My macbook is very hot

My MacBook Pro heats up a lot on the left hand side, is this something I should be concerned about?

Sampling process 797 for 3 seconds with 1 millisecond of run time between samples
Sampling completed, processing symbols...
Analysis of sampling Activity Monitor (pid 797) every 1 millisecond
Call graph:
    2481 Thread_19040   DispatchQueue_1:  (serial)
      2481 0x100001b54
        2481 NSApplicationMain
          2481 -[NSApplication run]
            2481 -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:]
              2481 _DPSNextEvent
                2481 BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode
                  2481 ReceiveNextEventCommon
                    2481 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode
                      2481 CFRunLoopRunSpecific
                        2481 __CFRunLoopRun
                          2438 mach_msg
                            2438 mach_msg_trap
                          22 __NSFireTimer
                            15 0x1000095e9
                              15 0x1000098ec
                                14 0x100009bd4
                                  12 0x10000a2b7
                                    12 0x10000a426
                                      12 read
                                  1 0x10000a305
                                    1 0x10000a426
                                      1 read
                                  1 0x10000a34f
                                    1 _CFPropertyListCreateWithData
                                      1 __CFTryParseBinaryPlist
                                        1 __CFBinaryPlistCreateObject2
                                          1 __CFBinaryPlistCreateObject2
                                            1 __CFBinaryPlistCreateObject2
                                              1 CFDictionaryCreate
                                                1 CFBasicHashAddValue
                                                  1 __CFBasicHashAddValue
                                                    1 _CFRetain
                                                      1 OSAtomicCompareAndSwapInt
                                1 0x100009b4e
                                  1 AuthorizationMakeExternalForm
                                    1 Security::SecurityServer::ClientSession::authExternalize(Security::SecurityServ er::AuthorizationBlob const&, AuthorizationExternalForm&)
                                      1 ucsp_client_authorizationExternalize
                                        1 mach_msg
                                          1 mach_msg_trap
                            4 0x10000963a
                              3 0x100006f2e
                                3 0x10000fdfc
                                  2 0x10000aa34
                                    2 sysctlnametomib
                                      2 __sysctl
                                  1 0x10000aa65
                                    1 __sysctl
                              1 0x10000723b
                                1 -[NSOutlineView reloadData]
                                  1 -[NSTableView _tileAndRedisplayAll]
                                    1 -[NSView setNeedsDisplayInRect:]
                                      1 -[NSView convertRect:toView:]
                                        1 -[NSView _convertRect:toAncestor:]
                                          1 objc_msgSend_stret
                            1 -[NSUserDefaults(NSUserDefaults) synchronize]
                              1 CFPreferencesAppSynchronize
                                1 -[CFXPreferencesSearchListSource synchronize]
                                  1 -[CFXPreferencesPropertyListSource synchronize]
                                    1 -[CFXPreferencesPropertyListSource writePlistToDisk]
                                      1 chmod
                                        1 __chmod
                            1 0x100009652
                              1 0x10000beef
                                1 0x10000c47a
                                  1 -[NSView scrollRect:by:]
                                    1 -[NSView lockFocus]
                                      1 -[NSView lockFocusIfCanDraw]
                                        1 -[NSView _focusFromView:withContext:]
                                          1 -[NSView _gatherFocusStateInto:upTo:withContext:]
                                            1 -[NSView _gatherFocusStateInto:upTo:withContext:]
                                              1 -[NSView _gatherFocusStateInto:upTo:withContext:]
                                                1 -[NSView _gatherFocusStateInto:upTo:withContext:]
                                                  1 objc_msgSend
                            1 0x10000971e
                              1 0x10000e0d2
                                1 0x100016a6f
                                  1 NSLocalizedFileSizeDescription
                                    1 fileSizeFormatter
                                      1 -[NSCache objectForKey:]
                                        1 cache_release_value
                                          1 pthread_mutex_unlock
                          21 __CFRunLoopDoObservers
                            21 _handleWindowNeedsDisplay
                              21 -[NSView displayIfNeeded]
                                21 -[NSView _displayRectIgnoringOpacity:isVisibleRect:rectIsVisibleRectForView:]
                                  17 -[NSThemeFrame _recursiveDisplayRectIfNeededIgnoringOpacity:isVisibleRect:rectIsVisibleRectFor View:topView:]
                                    17 -[NSView _recursiveDisplayRectIfNeededIgnoringOpacity:isVisibleRect:rectIsVisibleRectFor View:topView:]
                                      15 -[NSView _recursiveDisplayRectIfNeededIgnoringOpacity:isVisibleRect:rectIsVisibleRectFor View:topView:]
                                        14 -[NSView _recursiveDisplayRectIfNeededIgnoringOpacity:isVisibleRect:rectIsVisibleRectFor View:topView:]
                                          13 -[NSView _recursiveDisplayRectIfNeededIgnoringOpacity:isVisibleRect:rectIsVisibleRectFor View:topView:]
                                            10 -[NSView _recursiveDisplayAllDirtyWithLockFocus:visRect:]
                                              10 -[NSView _recursiveDisplayAllDirtyWithLockFocus:visRect:]
                                                10 -[NSView _drawRect:clip:]
                                                  9 -[NSTableView drawRect:]
                                                    9 -[NSOutlineView drawRowIndexes:clipRect:]
                                                      9 -[NSTableView drawRowIndexes:clipRect:]
                                                        9 -[NSTableView drawRow:clipRect:]
                                                          9 -[NSOutlineView _drawContentsAtRow:column:withCellFrame:]
                                                            6 _NSDrawTextCell
                                                              4 _NSStringDrawingCore
                                                                4 +[NSStringDrawingTextStorage _fastDrawString:attributes:length:inRect:graphicsContext:baselineRendering:uses FontLeading:usesScreenFont:typesetterBehavior:paragraphStyle:lineBreakMode:bound ingRect:padding:scrollable:]
                                                                  4 CGContextShowGlyphsWithAdvances
                                                                    4 draw_glyphs
                                                                      4 ripc_DrawGlyphs
                                                                        2 ripc_RenderGlyphs
                                                                          2 ripl_BltGlyph
                                                                            2 OGL_pixel
                                                                              1 OGL_ARGB8_color
                                                                                1 glColor4ub_Exec
                                                                              1 OGL_texture_mask
                                                                                1 knapsack_find
                                                                        1 CGFontGetGlyphIdentifiers
                                                                          1 floor
                                                                        1 CGGStateGetFontRenderingStyle
                                                                          1 CGGStateGetShouldAntialias
                                                              1 _NSDrawTextCell
                                                              1 __NSGetStringAndAttributesFromTextCell
                                                                1 -[NSCell _hasAttributedStringValue]
                                                                  1 -[NSNumberFormatter attributedStringForObjectValue:withDefaultAttributes:]
                                                                    1 -[NSNumberFormatter textAttributesForPositiveValues]
                                                                      1 -[NSDictionary(NSKeyValueCoding) valueForKey:]
                                                                        1 -[NSCFString characterAtIndex:]
                                                                          1 _CFStringCheckAndGetCharacterAtIndex
                                                            2 -[NSTableView _drawContentsAtRow:column:withCellFrame:]
                                                              2 -[NSTableView preparedCellAtColumn:row:]
                                                                1 0x10000eaaf
                                                                  1 objc_msgSend
                                                                1 0x10000f21a
                                                                  1 0x10000f31e
                                                                    1 objc_msgSend_vtable13
                                                            1 _NSStringDrawingCore
                                                              1 +[NSStringDrawingTextStorage _fastDrawString:attributes:length:inRect:graphicsContext:baselineRendering:uses FontLeading:usesScreenFont:typesetterBehavior:paragraphStyle:lineBreakMode:bound ingRect:padding:scrollable:]
                                                                1 CGContextShowGlyphsWithAdvances
                                                                  1 draw_glyphs
                                                                    1 ripc_DrawGlyphs
                                                                      1 CGColorGetPattern
                                                  1 -[NSTableHeaderView drawRect:]
                                                    1 -[NSTableHeaderView _drawColumnHeaderWithIndexes:]
                                                      1 -[NSTableHeaderView _drawHeaderOfColumn:]
                                                        1 -[NSTableHeaderCell _drawThemeContents:highlighted:inView:]
                                                          1 CUIRenderer::Draw(CGRect, CGContext*, __CFDictionary const*, __CFDictionary const**)
                                                            1 CUIRenderer::DrawListHeader(CUIDescriptor const*)
                                                              1 CGContextDrawImages
                                                                1 ripc_DrawImages
                                                                  1 ripc_RenderImage
                                                                    1 ripl_BltImage
                                                                      1 ripd_Mark
                                                                        1 OGL_image
                                                                          1 OGL_vertex_end
                                                                            1 glDrawArrays_IMM_Exec
                                                                              1 gleDrawArraysOrElements_ExecCore
                                                                                1 glePopAndCopyMaterials
                                            1 -[NSRectSet dealloc]
                                              1 -[NSObject(NSObject) dealloc]
                                                1 _internal_object_dispose
                                                  1 objc_destructInstance
                                                    1 object_cxxDestructFromClass
                                            1 -[NSView _recursiveDisplayRectIfNeededIgnoringOpacity:isVisibleRect:rectIsVisibleRectFor View:topView:]
                                              1 -[NSView _recursiveDisplayAllDirtyWithLockFocus:visRect:]
                                                1 -[NSView _drawRect:clip:]
                                                  1 -[NSControl drawRect:]
                                                    1 _NSDrawTextCell
                                                      1 _NSStringDrawingCore
                                                        1 +[NSStringDrawingTextStorage _fastDrawString:attributes:length:inRect:graphicsContext:baselineRendering:uses FontLeading:usesScreenFont:typesetterBehavior:paragraphStyle:lineBreakMode:bound ingRect:padding:scrollable:]
                                                          1 CGContextShowGlyphsWithAdvances
                                                            1 draw_glyphs
                                                              1 ripc_DrawGlyphs
                                                                1 ripc_RenderGlyphs
                                                                  1 ripl_BltGlyph
                                                                    1 OGL_pixel
                                                                      1 OGL_texture_surface
                                                                        1 OGL_vertex_end
                                                                          1 glDrawArrays_IMM_Exec
                                                                            1 gleDoDrawDispatchCore
                                                                              1 gldUpdateDispatch
                                                                                1 gldFinish
                                            1 -[NSView unlockFocus]
                                              1 -[NSObject(NSObject) retain]
                                                1 __CFDoExternRefOperation
                                                  1 CFBasicHashAddValue
                                                    1 ___CFBasicHashFindBucket1
                                          1 -[NSView _recursiveDisplayAllDirtyWithLockFocus:visRect:]
                                            1 -[NSView _drawRect:clip:]
                                              1 -[NSControl drawRect:]
                                                1 _NSDrawTextCell
                                                  1 _NSStringDrawingCore
                                                    1 -[NSStringDrawingTextStorage drawTextContainer:withRect:graphicsContext:baselineMode:scrollable:padding:]
                                                      1 -[NSLayoutManager(NSPrivate) _drawGlyphsForGlyphRange:atPoint:parameters:]
                                                        1 -[NSLayoutManager(NSTextViewSupport) _lineGlyphRange:type:lineFragmentRect:lineFragmentGlyphRange:containerOrigin:is Strikethrough:]
                                                          1 -[NSLayoutManager(NSTextViewSupport) _drawLineForGlyphRange:type:baselineOffset:lineFragmentRect:lineFragmentGlyphRa nge:containerOrigin:isStrikethrough:]
                                                            1 -[NSLayoutManager rectArrayForGlyphRange:withinSelectedGlyphRange:inTextContainer:rectCount:]
                                                              1 -[NSLayoutManager(NSPrivate) _rectArrayForRange:withinSelectionRange:rangeIsCharRange:singleRectOnly:fullLin eRectsOnly:inTextContainer:rectCount:rangeWithinContainer:glyphsDrawOutsideLines :]
                                                                1 _insertionPointHelperForCharacterAtIndex
                                                                  1 -[NSLayoutManager(NSPrivate) _insertionPointHelperForGlyphAtIndex:]
                                        1 -[NSView _drawRect:clip:]
                                          1 -[NSView _regionForOpaqueDescendants:forMove:]
                                            1 -[NSView _regionForOpaqueDescendants:forMove:]
                                              1 -[NSView _regionForOpaqueDescendants:forMove:]
                                                1 objc_msgSend_stret
                                      1 -[NSConcreteMapTable setObject:forKey:]
                                        1 -[NSConcreteMapTable assign:key:value:isNew:]
                                          1 -[NSObject(NSObject) retain]
                                            1 __CFDoExternRefOperation
                                              1 CFBasicHashAddValue
                                                1 ___CFBasicHashFindBucket1
                                      1 -[NSView _drawRect:clip:]
                                        1 -[NSThemeFrame drawRect:]
                                          1 -[NSFrameView drawThemeContentFill:inView:]
                                            1 -[NSThemeFrame drawWindowBackgroundRegion:]
                                              1 objc_msgSend
                                  4 -[NSWindow flushWindow]
                                    4 ripc_Operation
                                      4 CGSDeviceSynchronize
                                        4 _CGSSynchronizeAccelerator
                                          4 cglsMutexSynchronize
                                            4 OGL_context_callback
                                              2 OGL_vertex_end
                                                2 glDrawArrays_IMM_Exec
                                                  2 gleDoDrawDispatchCore
                                                    2 gldUpdateDispatch
                                                      1 gldFinish
                                                        1 gldUnbindPipelineProgram
                                                          1 gldCreateProgram
                                                            1 gldFinish
                                                              1 gldFinish
                                                                1 gldFinish
                                                      1 glrCompExecuteKernel
                                                        1 glrCompExecuteKernel
                                                          1 glrCompExecuteKernel
                                                            1 glrCompExecuteKernel
                                                              1 glrCompExecuteKernel
                                                                1 glrCompExecuteKernel
                                                                  1 glrCompExecuteKernel
                                                                    1 glrCompExecuteKernel
                                                                      1 glrCompExecuteKernel
                                                                        1 glrCompExecuteKernel
                                                                          1 glrCompExecuteKernel
                                                                            1 glrCompExecuteKernel
                                                                              1 glrCompExecuteKernel
                                                                                1 glrCompExecuteKernel
                                              1 glFlushRender_Exec
                                                1 gldUpdateDispatch
                                                  1 IOConnectCallMethod
                                                    1 io_connect_method
                                                      1 mach_msg
                                                        1 mach_msg_trap
                                              1 mem_synchronize
                                                1 mem_fragment_reclaim
                                                  1 OGL_texture_callback
                                                    1 glDeleteTextures_Exec
                                                      1 gleUnbindDeleteHashNamesAndObjects
                                                        1 gleFreeTextureObject
                                                          1 gfxDestroyPluginTexture
                                                            1 gldDestroyTexture
                                                              1 gldReclaimTexture
                                                                1 IOConnectCallMethod
                                                                  1 io_connect_method
                                                                    1 mach_msg
                                                                      1 mach_msg_trap
    2481 Thread_19054   DispatchQueue_2:  (serial)
      2481 start_wqthread
        2481 _pthread_wqthread
          2481 _dispatch_worker_thread2
            2481 _dispatch_queue_invoke
              2481 _dispatch_mgr_invoke
                2481 kevent
    2481 Thread_19102
      2481 start_wqthread
        2481 _pthread_wqthread
          2481 __workq_kernreturn
    2481 Thread_19103   DispatchQueue_42: NSFileHandle  (serial)
      2481 start_wqthread
        2481 _pthread_wqthread
          2481 _dispatch_worker_thread2
            2481 _dispatch_queue_invoke
              2481 _dispatch_queue_drain
                2481 _dispatch_queue_invoke
                  2481 _dispatch_source_invoke
                    2481 __-[NSConcreteFileHandle performActivity:modes:]_block_invoke_1
                      2481 _NSReadFromFileDescriptor
                        2481 read
    2479 Thread_19101
      2479 start_wqthread
        2479 _pthread_wqthread
          2479 __workq_kernreturn
    2148 Thread_19121
      2148 thread_start
        2148 _pthread_start
          2148 __NSThread__main__
            2148 -[NSUIHeartBeat _heartBeatThread:]
              2001 usleep
                1992 nanosleep
                  1992 __semwait_signal
                9 cerror
              88 -[NSSet makeObjectsPerformSelector:]
                88 -[NSWindow flushWindow]
                  88 ripc_Operation
                    88 CGSDeviceSynchronize
                      88 _CGSSynchronizeAccelerator
                        88 cglsMutexSynchronize
                          88 OGL_context_callback
                            71 glFlushRender_Exec
                              71 gldUpdateDispatch
                                71 IOConnectCallMethod
                                  71 io_connect_method
                                    71 mach_msg
                                      71 mach_msg_trap
                            11 OGL_vertex_end
                              11 glDrawArrays_IMM_Exec
                                11 gleDoDrawDispatchCore
                                  10 gldUpdateDispatch
                                    7 gldFinish
                                      7 gldCreateTexture
                                        7 gldFinish
                                          3 gldModifyTexture
                                            3 IOConnectCallMethod
                                              3 io_connect_method
                                                3 mach_msg
                                                  3 mach_msg_trap
                                          1 __memcpy
                                          1 gldCopyTexSubImage
                                          1 gldFinish
                                            1 glrCompExecuteKernel
                                              1 glrCompExecuteKernel
                                                1 glrCompExecuteKernel
                                                  1 glrCompExecuteKernel
                                                    1 gldCopyTexSubImage
                                          1 glrCompExecuteKernel
                                            1 glrCompExecuteKernel
                                              1 gldCopyTexSubImage
                                    1 gldCopyTexSubImage
                                      1 glrCompExecuteKernel
                                    1 glrCompExecuteKernel
                                      1 glrCompExecuteKernel
                                        1 gldCopyTexSubImage
                                          1 gldCopyTexSubImage
                                            1 gldCopyTexSubImage
                                              1 glrCompExecuteKernel
                                                1 glrCompExecuteKernel
                                                  1 gldCopyTexSubImage
                                                    1 gldCopyTexSubImage
                                                      1 glrCompExecuteKernel
                                    1 pthread_mutex_unlock
                                      1 OSSpinLockLock
                                  1 gleDoDrawDispatchCore
                            6 mem_synchronize
                              6 mem_fragment_reclaim
                                6 OGL_texture_callback
                                  6 glDeleteTextures_Exec
                                    6 gleUnbindDeleteHashNamesAndObjects
                                      6 gleFreeTextureObject
                                        6 gfxDestroyPluginTexture
                                          6 gldDestroyTexture
                                            6 gldReclaimTexture
                                              6 IOConnectCallMethod
                                                6 io_connect_method
                                                  6 mach_msg
                                                    6 mach_msg_trap
              54 -[NSProgressIndicator heartBeat:]
                31 CGContextEndTransparencyLayer
                  31 ripc_EndLayer
                    29 ripc_RenderImage
                      29 ripl_BltImage
                        24 ripd_Lock
                          24 CGSDeviceLock
                            23 _CGSLockWindow
                              23 _CGSSynchronizeWindowBackingStore
                                23 mach_msg
                                  23 mach_msg_trap
                            1 _CGSLockAccelerator
                              1 cglsAttachSurface
                                1 gliAttachDrawableWithOptions
                                  1 gldAttachDrawable
                                    1 IOConnectCallMethod
                                      1 io_connect_method
                                        1 mach_msg
                                          1 mach_msg_trap
                        5 ripd_Mark
                          5 OGL_image
                            3 glTexImage2D_Exec
                              2 gleEvaluateTextureImageChange
                                1 gfxEvaluateTextureForGeometryChange
                                1 gleEvaluateTextureImageChange
                              1 gleCheckTexImage2DArgs
                                1 gleCheckTexImageArgs
                            1 OGL_image
                            1 glTexParameteri_Exec
                              1 glTexParameterI_Exec
                                1 gleEvaluateTextureParameterChange
                                  1 gfxEvaluateTextureForParameterChange
                    2 ripl_release
                      1 ripl_release
                      1 szone_free
                15 -[NSProgressIndicator _drawThemeProgressArea:]
                  15 _NSTileImageWithOperation
                    13 -[NSImage drawInRect:fromRect:operation:fraction:respectFlipped:hints:]
                      13 -[NSImage _usingBestRepresentationForRect:context:hints:body:]
                        11 __-[NSImage drawInRect:fromRect:operation:fraction:respectFlipped:hints:]_block_invoke_1
                          10 -[NSImageRep drawInRect:fromRect:operation:fraction:respectFlipped:hints:]
                            10 __-[NSImageRep drawInRect:fromRect:operation:fraction:respectFlipped:hints:]_block_invoke_1
                              8 CGContextDrawImage
                                7 ripc_DrawImage
                                  6 ripc_RenderImage
                                    6 ripl_BltImage
                                      6 ripl_Mark
                                        6 argb32_image
                                          6 argb32_image_mark
                                            3 argb32_image_mark
                                            3 argb32_sample_RGBA32
                                  1 ripc_AcquireImage
                                    1 CGSImageDataHandleLock
                                      1 CGSSharedStorageLock
                                1 CGContextDelegateDrawImage
                              2 -[NSBitmapImageRep CGImageForProposedRect:context:hints:]
                                2 -[NSBitmapImageRep CGImage]
                                  2 -[NSBitmapImageRep _performBlockUsingBackingCGImage:]
                                    2 -[NSBitmapImageRep _performBlockUsingBacking:]
                                      1 _NSAtomicGetObjectRetained
                                        1 objc_msgSend_vtable13
                                      1 __-[NSBitmapImageRep _performBlockUsingBackingCGImage:]_block_invoke_1
                                        1 BIRBackingType
                                          1 CFGetTypeID
                          1 objc_msgSend
                        2 -[NSImage bestRepresentationForRect:context:hints:]
                          1 -[NSImage bestRepresentationAmongRepresentations:forRect:context:hints:]
                            1 -[NSArray lastObject]
                              1 CFArrayGetCount
                          1 -[NSImage representations]
                            1 objc_msgSend
                    1 CGContextBeginTransparencyLayerWithRect
                      1 ripc_BeginLayer
                        1 ripl_Create
                          1 malloc_zone_calloc
                            1 szone_malloc_should_clear
                              1 __bzero
                    1 CGContextEndTransparencyLayer
                      1 ripc_EndLayer
                        1 ripc_RenderImage
                          1 ripl_BltImage
                            1 ripl_Mark
                              1 argb32_image
                                1 argb32_mark
                                  1 argb32_mark_pixelmask
                4 -[NSView lockFocusIfCanDraw]
                  3 -[NSFocusState flush]
                    1 -[NSFocusState reset]
                      1 OSAtomicCompareAndSwapInt
                        1 __compare_and_swap32
                    1 -[NSFrameView adjustHalftonePhase]
                      1 -[NSThemeFrame contentFill]
                        1 -[NSWindow _isDarkWindow]
                          1 _NSUseLeopardWindowValues
                    1 CFArrayCreateCopy
                      1 __CFArrayInit
                        1 _CFRuntimeCreateInstance
                          1 memset
                  1 -[NSWindow _threadContext]
                    1 +[NSUIHeartBeat isHeartBeatThread]
                      1 +[NSUIHeartBeat sharedHeartBeat]
                2 -[NSView unlockFocus]
                  1 -[NSFocusStack popTopView]
                    1 objc_msgSend
                  1 -[NSFocusStack unfocusView:]
                    1 -[NSFocusStack focusedView]
                      1 CFArrayGetValueAtIndex
                1 CGContextBeginTransparencyLayerWithRect
                  1 CGGStackSaveForLayer
                    1 x_list_prepend_
                      1 x_mem_alloc_bucket
                        1 pthread_getspecific
                1 _NSAppKitLock
                  1 _CFDoExceptionOperation
                    1 objc_addExceptionHandler
                      1 unw_init_local
                        1 __memcpy
              4 -[NSWindow _copyAcquiredViewHierarchyLock]
                3 -[NSViewHierarchyLock lockForReadingWithExceptionHandler:]
                  3 _pthread_cond_wait
                    3 __semwait_signal
                1 +[_NSDisplayOperationStack currentThreadDisplayOperationStack]
              1 _CFAutoreleasePoolPush
    2 Thread_19101   DispatchQueue_29:  (serial)
      2 start_wqthread
        2 _pthread_wqthread
          2 _dispatch_worker_thread2
            2 _dispatch_queue_invoke
              2 _dispatch_queue_drain
                2 glvm_deferred_build_modular(void*)
                  2 CVMSBuildModularFunction
                    2 cvmsServ_BuildModularFunction
                      2 mach_msg
                        2 mach_msg_trap
Total number in stack (recursive counted multiple, when >=5):
        26       glrCompExecuteKernel
        10       mach_msg
        10       mach_msg_trap
        9       gldCopyTexSubImage
        8       gldFinish
        6       IOConnectCallMethod
        6       io_connect_method
        6       objc_msgSend
        5       -[NSView _drawRect:clip:]
        5       -[NSView _recursiveDisplayRectIfNeededIgnoringOpacity:isVisibleRect:rectIsVisibleRectFor View:topView:]
        5       _pthread_wqthread
        5       gldUpdateDispatch
        5       start_wqthread
Sort by top of stack, same collapsed (when >= 5):
        __workq_kernreturn        4960
        mach_msg_trap        2547
        read        2494
        kevent        2481
        __semwait_signal        1995
        cerror        9
        objc_msgSend        6
Sample analysis of process 797 written to file /dev/stdout

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    156 Safari isoruku 0.2 15 161.02 MB 1.13 GB Intel
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    79 mdworker isoruku 0.0 4 7.90 MB 661.12 MB Intel
    112 NetUpdateAgent isoruku 0.0 2 6.93 MB 2.90 GB Intel (64 bit)
    131 IntegoStatusItemHelper isoruku 0.0 1 5.29 MB 919.31 MB Intel
    25 loginwindow isoruku 0.0 3 5.16 MB 883.65 MB Intel

    In Activity the CPU the top of that page choose 'All Processes'...are there any processes using double or even triple digit percentages?
    Also is Spotlight indexing? the magnifying glass in the upper right hand corner...

  • New 100GB 7200rpm drive in My black macbook now very hot macbook

    so guys i upgraded my macbook 2.0ghz black hard drive with a 100GB 7200 rpm harddrive made from Seagate Momentus that i got from other world compter now my computer is very hot any one has the same experince

    The key phrase in the barefeets review is "Assuming the factory specs are accurate" the wattage is the same. This gets into the same argument on processor power and comparing design criteria versus actual usage.
    The review of the Seagate 5400.2 drive in my earlier post has actual power measurements and it shows the 5400 drive using 3.3 watts under "Seek Normal". I think the factory specs are used for power supply sizing actual power consumption is difficult to find. The review that I reference here is for one sample drive and may not reflect the performance of all the drives. I just don't know. On average a 7200 rpm drive uses more power than a 5400 rpm drive or a 4200 rpm drive.
    I bought a 5400 rpm Samsung drive for my wife's Tibook. It ran hotter than the original 4200 rpm drive and she had me remove it.
    Unfortunately there is just not as much information on the internet on real usage of 2.5" drives. The web site Storage Review does a pretty good job with 3.5" drives but does not really cover many 2.5" drives.

  • Macbook becomes very hot on the bottom

    I have a MacBook 13" 2.4ghz Core  2 Duo 2GB SDRAM, running Mac OS X (10.5.5) when first turned on the temparature according to Istat just after startup the CPU temp is 38 degrees c rising to 46 degrees after 10mins then after about 45 mins being on and surfing the net nothing demanding the temp is up to 88 degrees and very hot on the bottom.
    I am concerned there is something wrong is this normal?
    Has anyone else experienced a hot macbook?
    Thank you.

    Are these Celsius temperatures? If so, then do this:
    Open Activity Monitor in the Utilities folder.  Select All Processes from the Processes dropdown menu.  Click twice on the CPU% column header to display in descending order.  If you find a process using a large amount of CPU time, then select the process and click on the Quit icon in the toolbar.  Click on the Force Quit button to kill the process.  See if that helps.  Be sure to note the name of the runaway process so you can track down the cause of the problem.
    What applications do you have running normally?


    I found that when i watch vedio or movie, the computer got very hot ,and the speed of the fans is really high. My macbook is 15-inch late 2013 with retina. i think it shouldn't happened when i watch vedio. sometimes, it also happened when i was only use safari to open the website. i dont know whats wrong with my computer

    nothing is wrong with your computer.  Macs run hot when under stress (Watching movies, gaming etc).  When I watch a movie on my MacBook Pro, the temps get as high as 86°-94°c.

  • When I launch Google Chrome it makes my Macbook Pro very hot, how do i fix this

    When i'm playing a video it's normal but when I browse the web it starts to get really hot and my fan will become very loud, it also drains my battery really quick. Does any one know how to fix this, this really irritates my please help.

    This article shows how to use Activity Monitoir to show memory use:
    Using Activity Monitor to read System Memory and determine how much RAM is being used
    The PageOuts accumulator show when you have really run out of memory.
    This article shows how to look for processes that are hogging the processor. Anything in double-digits is suspect:
    Runaway applications can shorten battery runtime, affect performance, and increase heat and fan activity

  • MacBook in very hot weather

    I'm planning to buy a new MacBook or MacBook Pro and I will bring it with me to Vietnam (I'm moving there for work). The max recommended operating temperature is 95F (35C). I was in Ho Chi Minh in May and the temperature every day reached 105F (42C) without even the humidex factor. Will my MacBook survive ?
    Do I have a better chance with a MacBook or MacBookPro ?
    If the weather kills it what about my Applecare warranty ?

    The way your new machine is working is correct. I'm not aware of any MacBook ever maintaining a 100% charge. In order to keep a 100% charge, your system would need to continuously charge the battery. This isn't great for the battery and puts quite a bit of extra strain on the charging components. It is normal for your system to charge up to 100%... and then drop down to 94-95% before charging again.

  • White Macbook (mid 2006) Runs loud and very hot,  battery not charging

    I know my Macbook is getting a bit old now, but I don't think the way it is running is very normal.
    The battery will say that it is fully charged, but it will only last about half an hour when disconnected from the charger. The light on the charger will not come on either, or it will blink when i attach it, then stay out.
    My Macbook will also run very loudly, and hot. I don't ever run too many programs at once, so I know that it's not a strain on the system from what I can tell.
    I tried resetting the SMC since it sounded like the problems I am having would be solved by resetting it.
    Are there any known problems such as these, or fixes? Thanks.

    Battery Information:
    Model Information:
    Serial Number: DP-ASMB013-369a-7799
    Manufacturer: DP
    Device name: ASMB013
    Pack Lot Code: 0001
    PCB Lot Code: 0000
    Firmware Version: 0102
    Hardware Revision: 0300
    Cell Revision: 0200
    Charge Information:
    Charge remaining (mAh): 2225
    Fully charged: Yes
    Charging: No
    Full charge capacity (mAh): 2268
    Health Information:
    Cycle count: 381
    Condition: Poor
    Battery Installed: Yes
    Amperage (mA): 0
    Voltage (mV): 12463
    And it's not running very hot right now, I'm doing a quick check on email and such before work. I'll get that info about processes later on today.

  • Mid-2010 Macbook Pro running very hot

    Hi all,
    My mid-2010 Macbook pro is running very hot. On average CPU is 61-70 degrees Celsius, sometimes even more. I'm pretty bad at having lots of chrome tabs open and heavy multitasking, but even when I'm not temperature still ends up very high and fan rpm can get to over 6000. Heat seems to be concentrated to the lefthand side of the touchpad (battery area?). I'm running 10.9.3.
    Current stats below from iStat pro widget (smcFanControl concurs with these temps), with only the following pic's activity running. Laptop currently balanced on two books (so airflow around the sides) which are in turn on my lap.
    I have tried reseting the SMC with the shift-control-option-power method but it doesn't seem to have worked - instructions said to press and hold this, then release, then press power again to boot, but laptop boots up from this combination anyway.
    Am I just doing something wrong or will this be an expensive trip to the apple store to fix?

    Hey happyhaskins,
    If you are having an issue with your MacBook Pro running excessively hot, I would suggest that you troubleshoot using the steps in this article - 
    Mac notebooks: Operating temperature - Apple Support
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    Happy computing,
    Brett L 

  • In my macbook pro 15 inch mid 2012 model, my cpu and gpu will get very hot, when gaming or rendering sometimes over 200F. The fans only spin at max about 2900 rpm, when their max is 6400. I downloaded a fan control app, but how can i fix it?

    In my macbook pro 15 inch mid 2012 model, my cpu and gpu will get very hot, when gaming or rendering sometimes over 200F. The fans only spin at max about 2900 rpm, when their max is 6400. I downloaded a fan control app, but how can i fix it?

    Hi rhaughan,
    I see that you have concerns about your operating temperature of your computer while using resource-heavy applications such as gaming applications. I have an article that will address some of the concerns you have mentioned:
    Mac notebooks: Operating temperature - Apple Support
    While there are third-party utilities that measure the temperature of a notebook computer, it is important to understand that these utilities are not measuring the external case temperature. The actual case temperature is much lower. Never use third-party applications to diagnose possible hardware issues—instead, contact Apple or go to an Apple Retail Store or Apple Authorized Service Provider.
    You should also see this article for even further information about your fans:
    Learn about the fans in your Mac - Apple Support
    Thanks for being a part of the Apple Support Communities!

  • My MacBook Pro is running very hot after lion install.  Are there any hardware changes that will help? What can I do to get it back to normal?

    My MacBook Pro is running very hot after lion install.  Are there any hardware changes that will help? What can I do to get it back to normal?

    I get the impression that most of the users on older hardware experiences similar temperature issues on Lion for a long time now. Awaiting for confirmation from the original poster.
    In the meantime I'm just cautious with regards to pushing the machine to such extreme temps, since something tells me such behaviour which includes monitor flickering and the likes is nothing but abnormal for any type of use...
    Any clues if 10.7.5 does anything on this? If not I'm afraid i see myself going back to SL for good...

  • MacBook not going to sleep and getting very hot

    I just purchased a MacBook and have been using it for a few days. I have noticed that it does not appear to go to sleep correctly and gets very hot in the process. I finished working on my MB about 45 minutes ago. At the time it was connected to the mains and I disconnected to catch my next train. I shut the lid and after a few minutes the sleep indicator light at the front dimmed once then stayed on permanently. I could not hear the drive spinning (though the drive is quiet on this machine and there was a lot of background noise) and assumed all was OK. Anyhow, I have just taken the MB out of its case some 45 minutes later and it felt extremely hot (almost too hot to touch, I would guess around 50ºC). The sleep indicator light on the front was solid white. I opened the lid and the machine woke up. Something not right here....Also power remaining was down to 72% so something has been using up a lot of energy and heating up the aluminium!
    ps. Whilst writing this email the MB has cooled down considerably but still warm.
    ps2. Probably not related, but I have firmware password protection enabled

    I did see some of the other posts, but nothing about the MB getting so hot.
    I tried sleep from the menu and this seems to work (though I have rebooted the machine since the above report).
    What worries me is the potential fire risk/damage to the MB, the case was extremely hot.

  • My macbook pro was on sleep mode, and when i opened it again, it wouldn't come off the black screen. It is very hot and also doesn't respond to the power button...

    My macbook pro was "asleep". I opened it later, and the screen wouldn't change from black.. The bottom of the laptop is very hot and making a hissing/whirring sound. I tried hitting the power button to turn it off, but the conditions just stayed the same. It doesn't respond to the power button, and the screen just stays black. How do i fix this?!

    I will go to the Apple store.  I just thought I would throw it out there to see if anyone had a solution.  They repaired this macbook before twice.  The last time they replaced several things to fix the screen.  I just threw out the question to see if someone could save me the trip to the store. 
    I was curious if the new programs (like lego games) can cause the computer to run to a point to blank the screen.
    And curious if there are other things I can try to get the screen up and running.

  • I am using a white 13inch 2009/10 macbook, purchased in the US. Am currently using it in the Philippines, where it is 220v. I know my adapter says it works from 100-240v, but is it okay to use longterm? I think my mac gets very hot now? thanks

    I am using a white 13inch 2009/10 macbook, purchased in the US. Am currently using it in the Philippines, where it is 220v. I know my adapter says it works from 100-240v, but is it okay to use longterm? I think my mac gets very hot now? thanks

    All Apple power supplies work world-wide with the proper plug adapter.
    I have my MacBook plugged into the grid all the time, 24 hours a day w/o any problems.

  • Macbook pro,power supply is very hot?

    macbook pro 15zoll with retina display, power supply is very hot! is this normal??

    It depends on what you are doing.  Yes, the power supply can get hot.  This is normal.

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