Msmqt port Issue

In my Biztalk server 2006 interface has two orhestration.First Orhestration just get xml message from file adapter and send to the Msmqt Port. My second Orhestation Receive xml message from Msmqt and send the file to the some location. What is my issue is
first orhestration complected to recive message but when send  the message to the msmqt port is dehydrated.
Would I need to do something to setup for MSMQt port?
Please help me

If Your MSMQ adapter is not taking up the and message is  in dehydrated state than it means you are unable to connect to MQ .I would suggest to check the event log for the  transport errors which will give u idea about the real cause of error.
I would suspect it will be some authentication issue which you need to resolve

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    Try resetting SMC.
      Reset SMC.
      Choose the appropriate method.
      "Resetting SMC on portables with a battery you should not remove on your own".

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    Thank you

    Hello everyone,
    Sorry for the delay in all of this and thank you for the input.
    Specs are below, and this is something currently in the process of being upgraded.
    I7 4790k / MSI Gaming 5 / Sirtec 500W / 8 gb ram  Corsair Vengeance / AMD sapphire 7970 GHZ / one single HDD 1 GB
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    Welcome to the EE Community! Wow, you're a patient one! Waiting a whole year is a very long time - I'd definitely advise you contact the team again to get this put on the radar again. Here's how to get in touch with the EE Customer Service team:
    If you're on Twitter, you can tweet them @EE, however If you'd prefer to talk to someone, you can dial:
    150 from your EE mobile phone
    If you're ringing from another phone, it's 01707 315000
    For handy text codes & more, check out this page: Cheers,
    Was my post helpful? Please take 2 seconds to hit the 'Kudos' button below

  • Open port issues with Direct Print functionality

    Hi, I have been fighting with HP call support about the Photosmart 7525 printer.
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    I assume some are for Apple devices to print.
    Here is my sniffing report:
    Starting Nmap 6.40 ( ) at 2014-03-21 07:57 Central Daylight TimeNSE: Loaded 110 scripts for scanning.NSE: Script Pre-scanning.Initiating ARP Ping Scan at 07:57Scanning [1 port]Completed ARP Ping Scan at 07:57, 0.23s elapsed (1 total hosts)Initiating Parallel DNS resolution of 1 host. at 07:57Completed Parallel DNS resolution of 1 host. at 07:58, 16.50s elapsedInitiating SYN Stealth Scan at 07:58Scanning [1000 ports]Discovered open port 445/tcp on open port 139/tcp on open port 80/tcp on open port 443/tcp on open port 8080/tcp on open port 9220/tcp on open port 6839/tcp on open port 631/tcp on open port 7435/tcp on open port 8089/tcp on open port 9100/tcp on SYN Stealth Scan at 07:58, 1.71s elapsed (1000 total ports)Initiating UDP Scan at 07:58Scanning [1000 ports]Discovered open port 5353/udp on UDP Scan at 07:58, 1.82s elapsed (1000 total ports)Initiating Service scan at 07:58Scanning 20 services on open port 161/udp on open|filtered port 161/udp on is actually open
    Starting Nmap 6.40 ( ) at 2014-03-21 07:51 Central Daylight TimeNmap scan report for is up (0.0025s latency).Not shown: 93 closed portsPORT     STATE SERVICE     VERSION80/tcp   open  http        HP Photosmart 7520 series printer http config (Serial TH3AS711XZ05YZ)139/tcp  open  tcpwrapped443/tcp  open  ssl/http    HP Photosmart 7520 series printer http config (Serial TH3AS711XZ05YZ)445/tcp  open  netbios-ssn631/tcp  open  http        HP Photosmart 7520 series printer http config (Serial TH3AS711XZ05YZ)8080/tcp open  http        HP Photosmart 7520 series printer http config (Serial TH3AS711XZ05YZ)9100/tcp open  jetdirect?MAC Address: A03:C1:BD:C8:34 (Unknown)Device type: printer|general purposeRunning: HP embedded, Wind River VxWorksOS CPE: cpe:/h:hp:laserjet_cm1415fnw cpe:/h:hp:laserjet_cp1525nw cpe:/h:hp:laserjet_1536dnf cpe:/o:windriver:vxworksOS details: HP LaserJet CM1415fnw, CP1525nw, or 1536dnf printer, VxWorksNetwork Distance: 1 hopService Info: Device: printer; CPE: cpe:/h:hphotosmart_7520OS and Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at .Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 34.11 seconds

    OK now I am able to run a full scan on TCP ports without causing a lock up of the printer.
    I found that having the printer connect to a router that has been setup to use channel 5, 6 or 7 will cause port scanning issues with the printer.
    It is obvious that there are 18 ports that are seen as open, whether they are used or not. Two of which are active but have no service connected to them. Some are just dead like port 25, but over half are active enough to recieve data and lock network connectivity within the printer.
    As the firmware states some other laser jets may be affected depending on how the configuration can be set.
    I moved my routers channel to channel 1 as it is the only other option I have in a highly congested location. It is not as good as channel 6, but the printer seems to have channel 6 locked in for direct printing.
    Here is the latest full scan with UDP enabled, it is the furthest and most complete scan I am able to complete, with UDP ports enabled. The TCP port scan has a bit more and I have placed a simple list below the information given here:
    Starting Nmap 6.40 ( ) at 2014-03-21 13:27 Central Daylight Time
    NSE: Loaded 110 scripts for scanning.
    NSE: Script Pre-scanning.
    Initiating ARP Ping Scan at 13:27
    Scanning [1 port]
    Completed ARP Ping Scan at 13:27, 0.44s elapsed (1 total hosts)
    Initiating Parallel DNS resolution of 1 host. at 13:27
    Completed Parallel DNS resolution of 1 host. at 13:27, 0.03s elapsed
    Initiating SYN Stealth Scan at 13:27
    Scanning [1000 ports]
    Discovered open port 443/tcp on
    Discovered open port 80/tcp on
    Discovered open port 139/tcp on
    Discovered open port 8080/tcp on
    Discovered open port 445/tcp on
    Discovered open port 631/tcp on
    Discovered open port 9100/tcp on
    Discovered open port 7435/tcp on
    Discovered open port 9220/tcp on
    Discovered open port 6839/tcp on
    Completed SYN Stealth Scan at 13:27, 5.25s elapsed (1000 total ports)
    Initiating UDP Scan at 13:27
    Scanning [1000 ports]
    Discovered open port 137/udp on
    Completed UDP Scan at 13:27, 4.46s elapsed (1000 total ports)
    Initiating Service scan at 13:27
    Scanning 16 services on
    Discovered open port 161/udp on
    Discovered open|filtered port 161/udp on is actually open
    Completed Service scan at 13:29, 82.51s elapsed (17 services on 1 host)
    Initiating OS detection (try #1) against
    NSE: Script scanning
    Initiating NSE at 13:29
    Completed NSE at 13:30, 82.29s elapsed
    Nmap scan report for
    Host is up (0.023s latency).
    Not shown: 1983 closed ports
    PORT     STATE         SERVICE      VERSION
    80/tcp   open          http         HP Photosmart 7520 series printer http config (Serial TH3AS711XZ05YZ)
    |_http-favicon: Unknown favicon MD5: 76C6E492CB8CC73A2A50D62176F205C9
    | http-methods: GET POST PUT DELETE
    | Potentially risky methods: PUT DELETE
    |_http-title: Site doesn't have a title (text/html).
    139/tcp  open          tcpwrapped
    443/tcp  open          ssl/http     HP Photosmart 7520 series printer http config (Serial TH3AS711XZ05YZ)
    |_http-favicon: Unknown favicon MD5: 76C6E492CB8CC73A2A50D62176F205C9
    | http-methods: GET POST PUT DELETE
    | Potentially risky methods: PUT DELETE
    |_http-title: Site doesn't have a title (text/html).
    | ssl-cert: Subject: commonName=HPPS7525/organizationName=HP/stateOrProvinceName=Washington/countryName=US
    | Issuer: commonName=HPPS7525/organizationName=HP/stateOrProvinceName=Washington/countryName=US
    | Public Key type: rsa
    | Public Key bits: 1024
    | Not valid before: 2014-02-25T10:12:24+00:00
    | Not valid after:  2034-02-20T10:12:24+00:00
    | MD5:   9144 ca3b 557e 09cc aba0 8387 2732 2375
    |_SHA-1: a6b2 95c0 b72a 7201 578c 32de 662a e6fe b082 48ca
    |_ssl-date: 2014-03-21T13:30:09+00:00; -4h59m12s from local time.
    445/tcp  open          netbios-ssn
    631/tcp  open          http         HP Photosmart 7520 series printer http config (Serial TH3AS711XZ05YZ)
    | http-methods: GET POST PUT DELETE
    | Potentially risky methods: PUT DELETE
    6839/tcp open          tcpwrapped
    7435/tcp open          tcpwrapped
    8080/tcp open          http         HP Photosmart 7520 series printer http config (Serial TH3AS711XZ05YZ)
    |_http-favicon: Unknown favicon MD5: 76C6E492CB8CC73A2A50D62176F205C9
    | http-methods: GET POST PUT DELETE
    | Potentially risky methods: PUT DELETE
    |_http-title: Site doesn't have a title (text/html).
    9100/tcp open          jetdirect?
    9220/tcp open          hp-gsg       HP Generic Scan Gateway 1.0
    137/udp  open          netbios-ns   Samba nmbd (workgroup: HPPS7525)
    138/udp  open|filtered netbios-dgm
    161/udp  open          snmp         SNMPv1 server (public)
    | snmp-hh3c-logins:
    |_  baseoid:
    | snmp-interfaces:
    |   Wifi0
    |     IP address:  Netmask:
    |     MAC address: a0:d3:c1:bd:c8:32 (Unknown)
    |     Type: ethernetCsmacd  Speed: 10 Mbps
    |     Status: up
    |_    Traffic stats: 6.16 Mb sent, 3.43 Mb received
    | snmp-netstat:
    |   TCP
    |   TCP
    |   UDP         *:*
    |   UDP        *:*
    |_  UDP     *:*
    |_  System uptime: 0 days, 3:34:23.28 (1286328 timeticks)
    | snmp-win32-shares:
    |_  baseoid:
    1022/udp open|filtered exp2
    1023/udp open|filtered unknown
    3702/udp open|filtered ws-discovery
    5355/udp open|filtered llmnr
    MAC Address: A03:C1:BD:C8:32 (Unknown)
    Device type: general purpose
    Running: Wind River VxWorks
    OS CPE: cpe:/o:windriver:vxworks
    OS details: VxWorks
    Uptime guess: 0.150 days (since Fri Mar 21 09:55:04 2014)
    Network Distance: 1 hop
    TCP Sequence Prediction: Difficulty=255 (Good luck!)
    IP ID Sequence Generation: Busy server or unknown class
    Service Info: Hosts: HPA0D3C1BDC832, HPPS7525; Device: printer; CPE: cpe:/h:hphotosmart_7520
    Host script results:
    | nbstat:
    |   NetBIOS name: HPA0D3C1BDC832, NetBIOS user: <unknown>, NetBIOS MAC: <unknown>
    |   Names
    |     HPA0D3C1BDC832<00>   Flags: <unique><active><permanent>
    |     MSHOME<00>           Flags: <group><active><permanent>
    |     HPA0D3C1BDC832<20>   Flags: <unique><active><permanent>
    |     HPPS7525<00>         Flags: <unique><active><permanent>
    |_    HPPS7525<20>         Flags: <unique><active><permanent>
    | smb-security-mode:
    |   Account that was used for smb scripts: guest
    |   User-level authentication
    |   SMB Security: Challenge/response passwords supported
    |_  Message signing disabled (dangerous, but default)
    1   23.26 ms
    NSE: Script Post-scanning.
    Read data files from: F:\Progs\Nmap
    OS and Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at .
    Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 180.90 seconds
               Raw packets sent: 2030 (74.829KB) | Rcvd: 2921 (149.377KB)
    Full TCP port scan without UDP scanning of all ports, showing up as open... * designates open and active. open port 25/tcp on
    * open port 80/tcp on
    * open port 110/tcp on
    * open port 119/tcp on
    * open port 139/tcp on open port 143/tcp on
    * open port 443/tcp on
    * open port 445/tcp on open port 465/tcp on open port 563/tcp on open port 587/tcp on
    * open port 631/tcp on open port 993/tcp on open port 995/tcp on
    * open port 7435/tcp on
    * open port 6839/tcp on
    * open port 8080/tcp on open port 8089/tcp on
    * open port 9100/tcp on
    * open port 9220/tcp on

  • XI- Xi Scenario XI Adapter (Port Issue)

    Hi all
              we are implementating <b>File - XIA--|Internet|--
    XIB -File</b>.
    At XIA i am using XI Adapter(receiver)
                      Message protocal HTTPS
    At  XIB I am using XI Adapter(sender)
                     Messaage protocal HTTP
    Now the issue is
                     XIA is using HTTPS protocal , that means it will post data
    to port 443 ( HTTPS Port)
                     But at XIB message protocal is HTTP.
    <b>So which port at XIB we need to open  HTTP port or HTTPS port</b>
    Note: Both XI are at different landscape.
    receiver : XIA  communication channel to post data to XIB.
    sender :  XIB  communication channel to receive data from XIA
      <i>we had gone  through these blogs before posting this query..</i>
    Re: XI -> XI scenario
    Re: XI to XI connectivity
    connection XI to XI
    Re: XI to XI connectivity

    have a look at this guide:
    How To Configure Message Level Security in SAP XI 3.0
    is shows how to connect two XIs (one is "small XI" PCK)
    <a href="/people/michal.krawczyk2/blog/2005/06/28/xipi-faq-frequently-asked-questions"><b>XI / PI FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions</b></a>

  • Client proxy consuming web service provider using logical port issue

    Hi All,
    I have a proxy client having a logical port (configured using  NWDS)  to consume a web service in the provider system.
    In the logical port, I have given target address, and logical port name. While moving this client proxy NWDI dev track to Q and prod,
    how do I change this target address to point to Q and prod respectively. In other words, even though I am using Visual admin to configure the destination url for the logical port, to point to Q and prod, its still referring to the dev environment provider service after moving the proxy client to Q and prod. What is the suggested approach to take care of this issue

    Hi Michael,
    I can only help from that point of view that I believe this question belongs to the forum
    Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) and SAP
    Please try to raise this question there.
    Thanks and Regards,

  • USB/FireWire Ports Issue

    So before I go into the apple store and ask for this computer to be repaired/replaced, I would like to see if anyone knows if something can be done about this issue I have pinpointed..
    Basically when I have more than a few USB/FireWire ports connected, one or more of the devices does not function properly. This has happened with two external hard drives - which should have no problem being connected simultaneously.. When I try to eject one of them, I receive a message stating that it cannot be ejected because one or more programs may be using it.. although all programs are closed, causing me to have to force eject..
    Also, I plug in one drive and open the other in finder to back it up, and all of the folders in the drive are suddenly empty.. nothing inside. I go to Get Info.. Zero KB.. I try ejecting, but receive the same message, so I force eject, plug it back in, and wala, all the files are back in the right place..
    This has also happened in the past when my cinema display and a printer were plugged in simultaneously.. the computer won't detect the USB of the cinema display -- which only means that the speakers of the display won't work + no brightness control from the keyboard.. so i let it slide.. but now with this external hard drive issue, i need to solve the problem..
    Thank you for reading..

    Same here. Since a few weeks, my MacPro ejects USB HDD's as soon as I write or read data on it.
    (no I haven't installed something new at this time and all HUB's and HDD's have their own power supply, and yes they have been exchanged, so its not a broken cable or so !!!!!!!!)
    After a reset of the NVRAM and PRAM its better for an hour or so, then starts to eject again.  I've seen a lot of communities with exact the same question, but never a solution for it. There is also nothing in the support tab of apple.
    Hope someone here can help me out or due to the fact that this is a AplleSupportCommunity, a Apple-Employee may starts to do his job and help this huge amount (I guess there are hundrets or tousand) of mac-user with exact the same problem....
    btw: don't agree with MACATTACK2010 that this is a hardware problem, cause there are a lot of people in the
            net that ask the same question with brandnew Hardware. I think it's an OS or an Update Bug, or may both.

  • Minidisplay port issue

    Hi all, I just got a new Macpro last week. It's been a major pain reinstalling all music programs etc (made the mistake of trying the Migration assistant)
    Now my final issue is a wierd one which I'm sure has a simple solution.
    I'm using dual VGA Dell monitors and I purchased the Rocketfish MiniDisplay Port to VGA adaptar. The monitor displays don't seem to line up correctly. The monitor coming from the mini port seems to be a few inches lower and if you look at this screen recording you can see what's going on:
    When I drag a folder across to the second monitor you can see how it displays lower.
    The settings for the displays are identical inside the display preferences so I'm wondering if this is the Rocketfish Adapter that's causing this or whether it's a hardware issue.
    Appreciate any insight.

    I phrased my reply based on what you  said in your original post,
    The settings for the displays are identical inside the display preferences
    which I interpreted that you had already aligned the two monitors in the Display's Arrangement tab.  Oh well, glad you got it lined up now.

  • Charger port issue?

    So I've been having a slight issue with my Droid X. This started yesterday. I had it plugged in and it randomly stopped charging then started again. It was quick but I saw it. It happened again today. So I'm wondering if my Droid's charger port is **bleep** up or if the tip of the charger cable is messed up. I'm assuming it's a phone issue though. Now this is my baby (second to my ASUS laptop) but i treat it with plenty of care, and I am gentle with it.

    Here's the cable I purchased and it works great.    I was so happy with it that I purchased 3 more for around the house.
    I also picked up a DIRT cheap HDMI cable here:  It works wonderfully as well!  I was a bit skeptical when I bought it and figured I'd just be out $5 worst case.  I was happily surprised when it worked flawlessly.  
    I've had both products about 2 months now and they are holding up very well.


    Hi gurus,
    we are testing a proxy to soap synchron scenario and cannot get response from receiver. We have a firewall issue and need to open required ports.
    Which ports should we open? 50000? 80?
    Kind Regards,

    Hi Peter,
    SOAP communication uses HTTP protocol, so messages are transferred over 80 or 443 port by default, depending on whether you use HTTP or HTTPS communication, correspondingly.
    Hope this helps,

  • Port issue with j2ee engine, http service provider

    hi gurus,
    on two of our standalone j2ee servers, the j2ee engine is up and running fine. from the mmc everything shows green including messager server.
    but when i connect to the j2ee page using browser either from the client machine or  on the server it never gives me an error message but the status bar keeps processing. never throws any sort of dispatcher or 500 error messages.
    There were some GRC-Virsa components deployed over the weekend not sure if that had changed something.
    After intial research the port information in the HTTP service provider showed 80 for http and 443 for ssl (https)so i had manually changed it to 50000 and 50001 from config tool respectively , restarted the server.
    After the restart the j2ee page came up and the very second http request it goes to the loop again with no error message, whats the reason behind this sort of behavior. i have made the port changes over the whole cluster and restarted.
    surprising it works only for the first time after restart, the very second http request never accepted by dispatcher/server process , no error message though.
    environment, nw04s with plain j2ee, windows 2003, sql2008
    please assist.

    thanks sean for responding, infact the issue is resolved yesterday.
    Reason due to insufficient application threads and make sure the right port defined in HTTP service provider. So fixing these two things resolved the issue

Maybe you are looking for