Multiple Clips (spelling)

I'm sorry, I spelled this incorrectly in my previous thread, and I just wanted to make it more professional. Here is the origional thread:
Again, thank you for your help

See my reply to your referenced thread, using the java -Xmx option to increase heap size.

Similar Messages

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    First the problem:
    Whenever I open a Premiere v6.5 project, CS4 does a "conversion."
    Maddeningly, during this process, it changes the Opacity\Blending Mode of every single clip in the project to "Color" instead of leaving it at "Normal."
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    This means I have to go through every single clip on every single video track and reset it to Normal before I can proceed with the project! This can be upwards of 500 clips.
    1) Does anyone have any idea why this is happening & how to prevent it?
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    Do one clip, copy (rightclick) the clip, select all the others and paste attributes.

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    Don't import into or edit in the clips viewer, do so to the Timeline. Then they will always be in order.
    Regard the clips viewer as merely a 'parking lot' for stuff you may not need but don't want to delete yet.

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    Actually discovered the magic of the shift key.
    IRCP Beauty doesn't recognize multiple timelines in a session, so first you have to at least get the footage on multiple tracks in the same timeline. Shift + drag on the track will allow you to move it to another timeline. Also Shift + drag on the center of the first clip in a sequence will slide the entire sequence down - which is how timelines end up getthing offset all the time. Also, if there are multiple tracks in a timeline and some are locked and some aren't, Shift + drag on a clip will slide ALL UNLOCKED tracks in the timeline.
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  • How can I edit multiple clips with different frame rates on the same timeline

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    You do not want to edit material from different frame rates on one timeline. You CAN do this, but it is a very bad idea - and this is why.
    Once you establish the sequence frame rate - lets say it is PAL material at 25fps, any material that you drop into the sequence other than 25 fps will have to be changed to play at 25 fps. If the material you add is NTSC (29.97), FCP will DROP 5 frames per sec to bring the frame rate down to 25 fps. Which 5 get thrown away? Every 6th one. This yields a funky cadence that becomes even more complex as as there are also interlaced fields (DV/NTSC is an interlaced format). Oh, and by the way, the image sizes are different as well. DV/PAL has 576 lines of resolution and DV/NTSC has 480. FCP has to scale up the NTSC to fit the PAL frame.
    You do not want FCP adjusting these things on the fly. You want to do a thoughtful (and time consuming) conversion so that you end up with all your material in one format with the best possible image from the conversion process. Compressor can do an adequate job with Frame Controls turned on. The Natress Standards Conversion FCP plugin is another way to go. A third option is to find a post house that can do the conversion for you using a hardware based process.
    The good news is, once everything is in the same format, editing it will be painless and the output process very quick.
    Whatever frame rate/ image size you select, I'd suggest using ProRes for the codec. It is 4:2:2 color and will withstand color correction and composting with much more grace than any variant of DV based codecs.
    Have fun.

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    In summary... is there a way you can avoid having multiple clips of the same media in a project.
    Makes for a very messy project when you have finished.
    You've got multiple clips with the same name scattered everywhere.

    Not yet.
    I'm kind of hoping this type of media management will be vastly improved in CS6, whose main new 'feature' reeeeeally needs to be outstanding network collaboration with other editors working on the same project.

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    or... you can command click to select all the clips you want to apply the effect to, then double click the effect in the Effects browser. (PS - you can't simply drag and drop an effect on multiple clip selections, the effect will only be applied to the clip you drop it on -- but double clicking the effect will apply it to all selected clips at once.)

  • Move multiple clips at once

    I often have to move multiple layers of clips or still images and keep their position relative to each other. In AE and in PS I can select multiple layers and drag their position around freely, but in Premiere Pro, I can only drag one layer at a time.  Bouncing to AE is not a solution for me because everything I work with needs to be timed with multiple layers of audio at all times.  Nesting is not a solution for me because I need to be able to adjust each layer independently as well.  This is a feature I would use (and did use in FCP) dozens of times every day!  I really need this.  Any chance it's coming in a future update? 

    Hi Chris,
    Hi Kevin, I resurrected this old thread today so I'm not sure if the original poster is still around but thanks for the replies.
    Sure, no problem.
    The After Effects work around is quite long winded for what seems like a very simple task, but I do appreciate your point about how FCP was designed differently from the beginning.
    Indeed, it really seems that way from the outset, but AE launches really fast these days. You can set up these kinds of comps very quickly and be back in Premiere Pro in no time. Remember how Motion and FCP used to work together? I think of it in the same way.
    Sure it would be better if Premiere Pro had all the goodies FCP had (like this feature), but it's a totally different application and so you may have to adjust your expectations.
    I'm sure it's not the case of just changing a couple of lines of code in Premiere, unfortunately! Hopefully the "multiple clip parameter editing" and "horizontal/vertical lock" features can be implemented in the future.
    That's often the case, but the question is then "when would we have the time to write and test that code when there are 800 priorities ahead of it?" The key is feature requests. The more we get for any one feature, the faster it rises to the top of the list of priorities.
    If anyone else would like these please submit feature requests!
    You have the right idea. Thanks!

  • Exporting multiple clips from one sequence as separate files.

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    I have about 100+ video files that I want to cut into shorter clips, edit a bit and then export in a Final Cut friendly format (currently they are AVCHD mts files) to send it to my friend, who is putting the whole movie together.
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    I was wondering if there is a better workflow? I heard that Final Cut has shortcuts to do this very easily, you just click on all those clips in sequence and "batch export" them, which puts them in some place as separate, already cut files.?
    Anything? I love premier, let my feelings be justified!)

    Kevin Monahan ...
    Lucid George is right ... select one trimmed clip, File->Export->Media, you can choose whether in-out or entire clip.
    Select MORE than one clip, you get a completely different export box ...
    These two selections were "exported" from that bin created by dragging the trimmed clips from the timeline to a new bin ... I don't know what else one is supposed to do. You can't even select multiples clips and batch sub-clipping, which would at least cut the steps down.

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    Hi denniscallan,
    Please check the track selection tool. Refer to the link below for more information about the tools section. f.html

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    Lisa io

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    thanks in advance now back to exporting....

    Never mind I am doing it one clip at a time. The school seems really happy about this since these video discs are no longer available for repurchase. Thanks.

  • Adobe Premiere CC Crashes When Selecting Multiple Clips

    This project was already derailed by multicam, now that I've got my assembly edit ready to go, I've discovered a new show-stopper:  Premiere Pro CC crashes when I select multiple clips on the timeline.  I can't select more than 3 clips at a time, or the entire program comes crashing to it's knees.  Anyone else experiencing something like this?  Can anyone else reproduce this behavior? 
    Here's a video of the experience:
    Any word on an update?
    ASUS G75VX
    Windows 7 Pro, 64-bit
    GTX 670MX, 3GB GDDR5
    16GB RAM

    Progress.  I've been able to isolate the problem.  On my timeline I have some "regular" clips and some "merged" clips.  Regular clips are from either source: a Canon 7D (MP4 / MOV) or a Canon VIXIA HF G20 (AVCHD).  The Merged clips are only from the Canon 7D only (for video) and an audio recorder (MP3 at 320kbps).  The 7D footage is 1080/24p.  The VIXIA also shoots in 24p.
    Since "Merge Clips" sync on audio is not working for me, I've employed my former CS6 workflow:
    1. Sync all of the video and audio clips through PluralEyes 3 resulting in a preliminary sequence, "Clips_to_be_merged_sequence".
    2. I work my way through each of the clips, adjusting the audio track(s) for variances in drift between the on camera sound and the audio recorder.  I do this enabling "Audio Time Units", rather than video frames, so I can get extremely acurate.
    3. When I have a timeline full of nicely syncronized audio/video pairs, I merge clips, one painstaking clip at a time (of course I set up a keyboard shortcut for this).  For the merge, I "sync on In points".
    4. The merged clip is added to my project panel.
    5. Now, when it comes time to choose my sound bite selects, I load the merged clip into the Source panel and mark my Ins and Outs. 
    6. Time to create a subclip, of course with the new SOFT handles. (I'VE BEEN WANTING SOFT HANDLES FOR A LONG TIME!!!)
    7. The subclip appears to be properly created and placed into the Project panel.  It even shows the correct duration (i.e. 14 seconds)
    8.  When I drag that subclip onto the timeline it drags the entire length of the parent clip, without in or out points (not just the 14 second subclip).
    9.  I undo and decide to go back through the original clips again; mark ins and outs and simply drop to the timeline (either Insert or Overwrite).
    So in the end, I'm using sections of the Merged clip, but I'm not using Subclips of the Merged clips (because that doesn't work).
    Now, what's happening, though I didn't know it when I recorded the video above, is that Premiere is crashing any time I select both "regular" footage and "merged" footage.
    So, two bugs here:
    1. Can't use Subclips that are derived from Merged clips in ANY timeline.  Once dragged to the timeline it expands to the full duration of the original clip.
    2. Can't select both "regular" and "merged" clips at the same time on the timeline.
    JStrawn (staff) was kind enough to offer to take a look at some small sample files.  But my interview clips are very long, and I'm concerned that if I export them, to make them shorter, they may not actually exibit the problems I'm having on the original clips.
    Anyone else using this type of "Merge Clip" workflow that could reproduce either the subclip-from-merged-clip bug or the mixed-selection crash given the steps above?

  • How to apply 3 way color correction to multiple clips in Final Cut Pro?

    I have multiple clips from the same time and space footage that need color correction. I have worked on one of the clips and found the settings I like.
    Is there a way to apply that correction to other clips without starting from scratch on each one?

    SoCal (above) listed one way. Another way you can do it if you like the color correction that you have done and want to save it, you can click the picture of the hand in the color correction tab and drag it into the browser. This saves that specific arrangement of colors, highlights, etc.
    Also, this might be a little easier but instead of pasting attributes and right clicking you can just grab the hand (that I just talked about) and drag it onto the clips you want to apply the same color correction to. The hand is located in the color correction tab (in viewer) and is under the "numeric" button.
    Note: All of your clips in your timeline will have different contrasts, brightness, colors, etc. NO clip is going to have the EXACT same attributes as another. It doesn't matter how expensive and professional your camera is. Every shot is different whether you are using artificial lighting or the natural lighting. Having that said, you will probably still need to adjust your different clips a little bit to make them look like they are in the same room at the same time. Hopefully if your lucky or had perfect lighting for all of your shots, you will not have to do much messing around with your contrast, brightness, etc. Good luck!

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    Select one and click cmd-A which selects them all.
    Then click the import button if it hasn't started already.

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