Need to change colors of lines in an Omniportlet Line Chart

I am running Oracle Portal on a 10g Web server. I have created an Omniportlet and I am displaying data in a line chart. Is it possible for me to define the colours of the lines in the linechart?

Hi I didn't changed colors in line chart but I managed to redesign lot of omniportlets.
What you can do is to re-define CSS.
Add an HTML portlet in your page with some CSS embedded.
To catch wich class are to be re defined, I recommand you to use firefox with the extension Webdevelopper.
Use the "Informations - display element information" functionnality to catch wich class are used for your chart.
Then redefine those classes in your custom CSS.
Hope that will help

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    It's a well-known shortcoming that the path that's drawn with the pen is hard to see under some circumstances.
    One thing:  Its appearance is a little different with OpenGL Drawing disabled vs. enabled.  What's your setting (Edit - Preferences - Performance)?
    If you're not in need of the OpenGL features, disabling OpenGL Drawing could be helpful in making your paths somewhat more visible.  Such a change is not without downsides, but perhaps it could serve as a workaround for you.

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    > Okay this is a dumb question but how do I change the
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    You do not need to do this for each layer. Just the ones with the color elements of the webpage,and only those that are visible. (eyeball on in layers panel)
    When you select the layer,then you go to the Image menu,Adjustments,and select Variations. You can interactively experiment until you find what's best.
    My layer thumbnails are large so I can see at a glance what element I'm looking at. Use the Layers Panel menu to get to Panel Options and select Large Thumbnails.
    Of course back up that template before loading into PS in case you need to do it over.
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  • Pacman now needs to change color, but the types are incompatible ...

    Hi, my book sucks and I need your help again , Thanks In Advance !!!
    OK, now pacman can move in all directions and make a random move, but there needs to be a button to make him change color...
    I have come up with the following code but when I try to compile I get incompatible types for my new Pacmancolors...
    package pacman;
    import java.applet.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class Autopacman extends Applet implements ActionListener
    boolean Packleur1;
    boolean Packleur2;
    boolean Packleur3;
    boolean Packleur4;
    boolean Packleur5;
    boolean Packleur6;
    int klikken = 1;
    int x = 200, y = 200; //beginpositie pacman
    int width = 50, height = 50; //formaat pacman
    int stap = 20; //standaard stapgrootte
    int stapVerander = 10; //stapgrootte wijziging
    int angleA = 5; //beginhoeken pacman
    int angleB = 345;
    public void init(){
    Button links = new Button("links"); //knoppen worden gemaakt en gelabeld
    Button rechts = new Button("rechts");
    Button omhoog = new Button("omhoog");
    Button omlaag = new Button("omlaag");
    Button harder = new Button("harder");
    Button zachter = new Button("zachter");
    Button random = new Button("Random actie");
    Button kleur = new Button("Kleur veranderen");
    links.addActionListener(this); //action events worden aan knoppen gekoppeld
    add( links ); //knoppen worden op canvas gezet
    add( rechts );
    add( omhoog );
    add( omlaag );
    add( harder );
    add( zachter );
    add( random );
    add( kleur );
    public void paint(Graphics g){
    g.drawLine( 0, 34, 600, 34 );
    Packleur1 = g.setColor( Color.yellow );
    Packleur2 = g.setColor( );
    Packleur3 = g.setColor( );
    Packleur4 = g.setColor( );
    Packleur5 = g.setColor( Color.white );
    Packleur6 = g.setColor( );
    g.fillArc(x, y, width, height, angleA, angleB); //teken de pacman voor het eerst
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
    String str = e.getActionCommand();
    if( str.equals("Kleur veranderen")){
    if( klikken = 2 )
    {Packleur2 = true;}
    if( klikken = 3 )
    {Packleur3 = true;}
    if( klikken = 4 )
    {Packleur4 = true;}
    if( klikken = 5 )
    {Packleur5 = true;}
    if( klikken = 6 )
    {Packleur6 = true;}
    return false;
    if(klikken == 7)
    {klikken = 1;}
    if( str.equals("Random actie") ){       //Die stomme random functie
    int i = (int)(Math.random() * 10);
    case 1: case 7 : str = "omlaag"; break;
    case 2: case 8 : str = "omhoog"; break;
    case 3: case 9 : str = "links"; break;
    case 4: case 10 : str = "rechts"; break;
    case 5: case 0: str = "harder"; break;
    case 6: str = "zachter"; break;}
    if( str.equals("harder") ){ stap = stap + stapVerander;} //stap wordt 10 groter
    if( str.equals("zachter") ){ stap = stap - stapVerander;} //stap wordt 10 kleiner
    if( stap < 0){stap = 1;} //Stapgrootte wordt nooit negatief of nul
    if( str.equals("links") ){ x -= stap;     //linksknop laat pacman links kijken en bewegen
    angleA = 185;
    angleB = 345;}
    if( str.equals("rechts") ){ x += stap;    //rechtsknop laat pacman rechts kijken en bewegen
    angleA = 5;
    angleB = 345;}
    if( str.equals("omhoog") ){ y -= stap;    //omhoogknop laat pacman omhoog kijken en bewegen
    angleA = 95;
    angleB = 345;}
    if( str.equals("omlaag") ){ y += stap;    //omlaagknop laat pacman omlaag kijken en bewegen
    angleA = 275;
    angleB = 345;}
    if( x <= 0){ x = 0;} // houdt de pacman tegen als hij links/rechts wil verdwijnen
    if( x > 550){ x = 550;}
    if( y <= 35){ y = 35;} // houdt de pacman tegen als hij boven/onder wil verdwijnen
    if( y > 550){ y = 550;}
    repaint(); // zet de pacman opnieuw op het canvas
    Can anyone help me with this?
    Thanks a bundle!

    Thanks a lot!
    Say if you want to see how it works just compile this source :
    /* Autopacman spelletje
    Menno Hagens, I108
    Maak via overerving van de klasse Packman uit week 4 een nieuwe klasse 'AutoPackman'.
    Deze klasse moet de volgende extra functionaliteit bevatten.
    De kleur van de Packman moet kunnen worden ingesteld.
    Er moet een methode komen die een willekeurige opdracht aan de Packman geeft.
    (naarLinks, naarRechts, gaSneller, gaTrager, etc.)
    Maak vervolgens een applet met vier Packmannetjes en ��n knop 'Beweeg'.
    Als je op deze knop drukt, moeten alle Packmannetjes ��n stap in een willekeurige
    richting doen.
    Programmeer dit efficient met arrays en loops.
    Als je na afloop nog moed hebt kun je de klasse en de applet zo aanpassen dat een
    spel ontstaat, waarbij een Packman die op de positie van een andere komt, de andere
    Packman opeet. Degene die overblijft heeft gewonnen.
    package pacman;
    import java.applet.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class Autopacman extends Applet implements ActionListener
    boolean Packleur1;
    boolean Packleur2;
    boolean Packleur3;
    boolean Packleur4;
    boolean Packleur5;
    boolean Packleur6;
    int klikken = 1;
    int x = 200, y = 200; //beginpositie pacman
    int width = 50, height = 50; //formaat pacman
    int stap = 20; //standaard stapgrootte
    int stapVerander = 10; //stapgrootte wijziging
    int angleA = 5; //beginhoeken pacman
    int angleB = 345;
    public void init(){
    Button links = new Button("links"); //knoppen worden gemaakt en gelabeld
    Button rechts = new Button("rechts");
    Button omhoog = new Button("omhoog");
    Button omlaag = new Button("omlaag");
    Button harder = new Button("harder");
    Button zachter = new Button("zachter");
    Button random = new Button("Random actie");
    Button kleur = new Button("Kleur veranderen");
    links.addActionListener(this); //action events worden aan knoppen gekoppeld
    add( links ); //knoppen worden op canvas gezet
    add( rechts );
    add( omhoog );
    add( omlaag );
    add( harder );
    add( zachter );
    add( random );
    add( kleur );
    public void paint(Graphics g){
    g.drawLine( 0, 34, 600, 34 );
    g.setColor( Color.yellow);
    if( klikken == 1 )
    if( klikken == 2 )
    if( klikken == 3 )
    if( klikken == 4 )
    if( klikken == 5 )
    if( klikken == 6 )
    g.fillArc(x, y, width, height, angleA, angleB); //teken de pacman voor het eerst
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
    String str = e.getActionCommand();
    if( str.equals("Kleur veranderen")){klikken++;}
    if(klikken == 7)
    {klikken = 1;}
    if( str.equals("Random actie") ){       //Die stomme random functie
    int i = (int)(Math.random() * 17);
    case 1: case 7 : case 11: case 15 : str = "omlaag"; break;
    case 2: case 8 : case 12: case 16 : str = "omhoog"; break;
    case 3: case 9 : case 13: case 17 : str = "links"; break;
    case 4: case 10 : case 14: case 0 :str = "rechts"; break;
    case 5: str = "harder"; break;
    case 6: str = "zachter"; break;}
    if( str.equals("harder") ){ stap = stap + stapVerander;} //stap wordt 10 groter
    if( str.equals("zachter") ){ stap = stap - stapVerander;} //stap wordt 10 kleiner
    if( stap < 0){stap = 1;} //Stapgrootte wordt nooit negatief of nul
    if( str.equals("links") ){ x -= stap;     //linksknop laat pacman links kijken en bewegen
    angleA = 185;
    angleB = 345;}
    if( str.equals("rechts") ){ x += stap;    //rechtsknop laat pacman rechts kijken en bewegen
    angleA = 5;
    angleB = 345;}
    if( str.equals("omhoog") ){ y -= stap;    //omhoogknop laat pacman omhoog kijken en bewegen
    angleA = 95;
    angleB = 345;}
    if( str.equals("omlaag") ){ y += stap;    //omlaagknop laat pacman omlaag kijken en bewegen
    angleA = 275;
    angleB = 345;}
    if( x <= 0){ x = 0;} // houdt de pacman tegen als hij links/rechts wil verdwijnen
    if( x > 550){ x = 550;}
    if( y <= 35){ y = 35;} // houdt de pacman tegen als hij boven/onder wil verdwijnen
    if( y > 550){ y = 550;}
    repaint(); // zet de pacman opnieuw op het canvas

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    I did not know I had to go to expert as i have never used this type of program before.The help was just telling me the tools were on the left side. I thank you for pointing me in the right direction. I have a feeling it will be easier for me to learn Chinese.

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    Hello Friends,
    I need a small help from you guys.
    I want to do a line chart example in flash cs3 or in flex. Actually my requirement is getting the data from external file ie xml and with that i want to display a line chart with some time interval just like stock exchange charts for example.
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    flex has charting components you can use. see: l (example at the bottom of page)

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    good 90-100, fair 70-90, poor 0-70
    While I can get the chart without any issue, the customer demands the backdrop of the chart has to be
    painted with red, yellow and green colors as above ratings and a line chart then be drawn over it showing all other data, 90.2 75.1, 60.9, guys get what I am saying.
    Is that possible in any of the SAP query BI tools, can you all suggest something, any other ideas.

    you can create exceptions which automatically shows result in 3 colors
      please refer:

  • How do I change legends in line charts when you change line type

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    Any suggestions on how to get the lines in the legends to change to match the lines in the graph?
    Thanks for any help.

    I could not get the line legends to differ either. You can add a marker to only 1 of the plots though:

  • Need Help: Changing Colors in Template for Flyer

    I am trying to create a flyer from a template. I chose a template that has a colored border, but want to change the colors....I cannot figure out how to?
    How to change the background color on a template too?
    Thanks so much for the help!!!
    PS: I am using the iWork, Pages...for this

    Hi Streater
    Welcome to the forum.
    There are 3 possiblilities:
    *1. It is locked* and shows small grey crosses on the corners
    +Menu > Arrange > Unlock ( option command l)+
    *2. It is grouped*
    +Menu > Arrange > Ungroup ( option shift command g)+
    *3. It is a scan or pdf*
    +Inspector > Metrics > File Info+
    Need to edit it outside Pages in a graphics program.
    If you can get at the object the colors and strokes etc are at:
    +Inspector > Graphic > Fill / Stroke+
    Double click any color fields to get the color picker.

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    I need to create an interactive piece. It's much more involved than this but fundamentally I need to create a slider on the left side of a window that is the color spectrum. I'll put a small triangular pointer beside it that can be moved up and down beside the spectrum. I want whatever color the slider is next to to show up in a symbol on the right. I've attached a simple image that illustrates it.
    So to restate it again, I'd slide the triangular symbol up and down beside the spectrum gradient on the left and whatever color it is pointing to would just show up in the symbol on the right, real time.
    Is this possible in Flash and if so I'd appreciate some guidance about how to start coding it? I'm not a programmer but do know and understand how code works fundamentally. I understand that Flash uses Action Script and I assume that with Action Script it's most likely possible to do this.

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    Some of my artboards use the color yellow to highlight selected objects. Can I change that?

    that would be your layer color. in the layers panel double click on the layer to get the options window and change the color there.

  • Change color and line weight

    I am trying to create a script who could act as an Autocad plot (ie convert each color to black, with a different lineweight). I did some research, and tried to mix some scripts found here to create my own, but there is a lot of things I don't understand yet… If anyone could give an eye at these, it would be great!
    Here is the first script I melted, who create my Black swatch
    if ( app.documents.length > 0 ) {
    var myDoc = app.activeDocument;
    //add Black swatch
    var newSwatch = app.activeDocument.swatches.add()
    var newColor = new GrayColor();
    newColor.gray = 100; = "Black"
    newSwatch.color = newColor
    //Sélectionner les lignes par spot color
    var findColor = swatch.getByName("AutoCAD Color 2").color;
    var replaceColor = swatch.getByName("Black").color;
    var idoc = app.activeDocument;
    var itext = idoc.textFrames[0];
    var fillColor = itext.textRange.characterAttributes.fillColor;
    var strokeColor = itext.textRange.characterAttributes.strokeColor;
    filled = stroked = "yes";
    if (fillColor=="[NoColor]")
            filled = "No";
    if (strokeColor=="[NoColor]")
            stroked = "No";
    alert("Filled: " + filled + "\n" + "Stroked: " + stroked);
    And here is the second one, who replace one color by Black (it don't change the text, nor the lineweight yet…
    if ( app.documents.length > 0 ) {
    //test de dialogue
    function csDialog() {
         var fabGroup = app.activeDocument.swatchGroups.getByName('Fabrics');
         var allFabs = fabGroup.getAllSwatches();
         var fabNames = Array();
         for (var i = 0; i < allFabs.length; i++) {
              if (i < allFabs.length-1) fabNames.push('-');
         var csdlg = new Window('dialog', 'Tim\'s Fabric Picker…',[0,0,300,205]);
         // Standard Buttons    
         csdlg.cancelBtn = csdlg.add('button', [15,164,125,186], 'Cancel', {name:'cancel'});
         csdlg.okBtn = csdlg.add('button', [175,164,285,186], 'OK', {name:'ok'});
         // Button call back
         csdlg.okBtn.onClick = function() {
              colourSwapper('Black','Black'); // Here call the process;;
    // Main active document commands go here
    function colourSwapper(a,b) {
         var uIL = app.userInteractionLevel;
         app.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevel.DONTDISPLAYALERTS;
         var docRef = app.activeDocument;
         alert('Now run Action:\r"Delete Unused Panel Items"');
         app.userInteractionLevel = uIL;
    // Main active document check function
    function activeDoc() {
         if (app.documents.length == 0) {
              alert('NO document open?');
    function recurseLayers(objArray) {
         for (var i = 0; i < objArray.length; i++) {
              var l = objArray[i].locked;
              if (l) objArray[i].locked = false;
              var v = objArray[i].visible;
              if (!v) objArray[i].visible = true;
              if (objArray[i].layers.length > 0) {
              if (objArray[i].groupItems.length > 0) {
              if (objArray[i].compoundPathItems.length > 0) {
              objArray[i].locked = l;
              objArray[i].visible = v;
    function recurseGroups(objArray) {
         for (var i = 0; i < objArray.length; i++) {
              var l = objArray[i].locked;
              if (l) objArray[i].locked = false;
              var h = objArray[i].hidden;
              if (h) objArray[i].hidden = false;
              if (objArray[i].groupItems.length > 0) {
              if (objArray[i].compoundPathItems.length > 0) {
              objArray[i].locked = l;
              objArray[i].hidden = h;
    function loopCompounds(objArray) {
         for (var i = 0; i < objArray.length; i++) {
              var l = objArray[i].locked;
              if (l) objArray[i].locked = false;
              var h = objArray[i].hidden;
              if (h) objArray[i].hidden = false;
              objArray[i].locked = l;
              objArray[i].hidden = h;
    function changeColours(objArray) {
         for (var i = objArray.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
              var l = objArray[i].locked;
              if (l) objArray[i].locked = false;
              var h = objArray[i].hidden;
              if (h) objArray[i].hidden = false;
              if (objArray[i].strokeColor instanceof SpotColor) {
                   if (objArray[i] == 'AutoCAD Color 11') {
                        objArray[i].strokeColor = app.activeDocument.swatches.getByName('Black').color;
                   if (objArray[i] == 'AutoCAD Color 23') {
                        objArray[i].strokeColor = app.activeDocument.swatches.getByName('Black').color;
              objArray[i].locked = l;
              objArray[i].hidden = h;
    function changeText(objArray) {
         for (var i = objArray.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
              var l = objArray[i].locked;
              if (l) objArray[i].locked = false;
              var h = objArray[i].hidden;
              if (h) objArray[i].hidden = false;
              if (/Primary/.test(objArray[i].contents)) {
                   objArray[i].contents = objArray[i].contents.replace('AutoCAD Color 11', 'Black')
              if (/Secondary/.test(objArray[i].contents)) {
                   objArray[i].contents = objArray[i].contents.replace('AutoCAD Color 23', 'BLack')
              objArray[i].locked = l;
              objArray[i].hidden = h;

    Did you ever get this resolved?  I have a similar situation and would like to see final code if you have a working solution.

  • Change Color of Line Object

    This doesnt work.. any suggestions?

    One last thing.
    On Initialize of the Parent Subform a Table belongs in I change the Header Fill color based on a variable.  Other instances of this Table gets added with a button click.. everything works find interms of the add.
    When I change the color though the new tables added do not take the new color of the initialize event.
    Is there a way I can do it on the add event?
    this.parent.instanceIndex< ??? >.execInitialize();

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    Many options …
    In this case I would recommend to
    • select green channel (command-click it)
    • create a Solod Color Layer of the intended color
    • go into the Layer Mask (alt-click it in the Layers Panel) and use Image > Adjustments > Curves and hit Auto to get the brightest Pixels to white
    • use the Burn Tool set to Shadows to get the lower part to black (which corresponds to transparent)
    • create a black Solid Color Layer underneath that
    Other options would be a Hue Saturation Layer set to Yellows, a Solid Color Layer set to Blend Mode Color and with a Layer Mask etc.

Maybe you are looking for

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