N97 gets Confused

I had to unplug the phone before it fully charged and then this happened
the phone continued operating in charge mode   excuse the video quality was using a basic phone.
Hit Kudos if I Helped out.
Nokia 3310-> 8810->N95->N95 8Gb->
Nokia N97 Black v21.0.045 RM-505 Code-0585162 (handset No 3)

I would suggest upgrading your N97 to to the latest firmware available, which is v21, if it is available for your product code. I do not experience this problem at all on the N97 I am using at the moment.
If you found this or someone's comments helpful or like what that person has to say, please give some Kudos to their post!

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    In System Preferences > Sharing is the Name the Computer has.
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    7:53 PM      Wednesday; August 1, 2012
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
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    ORA-06512: at "SOAWL_MDS.MDS_INTERNAL_SHREDDED", line 603
    ORA-06512: at line 1"
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    Mac OS X (10.4.9)
      Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

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    Take a look at the diagram in this article:
    Note that Apple has specific terminology for base stations in a WDS setup:
    - a main base station. This is usually the one connected to the incoming broadband internet service
    - a remote base station. This wirelessly extends the range of either a main base station, or a relay base station.
    - a relay base station. This connects wirelessly to a main base station, and can itself have remote base stations associated with it.
    Your friend has two Airport Extremes. I suspect one is being used as the main base station. Therefore the second is being set up as a remote base station (NOT a relay) using Apple's terminology.
    What I suggest:
    1. unplug the second Base Station from power
    2. use the Airport Admin Utlity to view the configuration of the main base station. Under the Airport tab, make sure the box next to "create a closed network" is NOT checked. Under the Access Control tab, remove ALL entries. Under the WDS tab, remove ALL entries and uncheck all boxes. Update settings to the base station.
    3. do a hard reset of the second base station per:
    4. make sure both base stations and the Airport card equipped Mac being used to perform the configuration are all (for now) located in the same room.
    5. run the Airport Setup Assistant. Follow its guidance to configure the second base station as a new base station that "extends" the existing wireless network created by the main base station.
    That's it!
    In the most common setup, the remote base station will have the same wireless network name and will transmit on the same channel as the main base station. Under the Airport menu you will only ever see ONE wireless network. You can use a wireless network "sniffer" application - it will tell you that there are in fact two different access points and tell you which you are connected to. A WDS network is seamless - as you walk between base stations, the mobile computer will automatically associate with the base station from which it can get a reliable signal connection.

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    Hi Ma Bell,
    Welcome to the Support Communities!
    The article below may be able to help you with this.
    Click on the link to see more details and screenshots. 
    iTunes and iOS: Change the name of your iPhone, iPad, or iPod
    - Judy

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    I purchased an IPAD2 for my special needs daughter.  She only currently understands lowercase letters only and gets confused with the uppercase letters.  Is there a way to change the keyboard to display lowercase letters?

    There is no way for the keyboard itself to display only lower case letters. It doesn't display lower case letters at all for that matter.
    When you are using the keyboard - The other issue that you will have is with the shift key. Even with auto caps turned off you can still type capital letters if you tap the shift key and if you double tap it by mistake - it will turn into all capital letters so also turn off Caps Lock in the keyboard settings.
    Other than that, there is no way to ensure that you can type in lower case.
    Maybe an external bluetooth keyboard would be a better solution but I don't use one, and I have never even seen one in person so someone else will have to verify that for you.

  • Does the VLM get confused with multiple IPs?

    My laptop can have one IP when I'm connected to the wired LAN in my office, several different IPs when I'm at and about within my company's wireless network, and yet several different IPs when I login over the VPN.
    Does the Volume License Manager get confused by registering the machine I checked a LabVIEW license from, then lose connection and/or reconnect under another IP, close LabVIEW, and doesn't release the license?
    Right now I can see that I still have one license checked out under my laptop's name, even though LabVIEW no longer is running.
    Starting LabVIEW on the laptop and exiting does not release the license.  Starting LabVIEW and looking at the in use licenses, still shows a network checkout from an earlier time.
    This doesn't seem right to me.

    Could you please repost your issue on the VLM Board: http://forums.ni.com/t5/Volume-License-Manager-and/bd-p/410
    Also, when you repost, please provide the following information:
    What type of VLM are you using? Is it concurrent or non-concurrent? Is it named-user, computer-based, or unmanaged?
    Applications Engineer
    National Instuments

  • "Simple" is getting confusing!

    "Simple" is the new buzzword at SAP, but I would like to know if I'm the only one getting confused with all this simplicity.
    I was watching this blog What Can SAP Simple Finance Provide Your Organization?, and I have to say right now I don't have a clear picture of what exactly is SAP's roadmap. The following confuses me:
    In that blog they say that this is supplement product, but then in the video of that same blog, the description of simplification is a technical one (less tables and code) but that the old UI will survive side by side with the new one. Is this ECC Financials with a new UI/"Data Model", or something else?
    They talk about SAP Simple Financials in the Cloud but SAP's strength was always it's tight integration with logistical modules. How does this integrate with SAP logistcs and HR? Interfaces? This doesn't seem "simple" to me;
    Will this replace SAP FI in the long run? Does this mean SAP FI is going to stand still in time with all investment going into "Simple Financials"?
    If I was a SAP customer I would be a bit worried about my investments. SAP's roadmap has always been less then clear on the peripheral components, like BI, Mobile, but this is about the core, the ECC.
    Finally I don't understand why SAP keeps using the word "Simple" since they keep having to explain that simple doesn't mean less functionality. A marketing buzzword that needs to be constantly explained ... doesn't really work.
    What are your feelings on this? Is this clear, confusing?

    As always we can trust the community to raise some interesting perspectives. Thanks Joao Souza and Gareth Ryan .  A good way to gauge/critique how the "marketing" appears to its target audience is to listen to skeptics, of course.
    Regardless of whether "simple" is a slogan or a goal, does it resonate with those who find certain domains unnecessarily complicated?  One continuous observation during my tenure with SAP web domains is how complex, confused and convoluted web destinations and presences impact the ability of various audiences to find information.  And the attraction of simple in the user experience with interfaces is fairly well documented and researched.  Would there be resistance to improving the "user experience"?
    Could it be we are attempting to improve this entry experience without diluting the power of what is inside the box?  Might it be "simplistic" to think that simple means only "dumbing down"?
    Back in the '70's the idea of "overchoice" burst on the scene with Alvin Toffler's Future Shock. And I notice that Wikipedia links this phenomena to technology development.

  • WIFI "gets confused" and times out (Mac Mini late 2014)

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    I would be pleased to know if anyone else had a similar problem and if there is a less extravagant workaround.
    I'm running Yosemite 10.10.1
    Thanks in advance.

    Thanks for the reply!  My router is another airport express with N capabilities and when it works it gets very good speeds. 
    To directly answer your question, I reset my router several times by power cycling it while I was having this trouble.  It did not help the problem, and several other devices were able to connect to it without any problem while the mac mini was unwilling to connect.  Unfortunately, the airport utility couldn't reset the router when it was unable to connect wirelessly.  Like I said, it got out of its confused state when I connected it via ethernet to an external wireless device, so then reseting the router became unnecessary.
    I am prepared to get a new airport if this will help my problem but what I've been reading about the airports is that they also have some connectivity problem which is not encouraging.
    Is this a hardware issue, software issue, or possibly something a future Yosemite update might fix, will an airport help?

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