N8 browser locks up with youtube.

Youtube constantly lockes the browser. Normally a hard rest is only possibility. Sometimes it is possible to close the browser but then the wifi connection fails an a restart is necessary. Anyone else?

I had a similar problem with my N8 last night. Sitting in a hotel bar with family I searched youtube for a spoof rainbow program video. It started playing, then after about 15 seconds the phone froze. Frozen still image showing on the screen, screen lit up, unable to get any response from phone at all. It stayed like this for a good hour or more until we went back to our room and I tried calling the phone from my spare one. I could hear the call ringing tone on the spare but no ringing and  nothing showed on the N8. However the phone did report an incoming call in a popup on my laptop screen via ovi suite which was still connected. I clicked on the popup to answer the call but couldn't hear anything on the phone. Tried holding on button down for upwards of 30 seconds.. nothing. swapped SIM cards, still nothing. In the end I held down the menu key, volume buttons and then hit the on button for about 5 secs and wahey! it went off and I was able to re-start it. and I still have all my data (a fluke?) I'm gonna make sure I back this phone up on a regular basis just in case.

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    Hi I am using an iphone 4 and its was working fine.  Presently its giving browsing error.  Whenever I am trying to browse internet by using safari or any other browser it retruns with an error message "server not responding" Even the same thing is happening with youtube also. The worst part is am able to check my mails, able to chat and so on... only thing not able to browse through the browser.  I have tried restore option also.  This is happening with both Wlan and Data con. too
    Please help...

    I do not really know much about this kind of problem, but i may be your internet connection.
    If you are on your own #G network then:
    Go to Settings > then enable "Airplane Mode". Count to 10 and then disable it.
    Then wait patiently until you get a good connection and then try again.
    If you are on a nearby Wi-Fi connection then:
    Go to Settings > Wi-Fi > then disable then enable after counting to 10. Make sure that you are connected and then try again.
    If all else fails, then you need to contact your provider for assistance.

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    No app on the iPod is required.                           
    - If you previously turned on FIndMyiPod on the iPod in Settings>iCloud and wifi is on and connected, on a computer browser go to iCloud: Find My iPhone, sign in and go to FIndMyiPhone. If the iPod has been restored it will never show up or conbtinue to show off-line.
    - You can also wipe/erase the iPod and have the iPod play a sound via iCloud.
    iCloud: Erase your device
    iCloud: Use Lost Mode
    - If not shown/shown off, then you will have to use the old fashioned way, like if you lost a wallet or purse.
    - Change the passwords for all accounts used on the iPod and report to police
    - There is no way to prevent someone from restoring the iPod (it erases it) using it unless you had iOS 7 on the device. With iOS 7, one has to enter the Apple ID and password to restore the device.
    - Apple will do nothing without a court order                                               
    Reporting a lost or stolen Apple product                                              
    - iOS: How to find the serial number, IMEI, MEID, CDN, and ICCID number

  • I am feeling so ripped off right now. I have wanted a Mac for years and believed the hype about it's stability and I have had more trouble with this Imac 2011 than I have ever had with a pc. It locks up with several software products from APP store.

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    I was told that the APP store software should give me no problems but the truth is that it locks up on the software.
    The apps downloaded from the Mac App Store are written by third party developers, not Apple. If you have problems  with those apps you need to visit the support area for their websites. Launch the App Store, locate the app name. You should see a support link.
    when I try to use the help program, it always tells me that I am not connected to the internet even though I have used both the mail program and the browser with no problem just before that
    Go to ~/Library/Preferences. Move the com.apple.helpviewer.plist file from the Preferences folder to the Trash. Restart your Mac, try the Help menu.
    If you need help finding that file, hold down the Finder icon in the Dock then click: New Finder Window. From the menu bar top of your screen click: Go > Go to Folder. Type this in exactly as you see it here:   ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.helpviewer.plist    That will take you right to that file.
    (.plist) files stores information about a particular app or in this case, the Help viewer. Often times deleting the .plist file resolves the issue.
    It's fine to "unload"... we understand that you expect your iMac to be stable but there are times when things go awry. That's why we have these forums so that you can you get help.
    You may want to read up on how to repair the disk if necessary or reintsall Lion >  OS X Lion: About Lion Recovery
    Apple - Find Out How - Mac Basics
    How to "switch" from PC to Mac >  Apple - Support - Switch 101
    I'm sorry you feel, "ripped off", but you are using the world's most advanced operating system and it may take some time to adjust to a new OS.   http://developer.apple.com/technologies/mac/

  • [ADF-11.1.2] Locking issue with SQL 92

    I see one Locking issue with SQL92 Oracle ADF Application.
    ADF Version: [ADF-11.1.2]
    Database: Oracle 10g Express Edition
    Situation 1:
    With Following setting:
    File: Application Resource > Description > ADF META-INF > adf-config.xml
            <config:Database jbo.SQLBuilder="SQL92" jbo.locking.mode="optimistic"/>
        </startup>I have a page showing record 'x' of view object. I open same record on another page. Now I have same record showing on two different tabs of browser.
    1. I modify first record and save it. It worked... Got commited to database.
    2. I goto second tab and modify same record and tried to same it. It throws me an error - Another user has changed the row with primary key oracle.jbo.Key[38 ] . As expected...
    3. I then, reopen the same record on 3rd tab of browser. Modify it and tried to save it. It just hang... as if it is processing the record endlessly.
    If I see the Log:
    <BaseSQLBuilderImpl> <doEntitySelectForAltKey> [312] BaseSQLBuilderImpl Executing doEntitySelect ... (true)
    <BaseSQLBuilderImpl> <doEntitySelectForAltKey> [313] Generating new LOCK statement
    <BaseSQLBuilderImpl> <bindWhereAttrValue> [316] Where binding param 1: 38
    That's it.. nothing happens further.. If I execute above query on SQL Worksheet, it doesn't come up with the result. Just hang for something...
    SELECT ID, CI_ID, COLUMN_NAME, DISPLAY_COLUMN_NAME, COLUMN_VALUE, CREATE_DATE, CREATE_BY FROM ESUSER.CI_AUDIT WHERE ID='38' FOR UPDATE I can execute above query for other record of same table but not '38'. Even if I fire commit command to database, it is not working.
    I have to restart the database services to bring everything to normal state.
    Situation 2:
    With Oracle as Database :
            <config:Database jbo.SQLBuilder="Oracle" jbo.locking.mode="optimistic"/>
        </startup>Everything is working file. i.e. at step 3, record is getting modified successfully with following log:
    <OracleSQLBuilderImpl> <doEntitySelectForAltKey> [27] OracleSQLBuilder Executing doEntitySelect on: ESUSER.CI_AUDIT (true)
    <ADFLogger> <begin> Entity read all attributes
    <ADFLogger> <addContextData> Entity read all attributes
    <OracleSQLBuilderImpl> <bindWhereAttrValue> [30] Where binding param 1: 38
    <ADFLogger> <addContextData> Entity read all attributes
    <ADFLogger> <end> Entity read all attributes
    <ADFLogger> <end> Lock Entity
    <ADFLogger> <begin> Before posting the entity's changes
    <ADFLogger> <begin> Updating audit columns
    <ADFLogger> <end> Updating audit columns
    <ADFLogger> <end> Before posting the entity's changes
    <OracleSQLBuilderImpl> <doEntityDML> [31] OracleSQLBuilder Executing, Lock 2 DML on: ESUSER.CI_AUDIT (Update)
    <OracleSQLBuilderImpl> <buildUpdateStatement> [32] UPDATE buf CIAudit>#u SQLStmtBufLen: 210, actual=60
    <OracleSQLBuilderImpl> <doEntityDML> [33] UPDATE ESUSER.CI_AUDIT CIAudit SET COLUMN_VALUE=? WHERE ID=?
    <ADFLogger> <begin> Entity DML
    <OracleSQLBuilderImpl> <bindUpdateStatement> [34] Update binding param 1: cip7ri1
    <OracleSQLBuilderImpl> <bindWhereAttrValue> [35] Where binding param 2: 38
    <ADFLogger> <addContextData> Entity DML
    <ADFLogger> <end> Entity DML
    Can any one please tell me, what is the issue with SQL92 setting ?
    Edited by: Anandsagar Sah on Mar 11, 2012 8:10 AM

    The framework works correctly in the Situation #1. Please, note that the locking statement in this case is "SELECT ... FOR UPDATE", but not "SELECT ... FOR UPDATE NOWAIT" (as it is in the Situation #2). When you entered the 2nd tab and tried to update the row, then the framework executed the locking statement and the row was locked (and it remained locked because the framework detected that another user had modified the row, so it stopped the processing and no COMMIT operation was executed). When you entered the 3rd tab and tried to update the row, then the framework tried to lock the row againg, but the locking statement was blocked by the existign lock and it started waiting on the lock from the 2nd tab. So this is expected behaviour.
    The interesting question is why you do not get any error in the Situation #2. In my opinion you should get an error because the locking statement from the 3rd tab should fail immediately (because the row should have been locked from the 2nd tab and the locking statement is with NOWAIT option). I suspect that when the DB is Oracle and you use Oracle SQLBuilder, then the ADF issues a DB savepoint at the beginning of the DML operation and rolls back to the savepoint is a case of some failure, so the 2nd tab has not left any lock. You can check this by setting on SQL trace on the DB server.

  • I am trying to watch videos online, but a message saying "You are currently browsing the web with Google Chrome..."

    I have a MacBook Pro, which I just bought in August.
    When I try to watch videos on my computer, a message pops up saying, "You are currently browsing the web with Google Chrome and your Video Player might be outdated." I know it's a pop up, but I don't know how to get rid of it and watch videos on my computer. I did look it up online and I downloaded the TSM Adware Removal Tool, which removed some adware files. Then I also downloaded Bitdefender Virus Scanner from the app store to scan my entire computer - nothing came up.
    Please help me solve this problem. Thanks.

    The update alerts are fake, and are intended to dupe you into installing malware or disclosing private information so that your identity can be stolen.
    You might get the alerts when visiting a website that has been hacked. Don't visit the site again. If applicable, notify the site administrator of the problem, but don't send email to an unknown party.
    If you get the alerts when visiting more than one well-known website, such as Google, YouTube, or Facebook, then they're almost certainly the result of an attack on your router that has caused you to get false results from looking up the addresses of Internet servers. Requests sent to those sites are redirected to a server controlled by the attacker. It's possible, but less likely, that the DNS server used by your ISP has been attacked, but you should assume that the router is at fault until proven otherwise.
    The router's documentation should tell you how to reset it to the factory default state. Usually there's a pinhole switch somewhere in the back. It may be labeled "RESET." Insert the end of a straightened paper clip or a similar tool and press the button inside for perhaps 15 seconds, or as long as the instructions specify.
    After resetting the router, quit the web browser and relaunch it while holding down the shift key. From the Safari menu bar, select
              Safari ▹ Preferences... ▹ Privacy ▹ Remove All Website Data
    and confirm. Do the equivalent if you use another browser. Open the Downloads folder and delete anything you don't recognize.
    Then go through the router's initial setup procedure. I can't be specific, because it's different for every model. The key points are these:
    1. Don't allow the router to be administered from the WAN (Internet) port, if it has that option. Most do.
    2. Set a strong password to protect the router's settings: at least ten random upper- and lower-case letters and digits. Don't use the default password or any other that could be guessed. Save the password in your keychain. Any password that you can remember is weak.
    3. If the router is wireless, or if you have a wireless access point on the network, use "WPA 2 Personal" security and set a different strong password to protect the network. If the router or access point doesn't support WPA 2, it's obsolete and must be replaced.
    During the time the router was compromised, you were redirected to bogus websites. If you ever connected to a secure site and got a warning from your browser that the identity of the server could not be verified, and you dismissed that warning in order to log in, assume that your credentials for the site have been stolen and that the attacker has control of the account. This warning also applies to all websites on which you saw the fake update alerts.
    Check the router manufacturer's website for a firmware update.
    If you downloaded and installed what you thought was a software update, ask for instructions.

  • We have an iMac 24-inch Mid 2007 with maximum of 4G bytes of SDRAM, with OX X 10.9.4 Mavericks.  It is routinely locking-up with the rainbow wheel.  Especially with iTunes and Safari.  Ideas?

    We have an iMac 24-inch Mid 2007 with maximum of 4G bytes of SDRAM, with OX X 10.9.4 Mavericks.  It is routinely locking-up with the rainbow wheel.  Especially with iTunes and Safari.
    I'm wondering it it that Mavericks simply uses more RA that the machine allows when also running application, but I don't see the RAM is being maxed out per se' when in Activity Monitor either.  I've also ran the Disk Utility and have run scans wit Sophos, looking for malware, but have found no issues.
    Any ideas?  Any better Malware/Spyware applications?

    Here is the report:
    EtreCheck version: 1.9.14 (50)
    Report generated August 18, 2014 at 6:05:39 PM PDT
    Hardware Information: ?
      iMac (24-inch Mid 2007) (Verified)
      iMac - model: iMac7,1
      1 2.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo CPU: 2 cores
      4 GB RAM
    Video Information: ?
      ATI,RadeonHD2600 - VRAM: 256 MB
      iMac 1920 x 1200
    System Software: ?
      OS X 10.9.4 (13E28) - Uptime: 1 day 4:11:27
    Disk Information: ?
      Hitachi HDS721010KLA330 disk0 : (1 TB)
      S.M.A.R.T. Status: Verified
      EFI (disk0s1) <not mounted>: 209.7 MB
      Thomas iMac (disk0s2) / [Startup]: 999.35 GB (697.1 GB free)
      Recovery HD (disk0s3) <not mounted>: 650 MB
    USB Information: ?
      MediaTek Inc MT1887 
      Mitsumi Electric Apple Optical USB Mouse
      Apple Inc. Built-in iSight
      Apple, Inc. Keyboard Hub
      Apple, Inc Apple Keyboard
      Apple Inc. Bluetooth USB Host Controller
      Apple Computer, Inc. IR Receiver
    Firewire Information: ?
      LaCie d2 quadra (button) 800mbit - 800mbit max
      S.M.A.R.T. Status: Verified
      EFI (disk1s1) <not mounted>: 209.7 MB
      Master Back-up (disk1s2) /Volumes/Master Back-up: 999.86 GB (640.35 GB free)
    Gatekeeper: ?
      Mac App Store and identified developers
    Kernel Extensions: ?
      [not loaded] com.aliph.driver.jstub (1.1.2 - SDK 10.7) Support
      [loaded] com.eltima.SyncMate.kext (0.2.5b15) Support
      [loaded] com.sophos.kext.sav (9.0.61 - SDK 10.7) Support
      [loaded] com.sophos.nke.swi (9.0.53 - SDK 10.8) Support
    Launch Daemons: ?
      [loaded] com.adobe.fpsaud.plist Support
      [loaded] com.google.keystone.daemon.plist Support
      [loaded] com.oracle.java.Helper-Tool.plist Support
      [loaded] com.oracle.java.JavaUpdateHelper.plist Support
      [running] com.sophos.autoupdate.plist Support
      [running] com.sophos.configuration.plist Support
      [running] com.sophos.intercheck.plist Support
      [running] com.sophos.notification.plist Support
      [running] com.sophos.scan.plist Support
      [running] com.sophos.sxld.plist Support
      [running] com.sophos.webd.plist Support
      [running] rapiback.plist Support
    Launch Agents: ?
      [loaded] com.google.keystone.agent.plist Support
      [loaded] com.oracle.java.Java-Updater.plist Support
      [running] com.sophos.uiserver.plist Support
      [running] syncmateStarter.plist Support
    User Launch Agents: ?
      [failed] com.google.GoogleContactSyncAgent.plist Support
    User Login Items: ?
    Internet Plug-ins: ?
      Flip4Mac WMV Plugin: Version: Support
      FlashPlayer-10.6: Version: - SDK 10.6 Support
      JavaAppletPlugin: Version: Java 7 Update 67 Check version
      Flash Player: Version: - SDK 10.6 Outdated! Update
      Default Browser: Version: 537 - SDK 10.9
      o1dbrowserplugin: Version: Support
      QuickTime Plugin: Version: 7.7.3
      googletalkbrowserplugin: Version: Support
      Silverlight: Version: 4.0.51204.0 Support
      iPhotoPhotocast: Version: 7.0
    Audio Plug-ins: ?
      BluetoothAudioPlugIn: Version: 1.0 - SDK 10.9
      AirPlay: Version: 2.0 - SDK 10.9
      AppleAVBAudio: Version: 203.2 - SDK 10.9
      iSightAudio: Version: 7.7.3 - SDK 10.9
    iTunes Plug-ins: ?
      Quartz Composer Visualizer: Version: 1.4 - SDK 10.9
    3rd Party Preference Panes: ?
      Flash Player  Support
      Flip4Mac WMV  Support
      FUSE for OS X (OSXFUSE)  Support
      Java  Support
      MenuMeters  Support
    Time Machine: ?
      Skip System Files: YES - System files not being backed up
      Auto backup: YES
      Volumes being backed up:
      Thomas iMac: Disk size: 930.71 GB Disk used: 281.49 GB
      Master Back-up [Local] (Last used)
      Total size: 931.19 GB
      Total number of backups: 154
      Oldest backup: 2011-11-26 04:54:07 +0000
      Last backup: 2014-08-19 00:06:13 +0000
      Size of backup disk: Adequate
      Backup size 931.19 GB > (Disk used 281.49 GB X 3)
      Time Machine details may not be accurate.
      All volumes being backed up may not be listed.
    Top Processes by CPU: ?
          2% WindowServer
          0% sysmond
          0% SophosWebIntelligence
          0% InterCheck
          0% com.apple.WebKit.Networking
    Top Processes by Memory: ?
      156 MB SophosScanD
      143 MB InterCheck
      135 MB softwareupdated
      98 MB mds_stores
      98 MB com.apple.WebKit.WebContent
    Virtual Memory Information: ?
      89 MB Free RAM
      1.61 GB Active RAM
      1.44 GB Inactive RAM
      516 MB Wired RAM
      2.92 GB Page-ins
      446 MB Page-outs

  • Anyone having problems with YouTube app/web?

    on wifi I've tried to watch several different videos from the YouTube app and YouTube through safari... when connected through wifi the video loads 1-4 seconds of the video and stops. if I press play it'll play another couple seconds and stop again. I can load the same video via wifi on two different desktops (1 Mac, 1 win7), my MacBook... and that same video will load in it's entirety while I'm playing it through 3G... just wondering if anyone is having similar problems or issues with YouTube. any help/suggestions would help. I've already tried resetting my network connections on the iPad and that did not help. I've had no problem with my wifi connection browsing the web or even streaming music... problem only occurs with YouTube.

    Exact same problem. Sorry I have no solution - also not sure where the needed fix will be, i.e., OS, or the apps (or worst case, the device itself) Many posts here and there on the boards and also articles in the press. some have suggested proximity to the router helps - am not at home, so I can't test that out. It doesn't help longterm but would be great to have some workaround for the near term, however limited.
    There is another, even worse behavior where the device freezes when streaming video and requires a hard reset. Folks are doing returns for that one,usually tied to replicating the behavior at the store. A system restore does not help but some stores make you go through that step. However, this does not sound like your problem.

  • Buffering issue with Youtube.

    I'm having buffering issues with YouTube. I've cleared the cache in browser, cleared history, done a factory reset.
    It's frustrating. Any insight would be appreciated.

    Thank you for replying. I have a brand new router my connection is strong video grade connection. I've tried wifi at home at work,at my folks house same thing. It seemed to be happening after the update we recieved a month ago. I'm not sure though.

  • Having lagging problems with YouTube videos, it simply takes so long for the red bar to completely load and the videos frequently pause and take too long to restart playing again.

    I have been having lagging problems with YouTube videos for a number of months now. It simply takes so long for the red bar to completely load and the videos frequently pause and take too long to restart playing again. Even with little 2 and 3 minute videos.
    I have a fast computer and my webpages load really, really fast. I have FireFox 4 browser and a Vista Home Premium 64-bit OS. So I don't have a slow computer or web browser. But these slow YouTube vids take way too long to load for some reason.
    Does anyone have any idea how I can speed up YouTube?

    The forums are customer to customer in the first instance, Only the mods (BT) will ask for personal information through a email link. Would you mind posting your Hub stats & BT speed test results this will help all with diagnosis-
    To post the full stats from your router
    for home hub -
    Navigate to ADSL Settings or use the A-Z at the top right
    Click on More Details and then post the results.
    Run BT speed tester and post the results from http://speedtester.bt.com/
    If possible it would be best to connect to the BT master socket this will rule out any telephone/broadband extension wiring also consider the housing of the hub/router as anything electrical can cause problems as these are your responsibility, if these are found to be the case Openreach (engineer) will charge BT Broadband, which will be passed onto you, around £130.00.
    Noisy line! When making telephone calls, if so this is not good for your broadband, you can check-
    Quite line test dial 17070 option 2 and listen - should hear nothing best done with old type analogue phone digital (dect) will do but may have slight hiss If you hear noise- crackling pops etc, report it as a noisy line on your phone, don’t mention broadband, Bt Faults on 151.
    As for your FTTC its available in some areas between 40% & 80% of customers in enabled areas can receive it!
    Mortgage Advisor 2000-2008
    Green Energy Advisor 2008-2010
    Charity Health Care Provider Advisor 2010-
    I'm alright Jack....

  • E71, Starbucks WiFi, Browser Locks Up

    I have an e71 (North America, unlocked) and the WiFi works fine everywhere except at Starbucks, including other public WiFi spots like Panera Bread.  Once Starbucks log-in page fully loads, the browser locks up.  Interestingly the problem doesn't start until the page fully loads, I can move the cursor and even type for a couple of seconds.  I've managed to connect once, after a bunch of tries but haven't gotten it to work since and I'm not sure how I managed to get it to work that one time.
    Does anyone have any suggestions?

    is it a starbucks or a at&t hosting script and/or portal that you are running into?
    is starbucks and/or at&t forcing you to use a portal, then at&t can host the the script within the portal code in order to view your browser contents. clear your browser first since your browser hx would be visible.?
    i would want to know how the portal is coded. could there be a third party script on the portal, until you exit portal script?
    if you are in a controlled portal, so you remain on that portal when you surf, are you held within  frames of the portal window, ie like surfing with a proxy?
    Moderator note: e-mail address removed. We discourage the publishing of contact details on the public boards.
    Message Edited by michaels on 07-May-2009 04:57 PM

  • I always get a black screen & error message with YouTube, white screen on Facebook videos.

    I always get a black screen & error message with YouTube. White screen on Facebook videos. I am using Firefox 17.0.1.
    There is no more content to provide.

    If you use extensions (Tools > Add-ons > Extensions) like <i>Adblock Plus</i> or <i>NoScript</i> or <i>Flash Block</i> that can block content then make sure that such extensions aren't blocking content.
    Start Firefox in <u>[[Safe Mode|Safe Mode]]</u> to check if one of the extensions (Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Extensions) or if hardware acceleration is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Appearance).
    *Do not click the Reset button on the Safe mode start window or otherwise make changes.
    You can check for problems caused by Flash updates and try these:
    *disable a possible RealPlayer Browser Record Plugin extension for Firefox and update the RealPlayer if installed
    *disable protected mode in Flash 11.3 and later
    *disable hardware acceleration in the Flash plugin

  • Apple Tv does not work with youtube and movies on iphone or ipad

    I am on my 2nd generation apple TV. Always worked with Youtube, my iphones and ipads and Netflix.
    I think it started about a month ago.  I can only use Netflix.
    If I try YouTube and select a video (even if small) it just keep spinning and never starts.
    The same thing happens with my video from iphone 5S, 5, and ipad 2.
    Than I went to my sons house with a Apple TV 3rd generation and different wifi,
    same thing happens, I can not show a video from my iPhone 5S.
    What is going on, did Apple TV change something?
    Is this a update that went wrong?
    (I have auto update and also checked manually to make sure have latest apple TV FW)
    (All iphone and ipads are latest FW).

    Hi pcorsaro,
    You may need to restore your Apple TV and see if the issue is resolved after that process:
    Apple TV (2nd and 3rd generation): Restoring your Apple TV
    Thanks for coming to the Apple Support Communities!

  • Problem with youtube and other video websites

    I have a problem with youtube and other video websites:
    Everything is up to date (flash, FF, my plug ins..) but i keep getting freezes when the video loads. I can hear sound but i can only see the first frame of the video.
    I've reinstalled flash/firefox or tried updating them again for about 4 times now and my cookies/cache has also been errased which i usually don't do. If i enter FF's safe mode it also freezes.
    I hope someone could help out, i've searched for answer on google before and tried everything i saw but it didn't helped.

    Hmm, so that person had a conflicting plug in.
    Problem is that whenever i enter firefoxes safe mode which disables every plug in, i still have the youtube freeze/crash

  • My ipad is locked up with the screen showing the usb port connecting to itunes.  I had not synched by ipad to my computer in a long time so yesterday it was downloading software upgrades for 5 hours.  then the screen was locked up.

    My ipad is locked up with the screen showing  a picture of the usb port with an arrow to itunes.

    Then connect your iPad to your computer and use iTunes to restore. 

Maybe you are looking for



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    I have an e4200v1 in bridge mode (LAN IP connected via its WAN port to a LAN port on the primary router at Guest Wireless works perfectly in Ver. 1.0.04 build 11 but not in Ver. 1.0..05 Build 7. ANy ideas?

  • Quantity & price  difference between purchase order and goods receipt

    goods receipt against purchase order inventory a/c    dr    gr/ir clearing a/c    cr if there is any quantity & price  difference in between PO and GR  ex-  PO order -1000 bags @ rs 10  but good receipt 900 @ Rs 10 then how the price difference and q

  • Inserted video disappears when window is enabled

    Please help.  I am trying to add a video to a pdf using Acrobat 9 Pro Extended on windows 7 64 bit.    First I tried a .wmv that I wrote out of Premiere Pro CS4.  Acrobat will only complete transcoding a file if it is less than 10 Mb.  Once I get a 1

  • Email not being configured on BB, says invalid password, but the account works online

    I changed my email password and BB then asked to validate the same on the phone. I did. But it says invalid username/password and asked to contact the email provider. But it is the correct one (I signed in my account online just fine). I don't unders