Multiple Macs and Photo Libraries Management??

I have two macs in the house and am looking for a good strategy to synchronize my photo library (this goes just as well for music).
I would like to be able to have the iphoto libraries on each machine in sync. Therefore, if I added photos on either machine, it would be added to the other machine as well on sync. Originally, I wanted to have one machine be the master library, say machine A, but I realized that other family members will no doubt add photos on machine B at some point and I would be out of sync.
Any ideas on how others are dealing with syncing libraries since they are out of the domain of the Sync app as of yet?

There are other discussions in this forum that address your question. For example:
G4 iMac    

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    There are two libraries: iPhoto Library and Photos Library. They don't have the same name. Photos saves disk space by sharing images with your iPhoto or Aperture libraries - Apple Support.
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    If you are going to start doing advanced iTunes things you need to learn how iTunes works.
    What are the iTunes library files? -
    More on iTunes library files and what they do -
    What are all those iTunes files? -
    Where are my iTunes files located? -
    iTunes 9 [and later]: Understanding iTunes Media Organization - - plus supplemental information about organizing to new structure
    Image of folder structure and explanation of different iTunes versions (turingtest2 post) - and making an iTunes library portable.
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    What do you need to do that requires Windows?
    Without knowing that, some guesses are CrossOver, Parallele, VMWare Fusion or Boot Camp. These are listed by easy of implementation and increase service provided by each item in the list.

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    iCal Sync to MobileMe
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    _*Mac B*_
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    deleted all*
    Fixed Permissions in Disk Utility
    _*Mac C*_
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    I see the calender fine.
    Any thoughts?

    +Went to Mac A+,
    Control Panel -> MobileMe -> Sync -> Advance
    Removed ALL computers
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    +Went to Mac B+
    Control Panel -> MobileMe -> Sync -> Advance
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    All is working now.
    Message was edited by: Kevin Cossaboon

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