N95 headset problem

I've got the first generation N95 (silver) and I'm trying to use it with a wired headset. But when I plug it in it doesn't give me the option of 'headset' only 'headphones' and tells me to use the phone microphone. How to I get it to use the microphone on the headset? I've checked in enhancements and it says 'headset' is default.
Go to Solution.

26-Jul-2008 01:48 PM
dazz19 wrote:
i've brought this up with the rest of the mods, just waiting on the general consensus about what's to be done with it
Thanks - let us know what the feeling is in the bunker.
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Similar Messages

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    I have a N95-1. After having downloaded the new software V.20.0.015 the headset buttons don't work. The Media player is ok,I can listen to the songs drom the headset but can't change tracks and so on using the buttons..any help?

    I have seen a number of people report this issue.
    It may be a FW issue but check with Nokia.
    The best way to get a quick response is to use the boards. Please do not be offended if I don't answer emails immediately.

  • Nokia N95 USB Problem

    I have a problem with my Nokia N95-1 considering the USB transfer to my Memory Card.
    I have a 1GB Kingston MicroSD, the latest software (V 20.0.015, 13-11-07, RM-159, Balkans Pack, updated from V13); PC Suite v6.85.14.1 on Windows XP Professional.
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    Hi ivanik,
    I strongly believe this is an issue with the card. Seeing that the phone works fine without it and works with a different card perfectly...
    Perhaps it is an issue with the data that your transfering to the card. It may not be compatible to the phone. Thus the phone lags and doesnt play the files.
    Try loading different data... perhaps one from a source...
    Try this once you have formatted your card...

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    if the speakers are indeed blown, how much am i looking at replacing them for??

    Cost about 3 GBP for the pair, but of course fitting costs are another issue.
    Happy to have helped forum with a Support Ratio = 42.5

  • N95 8GB: Problem on deleting video file

    Is there any body experienced this problem. When I'm trying to delete a file from Video Centre > My videos directory, I'm receiving this error... "Unable to delete. File video.mp4 is open."
    Do you have resolution for this? Tnx in advance.

    21-Nov-200709:06 PM
    pmpinguel wrote:
    posted my detailed steps in the n95 8gb main discussion thread. go see
    I followed your steps but I got this message.... "USB data transfer mode activated. MASS MEMORY MAY NOT BE USED DURING THIS TIME."
    Actually the video file was not there anymore in my File Mgr folder but the problem is the video file is still there in Video centre > My videos folder. When I tried to delete the file using "c" or Options > delete, the error says "Unable to delete. File video.mp4 is open."
    I also tried to reset the phone to its factory settings but still video file was there.
    I think this is a bug. Pls advice. Tnx in advance.

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    Yeaaaaah i fixed the problem by myself. Make sure everybody check in GPS data>Options>Positioning settings> that you disable bluetooth GPS and Network based. Yessir.U can close this topic.

  • PLS HELP!Nokia 7370 HS-31 Headset problem! SOS!!!S...

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    What's the problem????
    Please HELP me!!!
    It's very exigent for me!!!
    Thank you!
    Moderator Note: E-mail removed
    Message Edited by kenken on 18-Aug-2008 01:28 PM

    Hi Bungaroosh,
    You have presented with certainly an unique situation. I suspect that first of all, the reason the website you rely on opens on your friend's Samsung is that a lot of websites out there have updated their support for more current web development standards....which for some older browsers accessing their websites can cause compatibility/rendering issues. I suspect that the company will want to cater for as many of their customers, and the number of users using severly outdated browsers numbers in the minority.
    Firmware updates for the older DCT-4 phones such as your 6230i were only able to be performed via Nokia Care points. I enquried about updating my 7710 a while or so ago, and got the rather flat answer that my device was so old that they no longer had the equipment to update it. I suspect it would be the same in your case.
    Not too sure that the HS-10 headset would be compatible with any of the newer Nokia's. There are a number of cheap Nokia newer headsets out there that would work with many of today's newer phones.
    I understand your need for a phone that just does phone calls and texts, and the occasional train line check. I would recommend a phone such as the Nokia 110, but since it is using WAP 1.1, am unsure as to how much support it would have with today's websites. A safer bet is to use an Asha phone such as the 202, 203, 300, that has support for the newer websites. These you can get on the cheap these days anyway. And they will all pretty much play MP3's.
    The 6230i is a seven year old phone, be proud that you extracted that much usage out of it . There are many newer options out there these days, and maybe there's a bit of a learning curve, but keep your mind open....you could be very pleasantly surprised by the features you gain and enjoy!
    Hope this helps.

  • N95 autofocus problem software related

    I've had an N95 for more than a year. Part of the reason I bought it was the 8 GB - could take lots of pictures and video. I'm very disappointed. For reference, I am an eye doctor. I know a lot about prescribing glasses, I know optics, and I have done quite a lot of photography.
    As with most cameras, the N95 "take picture" key may be partly depressed to get the focus, then fully depressed to actually take the picture. (Auto mode.) It then takes sharp pictures, if lighting conditions are right, and the phone is held steadily.
    It can focus on everything from 20 cm or so to infinity. (Try partly depressing the button, you'll see the picture go in and out of focus, then fix on the sharpest setting.) (With some of the other modes, EG landscape, the focus is "fixed," IE, the camera does not try to autofocus, and you can take pictures a lot quicker.)
    So - the fact is established - the N95 hardware is capable of mechanical focussing, and some of its software can also detect which focus setting is the best. So it is not "handicapped" from birth. It should be possible to do something sensible with it. However, it behaves as a gifted child with an attitude problem. "No, mommy, I don't WANT to do homework!" (It's not that the homework is too hard.)
    However, there are three big problems:
    1) In "landscape" mode, the focus is not on infinity, it is closer. Thus, pictures of faraway objects taken in this mode are not sharp.
    2) The most vexing. When in video mode THE FOCAL LENGTH IS FIXED - and cannot be adjusted. Mine is sharp at 30-50 cm, but out of focus at distance. It SHOULD BE SHARP AT INFINITY! Who's interested in filming stuff at 30 cm distance? I cannot express with a keyboard alone how annoyed I've been. Sometimes I've put my eyeglasses (I'm nearsighted) over the lens, and the video becomes a lot better.
    3) There is no way to adjust focus "manually," even though it should be technically possible. 
    So, spare me the condescending stuff about image compression, light conditions etc. **bleep**! And, YES, of course I have set the "video quality" to "TV high quality." Doesn't help. THE PROBLEM IS PURELY OPTICAL! Otherwise my eyeglasses would not help. No, they don't enlarge the image, they just help the focus. (And, no, you cannot borrow my glasses )
    I've seen a lot of other discussions about this issue with the N95. None of them seem to give a good answer. Neither have I found a way of taking charge over the focal length. So, my questions are:
    *    Has Nokia come up with a solution? Has anyone who has sent the N95 in for service actually gotten some help?
    *    Is there some other software one can install that can do a better job than the **bleep** cam software of Nokia?
    *    Is it possible to hack or tweak the existing software to change the set points for video? (I assume it goes into a mode like this: "Set focus at 034, resolution at VGA" etc. The "034" (a totally random number, not related to anything) doesn't fix on infinity. Could I hack the setting so that it goes "Set focus at 015, resolution at VGA"? (Of course, one would have to change numbers a couple of times to get it right.)
    The N95 promised so much, but delivers so little (the camera is not the only problem), it is giving me an ulcer. Next  time I'm not really motivated to get a Nokia! I want revenge. Apple, can you make me happy? 

    Just a little addon - yes, I have the latest software / firmware updates installed.

  • N95 Display problems

    I am facing a weird problem since yesterday with my N95-1. There is a double horizental black line on the top of the screen. It started small and grew to fill almost the complete top quarter of the screen. This appears only when the lights of the screen are on and not when the phone is in standby or when the lights are off. I don't think it is a dead pixel problem. I have the latest firmware 30.0.015.
    Check the screen shot.
    I appreciate any feedback.

    Connect the phone to PC and immediately press the Center Navigation key as if you are selecting something from the Menu.. See if it gets recognised by your PC.. Open OVI Suite and take back-up of your data...
    Now disconnect the phone and do a Hard Reset.. Method given here..
    See if the problem has gone.. If not.. Re-install the firmware.. For that again connect the phone to PC as suggested earlier and do that thru' the OVI Suite...Keep the phone connected to charger during the process..
    If both these do not work then you will have to take it to Nokia Care...

  • N95 maps problem can anyone help.

    I've got the n95 and have been trying for about two weeks to get the sat nav thingy working .. maybe i'm not doing something right but when pressing for maps it gives me bluetooth options for connection, eg headset, and close by bluetooth phones. am i supposed to have this on a different setting or something, I am pulling my hair out with frustion .. any help or advise welcome.

    Hi alison01
    Another way to test GPS function is Go to Menu > Tools > Settings > GPS data > Position > Options > Positioning Settings > Methods:
    Is there currently a RED TICK against Integrated GPS and Network based? (v12.0.013 gives further option)
    Go outside awy from high buildings and trees with view of open sky, hold phone with keypad slider open at 45 degrees, don't cover the "#" key as GPS antenna is below this.
    Go to Menu > Tools > Settings > GPS data > Position > Open > Options > Satellite status > Open:
    You need a minimum of three solid black bars, but usually get four for lock-on position
    If empty rectangles haven't turned to solid bars by 20 mins your GPS isn't working!
    Now that you've determined GPS is working Open Maps application - at first there is RED CROSS on satellite icon at bottom right - this disappears when GPS locked-on
    Close application and you see "saving data" above globe on screen. This creates folder structure on memory card that Maploader requires.
    Happy to have helped forum in a small way with a Support Ratio = 37.0

  • HS-500 Bluetooth Headset problem

    Bought an HS-500 about a month ago.  During a call the headset stops working, the light turns blue and red, and after 5 or 10 seconds, it will reconnect.  By then, the caller usually figures it's a dropped call and hangs up.
    Has anyone else had this problem?  Before you suggest it, I already deleted the device, turned my phone off, and turned it back on, paired it again, only to have it happen again.
    Problem is the headset was a gift, from an ex, no receipt but I have the original box.  Would BB consider replacing it?  Also the phone I'm using is a Samsung Caliber, but that shouldn't matter since Bluetooth devices are universal, and my last wireless headset worked great until I lost it (different brand, not BB)
    Thanks to all for your suggestions.
    Mad respect,
    James R.

    I have not seen that happen on my HS-500 in the past. Usually the blue red flashing means pairing mode.
    Do you know where it was bought? That is the first place to contact for warranty support.
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  • Leopard and Plantronics Voyager 510 headset problem.

    I try to post here a message that i've posted in another section of the support board, maybe this is more appropriate with the problem.
    I have a plantronics voyager 510 bluetooth headset that i've alway used fine with Tiger. Since it's a multipoint headset, i use it with the mac and the nokia cellphone at the same time. When it was paired with tiger, after powering on the headset, the bluetooth connection was established only in case of need (for example when i received a call with skype). Then, at the end of the call, the bluetooth connection between headset and tiger stopped, so that in case of need i was able use it with the cellphone.
    The problem i have with Leopard is that when i switch on the headset, osx start a connection with it immediately, also if it doesn't use it, so that the headset it's always connected and busy for nothing!
    This is causing some trouble to me now. Is there any setting i'm missing? Note that in the audio preferences, i told to osx to NOT use the headset at all, which is just configured under the skype audio tab.
    Thanks for your time.

    having similar problems w/ 2 different devices since leopard install. both worked fine w/ tiger

  • Strange headset problem in Nokia 6270

    Hi Guys,
    I have a Nokia 6270 set.It is working fine but there is a problem with headset as when I
    attached it with phone,I have to restart phone so that it can recognise headset.Similarly
    when I detach headset it continues to show that headset is still attached and I am unable to
    use phone normally until restarted again. Please help so I can use my headset with phone
    normally without restarting .
    Thank You

    is the headset fully inserted all the way check this as its a common issue
    If  i have helped at all a click on the white star below would be nice thanks.
    Now using the Lumia 1520

  • N95 Multimediamenu problems, help please :)

    Hello! I have a minor problem with my N95-1. You see, when I push the "screen" to the side its said that you will access the multimediamenu by default. Well... Mine doesn't! Anyone got a solution for this one? (No im not pushing it to the wrong side)

    Hi forkz
    I expect you have seen this post by "mjkass" although it may not be relevant to you:
    Happy to have helped forum in a small way with a Support Ratio = 37.0

  • N95 8GB problems, HELP PLEASE!

    MY n95 8gb turns off by it self sometimes or ends calls within good range of an antena or most of all says the following message when trying to make a call: Connection error (no ring tones or nothing, i tried calling the provider company, switched the sim into another phone, and its not the providers error, because the sim card works fine with a different phone.
    I have my n95 for 1 month and i never had such a problem.
    another question: HOW DO YOU PERFORM MASS MEMORY FORMAT SO, after doing that my phone will be 100% functional but clean! ???

    To format the mass memory goto Tools=>Utilities=>Memory=>Options=>Format Mass Memory
    Also you can use these codes
    *#7780# Factory Reset
    *#7370# Format phone

Maybe you are looking for