MSG.exe mutiple lined message

I cant seem to put a carriage return in a msg.exe line.  Purely for the professional look, I'd at least like the option to put in new lines.
Have tried: \n and ^
Any thoughts? Much appreciated

Direct your variable output to a text file, and it can be used for this. For example, here is part of a batch file I am using:
echo %userprofile%\Desktop\HDSerial - (%HDSerial%).txt > "%userprofile%\Desktop\HDSerial - (%HDSerial%).txt"
echo. >> "%userprofile%\Desktop\HDSerial - (%HDSerial%).txt"
echo %date% >> "%userprofile%\Desktop\HDSerial - (%HDSerial%).txt"
TIME /T >> "%userprofile%\Desktop\HDSerial - (%HDSerial%).txt"
echo. >> "%userprofile%\Desktop\HDSerial - (%HDSerial%).txt"
echo Hard Drive S/N is: %HDSerial% >> "%userprofile%\Desktop\HDSerial - (%HDSerial%).txt"
msg %username% /time:60 <"%userprofile%\Desktop\HDSerial - (%HDSerial%).txt"

Similar Messages

  • Msg.exe Error 5 Getting Session Names

    Ok after 2 days of research and messing with policys i still have yet to resolve this issue. Due to vista not having netsend anymore I tried using the msg.exe command. So far I have got it to work just on my local computer. But sending it to other vista computers It gives me an error:
    Error 5 getting session names
    I am computer Atlantis
    Destination: computer designated as "Challenger"
    Both running Vista Business SP1
    msg /server:atlantis admin "Test Message"
    (local to local pc works)
    msg /server:challenger admin "Test Message"
    ---> Response: "Error 5 Getting Session Names"
    We are in the same work group, we are not part of a domain
    Any help would be appreciated. From reading it seems to be a policy edit that needs to be changed, but I do not know what to change, so any detailed instructions would be greatly appreciated...
    Alternative i tried: Also i downloaded netsend by and I can only send the message to XP computers. I cannot send a message to even myself. 

    Based on some discussions about this topic, some community members provide the following tool as the replacement of net send that is not included in Windows Vista:
    It’s said to support Windows Vista. Please give it a try. 
    Important Note: This response contains a reference to a third party World Wide Web site. Microsoft is providing this information as a convenience to you. Microsoft does not control these sites and has not tested any software or information found on these sites; therefore, Microsoft cannot make any representations regarding the quality, safety, or suitability of any software or information found there. There are inherent dangers in the use of any software found on the Internet, and Microsoft cautions you to make sure that you completely understand the risk before retrieving any software from the Internet.

  • Download msg.exe on windows 8

    I have a windows 8 computer.
    and after windows 7 Microsoft took msg.exe of there operating system (msg.exe is an application used for sending messages to other computers on your network threw the cmd)
    where is the best place I can download msg.exe and install msg.exe so it will work on my windows 8 computer.

    The Windows Desktop Perfmon and Diagnostic tools forum is to discuss performance monitor (perfmon), resource monitor (resmon), and task manager, focusing on HOW-TO, Errors/Problems, and usage scenarios.
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  • What to do if Windows displays an "iTunes.exe - Corrupt File" message

    Greetings fellow Podders, Resident Furball here...
    It is about time that I produced a single post for all the chkdsk issues that we've been discussing since November 2004. The Apple KB article seems to cover the major points succinctly, but we need to address the more serious variations and flavours of the problem.
    What to do if Windows displays an "iTunes.exe - Corrupt File" message
    Many users are coming across this seemingly distressing error message in Windows when connecting their iPods. As described in Apple KB Article 300554, the message reads:
    iTunes: iTunes.exe - Corrupt File
    The file or directory \iPod_Control\iTunes\????????? is corrupt and unreadable. Please run the Chkdsk utility.
    and the ????????? can be anything (eg. sysinfo, Temp1, DeviceInfo etc.).
    Don't panic!
    If you do see this, don't worry, and don't panic. Contrary to what the error message reads, this issue actually has very little to do with iTunes. The iPod_Control is the key to this - because this folder doesn't even exist in iTunes... it's on the iPod!! Installing and uninstalling iTunes really won't do you much good at all... it's the iPod that needs attention.
    What's causing this error?
    To be honest, we don't know. We saw a massive number of reports of this issue back in November 2004, because iPod Updater 2004-11-15 contained a firmware bug that corrupted iPod system files when the Pod entered Deep Sleep.
    But this firmware bug was corrected in iPod Updater 2005-06-26.
    Of late, we have seen a resurgence in chkdsk errors on Discussions. Some of these are caused by the old buggy firmware that people still have. Some of the errors are more serious and are hardware and operating system-related. But we have still to pin down the exact cause of this error.
    Okay, so what do I do if I see this error?
    In short, as Apple have recommended in their KB article:
    Restore your iPod, using the latest iPod Updater.
    Follow the instructions carefully. Ensure that you download the iPod Updater. Ensure that you install it, and then ensure that you run it with the iPod connected and follow the prompts to the letter.
    The broad majority of the errors are painlessly fixed this way. Of course, it does mean that your iPod will be wiped, so make sure that you have your music/data backed up, and/or present in iTunes so you can resynchronise it when you have finished Restoring.
    Okay, I've Restored, but the error is still coming up
    Are you sure you've Restored? Quite a number of folks are assuming that just downloading the iPod Updater is enough. It's not. And neither is downloading iPod Updater, and installing it on your computer. It needs to be implemented on the iPod, according to the iPod Updater instructions.
    Okay, so if you have Restored your iPod, and you are still getting this error, then you have a variety of options available.
    Chkdsk errors that are not fixed with a Restore are most likely down to two things:
    1) A physical issue on the iPod itself
    2) An issue on the computer's operating system
    Here's where it gets woolly. There are a variety of things you could try...
    Format the iPod in Windows
    This would usually have the same effect as a Restore, but a deep-level format in Windows is something that Apple have recommended in the past, as a last resort to completely wipe the iPod before performing a Restore with iPod Updater. This process wipes the iPod.
    To do this:
    1) Enable Disk Mode on the iPod. You can do this either in iTunes (which is best), or manually on the iPod itself.
    2) Open My Computer and locate your iPod
    3) Right-click the iPod and select Format
    4) Leave the parameters set at their defaults, and ensure Quick Format is unchecked
    5) Hit Format
    6) Then Restore your iPod as normal.
    Run the Chkdsk utility
    You could run the chkdsk utility on your iPod. But Restoring your iPod has the same effect as running chkdsk. Chkdsk does not wipe your iPod.
    1) Enable Disk Mode as above
    2) Determine the drive letter of your iPod from My Computer
    3) Go to Start, Run
    4) Type cmd. Hit Enter to take you to the Command Prompt.
    5) Type chkdsk /f X:, where X is the drive letter of your iPod. Hit Enter, and any corrupt files are found and corrected.
    Run Windows ScanDisk
    ScanDisk is the Windows version of Chkdsk. It does not wipe your iPod.
    1) Enable Disk Mode
    2) Right-click the iPod in My Computer, select Properties
    3) Select Tools
    4) Select the option to scan the disk for errors
    Try changing the Drive Letter of the iPod
    Sometimes Windows confuses the drive letters, and this can cause the iPod to be adversely affected. Try the instructions detailed in Apple KB Article 93499 to change the drive letter of the iPod. This does not wipe your iPod.
    Try changing Hardware Policies for the iPod
    The Hardware Policies in Windows have been known to affect the way in which the iPod connects, synchronises, and disconnects. This does not wipe your iPod.
    1) Enable Disk Mode so the iPod appears in My Computer
    2) Right-click the iPod in My Computer
    3) Select Properties
    4) Select Hardware Policies
    5) Select Optimize for Performance (instead of Optimize for Removal)
    6) Restart your computer.
    Contact Apple for a replacement iPod
    Some chkdsk issues have been caused by faulty hardware. As a last resort, contact Apple Support by phone to report your issue, and/or request an iPod Service.
    If you explain that you have followed all these steps, you should have a strong case for obtaining a replacement iPod.
    Thank you to everyone for their continued support, kindness and excellent troubleshooting skills here on Discussions. There are countless people that I am deeply grateful to for their assistance in handling this issue. Rest assured folks, you have made me the Discussions Furball that I am today.
    Happy Podding folks!
    Kind regards,
    1) The Original Corrupt iPod File thread from 2004. (Credit: AbbyM)
    2) Our Summary and Index threads to consolidate the chkdsk issue at the height of its reign of terror.
    3) Chkdsk is fixed by iPod Updater 2005-06-26.
    4) Different flavours of chkdsk.
    5) Happy Birthday chkdsk!.
    6) Apple Level 2 Technical Support officially close the chkdsk casefile. (Credit: Apple Level 2)
    7) Chkdsk can be fixed by changing the drive letter of the iPod. (Credit: daisysnroses, jchiu8)
    8) Chkdsk can be fixed by changing the hardware policy. (Credit: Bruce Finn)
    9) Chkdsk caused by faulty hardware. (Credit: Kiwi_Bloke)

    iPod Updater 2006-03-23 has been released
    iPod Updater 2006-03-23 includes iPod Software 1.1.1 for the new iPod and new iPod Software 1.1.1 for iPod nano.
    iPod Updater 2006-03-23 contains the same software versions as iPod Updater 2006-01-10 for all other iPod models.
    What's new in iPod Updater 2006-03-23:
    - Volume limit
    - Bug fixes
    I have been trying to ascertain from Apple Support Level 2 as to whether the latest iPod firmware improves or provides better resolution for the chkdsk issue. If anyone has been using iPod Updater 2006-03-23 to resolve their chkdsk woes, feel free to post in here just to say how things worked out for you...
    Kind regards,

  • Itune.exe -Corrupt File message

    I have an Ipod Nano which has been working fine for a long while.
    Today for no apparent reason, I got I got the following error message when I attached the ipod to the usb wire:
    "itune.exe-corrupt file
    ipod_control/iTune/iTunesPrefs is corrupt and unreadable. Please run the Chkdsk utility."
    In addition, I also get the Ipod Set Assistant dialog box each time I plug in the ipod as if it were the very first time plugging it in.
    I tried rebooting the computer (several times) and I also tried reinstalling the itunes software cd and still get the same message and same problem.
    Any ideas on how I can solve this problem. It is pretty upsetting

    See this.
    What to do if Windows displays an "itunes.exe - Corrupt File" message.

  • MSG.EXE Error 1722 getting session names?

    I have a vista and whenever I send msg to someone else on my "workgroup" it says "Error 1722 Getting session names. I tried msg /?. It sends a message to myself though... ("msg /server:COMPUTERNAME USERNAME "MESSAGE")

    Please try the following steps:
    Before modify the registry keys, please take a backup of the key. For more information about how to back up and restore the registry, please click the
    following link to view the article:
    Back up the registry
    Please add the following registry entry with logon script:
    HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server
    Name : AllowRemoteRPC
    Type : REG_DWORD
    Value : 1
    Net Send in Windows Vista
    How to configure RPC dynamic port allocation to work with firewalls
    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties or guarantees, and confers no rights. |Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question.
    This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

  • RoboHTM.exe - Application Error message

    In one of my RH5 projects, I'm getting the RoboHTML.exe
    Application Error message "Instructions at ...referenced memory at
    ... . The memory cannot be read. Seems to happen when I try to
    create a new template or when I try to change the template assigned
    to a specific topic.
    Each time the project crashed, I tried to recreate the same
    template but it was already there. So I tried importing it but that
    didn't work.
    Although I'm using FlashHelp, which reports the hhp file as
    "unused." I tried Peter Grainge's suggestion regarding deleting xpj
    and cpd files and then using the hhp file to recreate my project
    files. This was fine except all of the templates that I had created
    vanished from the template folder. Because they were missing from
    the Templates folder, I was again confused as to what I should do
    as far as deleting or importing the templates to ensure that my
    version info displayed in the topic footers..
    I want to convert this project to Rh6 but am hesitant to do
    so until I've debugged the problem with this intermittent

    This has been covered in the forums before, but instead of searching, try this:
    Search for the file "cmsnxeye.exe" yields three locations:
    1) C:\Program Files\TARGUS\ACP50\Driver\CMdrv
    2) C:\windows\system
    3) C:\windows\prefetch\
    Delete the files in BOTH 2) and 3) and reboot. Let the board know how you do.
    T520 4239-CTO
    T61/p 6459-CTO (Gone but not forgotten)
    A31/p XP Pro 1 gig memory
    A30/p XP Pro 1 gig memory
    TP600 Win 2K 288 mb memory
    701C Win 98 Don't ask

  • Disp+work.exe running but  Message Server Unreachable

    Hi all,
      I am new bee to this forum. can anybody guide me about this problem. i was working around for the past 4 days. still i was not able to find out the solution for this problem. when i am trying to connect SAP Server through SAPGUI, it was not connecting. i cross check with SAP MMC in the process list only one process was running (Message service) remaing processes were stopped. but disp+work.exe was running but with error message as <b>"Running but message server unreachable"</b>. as per my knowledge this may be problem with sapmsg.ini. plz let me know how to fix this problem.

    I have same problem after installation SAPNW7. TrialSP12.
    I'm running virtual MS Windows SP2 using VMWare Workstation 8.0
    dev_ms is attached.
    trc file: "dev_ms", trc level: 1, release: "700"
    [Thr 3436] Sat May 12 11:17:33 2012
    [Thr 3436] MsSSetTrcLog: trc logging active, max size = 20971520 bytes
    systemid   560 (PC with Windows NT)
    relno      7000
    patchlevel 0
    patchno    94
    intno      20050900
    make:      multithreaded, ASCII, optimized
    pid        3432
    [Thr 3436] ***LOG Q01=> MsSInit, MSStart (Msg Server 1 3432) [msxxserv.c   1824]
    [Thr 3436] MsInitAclInfo: acl file D:\NSP\SYS\global\ms_acl_info.DAT not found, unrestricted access
    [Thr 3436] MsGetOwnIpAddr: my host addresses are :
    [Thr 3436]   1 : [] sap.localhost (HOSTNAME)
    [Thr 3436]   2 : [] localhost (LOCALHOST)
    [Thr 3436]   3 : [] allon-51c22207c.corp.loc (NILIST)
    [Thr 3436] MsHttpInit: full qualified hostname = sap.localhost
    [Thr 3436] HTTP logging is switch off
    [Thr 3436] set HTTP state to LISTEN
    [Thr 3436] MsHttpOwnDomain: own domain[1] = localhost
    [Thr 3436] ms/icf_info_server : deleted
    [Thr 3436] *** I listen to port sapmsNSP (3600) ***
    [Thr 3436] *** I listen to internal port 3900 (3900) ***
    [Thr 3436] *** HTTP port 8100 state LISTEN ***
    [Thr 3436] CUSTOMER KEY: >I1895797210<
    [Thr 3436] Sat May 12 11:28:22 2012
    [Thr 3436] *** ERROR => MsSCheckConnections: no response from client C0 ( after 300 secs received [msxxserv.c   3165]
    [Thr 3436] *** ERROR => MsSCheckConnections: disconnect now [] [msxxserv.c   3169]

  • CmSNXeye.exe application error message Targus related

    My computer was attacked by a virus and  MS antivirus fixed the problem.  After re-booting I keep getting the following error message-  "0x7c910f29" referenced memory at "0x000000000". The memory could not be read. CmSNXeye.exe application error.        I called for service and was told it had to do with my Targus docking station and USB replicator.  This error message comes up about every minute or so.  When I click on it, it goes away, but it is annoying.  Is there a solution to this problem that a computer illiterate person like me can solve?

    This has been covered in the forums before, but instead of searching, try this:
    Search for the file "cmsnxeye.exe" yields three locations:
    1) C:\Program Files\TARGUS\ACP50\Driver\CMdrv
    2) C:\windows\system
    3) C:\windows\prefetch\
    Delete the files in BOTH 2) and 3) and reboot. Let the board know how you do.
    T520 4239-CTO
    T61/p 6459-CTO (Gone but not forgotten)
    A31/p XP Pro 1 gig memory
    A30/p XP Pro 1 gig memory
    TP600 Win 2K 288 mb memory
    701C Win 98 Don't ask

  • Jcontrol.exe not starting - message server error

    Hello Experts,
    My jcontrol.exe is not staring and showing  the status as "Some of the processes running" from long time. It is not coming to the status "Running". I had restarted, but still faces the same issue. I am sure that i had not installed or configured anything on the machine prior to this issue. We are working on Netweaver 2004s sp17.
    my dev_control log file shows this:
    [Thr 4812] JControlICheckProcessList: process server0 started (PID:2112)
    JControlStartJLaunch: program = D:\usr\sap\NSP\JC01\exe\jlaunch.exe
    -> arg[00] = D:\usr\sap\NSP\JC01\exe\jlaunch.exe
    -> arg[01] = pf=D:\usr\sap\NSP\SYS\profile\NSP_JC01_NSPCLNT000
    -> arg[02] = -DSAPINFO=NSP_01_sdm
    -> arg[03] = -nodeId=2
    -> arg[04] = -file=D:\usr\sap\NSP\JC01\SDM\program\config\
    -> arg[05] = -syncSem=JSTARTUP_WAIT_ON_4796
    -> arg[06] = -nodeName=sdm
    -> arg[07] = -jvmOutFile=D:\usr\sap\NSP\JC01\work\jvm_sdm.out
    -> arg[08] = -stdOutFile=D:\usr\sap\NSP\JC01\work\std_sdm.out
    -> arg[09] = -locOutFile=D:\usr\sap\NSP\JC01\work\dev_sdm
    -> arg[10] = -mode=JCONTROL
    -> arg[11] = pf=D:\usr\sap\NSP\SYS\profile\NSP_JC01_NSPCLNT000
    -> lib path = PATH=D:\j2sdk1.4.2_09
    jre\bin;C:\Program Files\HP\NCU;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\binn\;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\DTS\Binn\;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\Binn\VSShell\Common7\IDE\;D:\j2sdk1.4.2_09\bin\;D:\usr\sap\NSP\SYS\exe\uc\NTI386
    -> exe path = PATH=D:\j2sdk1.4.2_09
    bin;D:\usr\sap\NSP\JC01\j2ee\os_libs;C:\Program Files\HP\NCU;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\binn\;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\DTS\Binn\;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\Binn\VSShell\Common7\IDE\;D:\j2sdk1.4.2_09\bin\;D:\usr\sap\NSP\SYS\exe\uc\NTI386
    [Thr 4812] JControlICheckProcessList: process SDM started (PID:3660)
    [Thr 4812] JControlMSSendLogon: delete SDM logon information (rc=0)
    [Thr 4812] Wed Nov 11 11:53:17 2009
    [Thr 4812] JControlMSSendLogon: insert SDM logon information (port=50118; rc=0)
    my dev_control.b00 shows below
    [Thr 7316] JControlICheckProcessList: process SDM started (PID:944)
    [Thr 7316] *** ERROR => MsIModState: not_attached [msxxi.c      3838]
    [Thr 7316] *** ERROR => Can't modify message server state (state = 3, rc = -3) [jcntrms.c    841]
    [Thr 6628] Wed Nov 11 11:48:33 2009
    [Thr 6628] ***LOG Q0I=> NiPConnect2: connect (10061: WSAECONNREFUSED: Connection refused) [nixxi.cpp 2823]
    [Thr 6628] *** ERROR => NiPConnect2: SiPeekPendConn failed for hdl 0 / sock 1684
        (SI_ECONN_REFUSE/10061; I4; ST; [nixxi.cpp    2823]
    [Thr 6628] *** ERROR => MsIAttachEx: NiBufConnect to NSPCLNT000/3900 failed (rc=NIECONN_REFUSED) [msxxi.c      652]
    [Thr 6628] *** WARNING => Can't reconnect to message server (NSPCLNT000/3900) [rc = -100]-> reconnect [jcntrms.c    368]
    [Thr 5636] Wed Nov 11 11:48:35 2009
    [Thr 5636] JControlSigInt: signal = 2
    [Thr 5636] JControlIStopInstance: shutting down (command: 0)
    [Thr 5636] *** ERROR => MsIModState: not_attached [msxxi.c      3838]
    [Thr 5636] *** ERROR => Can't modify message server state (state = 6, rc = -3) [jcntrms.c    841]
    [Thr 5636] JControlIProcessSoftKill: soft kill of process dispatcher (pid:5536)
    [Thr 5636] JControlIProcessSoftKill: soft kill of process server0 (pid:2232)
    [Thr 5636] JControlIProcessSoftKill: soft kill of process SDM (pid:944)
    [Thr 7316] JControlICheckProcessList: process dispatcher (pid:5536) died (STOPPING)
    [Thr 7316] JControlIResetProcess: reset process dispatcher
    [Thr 7316] JControlICheckProcessList: process server0 (pid:2232) died (STOPPING)
    [Thr 7316] JControlIResetProcess: reset process server0
    [Thr 7316] JControlICheckProcessList: process SDM (pid:944) died (STOPPING)
    [Thr 7316] JControlIResetProcess: reset process SDM
    [Thr 7316] *** ERROR => MsIModState: not_attached [msxxi.c      3838]
    [Thr 7316] *** ERROR => Can't modify message server state (state = 7, rc = -3) [jcntrms.c    841]
    [Thr 7316] JControlCloseProgram: started (exitcode = 0)
    [Thr 6628] Wed Nov 11 11:48:39 2009
    [Thr 6628] ***LOG Q0I=> NiPConnect2: connect (10061: WSAECONNREFUSED: Connection refused) [nixxi.cpp 2823]
    [Thr 6628] *** ERROR => NiPConnect2: SiPeekPendConn failed for hdl 0 / sock 1744
        (SI_ECONN_REFUSE/10061; I4; ST; [nixxi.cpp    2823]
    [Thr 6628] *** ERROR => MsIAttachEx: NiBufConnect to NSPCLNT000/3900 failed (rc=NIECONN_REFUSED) [msxxi.c      652]
    [Thr 6628] *** WARNING => Can't reconnect to message server (NSPCLNT000/3900) [rc = -100]-> reconnect [jcntrms.c    368]
    But, here my message server settings are correct, i did not changes those.
    any help will be appreciated.
    Thanks in Advance
    Sunil Chiluveru

    Could anyone help me in solving this issue...
    Unable to resolve this issue....
    server0 is hanging after this below text in log file
    JHVM_BuildArgumentList: main method arguments of node [server0]
    [Thr 6136] Wed Nov 18 10:24:05 2009
    [Thr 6136] JHVM_RegisterNatives: registering methods in
    [Thr 6136] JHVM_RegisterNatives: registering methods in
    [Thr 6136] JLaunchISetClusterId: set cluster id 12432550
    [Thr 6136] JLaunchISetState: change state from [Initial (0)] to [Waiting for start (1)]
    [Thr 6136] JLaunchISetState: change state from [Waiting for start (1)] to [Starting (2)]
    [Thr 5860] Wed Nov 18 10:27:45 2009
    [Thr 5860] JHVM_RegisterNatives: registering methods in
    [Thr 6488] Wed Nov 18 10:27:49 2009
    [Thr 6488] JHVM_RegisterNatives: registering methods in
    [Thr 6136] Wed Nov 18 10:28:09 2009
    [Thr 6136] JLaunchISetState: change state from [Starting (2)] to [Starting applications (10)]
    Wed Nov 18 10:31:30 2009
    Excluding compile:

  • BT Softphone (Crash.exe) initialise error message

    On ether start up and (or) shutdown, i get a message saying that Crash.exe or Crash.dll has failed to initialise! This message appears intermittently on startup or shutdown.
    Having looked this routine up, it appears to reside in the BT softphone directories etc.
    i've tried reinstalling the softphone program, with no joy in fixing it. Also, i've tried disabling both the firewall and anti-virus programs with no joy there ether!
    Has anyone any idea how to fix this?

    Hi Challenger,
    Sorry you have had trouble with softphone.  It could just be a corrupted download. Have a look through our self help and troubleshooting here.
    Let me know how you get on.
    BTCare Community Mod
    If we have asked you to email us with your details, please make sure you are logged in to the forum, otherwise you will not be able to see our ‘Contact Us’ link within our profiles.
    We are sorry but we are unable to deal with service/account queries via the private message(PM) function so please don't PM your account info, we need to deal with this via our email account :-)”
    td-p/30">Ratings star on the left-hand side of the post.
    If someone answers your question correctly please let other members know by clicking on ’Mark as Accepted Solution’.

  • Satellite P100-238 freezes after an svchost.exe program error message:

    PC: Satellite P100-238 from December 2006.
    approx. a minute after startup i get an error message:
    svchost.exe - programfejl
    Instruktionen ved "0x745f278o" refererede hukommelse ved "0x00000000". Hukommelsen kunne ikke "read".
    Klik p OK for at afslutte program.
    Klik p Annuller for at udfe fejlfinding i programmet.
    English translation:
    svchost.exe - program error
    Instruction on "0x745f278o" refered memory on "0x00000000". Memory could not "read".
    Click OK for ending program
    Click Cansel to do error search in the program.
    After the above error message the PC freezes totally and I can only turn it off by the on/off button.
    What has happened with my PC?
    What should i do?
    How do I get access to my data to make a backup?

    I goggled a little bit in the net for some help and I was surprised that many Windows users have had the same problem
    So I thought there must be generally something wrong with the windows operating system.
    I have investigated a little bit in the MS knowledge base and found this:
    According to the MS info this problem may occur when you have Microsoft Office installed and the Windows Update Agent tries to scan for Windows Installer updates.

  • Executing windows msg command to send message to connected servers

    In my application I want to send messages through windows msg command to the coneected machines.I tried the following code,
    Process p=Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cmd /c msg * / test");
    But it is not sending the message properly.When I execute "msg * / test" in the command prompt it sends a message to the server with message"test" in a dialog box. I wnated to do the same in Java. Can anyone help me on this?
    Also I tried the following combinations, none of them is working,
    Process p=Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cmd /c start msg * / test");
    Process p=Runtime.getRuntime().exec("c:
    command /c msg * / test");
    Process p=Runtime.getRuntime().exec("msg * / test");
    Process p=Runtime.getRuntime().exec("msg * // test");
    Process p=Runtime.getRuntime().exec("msg * test");

    Have you read "When Runtime.exec () won't" ?

  • Howto config msg policies for dead message queue (dmq) outside Glassfish?

    The one thing I really love about OpenMQ is that I can have a centralized message store with a cluster of JMS nodes interacting with it.
    I'm now at a contract gig which is pretty much a Tomcat/Spring only shop. I've setup OpenMQ 4.3 w/ MySQL message store and am using Bitronix Transaction Manager (BTM) to pool my XA connections and manage the transactions that are instrumented via AspectJ from the Spring configuration.
    I have two issues really ...
    1) The Spring DefaultMessageListenerContainer does not seem to think it needs to pull messages off the queue unless there is more than one message in the queue. It behaves as if it needs to be primed with messages. I would blame it on DefaultMessageListenerContainer if not for the fact that when I do the same thing with ActiveMQ it works fine.
    2) ActiveMQ has this cool [RedeliveryPolicy object|] that you can associate with the connection factory. The com.sun.messaging.XAQueueConnectionFactory has no such settings. What limited amount of similar setting exist in OpenMQ seem to be associated with the ActivationSpec which seems to be more related to resource adapters as run from within an app server like Glassfish. My guess that it is outside the realm of configuration for OpenMQ is based on the fact that the default for endpointExceptionRedeliveryAttempts is 6 and when I enable transactions for my queue the messages will thrash indefinitely when they start hitting exceptions.
    So, how do I configure a message delivery policy for OpenMQ outside of Glassfish? Or is the notion of a dead message queue (dmq) completely useless for OpenMQ without Glassfish?
    Steve Maring

    OpenMQ does not have such a feature. The only thing you can do is to disable or enable DMQ delivery per destination. There is no way of configuring the number of redeliveries before message gets moved to DMQ.

  • Setup.exe - Bad Image Message

    I can't download office 2010 because I keep getting the following message: 
    c:\progra~2\common~1\micros~1\office12\msoxmlmf.dll either not designed to run on Windows or it contains an error.  Try installing the program again using the original installation media
    or contact your system administrator or the software vendor for support.  
    I can't reinstall, because I get the same message, please help

    restore the system from a ghost image not containing microsoft office. The XP pro image has all of the updates to microsoft xp pro.
    Update to office pro 2007 and add patches. This was our solution no more dll errros when running the sbs audit tools.
    The cause of the dll error , just update an office 2007 to office 2010 and add the office patches.
    This caused the dll errors on all of our desktops and laptops while running the sbs audit tools. We found in all cases the update of office 2007 would generate the errors on our setups.
    Just to make sure this was the cause we installed office 2007 and updated to 2010 xp pro and added all patches on our ghost image.
    Inserted the sbs tool audit cd and tried to save a ms word tech or business audit and the dll file not found appears and unable to run other ms office products.
    We also tried to uninstall office 2007 and update to 2010 but the dll error still appears. The ghost image works if installing office 2010 without an office 2007 install
    my suggstion would be to never update a office 2007 but run office 2010 since its a much better product.
    This also improves on performance if you never update office 2007 , this helps more than anything. 

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