Music Store Payment loop

For some unknown reason for the last 2 days the music store thinks my credit card zip code is worng, after it got over that it claims my credit card number is wrong, even though they are both correct the music store will not accept it.
After attempting to buy something over 16 times my bank called to ask why iTunes was sending so many requests that they had to approve, which they did.
So I gave up on that and tried the pay pal option, that is just a long loop, after you hit return to merchant, you've purchased notthing, it says no card on file, so you hit pay pal, which it makes you go through the steps again, then repeat, you can't ever get it to remeber pay pal is your active payment method.
I've asked CS about this, I was told, sorry try a music card. anyone else have a more helpfull suggestion?

also, found that IE must be used to make the pay pal option work.
now if I could just figure out why it won't take my CC info

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    The option only exists when creating an account while redeeming - that's all.
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    We are fellow users here on these user-to-user forums, you're not talking to iTunes Support nor Apple.
    Do you have a credit card, or a different debit card that you could try (some are apparently still accepted in India) ?
    If you want to leave feedback for Apple then you can do so via this page :

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    You will not get free downloads with your Nokia Music+ subscirption. Offline mixes means you can take the mix radio mixes offline on your Windows Phone and listen to them when you are not online. You will not be able to take the mixes off your phone.
    I'm sorry to hear you are having problems using your debit card to pay for tracks. Have you tried to go to and manage your payment methods from there and then use it in Nokia music?
    Kind regards,

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    This might help -

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    Alan, I just checked and I don't see a section for TV shows in the Canadian store. As the initial deal was made with ABC, I doubt that there is any content available yet for you. I do see the pixar section and the music video section, however.
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    I purchased a Movie from the iTunes Music Store. After downloading the movie the movie disappears. It's not in the itunes libaray or anywhere on my hard drive.
    in your source list, below "LIBRARY", do you have a "Movies" category showing up?
    if not, try heading into your general preferences and putting a checkmark next to "Movies" in the "Show" area. there's a screenshot of that tab in this document:
    Adding, Browsing, and watching videos in iTunes
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    this document might be helpful with that:
    Slow performance when using the iTunes Music Store on a dial-up connection

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    I login with my older Nokia Music account and I can see remaining tracks and History.
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    Please let me know when Nokia will be able to merge 2 accounts for me. or is there any way I can do it myself? I know that similar thing happened for OVI share and Sports Tracker accounts but they were eventually merged with single OVI account.
    Best Regards,

    I have replied this in other thread too-
    "Me too having same issue, i got an email from nokia music that our older usernames have been changed with OVI at the end of old username and password remaining the same. As soon as you receive this email u can see your download history of earlier . and i tried to login by my friends account too by putting OVI at the end of username, the balance of tracks was there but download history is not there. So i think we all have to wait for that email to come from nokia music care to confirm about our account being updated with download history."

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