Please someone help me. What can I do to a router giving me output in such a language?
gj?) ??<??s??f???>?

Which series of router this is ?
Try the following
* remove all modules, then boot the router if works then
1) of the router & put a single module in router.Then power on.
2) if works with one module then switch of & put second one.
* if Router does not boot while no modules in router then copy new copy IOS.
* Please check whether all modules are on theire place.

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    Please someone help me. What can I do to a router giving me output in such a language?
    gj?) ??<??s??f???>?

    Check for the LED status of the router. If it indicates that the router is working fine.
    Then probably it indicates that some one had changed the default baud rate. Try increasing the BPS value in the hyperterminal step by step and see at which point you get access to the router.
    Once you got access, then you can changed to baudrate to default value in the configuration.

  • Need help about Hidden Markov Model model

    I want to make classification for EEG signal using Hidden Markov Model
    algorithm based on neural network.
    plz need help about how to implement this algorithm using LABVIEW.
    if not I want another thing to make classification.
    any one know information about this topic, send me a reply

    Have you derrived the HMM that you want to implement?
    If so, post the algorithm and we can provide comments on how to implement it using LabVIEW.
    Message Edited by Ray.R on 04-12-2010 12:54 PM

  • Need help about ref cursor using like table

    Hi Guys...
    I am devloping package function And i need help about cursor
    One of my function return sys_refcursor. And the return cursor need to be
    join another table in database . I don't have to fetch all rows in cursor
    All i need to join ref cursor and another table in sql clause
    like below
    select a.aa , form ( ref_cursor ) A, table B
    where A.dd = B.dd
    I appeciate it in advance

    My understanding is that you have a function that returns a refcursor and is called by a java app.
    Because this is a commonly used bit of code, you also want to reuse this cursor in other bits of sql and so you want to include it like table in a bit of sql and join that refcursor to other tables.
    It's not as easy as you might hope but you can probably achieve this with pipelined functions.
    Is it a direction that code should be going down? yes, eventually. I like the idea of pulling commonly used bits of code into a SQL statement especially into the WITH section, provided it could be used efficiently by the CBO.
    Is it worth the effort given what you have to do currently to implement it? possibly not.
    what else could you do? construct the sql statement independently of the thing that used it and reuse that sql statement rather than the refcursor it returns?
    Message was edited by:

  • Need help about boot SUNFIRE V120

    Hi all....
    I need help about how to change boot from boot net to boot disk....
    after i installed sun solaris 10 at my sunfire v120, then reboot the machine ... this sunfire still boot from net not from disk...
    can i change it?
    please i really need help ....

    If its booted, try "eeprom boot-device=disk"
    If your at the OBP, "setenv boot-device disk".
    If that doesnt work check the value of "diag-switch?".
    It could be booting off the the diag-device instead

  • Need Help about 3D and revolving in illustrator

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    i want to revolve text or shape around any object like this, any plugin? or other software required for this?
    if somebody know this it will be really help full  

    if links are not working try Copy and paste it in to your browser address bar
    thank you

  • Need help about the SHA Message Digest ? & what is use of Message Diagest ?

    need help about the SHA Message Digest ? & what is use of Message Diagest ?
    1>i have one program of making message digest
    2>which requires two files name
    3>one for input like txt
    4> second is out put file of message digest
    can any one tell what is the use of second generated file .

    MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA");
    FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(args[0]);
    byte[] b = new byte[1024];
    int readed = -1;
    while((readed = > 0)
         md.update(b, 0, readed);
    FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(args[1]);
    byte[] d = md.digest();
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
    for(int i = 0; i < d.length; i++) {
         String str = Integer.toHexString(d[i] & 0xff);
         sb.append(str.length() < 2 ? "0" + str : str);

  • Need help about 1015

    need help about 1015 it says connect iphone to itunes on screen i did it but it doesnt work and says unexpected 1015

    Try restoring it: Make sure you are following the instructions in this procedure to the letter.  Here they are, with emphasis on some easily overlooked requirements:
    Disconnect the USB cable from the iPhone, but leave the other end of the cable connected to your computer's USB port.
    Turn off the device: Press and hold the Sleep/Wake button for a few seconds until the red slider appears, then slide the slider. Wait for the device to turn off.If you cannot turn off the device using the slider, press and hold the Sleep/Wake and Home buttons at the same time. When the device turns off, release only the Sleep/Wake button.
    Continue pressing and holding the Home button while you reconnect the USB cable to the device. The device should turn on.
    Note: If you see the "low battery" screen, let the device charge for at least ten minutes to ensure that the battery has some charge, and then start with step 2 again.
    Continue holding the Home button until you see the "Connect to iTunes" screen. When this screen appears (iTunes icon and USB connector) release the Home button.
    If necessary, open iTunes. You should see the "recovery mode" alert ("iTunes has detected a phone in recovery mode").
    Use iTunes to restore the device.
    If you do not see the "Connect to iTunes" screen, try these steps again.
    If you see the "Connect to iTunes" screen but the device does not appear in iTunes, see this article and its related links.
    If you have backed up the iPhone in the past, select the device in iTunes and choose "restore from backup".

  • Hi, Need help about ios7 upgrade, after this upgrade I cannot watch youtube or any video with my Ipad,

    Hi, Need help about ios7 upgrade, after this upgrade I cannot watch youtube or any video with Ipad, and Iphone as well
    I think my wireless rooter's setting has some problem but cannot found anything to solve,
    I can watch if there is another wireless network , I tried this option in another place who has wireless network and I can watch.
    Do you have any idea to do these setting , I dont have any problem when Ipad has 6.1.3 IOS,
    need help

    I will and share the result.

  • Need help with troubleshooting VPN betwen Cisco 2911 and Dell Sonicwall 4060

    Hello all,
    I am trying to set up a VPN Tunnel between the devices mentioned above.  The tunnel appears to be established, but I've encountered some issues along the way.  I can ping from the Cisco 2911 to a server behind the Sonicwall, but I cannot ping from that server to the Cisco router unless the router is pinging the server at the same time.  What should I do to fix this problem?
    UPDATE:  The tunnel is no longer working between the two devices.  The end result I am looking for is to have a VPN tunnel between these two devices which does NAT and allows me to ping across without having to constantly ping to keep the session open.  Before the tunnel went down, I was able to ping that server behind the sonicwall using a port on the inside of the firewall as a source port for the ping, and at one point I was able to ping back to the router from the server, but was unable to ping beyond that interface.  I think the problem that I am running into has to do with the zone-based firewall configurations that are already on the router.  I don't want to mess with those configurations already in place, but I am not sure how to get this tunnel working.  I'm fairly certain I need to start from the beginning in regards to this tunnel, but I cannot figure out how to configure this the right way. 
    Thanks in advance for any help
    Message was edited by: Michael Sotalin

    Finally the testing is successful on Sonicwall NSA 240 as well with Cisco ASA. Actually somehow Sonicwall firewall was discovering my VPN Box's Public leg (Private IP ( as well, which was behind a Live Peer IP (203.124.x.x). As per security policies it shouldnt have been discovered on the remote end. i will bring this in Cisco TAC notice.
    Logs of Sonicwall were showing ASA local ike id as "203.124.x.x" & ASA Remote ike id "".
    Sonicwall sets these two parameters with PSK (local ike id & remote ike id). This is other than setting the Peer IP. i asked my client to add my ASA actual and NAT IP in these two parameters and the VPN got UP.

  • Need help about career life

    Hi All,
    Em..i just need some advice about choosing correct career path.I graduated with a first class in IT with business information science in 2009. In 2009 after looking for jobs for few months i took a manager post in a petrol station which i never wanted.(Due to the credit crunch & the Family financial reasons) .Then unfortunately i had to stay out of work for 18months due to a serious spinal code operation i had to in 2011 July im fit & ready to start my life again. but im lost where to start/ which career path to choose. (i've still got the job at the petrol station as the manager)
    ive liked data base management subject when i was in the University so, Ive been reading OCA-051 & interested on OCA qualification I just want to know what are the possible jobs i can apply if i get the certification? Basically what should i do to get any IT related job? :( ( i dont like programming)..
    Please be kind to reply.
    ps:i live in the Uk.

    872882 wrote:
    Hi All,
    Em..i just need some advice about choosing correct career path.I graduated with a first class in IT with business information science in 2009. In 2009 after looking for jobs for few months i took a manager post in a petrol station which i never wanted.(Due to the credit crunch & the Family financial reasons) .Then unfortunately i had to stay out of work for 18months due to a serious spinal code operation i had to in 2011 July im fit & ready to start my life again. but im lost where to start/ which career path to choose. (i've still got the job at the petrol station as the manager)
    ive liked data base management subject when i was in the University so, Ive been reading OCA-051 & interested on OCA qualification I just want to know what are the possible jobs i can apply if i get the certification? Basically what should i do to get any IT related job? :( ( i dont like programming)..
    Please be kind to reply.
    ps:i live in the Uk.
    Thanks.You'll sit on your bum and ruin your back again with most IT jobs. With your government shrinking, OCA qualification won't have much worth unless you personally know someone in the private sector that needs help. An operator job with your petrol company (assuming it's not just a mom 'n pop station) would probably require heavy lifting.
    IT is a good, solid, growing career path, but most of the work is still programming, and most ways up to better jobs go through that experience. You might be an exception if you have a way to join other skills with your IT education, such as business analysis or sales or web prettyfying. Perhaps the determinants are your personality and goals.
    I know, it's tough, but if you are honest with yourself and check out some of the "what color is my parachute" kinds of career advice books, you can find a happy medium. There actually are some benefits in starting a career during economically troubled times, but you only see that in retrospect. You have to decide on goals, pursue them vigorously, and reevaluate when it doesn't work for you.

  • Need Help About AC or battery or pc :(

    i am kinda new to the forum,i have GT70 2pe dominator pro laptop(bought from ibuypower) When i play demanding games,my ac unplugs itself from the laptop i dont know what to do ,i updated ec,bios,did the ec reset,battery calibration(from msi support page), but i did these long time ago i dont know if this started then or the problem was already on pc when i bought it,i didnt test playing demanding games before i did those things
    I tried playing w/o battery sometimes when the game loads laptop shuts down
    So i really need help..? 

    i think i have the correct model,well if it is going to fail can i use it until i buy a new one 2 weeks later?,i mean is this going to do harm to my computer until i get a new one?
    Thanks for the help  (sorry about the full sized picture)

  • Need help about how to capture the name of an object before inserting.

    Hi everybody,
    how i can capture the name of an object before it inserts in a table.
    i will use a pre-insert trigger to do this, but i don't know how to specify the name of the object that's inserting.
    any help about this issue will be appreciated.

    Mentioning objects you mean: You have a procedure which inserts data into some table and this procedure needs to know the name of the caller (another procedure or ...)
    Can this be of some help ?

  • Need help about button

    Hi everybody!
    I'm from Italy, so I need help regarding button
    I create an animation, I put a button to replay the movie by this code:
    on (release) {
    but in AS3 doesn't work. Can you help me pls?
    Another problem...I need a very simple preloader that display only percentage, stop.
    Anybody knows a template or tutorial about this?
    Thx in advance!

    What do you mean by scene2?. You can only preload external content like a picture, another swf, etc...a much simpler example:
    var myLoader:Loader = new Loader();
    myLoader.load(new URLRequest(""))
    myLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, loading)
    myLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, finishLoading)
    function loading(e:ProgressEvent):void{
        info_txt.text="Loading.."Math.floor(e.currentTarget.bytesLoaded/1024)" Kb";//e.currentTarget is referring to myLoader.contentLoaderInfo
    function finalizado(e:Event):void{
        info_txt.text="I'm done!";
    Just change myLoader.load(new URLRequest("")) path for the relevant path to the file you want to preload.

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    I need an immediate help about spatial data load. I installed Oracle mapviwer quick start and try to work on it. However, I could not pass the load step. My questions are;
    1- Where can I find and download my country's data set (spatial data)
    2- With mapviwer, how can I load spatial data to my tables on database (Oracle). Those tables have sdo_geometry columns and I want to query location data, but could not load

    For Mapviewer questions, please post in the following forum:

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