Muse Website display on ipad and iphone suboptimal

I created a website in muse on my Mac laptop and it looks great, but when viewing it on my iphone or ipad there is a white gap between navigation and the top of each full screen slide show. Can anyone help?

Hi Amber,
I investigated the issue and found a few tweaks to fix the issue with your site.
1. Please change scroll motion value "Key position" of the fill image (wood) to 0px from negative value. Please refer to the following screenshot :
2. Drag all other fill images upwards to slightly overlap on the previous image. You may also have to tweak the scroll motion value "Key position" for all the fill images. For example, I changed the value to 640px from 600px for this image :
Hope this helps.

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    body {
               background url(.../images/backgroundArchx1920.jpg) no-repeat center center fixed;
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    There are many places to get an answer to your question, but this is not likely it. This is a user-supported technical support forum for other users - not developers. Maybe someone here can help, but I think you are better off with Google or a web development support forum.

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    Ken.Lloyd wrote:
    Sorry for the delay. System preferences icloud is not an option for me. Syst preferences mobileme is
    The minimum requirement for iCloud is Lion 10.7.2 - earlier systems don't show the iCloud preference pane. If you want to use iCloud you will have to upgrade to Lion or Mountain Lion (assuming your computer meets their requirements) but even so you won't be able to publish web pages to iCloud because it does not provide web hosting. This page examines that situation in more detail:

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    The forms are embedded using the proper embed code.

    The local banner is supposed to show when you are viewing the web page on a local server or host.  It seems that you have a slightly different problem here as you do not see this local banner when viewed on the desktop but you do when viewed on iOS devices.
    Please take a look at these posts and see if you have run into the issues mentioned there:
    If you do find that your web page is using jquery.scrolleffects.js
    You have two choices to fix this:
    1) Remove jquery.scrolleffects.js from the web page.
    2) Move the embed code out of the cloned element.  For example, remove the existing form embed code, and place the following at the end of the body element:
    <script type="text/javascript" src=" m.embed.js" style=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" style="">
    ADOBEFORMS.EmbedForm({formId:"yourFormsFormIDGoesHere", place:$('# u12813')[0], placeHow:'child'});
    If you still have problem, please let us know the temporary URL that you are using or the source of your web page with the embed form.

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    Flash Professional CC
    I'm having an issue with adding images on iPhone 6 plus and iPad. I'm getting mixed results with two items: 1) a background image and 2) a button that should appear at the bottom left-hand corner on any device. In one case the background image appears enlarged and only shows about 30% of itself. In the other case, the bottom left-hand button appears about 50 pixels to the left when x=0. I also get different results when I set the following:
    stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
    stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
    This does not produce the expected results. I would like to have consistent results across iPad and iPhone 6 plus, which seams to be an issue. The immediate fix for this is to leave the images on the stage instead of using addChild. I could then just stretch the background image so that it spans the whole screen. But I want to add the items dynamically for greater flexibility.
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    Case #2:
    This an iPhone 6 plus and I have set the scale X, Y to the stage.stageWidth/Height:
    mc_stageBackground_Main.scaleX = stage.stageWidth;
    mc_stageBackground_Main.scaleY = stage.stageHeight;
    This results in a close up of the background image.
    Here is the code that I'm using:
    import com.greensock.TweenLite;
    import com.greensock.easing.*;
    import flash.display.StageAlign;
    import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
    //When this is active the background image spans across the device (iPhone 6 plus) correctly. The main logo image does not line up correctly.
    /*stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
    stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;*/
    var main_logo:MC_LOGO_MAIN = new MC_LOGO_MAIN();
    var mainBackground_2208: MC_MAIN_BACKGROUND_2208 = new MC_MAIN_BACKGROUND_2208();
    var mainBackground_1024: MC_BACKGROUND_1024 = new MC_BACKGROUND_1024();
    var mainCorner: MC_MAINCORNER = new MC_MAINCORNER();
    var chapters: MC_CHAPTERS = new MC_CHAPTERS();
    var _stageWidth = 1024;
    if (stage.stageWidth > _stageWidth)
        //Add bigger background if the stage is bigger than 1024
        mainBackground_2208.x = stage.stageWidth/2;
        mainBackground_2208.y = stage.stageHeight/2;
        //Using this code results in a very close up view of the stage on iPhone 6 plus  
        /*mc_stageBackground_Main.scaleX = stage.stageWidth;
        mc_stageBackground_Main.scaleY = stage.stageHeight;*/
        //Adds corner to the main screen.
        mainCorner.y = stage.stageHeight;
        mainCorner.x = (stage.stageWidth - stage.stageWidth);
        TweenLite.from(mainCorner, 1,{ height: 0, width: 0, delay:1, ease:Elastic.easeOut});
        //add logo to sit at 50 pixels from the top of the stage
        /*main_logo.x = stage.stageWidth/2;
        main_logo.y = (stage.stageHeight -stage.stageHeight + main_logo.height *.6);
        TweenLite.from(main_logo, 1,{ y: -main_logo.height, ease:Elastic.easeOut});*/
        trace ("The stage is 1024 or smaller");
        //Add 1024 background if stage is 1024 or smaller
        mainBackground_1024.x = stage.stageWidth/2;
        mainBackground_1024.y = stage.stageHeight/2;
        //Adds corner to the main screen.
        mainCorner.y = stage.stageHeight;
        mainCorner.x = (stage.stageWidth - stage.stageWidth);
        addChild (mainCorner);
        TweenLite.from(mainCorner, 1,{ height: 0, width: 0, delay:1, ease:Elastic.easeOut});
        //adds chapters
        chapters.x = (stage.stageWidth - stage.stageWidth)+75;
        chapters.y = stage.stageHeight - 120;
        TweenLite.from(chapters, 1,{ height: 0, delay:.5, ease:Elastic.easeOut});  
        //adds the Main logo to sit at 50 pixels from the top of the stage
        main_logo.x = stage.stageWidth/2;
        main_logo.y = (stage.stageHeight -stage.stageHeight + main_logo.height *.6);
        TweenLite.from(main_logo, 1,{ y: -main_logo.height, ease:Elastic.easeOut});

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    can anyone help please?
    My mail account is an on iCloud.

    What is your mail app on your iPad and iPhone?  Typically PDF attachments are opened in the preview screen of Apple Mail.  But it sounds like your PDF attachments are opened in Safari.
    Please you take a look at the Safari section of the following FAQ documents to open PDF documents in Adobe Reader for iOS.
    For iPad, How to open PDF documents in Adobe Reader for iOS (iPad on iOS 7 or 8 version)
    For iPhone, How to open PDF documents in Adobe Reader for iOS (iPhone on iOS 7 or 8 version)
    As you have discovered, Safari does not include the "Open In" options for the Share button.
    When you tap anywhere in a PDF document in Safari, the secondary toolbar is displayed below the top toolbar.  You need to look for the text label button "Open In..." instead of the Share button.
    Hope this helps.
    Please let us know if you have additional questions.

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    I am using Lion and iTunes 10.4.
    Furthermore, i noticed, iTunes doesn't start up by plugin my devices since i installed Lion. Is this normal?

    Hey Medaxe,
    In this link are some troubleshooting steps to get your iPad and iPhone to show up in iTunes again:
    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows
    Welcome to Apple Support Communities!

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    Try a reset first.  Hold down both the Sleep & Home buttons together until the Apple logo is displayed onscreen.
    For info on Recovery Mode, see:

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    And how can I do it?

    Why install the control panel on your PC when you can just as easily go to the iCloud website?
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    If you go to Settings>Notification Centre>Mail each of your email accounts will appear here separately. You can then change if Badges are displaye on the Mail App - which will show you the number of emails - or not.

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    I have tried restarting both the iPad and iPhone, changing ports, deleting and re-setting up the comcast mail account, etc.  I am able to view my e-mail on my MacBook Pro using Outlook, and the Comcast website e-mail is also OK.
    Any suggestions?  It would be good if I could talk to an Apple tech, but apparently that is not an option.

    Thanks for the additional information.  No error messages.  No issues w/ POP3 e-mail being locked out....
    I had not changed any settings before this problem occured.  Both Mail apps on the iPad and iPhone just crashed.  I believe in causality (I am a Physicist), so probably it wasn't anything on my iPad or iPhone.
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    Maybe it was sunspots!  
    Thanks again!

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