you want to edit the settings.
    4. Under collections Properties, select Task and then Edit Properties.
    5. In Properties dialog box, select Session.
    6. You can find all thetimeout settings under session collection properties; edit according to your requirements and then OK. 
    And apart also by group policy setting as below.
    Computer Configuration\Policies\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Remote Desktop Services\Remote Desktop Session Host\Session Time Limits 
    User Configuration\Policies\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Remote Desktop Services\Remote Desktop Session Host\Session Time Limits 
    -  Set time limit for disconnected sessions
    -  Set time limit for active but idle Remote Desktop Services sessions
    -  Set time limit for active Remote Desktop Services sessions
    -  End session when time limits are reached
    Please check which setting suitable for your environment and you can apply for your case.
    [Forum FAQ] Restrict number of Active Sessions in RDS 2012 and 2012 R2
    Hope it helps!
    Dharmesh Solanki
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]

  • Remote desktop connection issue with an RDP client while connecting to some of windows 2008 and 2003 operating system flavors and not receiving SDin value choice 26 from DomainMCSPDU

    Hi Team
    We have our RDP client and i came across with one issue "Expected data got 3" with this client.
    This issue is getting while connecting some of below operating system flavors.
    Microsoft Windows 2008 Enterprise edition
    Microsoft Windows 2008 Standard edition
    Microsoft Windows 2003 servers
    When we are trying to get RDP to those servers with our client, getting "Expected data got 3" error. One more main thing here is the specified error is not getting for all the servers of same operating system in above list.
    Able to get the RDP console for those servers using mstsc client.
    When i read the [MS-RDPBCGR] specification, i found the below points
    mcsSDin (variable): Variable-length PER-encoded MCS Domain PDU (DomainMCSPDU) which encapsulates an MCS Send Data Indication structure (SDin, choice 26 from DomainMCSPDU), as specified in [T125] section 11.33 (the ASN.1 structure definitions
    are given in [T125] section 7, parts 7 and 10). The userData field of the MCS Send Data Indication contains a Security Header and a Valid Client License Data (section structure.
    In my code i am not getting SDin value as 26. Is it the problem with Remote desktop Licensing in RDP servers as specified in the specification like "The userData field of the MCS Send Data Indication contains a Security Header and a Valid
    Client License Data (section structure."
    Could you please explain me is this issue is happening due to Licence configuration in RDP server and please provide support with server side configuration if any because our code works for other servers ?
    Thanks & Regards,
    Pavan G.

    Hello Pavan -
    Thanks for contacting Microsoft Support. I'm researching this for you and request you to please send me mail at dochelp @ Microsoft dot com so that I can share tools and techniques to collect some traces and analyze.
    Tarun Chopra | Escalation Engineer | Open Specifications Support Team

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