Need 16:9 definitions

I'm an experienced filmmaker, many years, but am having a problem getting a good definition of 16:9 format, I shot some squeezed ftg on Canon XL1s, and am cutting in FCP, now need more ftg. What this leads to is this: it seems there are 3 types of 16:9 format, letterbox, squeezed (anamorphic) and "native" 16:9.
I would really like to find a website or info that gives the particulars of each of those, which is best quality, why, and do they mix? Sounds easy enough but all I get is a lot of guys disagreeing. Hope someone here can help. thanks.

This is the best explanation I've seen so far, on the web at least.
You have questions... Let's look at the three types of 16:9 you refer to.
Some cameras with 4:3 aspect CCDs crop the 4:3 image, taking off the top and the bottom to form a pseudo-widescreen image. Obviously there's a loss of resolution here. If you're a shooter with one of these cameras, best to use an anamorphic lens to take advantage of the full resolution of the CCDs.
True SD widescreen is anamorphic. The SD format limits the resolution of the frame to 720x480 (in PAL land it's 720x576). The unintuitive thing is that 4:3 and anamorphic 16:9 both have the same resolution, i.e. 720x480 for NTSC format. Widescreen images are achieved in SD by subsampling the image captured on the CCD and "squeezing" it into the same 720x480 space that 4:3 images occupy. The only way to do this is to alter the shape of the pixels/
If you shoot HD, you have native widescreen as the CCDS in HD cameras have an aspect ratio of 16:9. But in the SD world, some cameras have 16:9 CCDs, others don't. The ones that have true wide CCDs capture a wide image (e.g. 854x480) and then squeeze it into the 720x480 space. The ones that don't use the central part vertically of the CCD (720x360) to capture a "wide image" (actually you're just zoomed out and cropped). This is then stretched vertically to fill the 720x480 space.
(By the way, video pixels are not square, which is why 720x480, which looks like 3:2, is really 4:3)
An understanding of pixel aspect ratio is essential to trouble-free widescreen production, at least in the SD and HDV worlds. The article I referenced probably explains it far better than I.
Hope this helps a little, and please post back with your questions.

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    Hi Ahmad,
          Added to Archanas  point,External Defination are used in XI to import the any wsdl files from any remote stystem or any landscape.
        Let's take an example you have webservice which is not in your landscape and you want to use that webservice in your business such a situation you can imort that wsdl file as external defeniation in XI and  you can map the reqired we are making use of webservice as external definiation which is not in ur landscape.
        Hope you clear about what is the use of exeternal definition
    Thanks and Regards,

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    # Maintainer: Colin Keenan <colinnkeenan at gmail dot com>
    pkgdesc="Silent Screencast: video record your screen and make it into an animated gif"
    depends=('ffmpeg' 'imagemagick' 'yad' 'xorg-xrandr' 'wmctrl' 'xdotool' 'xorg-xwininfo' 'python-gobject' 'python-cairo' 'xdg-utils')
    source=('silentcast' 'genffcom' 'temptoanim' '' 'silentcast.desktop' '')
    package() {
    install -D -m755 silentcast "$pkgdir/usr/bin/silentcast"
    install -D -m755 genffcom "$pkgdir/usr/bin/genffcom"
    install -D -m755 temptoanim "$pkgdir/usr/bin/temptoanim"
    install -D -m755 "$pkgdir/usr/share/silentcast/"
    install -D -m755 silentcast.desktop "$pkgdir/usr/share/applications/silentcast.desktop"
    install -D -m755 "$pkgdir/usr/share/doc/silentcast/"
    Last edited by colinkeenan (2014-09-22 05:56:37)

    colinkeenan wrote:The specific answer I was looking for and hoping namcap would give me had to do with xdg-open from the xdg-utils package. I use it to open the desktop's file-browser. On the Packages page for xdg-utils, optional dependencies are listed according to what desktop it's being run on. So, for example, I use Xfce and it lists 'exo' and 'xorg-xprop' as optional dependencies. I have no idea if those optional dependencies are actually required in order for my script to open the file-browser in Xfce.
    How can you not know?  Do you use exo or xprop in the script or not?  If you only use xdg-open, then only specify that as a dependency.  Users can then figure out which specific tools they wish to use to satisfy that dependency.  I use my own replacement for xdg-open, and if I wanted I could package it listing "xdg-open" in the provides array so your tool would then call my xdg-open replacement tool.  It's not up to you to worry about how other users chose to implement xdg-open unless your scripts depend on a specific implementation.
    Much the same could be bash.  If your script uses a bash hashbang, then bash is a dependency.  If you use a "sh" hashbang than any shell will do - but then you must use only posix shell commands and conditionals - there are a lot of "bashisms" that will not work in other shells (e.g. the [[ bash builtin for conditionals).  But even if bash is a dependency it does not need to  be listed: you should not list dependencies that are in base or base-devel.
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    Bear in mind I just whipped this up on the spot, and I have no idea how reliable it is - but in principle the following line should find dependencies for any script or anything else for that matter - provided that simply running the script/command will use everything that is required:
    pacman -Qqo $(strace ./script 2>&1 | awk '/^(open|stat|access)/ {sub(/[a-z]*\("/,"",$1); sub(/",/,"",$1); print $1}') 2>/dev/null | sort -u
    This is assuming the script is in the current working directory and named "script".  I'll put together a more flexible and useful version momentarily.

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    Can you try with below code:
    var myDoc = app.activeDocument;
    var myGraphics = myDoc.allGraphics;
    for (var a = 0; a<myGraphics.length; a++)
         if (myGraphics[a].imageTypeName == "Adobe PDF")
              var myBounds = myGraphics[a].parent.geometricBounds;
              myGraphics[a].parent.geometricBounds = [(myBounds[0]+20), (myBounds[1]+20), (myBounds[2]-20), (myBounds[3]-20)]
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  • Need Help about Certificate based Authentication

    Hi friends..
    Currently, i'm trying to develop an applet that using Certificate Based Authentication..
    i have looked at this thread :
    these is what Safarmer says about steps to generate CSR :
    0. Generate key pair on the card.
    1. Get public key from card
    2. Build CSR off card from the details you have, the CSR will not have a signature
    3. Decide on the signature you want to use (the rest assumes SHA1 with RSA Encryption)
    4. Generate a SHA1 hash of the CSR (without the signature section)
    5. Build a DigestInfo structure (BER encoded TLV that you can get from the PKCS#1 standard) that contains the message digest generated in the previous step
    6. Send DigestInfo to the card
    7. On the card, the matching private key to encrypt the DigestInfo
    8. Return the encrypted digest info to the host
    9. Insert the response into the CSR as the signature
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    Generate a SHA1 hash of the CSR (without the signature section)
    Does it mean we have to "build" CSR looks like :
    Version: 0 (0x0)
    Subject: C=US, ST=California, L=West Hollywood, O=ITDivision, OU=Mysys,[email protected]
    Subject Public Key Info:
    Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
    RSA Public Key: (1024 bit)
    Modulus (1024 bit):
    Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
    on step 5, Build a DigestInfo structure (BER encoded TLV that you can get from the PKCS#1 standard) that contains the message digest generated in the previous step
    How DigestInfo structure (BER encoded TLV that you can get from the PKCS#1 standard) looks like?
    And what is the DigestInfo Contains, and what is TAG for DigestInfo?..
    Please help me regarding this..
    Thanks in advance..
    Leonardo Carreira

    Leonardo Carreira wrote:
    Sorry, Encode the Public Key is handled by On Card Application or Off Card Application?..
    I think its' easier to encode the public key by Off Card app..
    Could you guide me how to achieve this?, i think Bouncy Castle can do this, but sorry, i don't know how to write code for it.. :( All you need to do is extract the modulus and exponent of the public key. These will be in a byte array (response from your card) that you can use to create a public key object in your host application. You can then use this key to create a CSR with bouncycastle.
    I have several some questions :
    1. Does Javacard provide API to deal with DER data format?JC 2.2.1 does not buy JC 2.2.2 does, however I believe this is an optional package though. You can implement this in your applet though.
    2. Regarding the Certificate Based Authentication, what stuff that need to be stored in the Applet?..
    - I think Applet must holds :
    - its Private Key,
    - its Public Key Modulus and its Public Key Exponent,
    - its Certificate,
    - Host Certificate
    i think this requires too much EEPROM to store only the key..This depends on what you mean by Certificate Based Authentication. If you want your applet to validate certificates it is sent against a certificate authority (CA) then you need the public keys for each trust point to the root CA. To use the certificate for the card, you need the certificate and corresponding private key. You would not need to use the public key on the card so this is not needed. You definitely need the private key.
    Here is a rough estimate of data storage requirements for a 2048 bit key (this is done off the top of my head so is very rough):
    ~800 bytes for your private key
    ~260 bytes per public key for PKI hierarchy (CA trust points)
    ~1 - 4KB for the certificate. This depends on the amount of data you put in your cert
    3. What is the appropriate RSA key length that appropriate, because we have to take into account that the buffer, is only 255 bytes (assume i don't use Extended Length)..You should not base your key size on your card capabilities. You can always use APDU chaining to get more data onto the card. Your certificate is guaranteed to be larger than 256 bytes anyway. You should look at the NIST recommendations for key strengths. These are documented in NIST SP 800-57 []. You need to ensure that the key is strong enough to protect the data for a long enough period. If the key is a transport key, it needs to be stronger than the key you are transporting. As you can see there are a lot of factors to consider when deciding on key size. I would suggest you use the strongest key your card supports unless performance is not acceptable. Then you would need to analyse your key requirements to ensure your key is strong enough.

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    I am working on PI 7.1.
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    "Service Interfaces",
    "Message Types"
    "Fault Message Types",
    "Data Types",
    "Adapter Metadata"
                                      only are visible.
    We need the "External Definitions". Is it  not available in the standard SAP PI 7.1 ?
    Do we have to import it explicitly?
    Kindly advice.
    Thanks in advance
    ~ Suraj

    Hey NM,
        Thanks a lot for your suggestion. problem got resolved when i did what you said (checking the attributes with developers user id's)

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    1. you'll pass 3 parameters into the constructor (1 for time, 1 for alarm, 1 for ...).
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    Thanks In advance,

    I have worked on the script and updated the script as per my need. Now I am able to generate the script for a specific index. Here is the script:-
    CREATE PROCEDURE ScriptCreateDropIndexes_SP
     @TableName                    SYSNAME
    ,@SchemaName                SYSNAME            = 'dbo'
    ,@SORT_IN_TEMPDB            VARCHAR(3)        = 'OFF'
    ,@DROP_EXISTING                VARCHAR(3)        = 'OFF'
    ,@ONLINE                    VARCHAR(3)        = 'OFF'
    ,@Index_Name                NVARCHAR(1000)
    ,@is_Create int = 0
    @Schemaname                    - SchemaName to which the table belongs to. Default value 'dbo'.
    @Tablename                    - TableName for which the Indexes need to be scripted.
    @SORT_IN_TEMPDB                - Runtime value for SORT_IN_TEMPDB option in create index.
                                  Valid Values ON \ OFF. Default = 'OFF'
    @DROP_EXISTING                - Runtime value for DROP_EXISTING option in create index.
                                  Valid Values ON \ OFF. Default = 'OFF'
    @STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE        - Runtime value for STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE option in create index.
                                  Valid Values ON \ OFF. Default = 'OFF'
    @ONLINE                        - Runtime value for ONLINE option in create index.
                                  Valid Values ON \ OFF. Default = 'OFF'
            IF @SORT_IN_TEMPDB NOT IN ('ON','OFF')
                RAISERROR('Valid value for @SORT_IN_TEMPDB is ON \ OFF',16,1)
            IF @DROP_EXISTING NOT IN ('ON','OFF')
                RAISERROR('Valid value for @DROP_EXISTING is ON \ OFF',16,1)
                RAISERROR('Valid value for @STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE is ON \ OFF',16,1)
            IF @ONLINE NOT IN ('ON','OFF')
                RAISERROR('Valid value for @ONLINE is ON \ OFF',16,1)
            DECLARE @IDXTable TABLE   
                 Schema_ID        INT
                ,Object_ID        INT
                ,Index_ID        INT
                ,SchemaName        SYSNAME
                ,TableName        SYSNAME
                ,IndexName        SYSNAME
                ,IsPrimaryKey   BIT
                ,IndexType        INT
                ,CreateScript    VARCHAR(MAX)    NULL
                ,DropScript        VARCHAR(MAX)    NULL
                ,ExistsScript    VARCHAR(MAX)    NULL
                ,Processed        BIT                NULL
        INSERT INTO @IDXTable
        SELECT ST.Schema_id
            ON SI.Object_ID = ST.Object_ID
            ON SCH.schema_id = ST.schema_id
         WHERE SCH.Name = 'dbo'
           AND ST.Name  = 'group_master'
           AND = 'uq_group_master__parent_id'
           AND SI.Type IN (1,2,3)
      DECLARE @SchemaID        INT
      DECLARE @TableID        INT
      DECLARE @IndexID        INT
      DECLARE @isPrimaryKey BIT
      DECLARE @IndexType    INT
      DECLARE @DropSQL        VARCHAR(MAX)
      DECLARE @ExistsSQL        VARCHAR(MAX)
      DECLARE @IndexName    SYSNAME
      DECLARE @TblSchemaName SYSNAME
      SELECT @TblSchemaName = QUOTENAME(@Schemaname) + '.' + QUOTENAME(@TableName)
      SELECT @CreateSQL = ''  
      SELECT @IndexColsSQL = ''  
      SELECT @WithSQL = ''  
      SELECT @IncludeSQL = ''  
      SELECT @WhereSQL = ''  
                       FROM @IDXTable
                      WHERE CreateScript IS NULL)
            SELECT TOP 1 @SchemaID = Schema_ID
                  ,@TableID  = Object_ID
                  ,@IndexID  = Index_ID
                  ,@isPrimaryKey = IsPrimaryKey
                  ,@IndexName     = IndexName
                  ,@IndexType     = IndexType
              FROM @IDXTable
             WHERE CreateScript IS NULL
               AND SchemaName = @SchemaName
               AND TableName  = @TableName
             ORDER BY Index_ID
            IF @isPrimaryKey = 1
                SELECT @ExistsSQL = ' EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.indexes WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N''' + @TblSchemaName + ''') AND name = N''' + @IndexName + ''')'  
                SELECT @DropSQL =   ' ALTER TABLE '+ @TblSchemaName + ' DROP CONSTRAINT [' + @IndexName + ']'
                SELECT @ExistsSQL = ' EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.indexes WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N''' + @TblSchemaName + ''') AND name = N''' + @IndexName + ''')'  
                SELECT @DropSQL =  ' DROP INDEX [' + @IndexName  + '] ON ' + @TblSchemaName
            IF @IndexType IN (1,2)
                    SELECT @CreateSQL = CASE  
                                        WHEN SI.is_Primary_Key = 1 THEN  
                                            'ALTER TABLE ' + @TblSchemaName
    + ' ADD  CONSTRAINT [' + @IndexName + '] PRIMARY KEY ' + SI.type_desc
                                        WHEN SI.Type IN (1,2) THEN  
                                            ' CREATE ' + CASE SI.is_Unique
    WHEN 1 THEN ' UNIQUE ' ELSE '' END + SI.type_desc + ' INDEX ' + QUOTENAME(SI.Name) + ' ON ' + @TblSchemaName
                          ,@IndexColsSQL =  ( SELECT SC.Name + ' '  
                                     + CASE SIC.is_descending_key
                                       WHEN 0 THEN ' ASC '  
                                       ELSE 'DESC'
                                       END +  ','
                                FROM SYS.INDEX_COLUMNS SIC
                                JOIN SYS.COLUMNS SC
                                  ON SIC.Object_ID = SC.Object_ID
                                 AND SIC.Column_ID = SC.Column_ID
                              WHERE SIC.OBJECT_ID = SI.Object_ID
                                AND SIC.Index_ID  = SI.Index_ID
                                AND SIC.is_included_column = 0
                              ORDER BY SIC.Key_Ordinal
                               FOR XML PATH('')
                            ,@WithSQL =' WITH (PAD_INDEX  = ' + CASE SI.is_padded WHEN 1 THEN 'ON' ELSE 'OFF' END + ',' + CHAR(13) +
                                       ' IGNORE_DUP_KEY = ' + CASE SI.ignore_dup_key WHEN 1
    THEN 'ON' ELSE 'OFF' END + ',' + CHAR(13) +
                                       ' ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ' + CASE SI.Allow_Row_Locks WHEN
    1 THEN 'ON' ELSE 'OFF' END + ',' + CHAR(13) +
                                       ' ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ' + CASE SI.Allow_Page_Locks WHEN
    1 THEN 'ON' ELSE 'OFF' END + ',' + CHAR(13) +
                                       CASE SI.Type WHEN 2 THEN 'SORT_IN_TEMPDB = ' + @SORT_IN_TEMPDB
    +',DROP_EXISTING = ' + @DROP_EXISTING + ',' ELSE '' END +  
                                       CASE WHEN SI.Fill_Factor > 0 THEN ' FILLFACTOR =
    ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(3),SI.Fill_Factor) + ',' ELSE '' END +
                                       ' STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE  = ' + @STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE
                                       ', ONLINE = ' + @ONLINE  + ') ON ' + QUOTENAME(SFG.Name)
                            ,@IncludeSQL =  ( SELECT QUOTENAME(SC.Name) +  ','
    ON SIC.Object_ID = SC.Object_ID
    AND SIC.Column_ID = SC.Column_ID
                                              WHERE SIC.OBJECT_ID
    = SI.Object_ID
    AND SIC.Index_ID  = SI.Index_ID
    AND SIC.is_included_column = 1
                                              ORDER BY SIC.Key_Ordinal
    XML PATH('')
                            ,@WhereSQL  = SI.Filter_Definition
                      FROM SYS.Indexes SI
                      JOIN SYS.FileGroups SFG
                        ON SI.Data_Space_ID =SFG.Data_Space_ID
                     WHERE Object_ID = @TableID
                       AND Index_ID  = @IndexID
                       SELECT @IndexColsSQL = '(' + SUBSTRING(@IndexColsSQL,1,LEN(@IndexColsSQL)-1) + ')'
                       IF LTRIM(RTRIM(@IncludeSQL)) <> ''
                            SELECT @IncludeSQL   = ' INCLUDE (' + SUBSTRING(@IncludeSQL,1,LEN(@IncludeSQL)-1) + ')'
                       IF LTRIM(RTRIM(@WhereSQL)) <> ''
                           SELECT @WhereSQL        = ' WHERE (' + @WhereSQL + ')'
            IF @IndexType = 3
                    SELECT @CreateSQL = ' CREATE ' + CASE  
    WHEN SI.Using_xml_index_id IS NULL THEN ' PRIMARY '  
    ELSE '' END  
    + SI.type_desc + ' INDEX ' + QUOTENAME(SI.Name) + ' ON ' + @TblSchemaName
                          ,@IndexColsSQL =  ( SELECT SC.Name + ' '  
                                     +  ','
                                FROM SYS.INDEX_COLUMNS SIC
                                JOIN SYS.COLUMNS SC
                                  ON SIC.Object_ID = SC.Object_ID
                                 AND SIC.Column_ID = SC.Column_ID
                              WHERE SIC.OBJECT_ID = SI.Object_ID
                                AND SIC.Index_ID  = SI.Index_ID
                                AND SIC.is_included_column = 0
                              ORDER BY SIC.Key_Ordinal
                               FOR XML PATH('')
                            ,@WithSQL =' WITH (PAD_INDEX  = ' + CASE SI.is_padded WHEN 1 THEN 'ON' ELSE 'OFF' END + ',' + CHAR(13) +
                                       ' ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ' + CASE SI.Allow_Row_Locks WHEN
    1 THEN 'ON' ELSE 'OFF' END + ',' + CHAR(13) +
                                       ' ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ' + CASE SI.Allow_Page_Locks WHEN
    1 THEN 'ON' ELSE 'OFF' END + ',' + CHAR(13) +
                                       CASE SI.Type WHEN 2 THEN 'SORT_IN_TEMPDB = OFF,DROP_EXISTING
    = OFF,' ELSE '' END +  
                                       CASE WHEN SI.Fill_Factor > 0 THEN ' FILLFACTOR =
    ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(3),SI.Fill_Factor) + ',' ELSE '' END +
                                       'SORT_IN_TEMPDB = OFF ' + ') '  
                            ,@IncludeSQL = ' USING XML INDEX [' + (SELECT Name
    FROM SYS.XML_Indexes SIP
    WHERE SIP.Object_ID = SI.Object_ID
    AND SIP.Index_ID = SI.Using_XML_Index_ID)  + '] FOR PATH '
                      FROM SYS.XML_Indexes SI
                     WHERE SI.Object_ID = @TableID
                       AND SI.Index_ID  = @IndexID
                       SELECT @IndexColsSQL = '(' + SUBSTRING(@IndexColsSQL,1,LEN(@IndexColsSQL)-1) + ')'
               SELECT @CreateSQL = @CreateSQL  
                                   + @IndexColsSQL + CASE WHEN @IndexColsSQL <> '' THEN CHAR(13) ELSE ''
                                   + ISNULL(@IncludeSQL,'') + CASE WHEN @IncludeSQL <> '' THEN CHAR(13) ELSE
    '' END
                                   + ISNULL(@WhereSQL,'') + CASE WHEN @WhereSQL <> '' THEN CHAR(13) ELSE
    '' END  
                                   --+ @WithSQL  
                UPDATE @IDXTable
                   SET CreateScript = @CreateSQL
                      ,DropScript   = @DropSQL
                      ,ExistsScript = @ExistsSQL
                 WHERE Schema_ID = @SchemaID
                   AND Object_ID = @TableID
                   AND Index_ID  = @IndexID
       -- PRINT REPLICATE('-',100)
      --  PRINT 'DROP Indexes'
      --  PRINT REPLICATE('-',100)
      if @is_Create = 0
        UPDATE @IDXTable
            SET Processed = 0
         WHERE SchemaName = @SchemaName
              AND TableName  = @TableName
                       FROM @IDXTable
                      WHERE ISNULL(Processed,0) = 0  
                            AND SchemaName = @SchemaName
                           AND TableName  = @TableName )
            SELECT @SQL = ''
            SELECT TOP 1 @SchemaID = Schema_ID
                  ,@TableID  = Object_ID
                  ,@IndexID  = Index_ID
                  ,@SQL = 'IF ' + ExistsScript + CHAR(13) + DropScript + CHAR(13)
              FROM @IDXTable
             WHERE ISNULL(Processed,0) = 0
               AND SchemaName = @SchemaName
                  AND TableName  = @TableName
             ORDER BY IndexType DESC,Index_id DESC
             PRINT @sql
             UPDATE @IDXTable
                 SET Processed = 1
              WHERE Schema_ID = @SchemaID
                AND Object_ID = @TableID
                AND Index_ID  = @IndexID
        --PRINT REPLICATE('-',100)
       --PRINT 'Create Indexes'
       -- PRINT REPLICATE('-',100)
         if @is_Create = 1
        UPDATE @IDXTable
            SET Processed = 0
         WHERE SchemaName = @SchemaName
              AND TableName  = @TableName
                       FROM @IDXTable
                      WHERE ISNULL(Processed,0) = 0  
                            AND SchemaName = @SchemaName
                           AND TableName  = @TableName )
            SELECT @SQL = ''
            SELECT TOP 1 @SchemaID = Schema_ID
                  ,@TableID  = Object_ID
                  ,@IndexID  = Index_ID
                  ,@SQL = 'IF NOT ' + ExistsScript + CHAR(13) + CreateScript + CHAR(13)
              FROM @IDXTable
             WHERE ISNULL(Processed,0) = 0
               AND SchemaName = @SchemaName
                  AND TableName  = @TableName
             ORDER BY IndexType DESC,Index_id DESC
             PRINT @sql
             UPDATE @IDXTable
                 SET Processed = 1
              WHERE Schema_ID = @SchemaID
                AND Object_ID = @TableID
                AND Index_ID  = @IndexID

  • Segment definition is not enable?

    hi experts.....
    after entering t.code we31 segment created , next segment definition,last changed by, radio buttion released is not accepting any data?i.e. those are not in enable stage?

    As i remembered you no need to give definition of segment, when ever you give all the list of fields and dataelements and save it, automatically it will be displayed there.
    please give points for all useful answers and close thread if you satisfy with the answers.

  • WSUS - Forefront Client definition update not yet been downloaded

    Hi! I need help about 
    Definition Update for Microsoft Forefront Client Security - KB977939 (Definition 1.167.1978.0) 
    I have WSUS 3 SP2 and this definition appears like approved but the file for this update  have not yet downloaded 
    i downloaded the definition on Microsoft Catalog but i don't now how deploy in my clients with wsus automatically 
    where save the package ? 
    thanks !

    Mostly, update will only be downloaded after approval. So please confirm if you have approved it.
    Since you have downloaded it from Microsoft catalog, you can import it into WSUS server.
    Step 3 Import and Export: Copying Metadata from Database
    Hope this helps.

  • 2 column definitions for a single table view

    Hi Experts,
    I have a requirement in which i need 2 column definitions for a single table view.
    The requirement is :
    ..............Week1...........              |....................Week2...............
    01/01/2007 |  02/01/2007  |    15/01/2007 | 16/01/2007 | 17/01/2007
    data.......... |  data..........  |    data.......... | data..........  |   data..........      
    data.......... |  data..........  |    data.......... | data..........  |   data..........    
    data.......... |  data..........  |    data.......... | data..........  |   data..........   
    the weeks shud be displayed for the corresponing dates below......
    Is it possible to have 2 column definitions
    Please help me out.
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Balaiji,
    proceed as follows:
    Create a structure in the dictionary called ZSTRU_USR02_F
      with  field1 type int4
              field3 type int4
              field3 type int4
    Create a table type in the dictionary:
    zusr02  line type ZSTRU_USR02_F.
    Create a structure in the dictionary:
      with tab1  type zusr02
      and tab2  type zusr02
    Create a table type in the dictionary:
    zttusr02 line type ZSTRU_USR02
    Create a controller ( in a BSP-application
    Add the controller class to this controller.
    Add a attribute (table) instance public type zttusr02
    redefine method do_request, add the following coding:
      FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_tab> LIKE LINE OF table,
                     <fs_row> TYPE zstru_usr02_f.
      DATA: lirv_view TYPE REF TO if_bsp_page,
            lv_int    TYPE i.
    * Dispatch Input for event handling
      dispatch_input( ).
    * Navigation requested during Event handling?
      IF is_navigation_requested( ) IS NOT INITIAL.
    * get some data into the table.
      DO 3 TIMES.
        INSERT INITIAL LINE INTO TABLE <fs_tab>-tab1 ASSIGNING <fs_row>.
        ADD 1 TO lv_int.
        <fs_row>-field1 = lv_int.
        ADD 1 TO lv_int.
        <fs_row>-field2 = lv_int.
        ADD 1 TO lv_int.
        <fs_row>-field3 = lv_int.
      DO 3 TIMES.
        INSERT INITIAL LINE INTO TABLE <fs_tab>-tab2 ASSIGNING <fs_row>.
        ADD 1 TO lv_int.
        <fs_row>-field1 = lv_int.
        ADD 1 TO lv_int.
        <fs_row>-field2 = lv_int.
        ADD 1 TO lv_int.
        <fs_row>-field3 = lv_int.
    * Create the view
      lirv_view ?= create_view( view_name = 'table.htm' ).
    * Hand over the data
      lirv_view->set_attribute( name = 'table' value = table ).
    * Call the view
      call_view( lirv_view ).
    Create a view called table.htm. Add your controller class as controller class for the view and add the attribute table type zttusr02.
    Add the following to the layout:
    <%@page language="abap"%>
    <%@extension name="htmlb" prefix="htmlb"%>
    <htmlb:content design="design2003">
      <htmlb:page title = " ">
    <htmlb:tableView id             = "tableToDisplay"
                     table          = "<%=table%>"
                     emptyTableText = "No Data"
                     iterator       = "<%=controller%>"
                     footerVisible  = "FALSE"
                     encode         = "TRUE"
                     width          = "100%"/>
    Go back to your controller class. Add the interface IF_HTMLB_TABLEVIEW_ITERATOR
      DATA: lwa_column  LIKE LINE OF p_column_definitions.
    * Column 1
      CLEAR lwa_column.
      lwa_column-columnname          = 'TAB1'.
      lwa_column-title               = 'Column 1'.
      lwa_column-tooltipheader       = 'Tooltip Column 1'.
      lwa_column-width               = '50%'.
      lwa_column-wrapping            = 'FALSE'.
      lwa_column-horizontalalignment = 'LEFT'.
      lwa_column-verticalalignment   = 'MIDDLE'.
      APPEND lwa_column TO p_column_definitions.
    * Column 1
      CLEAR lwa_column.
      lwa_column-columnname          = 'TAB2'.
      lwa_column-title               = 'Column 2'.
      lwa_column-tooltipheader       = 'Tooltip Column 2'.
      lwa_column-width               = '50%'.
      lwa_column-wrapping            = 'FALSE'.
      lwa_column-horizontalalignment = 'LEFT'.
      lwa_column-verticalalignment   = 'MIDDLE'.
      APPEND lwa_column TO p_column_definitions.
      DATA: lr_tview   TYPE REF TO cl_htmlb_tableview.
      FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_row> LIKE LINE OF table.
      ASSIGN p_row_data_ref->* TO <fs_row>.
      CASE p_column_key.
        WHEN 'TAB1'.
          CREATE OBJECT lr_tview.
          lr_tview->id = p_cell_id.
          GET REFERENCE OF <fs_row>-tab1 INTO lr_tview->table.
          lr_tview->footervisible = ''.
          lr_tview->width = '100%'.
          p_replacement_bee = lr_tview.
        WHEN 'TAB2'.
          CREATE OBJECT lr_tview.
          lr_tview->id = p_cell_id.
          GET REFERENCE OF <fs_row>-tab2 INTO lr_tview->table.
          lr_tview->footervisible = ''.
          lr_tview->width = '100%'.
          p_replacement_bee = lr_tview.
    With this you get a table in a table. Now if you create a second iterator you'll be able to adjust the apperance of the inner table, as well as you can add column headers.
    Hope that helps.
    Best Regards

  • We need a place where Geeks can exchange ideas!

    Hi I have been a member on several forums. I admit this one is becoming my favorite. I like to explain things and this is a general pattern to how I go about trouble shooting seniors PC's here in my Village. W7 has a lot of features that can really help you with your problems. I'm going to try to create a list and hope others will add to these ideas. This is just a general list and isn't for any petitular problem and not really in any order.
    1) W7 has a great trouble shooter that can be found in Action Center.
    2) Safe Mode (F8) is always a great tool.
    3) I like the Clean Boot even better that the Safe Mode.
    4) This is always a good thing to try ( Perform Power Cycle)
    5) A simple restart fixes a lot of things.
    6) Some times a restore to a earlier time will solve your problem. ( A great Tool)
    7) Restoring your BIOS back to default can be a good tool.
    8) My favorite is the System Repair disc. This will take you in to Windows recovery, where you will find several tools. If you haven't made this disc, you are really messing the boat. With this repair disc you may be able to boot a PC that isn't booting and find tools for restoring to a earlier time, repair a PC that isn't booting, test your memory, restore your OS with a image you should have made, you can go into dos and type dskchk /r to check your hard drive for errors.This is a great tool.
    9) W7 gives you the feature to create a image of your OS that allows you to restore to the time you created that image.
    10) The last of my 10 tools is the back to factory. This is a cure for every thing except hardware problems.
    This is just a start to what you can try to fix your problems before asking about them on the forum. We like helping you here and there are a lot of smart people here to help. I really don't know what you will do with this message. I know we have people that have ideas and they could add to this, but this may not be appropriate to the forum and there might not be a place for this?? My favorite hobby is passing forward what I have learned and what I'm still learning from others. These are just some of my thoughts and wanted to share. No problem if this doesn't have a place here on the forum
    I Love my Satellite L775D-S7222 Laptop. Some days you're the windshield, Some days you're the bug. The Computer world is crazy. If you have answers to computer problems, pass them forward.

    For Maintenance:
    I use CCleaner and Glary utilities together, as one finds issues that the other misses, and vice versa.  These are both great programs, and Glary has many useful modules built into it.  I use the free versions of both, and run them about once a week for both registry and temp file cleaning.
    Malwarebytes is another great program.  Again, I use the free version, and it works very well.  I also use this once a week.
    For Anti-Virus, I use Microsoft Security Essentials.  It does require attention on my part(I have to manually scan), but it is a great anti-virus, it's free, and it does not slow down the system like some of the other anti-virus programs out there.
    For Virus or Repairs:
    In addition to the tools listed above, I use the following for virus or repairs
    MRT(malicious software removal tool) is a nice tool that is already on your computer if you are running windows.  Make sure you keep up on your updates, as MRT definitions update frequently.  To use, simply click your start button and type in "MRT", and click on the result that pops up.  I suggest doing a full scan.  It may require a restart once it is finished, and if it cannot fix an issue, it will let you know.  If you suspect that you have a virus on a thumb drive, you can select "custom scan", and scan your thumb drive as well.
    MRT Offline can be downloaded from Microsoft's website, and burned to a disc.  Put the disc in your computer and restart(make sure the DVD drive has top priority).  This will search for virus' without booting into windows, and can fix more issues than the standard MRT program.  Make sure to download a new copy each time you need it, as definitions change frequently.
    Trend Micro HiJack This is now a legacy program, but can still be found on the Trend Micro site.  This shows you all of the processes that start with windows in detail, and allows you to remove items that you do not want.  It is more detailed than any other program I have used.  PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS PROGRAM CAN BE VERY DESTRUCTIVE IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING.  It works properly with a 32 bit OS only.  When running with a 64 bit OS, you can see all of the processes, but you have to manually fix issues outside the program(any changes that you make when running on a 64 bit OS will not save).
    Kaspersky TDSSKiller is the only program that I have found that can remove the Alureon virus, which has been popping up more frequently on the computers that I am asked to fix.  It is free from the Kaspersky site.
    There is more, but that is all that I can think of off the top of my head. 
    BTW... I have done performance tests before and after cleaning up a hogged up registry on a C655D that I purchased a while back.  It had soooooooooo much crap loaded on it, and I stripped it back down to the OS and just a few choice programs.  Once that was done, I tested performance, and it was not that impressive.  I then cleaned up the registry using CCleaner and Glary Utilities.  Once complete, I defragged the registry using Glary Utilities and restarted.  The performance had definitely increased after it was all cleaned up.
    Qosmio X875 i7-3630QM, 32GB RAM, OCZ SSD Qosmio X505 i7-920XM, PM55, 16GB RAM, OCZ SSD
    Satellite Pro L350 T9900, GM45, 8GB RAM , Intel 320 SSD (my baby) Satellite L655 i7-620M, HM55, 8GB RAM, Intel 710 SSD (travel system)

  • What is a link preview? I just want a definition, please. Not other people's questions.

    I am a desktop user. You keep making changes to make me safer, which is good. But I really need a clear definition of all your terms. I do not know a lot of them. LINK PREVIEW. Task bar. None of those bars are labeled. I DO NOT necessarily know what they are called. Things are covered up with one bar on top of another a lot of the time. I clicked on all the bars and never found the one in your explanation. Q? Is there a dictionary of terms? For all the terms, ie. all the nouns and verbs in comupterese?

    link :
    1. A connector; anything that connects two or more things. 2. A pointer in an HTML document that leads to another World Wide Web site, or to another place within the same document; also called a hyperlink. Linked text is usually underlined or shown in a different color from the surrounding text. Sometimes graphics are links or contain links. A link is activated by clicking on it......
    preview :
    A feature in some programs (for example, word processing and drawing programs) that shows on the screen how a document will look when printed. In WYSIWYG programs the file always shows how it will look when printed, so it is unnecessary to switch to a preview mode. A word processing program, however, shows only the text that will be printed and the page breaks, and it is necessary to switch to preview mode to see the overall look of the page, with margins, page numbers, etc.
    (copied from : )
    online techdictionary:
    for general use(not only computer terms):
    thank you

  • I have 3 drivers that need updating wondering if I should update.

    I still have vista and have never added this driver updates listed below. Would adding them now cause problems to my laptop. I seems to be running hard and a recent scan from microsoft mentioned that my hard drive was unstable. I don't want to take a chance and cause my pc to crash. Thank you.
    Driver (3) UPDATE NEEDED
    NVIDIA GeForce Series Video Driver
    2008-03-25, Version: A, 147.9M
    This package contains the video/graphics drivers for the NVIDIA GeForce Series Graphics in the supported notebook models and operating systems. PURPOSE: Routine
    Realtek High-Definition Audio Driver
    2008-03-31, Version: A, 19.2M
    This package provides the driver for the Realtek High-Definition Audio in the supported notebook models and operating systems. PURPOSE: Routine
    Realtek RTL8101 Family PCI-E Fast Ethernet NIC (NDIS 6.0) Driver
    2008-03-31, Version: A, 4.5M
    This package provides the driver for the Realtek RTL8101 Family PCI-E Fast Ethernet NIC in the supported notebook models and operating systems. PURPOSE: Routine

    Your bigger problem is the "unstable" hard drive. That must be addressed before you do anything else. Can you tell us the exact meassage? You should run the hard drive test in the BIOS, not the microsoft test.

  • My firefox recently updated. Now my pop mail server won't work. I did a 'restore' to last week, and it was fine. It has now auto updated. No mail server.

    I have read through several responses to others who are having problems following an update. I am not computer savvy enough to understand half of the recommended 'solutions'. I need clear and definitive instructions of what to do. (Instruction for 'dummies' is what I need.) I can not 'restore' my computer continuously, only to have the auto updates cause the pop mail server to stop working each time. If there is nothing I can do, I guess I will have to stop using Mozilla Firefox. Can you help?

    There is no solution for Firefox and POP. Firefox doesn't do email and has no need for a POP email server.
    If you are using Firefox to view and send "email", you are accessing a webmail service provider.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Kernel Panic on 13" Mid-2013 Macbook Air Yosemite

    I received a refurbished 2013 Macbook Air a week ago. Every so often, mostly commonly when browsing the web, the Air will crash, give me the "The computer encountered a problem" splash page, and need to restart. Sometimes multiple times a day. I unde

  • Time machine no longer backs up changes to files in home folder.

    My Time Machine seems to be in some sort of weird state where it has stopped backing up any files/folders in my home (~/) folder or below. This is obviously a big issue since those are the files most needing to be backed up. It does catch changes to

  • Illustrator CC 64 bit crashes after a few seconds of being open (Win 8.1 64bit)

    After following all related issues of others online, nothing has worked to solved this mystery. Ai CC 64bit crashes after a few seconds of being open. I am running Win 8.1 64bit. All other Adobe CC apps work. I have installed and re-installed countle

  • PGI Receipt Accounting Document Not Created_ Movement Type 651

    Dear SAP Expert, In my company 1st time we have cretaed a return sales scenario in SAP, I made return sales order with reference to biling document thn made delivery dcument (movement type - 651) goods kept in return storage location automatically du

  • Extension For CF MX7

    I just got Studio 8 and downloaded without any problems. I have been doing the "ColdFusion MX 7 Getting Started Experience" However, with the Extranet applications exercise I have had hard time to download the extension ("DWMX2004ExtensionsForCFMX7")