Need DataGrid Capabilities

I need DataGrid capabilities for my report, I need to
1. display 2 datafield's under single report column,
2. Sort One datafield
3. Display 2 datafields as textboxes under single report column
4. If one datafield's text is updated, it should updated other columns in report.
Does Oracle Application Express supports any one of them?

I get the same error also, but if I hit the 'refresh' icon, then it does load. I've seen this problem for several days now, but I don't know where the problem is. Sometimes I don't get the message, but most of the time I do.
Also, I'm not sure if there's an easy way around it, but it's rather disconcerting to be reading along on the blog postings, and then see something like this:
I'm currently working with SQL Developer 1.5 (beta) on my MacBook Pro and so far it's going really well. I've the impression it's faster as version 1.2 which I like.
I don't see the 'translation' on your site, but I see the ampersands, apostrophe's etc. all translated into the entity code on the other site. Maybe you could add a process to escape them back to their original characters?
Bill Ferguson

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    You will need a minimum of 2 machines for your setup. Of course this is minimum requirements and may not be the best for performance, but if you are on a budget constraint, this is what you need.
    You can use the Linux single box install method. For a single box install you will be installing the data store, Infrastructure and the middle tier on one linux box. This will require minimum of 3gb of ram. You will install each component in a separate ORACLE_HOME. There are several notes on metalink for a single box install.
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    I get the same error also, but if I hit the 'refresh' icon, then it does load. I've seen this problem for several days now, but I don't know where the problem is. Sometimes I don't get the message, but most of the time I do.
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    I don't see the 'translation' on your site, but I see the ampersands, apostrophe's etc. all translated into the entity code on the other site. Maybe you could add a process to escape them back to their original characters?
    Bill Ferguson

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    I have posted this before in the PC Buying Guide (post #23 and later), but have a look at this diagram:
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    Thank You

    Goalie, I could not agree with you an engineer I have had to use many platforms and the PC has always been the absolute bottom of the barrel.  The PCs and Macs do not use the same components, well except to say they both have cpus, memory, storage, graphics controlers, etc.  The Mac parts are much higher level.  A few years ago I was forced to buy a Dell latptop for work-related outfit that with the same level of performance components as were standard on the MacBook Pro would have cost more than the MBP...just not the same.
    Ok so much for that.  Even though you say you do not have the funds for a 15", dokeep in mind that the 15" comes with both the standard Intel HD 4000 GPU and a discrete GPU so high-end graphics work will be rendered far better than you will get on the 13" model.  Plus you can upgrade the memory significantly yourself on the 15" model.  Plus, another plus, it comes standard with more mass storage and options for solid state instead of hard drive.
    Since you don't say what year you are in, I will assume your last two years from your high level statements of courses, you will need higher capabilities in senior-level, and especially graduate-level, courses.  The added capabilities of the 15" will payoff in the long run.
    As for dual-boot use, the larger capacity mass storage will be important if you intend to use the Mac OS X partition for extensive work and data.  So add that to the list of considerations.
    Be sure to look into student discounts as Apple often has those available.

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         - keep existing edits, Events, and Albums intact
         - to use multiple computers to add to Master Library
         - efficient sorting of duplicates
    I don't want:
         - to switch between multiple libraries.
         - to start from scrach in reorganizing.
         - I don't really need editing capabilities beyond what iPhoto is capable of (Aperature editing is too complex for our needs.)
    The computers are MacBooks and iMacs running various versions of iPhoto '08-current. I have a 3TB NAS Raid to serve from.
    1. Is iPhoto the correct solution for this size photo collection?
    2. Is there an efficient way to combine everything and still use iPhoto?

    Use iPhoto Library Manager to merge iPhoto Libraries. The version with this capability requires a $20 purchase. It can be set to avoid duplicates in the process.
    iPhoto is good for 250,000 images.
    Note that iPhoto is not a server application. Only one user can open the Library at a time. So if one user is logged in the others are locked out. Server apps start at about the $200 mark or so.
    Bluntly, if the NAS is central to your plans just forget about iPhoto. You can't run an iPhoto Library from a NAS. I also would not recommend running this set up wirelessly. If you're trying to edit the Library (that is, make albums, move photos around, keyword, make books or slideshows etc.) or edit individual photos in it via Wireless be very careful. Dropouts are a common fact of wireless networking, and should one occur while the app is writing to the database then your Library will be damaged. Simply, I would not do this with my Libraries. 
    If you're fixed on using the NAS you'll be exporting from iPhoto and starting over with another app.

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    I tried to move a object like:
    reportDocument1.ReportDefinition.Sections[j].ReportObjects<i>.Left = 0x8760;
    but object's position doesn't change at all.
    How can I do these (create a text object and change a object postion)?

    Hi Don,
    Thank you.
    I have downloaded a RAS ( report application Server ) sample.
    The sample uses the Business Objects Enterprise XI release 2. I am using win 7 and crystal reports for vs2010. Can I use this version of crystal reports to create  a text object at runtime? If not, what is the lowest version I have to purchase to achieve what I want?
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    1) craete text objects, line objects, image objects.
    2) change text object, line object and image object positions, sizes, values of text object. If can I like to be able to change font as well.
    3) supress objects, sections. 
    4) change section's height

  • Is it possible to override the built-in PDF format handler with a custom IFilter for PDF?

    SharePoint 2013 comes with a built-in "format handler" for PDF now, so it can index PDF files out of the box. This is great for most users, as it now no longer is necessary to install a third-party IFilter for crawling PDF documents.
    My question is, is it possible to override the built-in format handler for PDF with a custom IFilter for PDF? I played with the Set-SPEnterpriseSearchFileFormatState and Remove-SPEnterpriseSearchFileFormat cmdlets. While it is possible to deactivate
    the built-in format handler, I was not able to remove it and to create a new one that activates a custom IFilter for PDF files.
    Background of the question: While the new built-in format handler for PDF will probably be sufficient for many SharePoint users, some need additional capabilities regarding indexing if PDF documents, e.g. extraction of custom metadata from PDF's document
    information dictionary and embedded XMP metadata. PDFlib GmbH, the company I work form, sells an IFilter for PDF, and of course we would like to continue to offer this for SharePoint 2013.

    You should be able to replace it with any ifilter you want, this is the procedure for installing it:
    Install PDF iFilter 9.0 (64 bit) from (
    Download PDF icon picture from Adobe web site (  and copy to C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\15\TEMPLATE\IMAGES\
    Add the following entry in docIcon.xml file, which can be found at: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\15\TEMPLATE\XML
    <Mapping Key="pdf" Value="pdficon_small.png" />
    Add pdf file type on the File Type page under Search Service Application
    Open regedit
    Navigate to the following location:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office Server\15.0\Search\Setup\ContentIndexCommon\Filters\Extension
    Right-click > Click New > Key to create a new key for .pdf
    Add the following GUID in the default value
    •Restart the SharePoint Server Search 15
    •Reboot the SharePoint servers in Farm
    •Create a Test site (with any out-of-box site template) and create a document library upload any sample PDF document(s).
    •Perform FULL Crawl to get search result.
    Once the crawl is completed we will get search results.
    Kind regards,
    Margriet Bruggeman
    Lois & Clark IT Services
    web site:

  • Can I uninstall Pages 5.5.2 and go back to an earlier version?

    Can I uninstall Pages 5.5.2 and go back to an earlier version? I have Yosemite 10.10 and am working on a MacBook Air. The new version of Pages does not auto capitalize first word in sentence or "I" and I need these capabilities.

    You asked about Pages 5.5.2.
    That Preference does not exist in Pages 5.5.2, you have to use Pages '09.
    To get rid of Pages 5.5.2 just drag it from your Applications to your trash, but be warned that any documents you created in Pages 5.5.2 will first need to be Exported back to Pages '09 format to0 be opened in Pages '09.

  • Question about Bluetooth & Headphones to avoid damaging the miniport!?

    Well, I finally experienced the same thing a lot of others have already ... the left side audio failed completely on my Touch, so I had to go return it and have it replaced. Luckily, the folks at Best Buy were nice enough to just swap it out and give me a new one, even though I was outside of my 30-day return policy. I have a service plan there, but I didn't want to go without my Touch while they replaced it elsewhere and sent me a refurbished device which probably wouldn't be in the same condition I keep my own in (immaculate -- 40+ days I've used it for 3+ hours a day, and there is hardly a scratch on the stainless steel, and the screen is flawless ... or was).
    So now I have a new Touch, but I want to prevent this from happening again. Personally, I think the mini-port on the Touch, while it doesn't have the same problem as those of the iPhones, it has a design problem as well. But I don't want this thread to end up being a discussion of whether there is a design issue or not, but rather I need some help to find an accessory to fit my specific needs.
    What I am looking for is either, a website actually selling [this product| phone-adapter/|Visit today!] to customers in the U.S. ... or a product nearly like it.
    I don't even need the iPod-Bluetooth transmitter, as those are VERY common. What I need is the other part, the receiver with a miniport Audio-Out (headphone jack). I don't even need the capabilities of the remote. Especially since this particular device may not even WORK with the iPod Touch. I'm hoping the audio-out features would, but I could care less if the remote-control did.
    Basically, I'm reaching out in desperation with a severe headache from too many google searches with little to show for it ... I need help finding a Bluetooth headphone Audio-Out receiver.
    And before you ask why I don't just buy a pair of bluetooth headphones, my reason is this ... bluetooth headphones can't be used wired when the battery dies, or to save battery when there's little chance you're going to drop the iPod and bend the miniport connection inside. With this, I can use the headphones I already have, I like, and still easily have the capability of switching to wired if I NEED to.
    This is the only way I can think of to truly prevent the overuse of the Touch's mini-port and the wear & tear that comes from it.
    Please, if you have any suggestions, please provide at least a semi-accurate device name and manufacturer, or, preferably, a link to a site in English with an online store!

    Chris CA wrote:
    This device -> G-Lite BH-Q395T Bluetooth Stereo Sport Clip-On with 3.5mm Adapter is similar to the one you linked to.
    It has a BT transmitter which plugs into the iPod and a BT receiver which you plug standard headphones into.
    Chris ... sometimes I wonder how I could LIVE WITHOUT YOU! You're an iPod GOD!
    You pointed me in the right direction ... I found it sold at Beach Audio, with JUST the receiver, so now I can buy my preferred iPod BT transmitter as well! Plus this device is useful for other things:
    -- Wirelessly stream music from a cellular phone or Bluetooth enabled iPod or MP3 player
    -- Listen to music on a cellular phone through A2DP protocol
    -- Sporty clip-on design for ultra-lightweight design and ultimate portability
    -- Features echo elimination and noise suppression
    -- Supports AVRCP, A2DP, VoIP and Skype"

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    Just purchased Sony Ex7oo hdtv and Blu ray wireless dvd player.  A Wi FI DVD player can easily be setup to your wireless network ; and then you can download directly to TV.  Otherwise you need to buy a usb receiver for about $80 for your TV to do this.

  • Getting Error when given access to a particular dictionary using group Newscale request Center service development.

    Please help me to resolve this issue.
    I have created Service in NewScale request Center ,In this service I have a requirement to give access to a third party vendor to check closed (service completed) services on a particular dictionary.
    I have done it by creating  a group IFD (group name) and a particular person with site Administrator, Organization designer permissions, he don't have any role . And then in Active form components ,in access control tab , In service completed event I have added that group for that particular dictionary. But when I have created a request and email to him then request_id link from email , he open that link then he is getting this error "You do not have sufficient permissions to view this page" for it have attached a file also.

    Hi, Are you still having this issue?
    If so there are a few things you can check, first of all, what URL is the link taking the user to, is it Service Manager (perhaps you could provide the link for some insight)? If so the user might need additional capabilities to access Service Manager.
    Secondly, at what point in the delivery phase is this mail being sent, is this upon completion of the service request or during service delivery? If it is during service delivery then you would have to configure access control during the service delivery moment and not during service completion for the user to access it.

Maybe you are looking for