Need to speak with an implemented location, EP with BW3.5

We would like to talk to someone with an implemented, customized user front end leveraging EP with BW 3.5 on the back end.  Already working through the marketing channels, but would like to also chase down the non-standard path and find a company with a demonstratable example of what they were able to accomplish.  We have some significant adoption hurdles to overcome, but something, not from the owners of the software, that shows what the customer site can accomplish, will go along way towards proving or disproving EP/BW3.5 from playing in this space.
Size of data or number of users is not of concern, more interested in look and feel, customized interface, optimized user experience, etc...
M.Marty, Mckesson

Hey Mark, tell Steve and Patrick that Keith said hi.
Were implementing CRM 4.0, with EP 6.0 and BW 3.5. Were  in the process of completing the upgrade BW 3.5 from 3.1 and have deployed numerous reports. Since I'm responsible for all the BW Web based reporting and EP 6.0 development I can certainly share my experiences regarding look and feel, customized interface, optimized user experience, etc...

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    In what way did you buy your iPhone? If you paid full price at the Apple Store then your phone should be provider unlocked and should work with practically any SIM card you choose to insert in it. If you bought it cheaper with a contract then it's provider locked then your best bet is to call your cellular provider in Canada. Be sure to note your IMEI number (Settings > General > About) as they're going to need it to do an unlock. Be aware they may or may not charge for this.

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    Most of the people on these forums, including myself, are fellow users - you can contact iTunes Support via email this page : , click on Contact iTunes Store Support on the right-hand side of the page, then Purchases, Billing & Redemption

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    Hi Josh,
    Yes. This issue was resolved.
    COLLEEN GIBSON|Presidential Associate, Public Relations and Global Social & Digital Marketing
    Bobbi Brown Cosmetics | 575 Broadway, 4th Floor NY, NY 10012
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  • TS1702 I have been charged for something I did not purchase twice on the same day!  I would like to speak with a human not a computer!  I am considering canceling my itunes account.  I need to speak with a human

    I need help with my account!  I need to speak with a real person!
    <Edited By Host>
    We're all just users here like you.  It's also a very bad idea to post personal info like your phone number on a public board like this.  (I've referred this post to a Moderator to have it edited out for your security)

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    A support number that is toll free in Canada would be SO SO helpful.
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    Hello Preran,
    please excuse my procedure in Barry's thread: I NEED ADOBE SERVICE FOR A REFUND -- TONIGHT
    Becuase of your message from above I thought, that you could help Barry onto the right track too.

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    Thank you.

    Hi Josh,
    Yes. This issue was resolved.
    COLLEEN GIBSON|Presidential Associate, Public Relations and Global Social & Digital Marketing
    Bobbi Brown Cosmetics | 575 Broadway, 4th Floor NY, NY 10012
    TEL: 646.613.5937
    [email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>
    cid:[email protected]
    Follow Bobbi at:<>
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  • HT201303 I need to speak with a human. What is Itnes phone #?

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    There is no phone number.  itunes does not have telephone support.

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    I would start by saving your address book(s). See then export your addresses using LDIF format.
    Since servers and accounts are all different, it would seem best to start with a fresh profile. Look at and then with TB not running, delete that file. Restart TB and it will create a new profile. Add your new accounts to that. You can import your saved address book.

  • NEED TO SPEAK WITH CUSTOMER SERVICE REP -- Verizon sent my bill to collections

    My name is Timothy.  I would like to dispute a Verizon Wireless debt on a closed account.  The account in question was opened in July of 2011 and suspended over the phone, due to unemployment, in the year 2013. Prior to the suspension of the aforementioned account, I was current on all payments, not once having any late payments associated with the account.  I was told that suspending the account could be handled easily over the phone, however, I was uninformed at the time that the suspension of an account was only allowed for a certain amount of days before the account resumed repayment.  I received no verbal, or written communication (e.g. bills, letters, e-mails) to inform me that the account had been resumed, so a debt continued to collect with the Verizon account without my knowledge.  The phone never had service, even while I was apparently being charged, so I assumed my account was still suspended. I only became aware of this debt when I viewed my credit report through Credit Karma. Once discovering the debt, I then purchased a full credit report through all three credit bureaus and found that I have a debt to Verizon Wireless totaling $607.00 for the account in question.  I now have a derogatory mark on my credit report, due to a bill that I did not know existed. I then attempted to contact a Verizon representative in order to dispute the charges, and I was unable to reach a human representative.  I did however find the address for the Verizon Wireless NRO. I sent a my dispute letter March 30th, 2014, and have yet to hear from a representative.  Therefore, I would like to request that I be contacted about the debt to discuss my options. I would prefer to speak to a person, rather than be shuffled around electronically or on the customer service line. Please help ASAP, as this is greatly affecting my credit, and thus various aspects of my life. I know that if I post my phone number on this forum that it will be edited out, so if any representative can email me, I will gladly provide my contact information as well as my account number (which I just found today by using a loophole I found on this forum to reach a human representative on the phone by calling the main customer service line, pressing 6, and then pressing 4.) Please make this process easier for me than it has been, as I am very displeased with the customer service I have received so far. Thank you, and I look forward to hearing from a representative.

    Elector, I have seen you posting similar things to other posts throughout this forum. While I appreciate that you are trying to help, it seems that you did not read the entirety of my post.
    I received no communication regarding this bill. Nor did the representative I spoke to about suspending the account tell me that there was a time frame for suspension. Nor was I informed that there is suspension with billing. There were absolutely no letters, no phone calls, and no emails about the charges, or about my account being sent to collections. The phone had no service, so I was unaware that it was continuing to be billed. It doesn't make much sense to be billed for a phone that I cannot use.
    I do not appreciate you attempting to discredit my post (and others like it) by telling me there is absolutely nothing that can be done, when I have seen others in this forum, with the exact same problem, who have had their issues resolved. I will be persistent in finding resolution for this issue, because Verizon was not persistent in contacting me, despite the fact that I was a loyal customer who was always current on their bill until the suspension. Regardless, Verizon should have contacted me to tell me the bill was not in suspension anymore, and I would have gladly paid the bill, as I had with every bill prior to that. The issue is not non-payment, the issue is their lack of communication with their loyal customers.
    People who try to invalidate customer complaints (without complete information on the matter) are the reason that Verizon can get away with negligent customer service, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who would appreciate it if you would only post in this forum if you have ACTUAL assistance to offer. Again, thank you for your help but I would prefer to speak to a Verizon Representative about this matter.

  • Need to speak with customer service executive

      I just finished talking to customer service over the phone for 2 hours, and no results.  So I am trying here.
      Mid August I wanted to get nfl redzone, so I called customer service and they said I needed to upgrade my package.  I was not interested in getting a new package, but the agent said it will end up costing less because he said I was paying too much before.  So I agreed.  My original Bill was $313.10 including verizon wireless.  The bill for this month came to $374.14.  So it did not come to less, but $61 more.   
      Today I called customer service to talk about what happen.  After being on hold serveral times (around a hour total).  The agent insisted it was Verizon Wireless that increased the bill and not fios.  She said she will talk to Verizon Wireless with me.  After being on hold for another 30 minutes, I believe she accidently (and I hope accidently) disconnected me and connected me directly to Verizon Wireless.  Verizon Wireless did not have the solution (as it had nothing to do with them), and tried to connect me to Tech Support, also no solution.  I asked for number to call to get the answer, and they gave me the original number, there was no way I was going to call that again.  The process took around 2 hours.
      After doing research on the bill, I believe I see where the problem is.  Note, my bill is combined into one (Fios and Wireless).   The original guy I talked to in August said it would not cost anymore by upgrading the package.
    My bill before the change in August looks like this:
    Quad Play:                       150
         FIOS Voice                    30
         Fios TV                          50
         Internet                          20
         Wireless Share-700   50
    Multi-room                      53.99  
    Verizon Wireless              74.97
    Total        278.96
    My bill after change:
    TriplePlay:                       129.99
         FIOS Voice                    30
         Fios TV                          64.99
         Internet                          35
    Multi-room                      53.99  
    Verizon Wirelss              124.97
    Total        310.94
    As you can see, the original guy said I would be paying less, but that was not the case.  And btw, not only was my monthly bill higher, I was charged another $20 for Partial month service change!!!
      The problem is with a Fios increase,  the wireless has always been 124, it was just separated in the original bill (50 and 74).
    Anyway, I am very very very unhappy with how much time was wasted, and the fact that there was no solution, and the fact  that my bill is higher, and the fact that I need to post here.          Can you please have an Executive customer service call me; otherwise, I think its time to move on.

    Your issue has been escalated to a Verizon agent. Please go to your profile page for the forum, and look in the middle, right at the top where you will find an area titled "My Support Cases".  You can reach your profile page by clicking on your name beside your post, or at the top left of this page underneath the title of the board.
    Under “My Support Cases” you will find a link to the private board where you and the agent may exchange information.  This should be checked on a frequent basis  as the agent may be waiting for information from you before they can proceed with any actions. Please keep all correspondence regarding your issue in the private support portal.
    If a forum member gives an answer you like, give them the Kudos they deserve. If a member gives you the answer to your question, mark the answer that solved your issue as the accepted solution.

  • Why is getting customer support so hard? i need to speak with someone

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    hi  i need someone local to chat and speak to improve my language skillmy ID :[Removed for privacy]i am 32 years old and from Iran. 

    If you go to Contact Customer Care there is a phone number (800-833-6687) and a chat option.
    Note that phone support is only available Mon-Fri during US daytime.

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    I've read & tried the solutions from the "community."
    NOT Helpful!!!
    I can not locate the folder : /Library/Preferences/FLEXnet Publisher/
    I DID: Adobe Licensing Repair tool:
    ERROR: "can't open application bc PowerPC applications are no longer supported
    I DID: Repair Disk Permissions on HD
    I want to make sure that I've done everything possible before I uninstall/reinstall.

    My recommendation: Use the Adobe Cleaner tool to clean all the CS software off your hard drive:
    Download a new copy of your CS4 installer files here:
    Using the installer, install again.

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    ''duplicate of''
    i lost over 150 booksmarks in mozillafirefox, i need help getting them back, i have tried 4 days using your promps , does not work

    hello lisanis, firefox is creating backups of your bookmarks for a certain amount of days automatically. you can press ctrl+shift+B to open the bookmarks library. on the top there is a menu import & backup from where it should possible to restore your bookmarks from a date prior to that sync mishap.
    [[Restore bookmarks from backup or move them to another computer]]

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