My MPB Adventure - Weeks 8+12

I had an experience this week with the MacBook Pro that I thought I'd share with prospective purchasers...
Let me just say at the outset that I'm a committed Apple customer, having bought a number of powerbooks over the years, most of which I've been very happy with.
As anyone reading this board will know, it's exciting when a new computer comes out, but it can also be a bit scary when you make the decision to buy it because you dread the prospect of ending up with a lemon.
The trouble is Apple's apparent policy of considering a box with a 'broken seal' to be non-returnable (or at least, so the "resellers" tell us). With the exception of certain outlets, when you buy a mac, you don't really know what you're getting until you hand over your money (usually a sum in the four digits) and then if you're not entirely satisfied, you're stuck dealing with someone over the phone at Apple, somewhere across the continent...
Here in Vancouver, only one retail chain/store that I know of offers a 2 week, full refund, no questions asked kind of arrangement on all Apple products. For some reason, I was never wise enough to take advantage of this (until this week). My own worst experience of being stuck with a bad machine (well, really, my only one) was my purchase of the rev c titanium two or three years ago (867mhz -- was that rev c?). The squeal from the fans was notoriously bad, and for someone who spends a lot of time working on their powerbook in quiet settings, this was disasterous. There was ultimately no solution, and I ended up selling the thing a few months after I bought it for about half of what I had paid for it.
I didn't intend to buy a Macbook Pro yesterday, but on Monday, I tinkered with one at the store, and was surprised by how superior it seemed to the Powerbook. When I read about the Macbook Pro, I didn't think the new features added up to much, but after trying one out, it made quite an impression on me.
The screen is beautiful, the build quality and thinness of the computer -- even though it's slight -- is really neat. The speakers are also a quantum leap above what is found the PB. But more than anything, it was the speed that won me over and made me think: yes, I want this, now. I don't care about how few applications are universal... this is awesome...
But in the store, with the ambient noise, much is concealed. I decided to buy the 1.83 at the store that offers the refund and I took it home -- feeling no sense of commitment. I discovered that it was a unit made during the 8th week of production (using the site mentioned elsewhere this board) and I was weary about the "whine" issue.
In the quiet of my home office, it was a drastically different computer -- and it was really, really unfortunate -- because I wanted to keep this computer -- I wanted very much to justify keeping it. In short, this thing isn't ready for prime time. When it is, great; I'll buy one.
First, the fan. There is a fan in the top left corner of the motherboard that whirrs and squeals like a vaccuum -- constantly. I had a headache within about 20 minutes. The fan is so loud, it cuts down the amount of sound you hear coming out of the speakers, unless you crank them right up.
Second, the screen, although it's beautiful, it has a very narrow viewing angle, almost as though it can't be seen in its entirely from any given horizontal angle (this is something I couldn't really notice until I brought it home and reclined in my comfy office chair with it). Also, the screen itself appears to be more limited in its ability to tilt back than the powerbook. But I could live with this.
What I couldn't live with, and what broke the deal for me, was the drastically loud buzzing and static sound to be heard when the computer was on battery. (This was not a 'whirring sound', or a squeal, it was a buzz, as in a wire shorting, or radio static, but suprisingly loud.) It was simply unusable on battery. There is no way it could be used in a seminar, a quiet office, or the library. I thought initially that it might have had to do with the battery needing to be calibrated, so I tried to run down the battery. After about ten or fifteen minutes, I gave up trying, because the sound was so obnoxious.
So, unhappily, I took it back to the store this morning, and got in a chat with the manager (who I was friendly with and who was exceedingly patient with me). I explained to him that on the Apple boards, there was discussion about how some of the units made after week 12 didn't have these problems. I then asked if I could take a look at his stock of MPBs -- to look at the serial numbers to see if I could find one made after week 12. (He thought it was a strange idea, and even stranger that I knew how to figure this out, but invited me to do so.)
To my utter surprise, he said, "in fact, we just got three new units in today, right here." There were three on the floor, still in the manila boxes (i.e., the plain brown boxes), cold from having come right off the delivery truck. All three of them made during week 12, (factory W8).
We opened up one up, booted it up, and unfortunately, it was the very same story. A slightly less audible fan whine (but then I was listening to it in the store), but a noticable buzz from the battery.
Fortunately, I was refunded my money. I thanked and apologized copiously to the manager, and we parted company. I left the store feeling both good and disappointed. I wanted to keep one, but at least where I'm at, it seems too risky to buy one anywhere else in town without a "buyers' remorse" arrangement.
Sorry for the long-winded story. In short, I think the MPB needs another few months before its ready for those super-picky customers like me.
Powerbook 1.67" SuperDrive HiRes   Mac OS X (10.4.5)   Video iPod
Powerbook 1.67" SuperDrive HiRes   Mac OS X (10.4.5)   Video iPod
Powerbook 1.67" SuperDrive HiRes   Mac OS X (10.4.5)   Video iPod
Powerbook 1.67" SuperDrive HiRes   Mac OS X (10.4.5)   Video iPod
Powerbook 1.67" SuperDrive HiRes   Mac OS X (10.4.5)   Video iPod
Powerbook 1.67" SuperDrive HiRes   Mac OS X (10.4.5)   Video iPod

serial number (written on the ouside box or found on the Apple menu about this maccclick two times on version ) :
Where W8 is Shangai (plant), 6 is 2006, and XX the week of production.
By the way the screen buzzing sound can be fixed by Apple. See other threads related to bad inverter and buzzing sound.

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  • My MPB 17 (Week 23) Review

    I'm a long-time powerbook user, and just upgraded from a 15" AlBook (first generation) to a 17" MacBookPro. Here is a brief list of the good, bad and ugly. I'd consider myself a power user (programmer & database development, lots of VirtualPC / Parallels use) so my perspective may not be that of the average user.
    The MacBook:
    17" with 120gig drive, one gig of RAM, matte display.
    I upgraded to 2 gigs of RAM with a generic RAM stick from a local vendor.
    The Good
    • Delivery / Shipping -- was quoted 10 days from order to arrival, the MBP actually arrived within 48 hours. It made it from Shanghai to my doorstep in under 23 hours! Perhaps FedEx should get credit for this. However, my coworker's order did not fare so well (see below).
    • Noise -- this is one of the quietest laptops I've owned or used (over a dozen in my life). Several friends (all who can hear the "Mosquito" sound that's been on the net lately) could not hear any high frequency noise. If you max out both processors, there is a very slight fan noise. Hard drive is whisper quiet. There is a very slight "morse code" sound from the CPU, but it's only audible if you put your ear to the macbook, and it is much, much quieter than the similar sound that my G4 AlBook has.
    • Screen -- big & bright. In terms of brightness & saturation, it makes my apple 20" Apple LCD display look a little washed out. Previously, I would have called the 20" display "the best I'd seen". The viewing angle is, of course, better on the 20".
    • Build quality -- the case is good, screen closes evenly, lid is even (but see below)
    • Speed -- it's fast. Way fast.
    The Bad
    • Heat -- using CoreDuoTemp, I'm seeing temps of about 60C to 65C when idle, which seems high to me. However, if I max out both processors, the temp won't go above 85C, and I can hear the fans turn on. The bottom of the case gets blazing hot, noticeably hotter than my 15" AlBook (which I thought was hot). All in all, I can live with this -- in practice it means no using on lap while wearing shorts.
    • Migration Assistant -- after transferring over 60 gigs of data, I had some problems:
    1. My spotlight index was fubard. Searches in Mail would only find about a dozen mail messages for a certain keyword (where I know there are 1000s of matches).
    2. Static IP address problems -- I had a couple of static IP address network configs which did not seem to work right after transfer. I re-built these from scratch which seemed to fix the problem.
    • Delivery / Shipping -- a coworker ordered a CTO macbook at the same time, and his has now been in FedEx's system for 3 days, and mysteriously was routed to Indiana from Anchorage (for delivery to Southern California). Mine came directly from Anchorage to SoCal.
    The Ugly
    • Screen Hinge -- if I tilt the macbook towards me, at around 45 degree tilt the screen will start to close. If I'm not paying attention, and tilt it further, it slams shut with some speed. This makes it unusable when lying down in bed or on the couch. Reading these forums, it looks like this may or may not be a design or build flaw. I may call apple to get their perspective on a fix.
    • Screen bezel is sharp -- yesterday, the screen slammed shut on me and actually cut my thumb! The inner lip of the aluminum bezel is very very sharp. On my 15" AlBook, it's not quite as sharp, and the screen stays open so it's not an issue. I'm not the litigious type, lucky for Apple.
    • Freezes & Kernel Panic -- I've had two freezes and one kernel panic in 48 hours. All three incidents happened within 5 minutes of waking from sleep, and two of the incidents happened when using a non-Apple wireless network (an old netgear box). One happened before I added the 2nd RAM stick. I've turned off hibernate, turned off IPV6, and things seem a little better now.
    If I can't solve the kernel panics & freezes, the machine will be unusable. I'm hoping that these are software bugs that can be fixed by 10.4.7. I'm not sure if I can live with the loose screen hinge. Otherwise, the machine is quite good. I'll report back in a week or so with more thoughts...
    MacBook Pro 17   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    Update: after writing my first post, I had another kernel panic, while using Airport.
    Since then, I've rebooted, turned off Airport and plugged into a wired ethernet network. I've been running Parallels, surfing the net, streaming iTunes music, reindexing Spotlight and re-building large mailboxes in Mail. After several hours I'm panic-free. I've also run extensive RAM tests that came back clean.
    Based on these symptoms (which other folks seem to share), I'm suspecting these kernel panics are due to some sort of Airport driver bug.
    FYI, here are a couple of panic logs from /Library/Logs/panic.log
    Thu Jun 15 22:00:00 2006
    panic(cpu 0 caller 0x0019C9EF): Unresolved kernel trap (CPU 0, Type 14=page fault), registers:
    CR0: 0x8001003b, CR2: 0x202d2d21, CR3: 0x00d81000, CR4: 0x000026e0
    EAX: 0x036d3ac0, EBX: 0x037c7280, ECX: 0x00107f00, EDX: 0x0040c220
    ESP: 0x202d2d21, EBP: 0x00107edc, ESI: 0x00000000, EDI: 0x00000000
    EFL: 0x00010002, EIP: 0x202d2d21, CS: 0x00000008, DS: 0x00000010
    Backtrace, Format - Frame : Return Address (4 potential args on stack)
    0x107d78 : 0x128b5e (0x3bbf84 0x107d9c 0x131bbc 0x0)
    0x107db8 : 0x19c9ef (0x3c13b4 0x0 0xe 0x3c116c)
    0x107e68 : 0x197b8d (0x107e7c 0x107edc 0x202d2d21 0xf7f40048)
    0x107e74 : 0x202d2d21 (0xf7f40048 0x10 0x317a0010 0x10)
    0x107edc : 0x37f2e2 (0x375f700 0x37c7280 0x0 0x107f00)
    0x107f0c : 0x38f5d8 (0x37c7280 0x0 0x107f6c 0x128dbf)
    0x107f4c : 0x6f75b2 (0x3aacc00 0x0 0x37c7280 0x0)
    0x107f7c : 0x6f7673 (0x375f700 0x0 0x3761f80 0x51)
    0x107f9c : 0x658c01 (0x375f700 0x0 0x3761f80 0x51)
    0x107fbc : 0x3ac6fa (0x3761b80 0x0 0x3761a80 0x51)
    0x107fec : 0x197c93 (0x51 0x2500be98 0x2500be98 0x2000007f)
    0x2500bf44 : 0x1990f4 (0x0 0x0 0x3175768d 0x216)
    0x2500bf64 : 0x135d78 (0x0 0x0 0x2500bf94 0x135798)
    0x2500bfd4 : 0x197a29 (0x0 0xffffffff 0x36bed48 0x37c7280) Backtrace terminated-invalid frame pointer 0x0
    Kernel loadable modules in backtrace (with dependencies):
    Kernel version:
    Darwin Kernel Version 8.6.2: Thu Apr 13 18:48:29 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.9.59.obj~1/RELEASE_I386
    Fri Jun 16 10:38:50 2006
    panic(cpu 0 caller 0x0034FD9C): mbuf address out of range 0x80
    Backtrace, Format - Frame : Return Address (4 potential args on stack)
    0x24eb3cd4 : 0x128b5e (0x3bbf84 0x24eb3cf8 0x131bbc 0x0)
    0x24eb3d14 : 0x34fd9c (0x3db980 0x80 0x24eb3d54 0x196fd8)
    0x24eb3d34 : 0x350143 (0x36b69200 0x1 0x37aee18 0x0)
    0x24eb3d54 : 0x233063 (0x36b69200 0x1 0x0 0x1)
    0x24eb3e14 : 0x222007 (0x36b69200 0x14 0x24eb3f14 0x9719ce)
    0x24eb3e54 : 0x223a8b (0x36b69200 0x14 0x11 0x0)
    0x24eb3f64 : 0x211109 (0x36b69200 0x36b69200 0x42cb5c 0x135798)
    0x24eb3fa4 : 0x1f773d (0x3cb4804 0x36b69200 0x36bf4816 0x1)
    0x24eb3fd4 : 0x197a29 (0x0 0x0 0x376aef0 0x134aec) Backtrace terminated-invalid frame pointer 0x0
    Kernel version:
    Darwin Kernel Version 8.6.2: Thu Apr 13 18:48:29 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.9.59.obj~1/RELEASE_I386
      Mac OS X (10.4.6)  


    Hi All
    I have a MacBook and below are the symptoms of its malfunctioning  :
    On startup its gives chime sound with bad resolution of apple logo and load bar goes up to approx. 25% and white screen comes up.
    And this been happening for almost 2 weeks now. OS : Yosemite
    Model : MacBook Pro (15-inch, Early 2011)
    Apple Service Centre Report :
    Found machine boots with the scramble video.Did the SMC reset tried to boot the machine found the same issue.Tried with the reseating the ram still the same issue.Tried with the removing the airport card and tested still the same issue.Tried with the extrema os still the same issue.Tried with the MLb reseating still the same issue.Tried in the minimal config still the same issue.Therefore sending the quote for MLb.note-Need to test the machine post replacement of the part.
    Resolution suggested by Apple Service Centre : Replacement of SVC,PCBA,MLB,2.0GHZ(Exchange)
    I googled and found below links : t-critical-gpu-failures-system-crashes k-pro-failures-as-problem-grows
    If this issue is common for MacBook 2011 early model, shouldnot apple do something about it?
    Is there any way I can get in touch with apple and express my concern?

    The same thing happened to my MPB 2 weeks ago. After a few minutes it turned on and has been fine since.

  • MBP HD cliccking noise

    Hi everyone I'm new.
    I've got a MPB four weeks ago and I'm completly satisfied.
    But from some days my MBP's HD had start to emit an annoying cliccking sound comng from left down corner.
    This sound is periodic every 30-45 seconds.
    Any suggestions?

    This has been an issue for laptops for some time now. I remember posting on numerous forums years ago when this sound bothered me in my TiBook 400. I personally have come to the following conclusions:
    I think the noise is louder on Hitachi drives than Seagate.
    The noise gets louder with time. HDs lose some of their acoustic dampening with the normal shuffle and bumps that laptops are exposed to. With Hitachi's I normally start hearing the clicks or clunks (whatever) after a few months, and it gets loud enough to really, really annoy me after about a year.
    I haven't heard them on a Seagate drive, yet, but I haven't owned one for a year.
    If you keep the drive perpetually spinning and force the computer not to park the heads, its possible you can ameliorate some of the noise, but at what cost to battery life and HD life? I don't know; never seemed worth it to me.
    I use headphones.

  • Can I Get a Full Refund for Uneven Backlighting on MPB  after 50 weeks?

    I bought a Macbook Pro C2D 17" exactly 50 weeks ago from one of the mac re-sellers that are in towns like Bristol and Swindon in the UK that don't have proper mac's own shops.
    I've developed some really bad uneven backlighting on my monitor which is really noticeable when I put a mid tone colour to fill the screen (and even more noticeable when I look at it from a slight angle) and also a light coloured area at the bottom of my screen with is noticeable when he screen is black.
    I also have the slight 'grainy' effect that people have been making a lot of fuss about ever since these new macbook pros were brought out, It's a glossy screen also.
    A few days ago I passed round the shop and asked if I could qualify for my computer to be replaced with one of the (new) new ones, I'd like this since I find the fans go on with I use second life (and stops and starts a lot) and photoshop on full blast with various other software. Also could do with the extra RAM and resolution.
    The salesman at the mac re-seller shop said that It would take about 10 days for my computer to be fixed, now I'm a graphic designer and depend on the computer for my income so that's not an option.
    What I'm wondering, and the reason I'm writing this post...I heard somewhere that under UK consumer law that if a product fails to live up to what it's promised to be or is faulty, the consumer is entitled to the choice of a repair, replacement or refund. Is this true and can I qualify for it? The mac re-seller shop is only giving me the option to replace the screen it seems for a lengthy delay instead of giving me other options, what I'd like is the computer to be replaced with the new machine or mac to refund me, so I can give it to apple again by buying the (new) new macbook pro that's just come out.
    Any advice much appreciated.
    Message was edited by: Scottishengineer
    Message was edited by: Scottishengineer
    Message was edited by: Scottishengineer

    Good Afternoon,
    I can't speak for British Law, however, you should still be covered by the Apple 1 Year Limited Warranty. If you have a verified problem with your computer you should be able to send it in for repair, however, Apple is not required to replace the machine so long as they are making an attempt to make your machine operate normally.
    Normal repair time will range from 10-30 business days on most issues when the machine is sent in for repair and, unfortunately, Apple is not responsible for any lost productivity time you will encounter during that time.
    You may wish to contact Apple Support or Customer Care for more details.
    Hope this helps! 

  • Less than 1 week old MPB Crashed.  Should i be worried?

    So i received my MBP on the 3rd of june. Less than one week of using it, it crashed while i was deleting songs off itunes. My screen, mouse, and keyboard froze and unresponsive. Is there something wrong with my mac? or Is there a possibility of that? Should i be worried?

    Welcome to Apple Discussions
    It's more than likely it was software related not hardware, if you open /Utilities/Console and look around the time of the freeze does it show anything interesting/helpful ?
    It won't hurt to run Disc Utility and then select Repair Permissions ...

  • Frequent kernel panics with MPB 2.0 with 2GB RAM

    I have been having frequent kernel panics with my MPB. I have 2GB of RAM that came pre-installed from the factory. This seems to happen most often when I am using external firewire drives. Has anyone out there had similar problems?

    I've done the permission repairs. Also zapped the
    PRAM. Ran the hardware test off the installer DVD
    and it immediately came back with an error code
    (4MEM/1/60000000:) and told me to contact Applecare.
    I called Applecare and they were not very helpful.
    The operator I spoke with had no idea what the
    error code meant. He told me that RAM either works
    or it doesn't. The PRAM zap was done at his
    suggestion. Hasn't changed a thing. The kernel
    panics have only grown more steady over the past
    couple of weeks. More frustrating are frequent and
    repeated application crashes (even simple stuff like
    Safari, Mail, Address Book and Preview). Applecare
    suggested I do a clean install of the OS. But it
    sounds like a hardware issue to me. The app crashes
    are occurring in different accounts on my MPB. I
    don't want to spent a half-day reinstalling all of
    my software only to have the issues continue. I'm
    going to try to re-seat the RAM and then make an
    appointment at the genius bar to have them take a
    look at this. It had been running perfectly for the
    first few weeks.
    If you had an error code during the Hardware Test your MBP has a problem. The 4MEM/1/60000000: maybe linked to bad RAM or not seated correctly. If not seated correctly it will not boot, so it sounds like a bad RAM slot or memory stick.

  • How to allow users to pick up a specific week for a report based on SSAS Cube

    hi Folks: 
       I have created a report which is pretty simple: for a specific week, I want to know the total values.   This specific week comes from a Fiscal Calendar hierarchy ( Year - Quarter - Month - Week) .
     Now, I want to create a parameter called @specificWeek to this cube based report so that users could pick any week they want ( no multiple values allowed).   I understand that I need to create a parameter @specificWeek and created a dataset to
    populate .
    After that, find a way to embed this paramenter into the main MDX query .
     Can someone show me how to do this?  
    Below is the sample from cube Adventure Works, I want to make the Hierarchy Date.FisCal Weeks as the parameter,
    how to implement? thanks
    --Currently using Reporting Service 2000; Visual Studio .NET 2003; Visual Source Safe SSIS 2008 SSAS 2008, SVN --

    hi Ayad:
      I've done the following steps
    1. In shared datasets, drag all fields I need in and drag the data hierarchy into the filter and check it as a parameter. 
    2. On the reportData pane, when I right click the datasets, I did not see any option says show hidden dataset. 
    3. WHen I run the report, it did not pop up the dropdown list for the week selection.
    Any ideas? thanks
    --Currently using Reporting Service 2000; Visual Studio .NET 2003; Visual Source Safe SSIS 2008 SSAS 2008, SVN --

  • Macbook pro dies after 1 year and 3 weeks

    I Purchased my MBP last year, without the 3-year applecare plan.
    I have been using it mainly for internet, music and all the
    other normal everyday things people use their computers for.
    Three weeks after my 1-year warranty expired, the computer
    simply stops working..
    I took it to a licensed apple technician, and most chances are
    that the motherboard is the problem. (he still has the computer)
    My question is: is this normal? I mean, one year and 20 days?? really?
    Even if I did have applecare, this is completely unacceptable !!
    A new motherboard is not going to be cheap.. It's a major flaw..
    This is a machine that should last a lot longer and it sure costs like one.
    what should I do next? anyone knows of a similar situation? every piece
    of advice will help.
    A. Raviv

    I notice that your location is Israel. Did you purchase the MBP in Israel? I understand things may have changed, but after doing some searching it seems that the 3-year AppleCare either:
    1) was not offered in Israel until recently
    2) is still not offered in Israel
    3) if a MBP was purchased outside of Israel the 3-year AppleCare plan would not be valid in Israel
    4) if a MBP was purchased outside of Israel the 3-year AppleCare plan may be valid Israel
    I am basically trying to string together some pieces of information, and, a stated don't have the whole picture.
    My research sources include:
    1) Trying to Fix the World: Apple and Israel ( Granted, this was posted in 2008 (updated in 2009), but it seems to set the basis for Apple repairs / warranty issues in Israel.
    2) iDigital website ( I used the google translator to read this in English. There are many parts of the site that don't translate. But, was able to rummage around it seems like they offer the iDigital Care Protection Plan for MBPs. This seems like a substitute for the AppleCare plan, and may support the idea that AppleCare is not available there, since it seems to be picked up by this 3rd party.
    3) The Apple site for Israel, particularly, the "Why you'll love a mac" page ( that states:
    Is a Mac reliable?
    When you buy a PC, you’re buying hardware from one company and an operating system and software from other companies. Not so with a Mac. Because Apple builds both the computer and the software that comes with it, they’re literally made for each other. This means that a Mac rarely freezes or crashes. Occasionally an application might quit, but it won’t affect the rest of your system. And Mac OS X resists most viruses, so you can do anything — without worrying about losing everything.
    No, the above passage does not guarantee or warrant anything, but it does suggest that a MPB is "reliable". Then, given that it may be the case that AppleCare may not have been a viable option for you, I would press that as a polite argument as why it might seem appropriate for Apple to repair you MBP, just 20 days out of the year warranty.
    As "GoTVols" mentioned:
    Hurry! And if you talk to a person that isn't helping ask to talk to their supervisor.

  • 2011 13 MPB - Frequent BSOD & Kernel Panics - seeking advice

    All, I have been having similar issues with my 13 inch MBP.  I've had it for a couple weeks now.  Ive had an original aluminum Macbook for the past two years and had not one issue with it.  In fact, I was a BSOD virgin and didnt even have any idea what it was when it initially happened on my new MBP.
    Anyway, I've now had 8 BSODs and Im looking for ideas on what might be causing it.  Let me go through it.
    To start, I did a TimeMachine backup of all the data from old MB.
    When turning on my new MPB for the first time, I chose the option to restore everything.  (first off, could this be the cause?)
    I let TM do it's thing, and the new MBP booted up no issues, everything looked the same, no errors, all is good right?!? 
    I then added the 8GB of RAM to the new MBP.  I added this - Mushkin Enhanced 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3 1333 (PC3 10600) Memory (  Granted, I know that this memory doesnt specifically say it is for my model MBP, but it specs out the same.  I have run both the short and in-depth Apple Hardware Tests and no errors were found.  And the BSODs have been happening both with the original memory and the new so I do not think it is the memory (is there anyway to tell for certain though?!?)
    I've also read a separate forums stating that USB tethering is causing ALOT of people BSODs and that booting into 32bit instead of 64bit seems to help. (here for more)  I dont tehter anything via usb.  I have one USB peripheral and thats my TM drive.  So I'm not sure this applies to me, but might help others.
    Another forum I read suggests that there is something specifically new on the install DVDs with the new MBPs and that TM backups from previous versions is not a good idea.  I cannot locate the forum at the moment, but I have the quote from it "You're getting a kernel panic because you installed Snow Leopard via the retail disk. Make sure you use the disk provided in the box. These 2011 MBP's require a special, newer build of SL."  (does anyone know if this even true?!?)
    Other than that, I've
    kept up wth and installed all the software updates available so far (Safari, Itunes, iPhone, etc.) 
    reset the PRAM
    reset the SMC
    I do have a Win7 VMware session which I have been able to use without error.
    A friend of mine said his last TWO 17 MBPs had similar issues on launch and it took an Apple update to correct the issue but I dont have the details on that.
    My KPs (in order of occurence if it matters):
    04/05 -BSD process name corresponding to current thread: Google Chrome He
    04/05 -BSD process name corresponding to current thread: prl_disp_service
    04/07 -BSD process name corresponding to current thread: mdworker
    04/16 -BSD process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task
    04/16 -BSD process name corresponding to current thread: iTunes
    04/16 -BSD process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task
    04/17 -BSD process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task
    04/17 -BSD process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task
    Hardware Overview:
      Model Name:    MacBook Pro
      Model Identifier:    MacBookPro8,1
      Processor Name:    Intel Core i7
      Processor Speed:    2.7 GHz
      Number of Processors:    1
      Total Number of Cores:    2
      L2 Cache (per Core):    256 KB
      L3 Cache:    4 MB
      Memory:    8 GB
      Boot ROM Version:    MBP81.0047.B04
      SMC Version (system):    1.68f96
    I apologize for the long post, but Im looking for help and hopfully this will help others.  My next step is to return this.  I am quite disappointed so far considering I hadn't experienced any issues with my previous MB.
    Thanks for the help.

    heck man, I'll post all of them if it helps...  here is my last one:
    Interval Since Last Panic Report:  22066 sec
    Panics Since Last Report:          1
    Anonymous UUID:                    C2A2DA35-E922-49D4-BF5C-4351BEE2F2EF
    Sun Apr 17 22:25:31 2011
    panic(cpu 3 caller 0xffffff80002d11f4): Kernel trap at 0xffffff7f80ba8031, type 14=page fault, registers:
    CR0: 0x000000008001003b, CR2: 0xffffff8011702550, CR3: 0x0000000000100000, CR4: 0x0000000000040660
    RAX: 0xffffff8011701a00, RBX: 0xffffff8011634c00, RCX: 0x00000000f9000000, RDX: 0xffffff8002b931c8
    RSP: 0xffffff8090ecbcc0, RBP: 0xffffff8090ecbcd0, RSI: 0x0000000000000000, RDI: 0xffffff8011634c00
    R8:  0x0000000000000000, R9:  0x0000000000000000, R10: 0x0000000000000000, R11: 0xffffff7f80ba7d1e
    R12: 0x00000000e00002d8, R13: 0x0000000000000000, R14: 0x0000000000000001, R15: 0x0000000000000001
    RFL: 0x0000000000010202, RIP: 0xffffff7f80ba8031, CS:  0x0000000000000008, SS:  0x0000000000000010
    Error code: 0x0000000000000000
    Backtrace (CPU 3), Frame : Return Address
    0xffffff8090ecb960 : 0xffffff8000204d15
    0xffffff8090ecba60 : 0xffffff80002d11f4
    0xffffff8090ecbbb0 : 0xffffff80002e3f1a
    0xffffff8090ecbbc0 : 0xffffff7f80ba8031
    0xffffff8090ecbcd0 : 0xffffff7f80b90bbd
    0xffffff8090ecbd10 : 0xffffff7f80b7afb0
    0xffffff8090ecbd60 : 0xffffff7f80b73c64
    0xffffff8090ecbdb0 : 0xffffff7f80b74ceb
    0xffffff8090ecbe60 : 0xffffff7f8113305e
    0xffffff8090ecbeb0 : 0xffffff7f80b64729
    0xffffff8090ecbec0 : 0xffffff7f80b6b38b
    0xffffff8090ecbf00 : 0xffffff7f80b8eef3
    0xffffff8090ecbf20 : 0xffffff7f80b8f29b
    0xffffff8090ecbf40 : 0xffffff7f80b8ef72
    0xffffff8090ecbf60 : 0xffffff8000285b32
    0xffffff8090ecbfa0 : 0xffffff80002c84f7
          Kernel Extensions in backtrace (with dependencies):
   >0xffffff7f80 bb2fff
   >0xffffff7f80ba4f ff
    BSD process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task
    Mac OS version:
    Kernel version:
    Darwin Kernel Version 10.7.3: Sun Mar  6 13:37:56 PST 2011; root:xnu-1504.14.2~1/RELEASE_X86_64
    System model name: MacBookPro8,1 (Mac-94245B3640C91C81)
    System uptime in nanoseconds: 29338421682419
    unloaded kexts:    2.4.4f2 (addr 0xffffff7f80ba5000, size 0x57344) - last unloaded 22669078572092
    loaded kexts:
    com.bresink.driver.BRESINKx86Monitoring    8.0
    com.vmware.kext.vmnet    3.1.2
    com.vmware.kext.vmioplug    3.1.2
    com.vmware.kext.vmci    3.1.2
    com.vmware.kext.vmx86    3.1.2    11.1.2f17
    com.jft.driver.PdaNetDrv    1.0.64    3.2f8    1.3.2f5    1.9.3d0    2.1.0    100.12.31    1.2.0    2.0.2f10    1.54    2.0.2f10    2.4.4f2    2.4.4f2    3.5.4    1.0.17    7.0.0    1.1.6    6.3.2    6.3.2    4.6.0d12    1.5.1    170.0.46    1.5.2d6    3.0.1d2    201.2    201.2    303.8    2.6.6    31    1.0.0d1    1.6.3    4.7.3    1.0.2    4.2.0    429.10.2    1.4.0    160.0.0    2.1.6    3.0.2b8    4.2.0    1.3.6    1.3.1    1.5    1.7    1.3.6    1.4    142.4.1    1    0    2.1.11    142.4.1    141 - last loaded 23084689556087    2.4.4f2    1.1.1    1.1.1    1.1.1    1.0.5    17    10    14    10    10    20    74.2    2.4.4f2    10.0.3    2.0.2f10    1.0.10d0    1.1.9    1.2.2    2.0.3    1.8.3fc2    1.3    2.0.2f10    2.0.2f10    41    4.6.0d12    1.0.10d0    1.0.1    2.2    2.2    3.1.0d5    2.4.4f2    2.4.4f2    2.4.4f2    207.5    4.2.0    4.2.0    3.9.0    2.6.6    1.6    1.6    1.6.1    402.1    1.2.5    2.6.6    4.2.6    4.2.0    320.1    2.0.5    1.10    4.2.0    1.4.0    1.6.6    1.1    1.0.0d1    6    289    1.6.3    1.3.6    2.6.2    1.3.0
    Model: MacBookPro8,1, BootROM MBP81.0047.B04, 2 processors, Intel Core i7, 2.7 GHz, 4 GB, SMC 1.68f96
    Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 3000, Intel HD Graphics 3000, Built-In, 384 MB
    Memory Module: global_name
    AirPort: spairport_wireless_card_type_airport_extreme (0x14E4, 0xD6), Broadcom BCM43xx 1.0
    Bluetooth: Version 2.4.4f2, 2 service, 19 devices, 1 incoming serial ports
    Network Service: Ethernet, Ethernet, en0
    Network Service: AirPort, AirPort, en1
    Network Service: Windows Mobile device, Ethernet, en2
    Serial ATA Device: TOSHIBA MK5065GSXF, 465.76 GB
    Serial ATA Device: OPTIARC DVD RW AD-5970H
    USB Device: FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in), 0x05ac  (Apple Inc.), 0x8509, 0xfa200000 / 3
    USB Device: Hub, 0x0424  (SMSC), 0x2513, 0xfa100000 / 2
    USB Device: Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad, 0x05ac  (Apple Inc.), 0x0245, 0xfa120000 / 5
    USB Device: BRCM2070 Hub, 0x0a5c  (Broadcom Corp.), 0x4500, 0xfa110000 / 4
    USB Device: Bluetooth USB Host Controller, 0x05ac  (Apple Inc.), 0x821a, 0xfa113000 / 7
    USB Device: Hub, 0x0424  (SMSC), 0x2513, 0xfd100000 / 2
    USB Device: IR Receiver, 0x05ac  (Apple Inc.), 0x8242, 0xfd110000 / 3

  • Nvidia 8600 - is there a risk of buying MPB 2.4?

    I have a good offer to buy used MPB 2.4 (MacBookPro 3,1) produced at week 23 of 2007. I know it has potentially risky GPU chip 8600. A friend of mine who was using this machine less than two years never run games, he never yet experienced death screen. He used MPB basically for Lightroom, FCP and Photoshop. Same do I.
    I know it's maybe risky to buy such machine especially keeping in mind that 2 years of replacement-for-free will end somewhere in this summer, anyway I have few questions:
    1. Does all this situation with faulty NVIDIA chip mean that GPU will fail one day, anyway, earlier or sooner? Is this fail permanent, or rather spontaneous and depends on temporary heating = intensive tasks?
    2. Does it definitely related on gaming, which use GPU, or not? Does Adobe applications or Apple's Pro apps use GPU as much intensively as games?
    3. Does fans setting to turn earlier helps to prevent overheating?
    Thank you.

    You can't overcharge the iPod. You can leave it charging all night if you want

  • Get The Previous Six Weeks in Query

    I have an MDX query that I'm using in an SSRS report. The report returns results for the current week beginning on Sunday. THe query takes three parameters: Year, Month, and Week. The year is defaulted to the curret year, the month is defaulted to the current
    month, and the week is defaulted to the current week. Here is the MDX of the query:
    {[Measures].[Employee Hours]} ON COLUMNS
    [Employee].[Employee Discipline].[Employee Discipline].ALLMEMBERS*
    [Employee].[Employee Department].[Employee Department].ALLMEMBERS*
    [Employee].[Employee Full Name].[Employee Full Name].ALLMEMBERS*
    [Employee Hours Time Category].[Utilization Category].[Utilization Category].ALLMEMBERS*
    [Employee Hours Time Category].[Time Category].[Time Category].ALLMEMBERS*
    What I would like to do is return not just the current week, but also the previous five weeks.
    IF there is an easier way to do this without having to pass the current year and the current month, that would be een better. I do have a time dimension called time which does have the [Time].[Week] member which is in the format of MM/DD/YYYY 00:00:00:00.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated!
    A. M. Robinson

    Your solution requires me to figure out what the week was six weeks ago. How is that accomplished? That is what the MDX is supposed to do. Take the current week (i.e., 8/31/2014) and go back six weeks.
    In MDX you can do this for years, month, days, etc. It's fairly easy to say "give me the three previous years from the current year". I want the same thing for weeks.
    I'm passing in a simple parameter for week: 8/31/2014 00:00:00. This is how it is formatted in the actual dimension table.
    From what I've found, LastPeriods seems like the way to go...just trying to figure it out to work with my MDX. Take the current period and go back X number of periods.
    SELECT LastPeriods(3,[Date].[Fiscal].[Fiscal Quarter].[Q4 FY 2002]) ON 0
    FROM [Adventure Works]
    A. M. Robinson

  • Now what? My adventures with a macbook pro

    So my issues with my macbook have been an adventure to say the least---that actually includes being robbed, having it stolen and returned to me!
    You can see my initial post here which has screenshots and detailed description of the problem:
    Quick recap is that my Macbook Pro was running very slow specifically when using Photoshop, Aperture and Lightroom.  Also getting weird trippy screens when I open new tabs in Safari and slow restart time, starting of apps and it would fall asleep and not wake up (as seen in this video:
    Here is video of this issue:  )
    I had brought the macbook into the Apple store 3 times.
    1st time:  ran full diagnostic and found nothing so they did an OS Restore saying that when I synced my old computer with the new computer it could have transferred over something buggy.
    2nd time: Ran an advanced disk utility to verify and repair permissions and disk
    3rd time: They did clean Wipe with fresh OS install- this was maybe a month or so ago...these screenshots and video were taken this week. Also this time that I brought it in they discovered that my OS was not the most current version even though I personally had run software update and the apple Genius ran the software update and it was saying my software was up to date when it obviously was not.
    I only got one response here who basically confirmed my thought that I got a lemon of a computer and to keep bringing it in so I brought it in for a 4th time.  I met with the "genius" and I dont think I even completed my first sentence and he goes "it needs a new graphics card".  All he had seen was my screenshot of the wonky screen and he was 100% convinced this was the issue.  I was a little confused to say the least that he made this decision in 30 seconds when it was my 4th trip to the apple store with it and not once was this mentioned at all in my previous trips.
    So they shipped it off and called me 3 days later to say it was ready.  I picked it up, left the store was walking through the mall and was robbed by some guy who grabbed my macbook from me and ran off.  Nice right?  I chased him, saw his car, described it to police and with sure luck when they called the description over the scanner 10 minutes later another cop managed to pull the guy over, my macbook in the back seat.  So I get it back that night (after many hours at the police station)- when I turned it on I did discover that it was wiped clean.  I was unsure if Apple did this or the robbers.  I assume Apple did but when I called to ask them they said for liability reasons they could not tell me bc of the robbery.  Not sure it really matters either way. 
    Well its less than a week later and again Im seeing this (just took this screenshot today)
    UGH! So now far I havent been doing enough photo editing to tell if the other issues still exist BUT either way I l know the above is not normal and Ive seen it at least 5 times since picking the computer up.  After being robbed Im even afraid to go back to the apple store with my laptop. 

    I haven't read your post in detail, but looking at the image you posted, I'd say it looks like a hardware problem.  If this machine is fairly new and you've been dealing with problems with it since day one, it's probably time to have a discussion with Apple about replacing the machine.

  • Mpb crashes every day, even during start up. Help, please!

    I have been using the mpb for 3 months.
    It started to crash frequently two weeks ago.
    sometimes, it even crashed on the start up.
    Disk utilities found permission porblem 7 out of 10 times after it crashed.
    I have taken a picture of the screen when it crashed during start up.
    any words would be appreciated.
    thank you.
    MPB 1.83ghz   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

    thank you for all replies.
    I did install 1G ram but it was there once I received the mpb.
    I am also thinking it might be caused by the compatibility between the stock ram and the ram I bought outside apple.I have taken out the stock 512mb ram and leave the 1G ram in the mbp for few hour, no crash by now. will try the other way later.
    What I am really concerned is the hardware proble, no rams.
    If I did encounter another crash, I will re-install the os.

  • MPB Freezing. Help!

    For the past week my MPB has been freezing for no apparent reason. I have to hold down the power button shut it down. I'm trying to see which programs are running when it happens to isolate what may be the cause. I think it may be The World of Warcraft, but i've run this game on here for over a year with no incident. The only thing I can think is that the latest patch is messing with the O/S. I really don't think it's WoW though. This has been happening for a little under a week now and is getting very frustrating. any suggestions? I don't know if I should call Apple or Blizzard (WoW). I'd like to try to fix the problem myself first. Thanks guys.

    Sometimes a new WoW patch can make your mods go haywire, and sometimes you may need to reinstall them. WoW for me has only crashed once, I'm not sure why but it was right after I downloaded a new patch. I just restarted the game, and it's been ok ever since.
    For your mods, you may want update them to their latest versions if there are any just to be on the safe side. If all else fails, by reinstalling your mods, or updating them, then you may need to reinstall the game. Another thing you could do is go to WoW's technical forums and see if you find people who have had similar issues, or post a question and see what other players say.
    By the way, in your sig, it says you have OS 10.4.6, is that true? If so, you may want to upgrade to 10.4.11. If not, then disregard this sentence
    Oh yeah, and repairing permissions usually helps out when there's problems opening/running applications, and if your computer is slow. Speaking of's been a while since I've played WoW...I'll be back in a few hours

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