My iPhone5 has music on it but I've unclicked "Sync Music" in iTunes.

My iPhone5 has music on it but I've unclicked "Sync Music" in iTunes. If I do sync music, I get all sorts of duplicates. How to fix?

If your phone was originally synced with another library and you are trying to sync with a new one it will delete the data on the phone.  However if you select to just sync your apps and not your mucic then you will be fine.

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    Hello there, Gemss.
    The following Knowledge Base article offers up some great recommendations for the issue you're describing:
    iTunes repeatedly prompts to authorize computer to play iTunes Store purchases
    Although all of the scenarios may be applicable, many folks find that the following section helps resolve their issue most often:
         Authorize using the correct account name
    The items you're trying to play might have been purchased using a different iTunes Store account. To determine which account was used to purchase an item, follow these steps:
    Select a purchased song in your library and choose File > Get Info.
    Click the Summary tab. Note the Account Name that appears in the list. This is the account name (Apple ID) you'll need to use when authorizing your computer to play this purchase.
    Note: The account name that appears is the one you used when purchasing the item and does not change if the account name (Apple ID) changes.
    If you've authorized the Apple ID that is shown in the Summary tab, you can check the purchase history for that Apple ID from Store > View My Account. If your purchase history does not reflect the purchase of the items in your iTunes library, consider any other Apple ID you may have created, and authorize the computer for your additional Apple ID.
    If you forgot the password to one of your accounts, you can recover it using Apple's password-recovery website.
    Thanks for reaching out to Apple Support Communities.

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    Try this:
    Uninstall your version of iTunes. Then, go to the Apple website and download the iTunes 7.7 to your desktop and reinstall. **Do not** use the auto update feature to install the software. You MUST download it yourself and then run the installer. Then, open iTunes again and it should prompt you to restore your phone. *Very important*, choose the back up file from just before you installed 2.0 if you want your latest data. Good luck!

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    I'd report the problem to the iTunes Store.
    Log in to the Store. Click on "Account" in your Quick Links. When you're in your Account information screen, go down to Purchase History and click "See all".
    Find the item that is not playing properly. If you can't see "Report a Problem" next to the item, click the "Report a problem" button. Now click the "Report a Problem" link next to the item.

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    Your battery has reached the end of its life. If you have a MacBook with the removable battery you can get a new third party battery fairly cheap on eBay.
    Black Batteries   &_dmpt=Laptop_Batteries&_odkw=macbook+white+battery&_osacat=0&_trksid=p3286.c0. m 270.l1313
    White Batteries   &_dmpt=Laptop_Batteries&_odkw=macbook+black+battery&_osacat=0&_trksid=p3286.c0. m 270.l1313
      Or for $129 from Apple

  • Iphone5 problem - music from iTunes won't go onto phone

    29-Sep-2012 13:04
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    I have the same problem, when I try to sync it starts off fine (connected via USB) and after a few seconds it ejects the phone and then tells me off for disconnecting it without doing it properly.  Phone works fine by itself but will not sync - this is just part of a whole host of problems I'm getting with iTunes though so I've pretty much moved onto Spotify with teh premium package as that actually works!
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    Hello, a.higgins. 
    Thank you for visiting Apple Support Communities. 
    Here are some troubleshooting steps in the article below that I would recommend going through. 
    iTunes: iPod not recognized in iTunes and Mac desktop
    Jason H. 

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    Type "Apple mobile device service" into the search bar at the top of this page by "Support".

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    transfer your ipod directly to the new pc and there you go. itunes won't tell you that your ipod has been synced with another library. Just follow these instructions:

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    Follow the steps given here...
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    When in iTunes on the computer,my our ipadmshould show under devices.
    Click on your ipadmunder devices then go to music at top center of the iTunes window, check what you want to sync for music. You need to set it to a folder if I remember which would have your music in it you want synced.
    Same with PDF files.....there should be an option for data or even PDF files at the top center area of iTunes when the iPad is clicked under devices.
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    My computer has iTunes open
    I am pretty sure it is on same network as apple tv
    My computer will stream music on iTunes from my computer but not 
    show owners library and not any pictures
    In apple tv settings - AirPlay is on and so is home sharing
    In my computer iTunes - home sharing is on

    I get this  problem every day or two when trying to connect my ATV 2 running 5.1.1 to iTunes 11.0.1 on an iMac running OS X 10.8.2 (though it started happening with earlier releases of both ATV software and iTunes. I think it started happening regularly following the installation of the ATV 5.0 software, with I think iTunes 10.6 or thereabouts.) They're connected over WiFi via an Airport Extreme basestation.
    The TV simply shows a black screen with:
    'Could not connect to "<iTunes library name>"'. 'Make sure the computer is on the same network as your Apple TV , the iTunes version is up to date, and iTunes is running.'
    I've found the way to fix this problem when it happens is to restart the Apple TV (Settings>General>Restart). This always seems to correct it and allows me to connect to iTunes successfully once again, but the problem always returns sooner or later and I've not been able to determine what triggers it exactly. It  seems to happen more often if the iMac running iTunes has been put to sleep with iTunes running and subsequently woken, but it also happens sometimes when I wake ATV and try to connect it to a freshly booted iMac and newly launched iTunes.
    I keep hoping a new release of ATV software will fix it but neither 5.1 nor 5.1.1  made any noticable difference and neither have newer releases of iTunes.

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    My ipod touch has a huge collection of music that I don't want to lose or replace but my computer has now crashed beyond recovery. How can I access my itunes account from another computer or transfer my playlists to another computer from my ipod?

    You can transfer iTunes purchases to your "new" computer by
    iTunes Store: Transferring purchases from your iPhone, iPad, or iPod to a computer
    You can transfer other stuff by:
    Best iPod to PC
    How to transfer or sync files from iPod to PC - Windows mac iPhone iPod software reviews - Software Wiki

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    my music is not on my ipod touch anymore but one of my other software called copytrans has my music backup so i got all of my music and videos back but they will not play in copytrans itunes or just my ipod touch itself please please help there???????????
    there has to be a completley FREE software out on the whole internet downloads to fix my ipod touch musics completely free no money involved
    please help me to fix this i jave all of my 6 thousand plus music with some videos back onto my ipod touch this happened to me this year well a week ago or two last year and also the years before to with or without any backups but i have my other software for that saved all of my stuff thank gosh but now nothings playing so i love itunes its the best but when it doesn't play or find my lots of songs makes me mad sometimes but anyways thanks for any or all the help you can to fix this problem
    THANKS AGAIN:-):-)

    my music is not on my ipod touch anymore but one of my other software called copytrans has my music backup so i got all of my music and videos back but they will not play in copytrans itunes or just my ipod touch itself please please help there???????????
    there has to be a completley FREE software out on the whole internet downloads to fix my ipod touch musics completely free no money involved
    please help me to fix this i jave all of my 6 thousand plus music with some videos back onto my ipod touch this happened to me this year well a week ago or two last year and also the years before to with or without any backups but i have my other software for that saved all of my stuff thank gosh but now nothings playing so i love itunes its the best but when it doesn't play or find my lots of songs makes me mad sometimes but anyways thanks for any or all the help you can to fix this problem
    THANKS AGAIN:-):-)

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