Multi-way Chat is Gone

Hi all
I can't seem to do multi-way chat anymore, anyone else experiencing this? I can see other people's icon showing the multi-way chat option, however my icon in my buddy list is as it was in Panther. I can't host multi-way or join multiple chat conferences.
Anyone else seeing this?

Thanks for working with me Ryan.
The above Terminal command didn't seem to work for me. I do have sufficient bandwidth, though. My current up and down speed is around 9.0 Mbps. For what it's worth, I am not running the Broadband Tuner. The result of the iChat log terminal command is at the bottom of this post.
Here's everything I know, and why I moved my entire ~/Library folder (don't worry -- I'm a developer, I didn't delete it, I just moved it out of reach for one log-in -- all is fine):
- I installed Security Update 2005-009 immediately before seeing this issue.
- Under my account, the icon for multi-person video chat never appears (just one-to-one video).
- On the same computer, with the same setup, if I log out of my account and log into another admin account on the computer, multi-video chat works flawlessly.
- Even while still successfully multi-video chat 'blessed' under the alternate user, if I fast user switch to my account, I still only have one-to-one video ability.
- Sensing that this issue was related to my specific user account, I tried removing more and more of my preferences to see if there was one that would make my account work successfully. I ended up removing the entire ~/Library folder (all of what makes my account unique), and logging in with a brand-new, created-on-the-fly ~/Library account, which still only produced the one-to-one icon.
- I am at a loss. What could the Security Update have changed that would only affect one user, but affect that user even after completely wiping the user's library?
Here is the result of the iChat log you requested:
2005-12-01 11:57:17.402 iChat[287] CFLog (0): CFMessagePort: bootstrap_register(): failed 1103 (0x44f), port = 0x3e03, name = ''
See /usr/include/servers/bootstrap_defs.h for the error codes.
2005-12-01 11:57:17.407 iChat[287] CFLog (99): CFMessagePortCreateLocal(): failed to name Mach port (
Any ideas? Thanks so much for your interest and willingness to help. It is much appreciated.
Power Mac G5   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  
PS: I just tried the Terminal command with the alternate user (where mult-person video chat does work) -- on that account, it produced no output.
Message was edited by: mmouse

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    Hi mac westwood,
    Welcome to the  Discussions
    Do you get this on every multi-chat ?
    Have you restarted iChat between tests ?
    Restarted the Computer ?
    Repaired permissions ?
    Run the Cron Scripts ?
    Tried the Combo Install ?
    11:54 AM Wednesday; August 1, 2007
    Message was edited by: Ralph Johns (UK)

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    Hi Hans,
    iChat uses port 5190 on the TCP protocol to log in to AIM and text chat 1-1.
    To send files in text chats (or Pics) and doing Group (yext) Chats requires that port 5190 is also open to the UDP Protocol.
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    We would need to know if the modem is routing and has ports for iChat set up ?
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    This pic is of a Bonjour Buddy List but shows what I mean
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    iChat 4 pushes Video to the Graphics card rather that the Processor and any RAM you have.
    Close each ichat
    Copy and Paste the bold text below in every Terminal and hit enter
    /Applications/ -errorLogLevel 7
    (you could do one computer at a time but that would mean more repeats)
    This will in fact launch iChat and create a log of doing so.
    The log will continue as you start a Chat.
    This may highlight if one Graphics card is of lower spec and slowing the thing down.
    The Log will be very very long.
    Quit iChat before Terminal.
    Save the log(s) somewhere like TextEdit
    Spend some time going through them to identify when the Video chat started and when the third person was added.
    9:37 PM Tuesday; February 12, 2008

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    Nice work this SmallText,
    did not try it, but like the idea
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    If File Sending does not work then make sure the other end has port 5190 on UDP open.
    It will tend to be that they can call Out - effectively opening the port - but will not except files other wise.
    Check if you can send to other Buddies.
    If it is more global then check you are allowing port 5190 for Outgoing calls (On UDP)
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    tomk wrote:When was it working last? And what did you do to your system since then?
    Just regular system upgrading thats it. I don't remember exactly when these menus are gone. I noticed it today.
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    This is a difference though,
    Achieving data rates up to 54 Mbps requires that all users have an AirPort Extremeconnect to an AirPort Extreme Base Station. Some ISPs are not currently compatible with AirPort and AirPort Extreme. Range may vary with site conditions.
    Compatible ISP and telephone services required. Your ISP may not support all V.92 features. Modem will function according to V.90 standards if V.92 services are not available. Actual modem speeds lower; speed depends on connection rate and other factors.
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    I am using ichat 3.1.8.
    Would my parents set-up effect my options?
    Dual Core imac   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

    Should've done a search first. Plenty of answers to this question already.

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    fourcand wrote:
     All my contacts were restored, but I tried to communicate with any of them, I am told by BB that the person in question (the contact that I am tryining to communicate with) DOES NOT HAVE ME AS A CONTACT. DO I WANT to re-invite the contact?
    So, your contacts WERE restored, to the new device. However, your contacts have the OLD PIN as their contact, if you give it time, all your contacts should eventually restore, but it has to sync through the network to all 1,000 and that can take time. Be patient.
    No, individual chats are not restored.
    1. If any post helps you please click the below the post(s) that helped you.
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  • Multi-person chat no longer working.

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    Hi bt1988,
    This can be because cahes and log files have not been rotated.
    For some reason iChat does not like it if the Cron scripts are not run at least once a month if you have heavy usage.
    The clue is the loss of Multi (Stacked) ICons for you and your Buddies.
    The Cron Scripts are normally Run at 0300-06.00 in the morning when your computer is On and Awake 24/7
    They can be done anytime with Utilities.
    MacJanitor is what I use. It is free. Cocktail has a simialr feature (along with others).
    Also Repair Permissions

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    The current version of the AIM client on the Macintosh can only be used for text chatting; it is not capable of audio or video.

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    My case is, me and my parents we all have our own mac and registered iChat account. But since my uncle recently installed AIM on his Windows 7 laptop, so we were trying 3 way video conference last night, but somehow it didn't work out.
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    I am not sure whether thats the problem of my bandwidth or AIM (Windows) doesn't support 3 way video conference at all. But im' already using 3MB broadband, i guess it should be fast enough.
    Does anyone know what happen?
    Thank you so much in advance.

    AIM on a PC is not capable of a 3 or 4 way Video Chat.
    I would suggest one of the option in the numbered item 9 through 12 here
    I may receive some form of compensation, financial or otherwise, from my recommendation or link.
    7:50 PM Tuesday; September 28, 2010
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"

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