Neo2; SATA thoughts/questions

Hello you all,
Ive been thinking about upgrading my fileserver (see signature) to an Athlon64 3500+ running on a MSI K8N Neo2 (got one on with this machine, love the board). As im going to have a total of five SATA HD's, Im going to need a PCI SATA controller card to satisfy my needs. Now to my thoughts/questions;
The total amount of drives will be 2 IDE HDs, 5 SATA HD's, 1 DVD and 1 CD-RW. Anything that I should think about other than a good PSU? (I can use two PSU's if needed, im moving from the ThermalTake Xaser III to a Coolermaster Stacker) So my question is, if there is any known problems with PCI SATA cards, if so any certain cards? Any recommendations / warnings? Any thoughts, ideas, comments welcome.

try looking into your bios settings that all the SATA are enabled and that the DMA is enabled as well this could help your windows to boot. and if you are running a fileserver why not install windows 2003 server or a 2000 server. you'll have more options and a better controlle over a software raid controller between more devices. (a hardware raid dontroller is better and is more stable.) if i was you i would use an raid 5 controller (but i would use an hardware controller) beware it is possible that you have to install the raidcontroller in one of the first stages in the windows install. by pressing F6 (it apears in the lower left corner when you are starting the setup.)
if you have ferther problems post it here everyone will thry to help

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    is there something i am missing here to enable this board to see 4 gig of mem as per the specs of the board
    I am only running XP and fully understand the SW limitation ,
    I do not see this as being issue with SW , this seems to stem back to the board not picking the correct amount of ram installed
    The software limitation you are talking about is only one side of the coin.  The memory adress decode space of the chipsets memory controller is restricted to 32bit addressing before software (operating system) ever comes into play.  Part of this adress space needs to be reserved for other system devices and cannot be used for system memory addressing.  No mainboard featuring an Intel 865PE Chipset was ever (or will ever) be able to fully address 4GB of system memory.  This is a chipset rather than a board or BIOS limitation.  It is not even a problem but a hardware restriction that was only overcome severl chipset generations later (Intel P965 and 975X to be precise).   

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    Originally posted by ZippyGaloo
    1. If I only install one SATA drive I have to set it up as a RAID anyway right? Wrong?
    2. If I install two SATA drives I have to set it up as a RAID as well right? Wrong?
    3. If I install two SATA drives and set up a RAID
    (either 0 or 1) which drive does the OS go on?
    I have never built a raid array (as yet) and have never owned a SATA disk (as yet), but from what I have read...
    RAID is a method of connecting several disks together so they perform as a single disk.  That means, in response to your points above:
    1) If you install only one drive (SATA or not), it will not be set up as RAID.
    2) If you install two SATA drives, you have the option of using them as two individual drives OR setting them up in a RAID 0 or 1 configuration.
    3) Ok, RAID 0 is known as "striping" - this method makes two disks look like one big disk, that works twice as fast as the individual drives.  Every time the PC writes data to the drive, it sends the first bit of data to drive 1, the second to drive 2, then drive 1 again etc etc.  This speeds up the disk read/write time, as the two disks can both work simultaneously.  To the OS though, the two drives appear as one.  The OS will be spread across both disks - it needs both of them connected to run, take either disk out and you'll be left with half an OS (that obviously won't work)
    With RAID 1 (known as "mirroring"), you still use two disks.  You will only have a useable capacity of the smallest disk however (using two 40gb drives only gives you a total of 40gb of space. with RAID 0, two 40gb disks will make one big one - nearly 80gb large {I think the RAID system itself uses a bit of space}).  The advantage with mirroring, is the second disk holds an exact copy of the first.  If one disk goes bang, you have a duplicate copy on the second - so, to answer your point above, the OS will reside on both disks.
    To summarize, RAID 0 is good for increasing speed; RAID 1 is good for increasing protection of your data as you have two copies incase a drive gives up.  To get the best of both worlds you need RAID 0+1 (this method needs 4 disks though, 2 striped - then 2 mirroring the striped).
    There is a lot to RAID - just search the net for some manuals if you're interested, hope this gives you an idea though (providing I've got it right!)

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    Hey again
    Umm alright I dont rly mind if I get either of the drive now. Just a quick question. When I built my rig I just attached the P-ATA HDD using a normal IDE cable and then when I booted I just installed windows xp via CD etc and it just detected my IDE HDD was there.  
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    Aspire Turbo case
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    K8N Neo Platinum
    ATI Radeon 9600XT
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    Western Digital 80GB EIDE
    Windows XP SP2

    Hi AdamE,
    You don't need to touch
    all you will need to change is the BOOT sequence (order).. you'll change it from:floppy - cdrom - hard drive 0 to floppy - cdrom - sata hd
    There is no sata HD option here only HD.
    If You want your OS on Sata as the C:\  drive , disconnect the ide temporarily as DrCool., advised.
    When XP is installed:-
    Switch of
    Re-attach IDE
    Boot Up
    Enter Bios
    Advanced options - Hard Disk Boot Order
    You should see both your HDrives listed . Move the Sata so that it' on top (1st to Boot)
    Job's Done
    Board isn't quircky, it just lists IDE drives then Sata drives. Exactly the same procedure would be needed if for some reason you had HDrives on IDE 1 & Ide2 and wanted the HD on IDE2 to be the C:\ drive
    good luck

  • Some thoughts / questions on createVirtualCopies() LR5

    I've been playing a little with the createVirtualCopies funciton in LR5.
    First adding the createVirtualCopies() function is great!
    Thought / wise: could there be a similar function in the LrPhoto class, so that based on a photo a Virtual copy is created?
    Then I'm not dependant upon any active selection.
    Some questions:
    Why is it a catalog namespace?
    Now as a plug-in developer I have to deal with selected photos and I would love to create a Virtual copy on a particular photo object as I like.
    And what happens if the user selects a different photo when the plug-in is running?
    What is the return value?
    At least it is not a properly LrPhoto object.
    I did a little test:
    local LrDialogs = import 'LrDialogs'
    local LrTasks = import 'LrTasks'
    local LrFunctionContext = import 'LrFunctionContext'
    local LrApplication = import 'LrApplication'
    Name          inspect
    Purpose          module for listing a table
    local inspect = require 'inspect'
    LrFunctionContext.postAsyncTaskWithContext( "CreateVirtualCopyTest", function( context )
        LrDialogs.attachErrorDialogToFunctionContext( context )
        local catalog = LrApplication.activeCatalog()
    local activePhoto = catalog:getTargetPhoto()
    LrDialogs.message( inspect (activePhoto:getDevelopSettings()) )
    if activePhoto ~= nil then
    local virtualCopy = catalog:createVirtualCopies( "CreateVirtualCopyTest" )
    LrDialogs.message( inspect (virtualCopy:getDevelopSettings()) )
    LrDialogs.message( "No photo selected! Please select a photo" )
    end )
    Any thoughts?
    (Example based on code of Rob Cole.)

    dhmc05 wrote:
    Any thoughts?
    Poor design (sorry Adobe).
    There are a number of new functions which bypass the catalog write methods (which is convenient) but are tied to the Lr user interface, e.g. library view mode, or develop module, which is bad - especially bad since there is no way to:
    A. Tell which module / mode Lr is in.
    B. Force which module / mode to be in.
    C. Assure photos are targeted, even if being filtered, or are underlings in a stack..
    I hope somebody who knows what they're doing with the SDK sorts this mess out before releasing Lr5 SDK.

  • Installing Mandrake Linux on Neo2+SATA HD

    HI! I'm an absolute newbie in the linux world. But as I had built a new computer I wanted to give Linux a try.
    So insert the DVD distro, re-start the computer and instalation start:
    language selection,
    license agreement...
    and then it shows a message saying (translated from spanish):
    "Wait a moment.
    Installing controller to the card disk/ide|scsi|hardware_raid|firewire
    nVidia Corp."
    I waited a couple of minutes and nothing else happen... I had a MSI K8N Neo2 PLatinum with a Seagate 160gb SATA, 1 Gb. memory and a A64 winchester 3200, and Audigy 2 ZS, running as the best in Win XP....
    Is there some BIOS patch or a work-around to make this run??

    I had issues recently installing Linux on a brand new server becuase it didn't recognise the SATA disks. Fortunately, I had the luxury of using another machine but the way round the problem is to find the Linux drivers for your disk-types.
    Hopefully the manufacturer will have created some!

  • K330 sata port question

    Hello all, Im new to the forum and to Lenovo.
    I bought a K330-77273GU last week. 
    I would like to add another HD and would like to know if the sata ports on the motherboard are 3 Mb/s or 6 Mb/s?
    Two ports  are red (being used for the current HD and CD drive) and the two spare ports are orange.

    hey K330_Owner,
    From :
    there will be two 3 Gb/s and two 6 Gb/s sata cables.
    WW Social Media
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  • K8N NEO2 + SATA

    Hey,i built a system yesterday with the following specs:
    Athlon64 3500+ VENICE
    SAMSUNG 512MB DDR400
    The 80GB SATA is hooked up to SATA3,the other 80GB is on ide1.Windows is loaded on the sata drive.For some strange reason i have an icon on the bottom right hand side of the screen which allows me to safely remove my sata hdd.How can this be possible as the windows is loaded on this drive?
    Is the any way on sorting this problem out.I really need some help.

    Get response from MSI:
    According to nvidia saying, that the SATA HDDs are recognized as removable device is normal.

  • Neo2 Platinum Temperature questions

    2 questions i have to ask..
    its useful to have them answered by somebody who knows somehting about a program called motherboard monitor...
    question subject 1: Motherboard monitor shows 3 Temperature sensors. what are the correct settings for the sensors?
    does anyone know of where there is a diagram of the locations of these sensors are situated on the board?
    question subject 2: is 46-51'c (room temp 27'c)  a good tempterature for a 3500+ A64 to be running at?
    and if anyone else has an Akasa EVO 22 on their 3500+ a64 what are your temperatures? (please include room temperature, and typical RPM of fan)

    Quote from: Kolian on 14-June-05, 07:01:35
    I think I've some problems with temperature monitoring on my MoBo. For example, when I had ASUS A8V, my СPU (3000+) was running @2385MHz (1,6V) and max temperature with box cooler was 61'C (load). Now I've changed MoBo to MSI K8N Neo2, CPU is @2205MHz (1,52V) and its temperature with the same cooler is about 70'C  ...
    From what I understand different boards have their temp probes in slightly different locations, which will affect indicated temps.
    I've also heard that the Neo2 reports temps 3-4C higher than actual (I'm not real sure about that though, if anybody has that scoop - lemme know).
    Regardless, your temps are way high & I'd look into a more robust H/S than the boxed cooler. 70C is within meltdown range, 60C is toasty - 50's under load would be preferable.

  • MSI P965 Neo2 CPU combatibility question

    Hello everyone!
    I'm planning to buy a new CPU and I've been browsing the web for hours how, but it's just getting more and more confusing.
    So my question is:
    I have a MSI P965 Neo2 (MS-7235 v2) (that's what EVEREST sais) and I would like to buy a are these compatible?
    Thank you in advance!

    Quote from: onasi on 24-July-11, 01:50:11
    Yea I know... I'm a student, so I'm on a really tight budget. I have like 125$ for CPU and RAM upgrade...
    It looks like I could buy the Q6600 for like 100$ second hand. If I don't have to spend on PSU I'd go with it
    My mainboard won't support the E6600 45nm version only the 65nm, right?
    Spend $$$$$$ on good PSU first....... you will be surprised just how much of a difference that can make alone..... 

  • NEO Platinum (754 nForce3) SATA RAID Question

    Because my ASUS Mainboard died yesterday, i am planing to buy the NEO Platinum for 754 socket. As i can see in manual, there is option in BIOS to disable or enable RAID function for each SATA port. There are 2x2 separate SATA ports, but only one SATA Controller.
    I have 3 SATA Harddisk - 2 are in RAID0 Stripeset, and one drive as normal, standalone drive. My question:
    Is it posible to connect the 2 RAID0 drives on SATA ports 3 and 4 and use them as RAID0 Stripeset, but at the same time to connect the 3rd standalone drive on port 1 or 2 in normal mode, also NO RAID use?
    Theoraticaly, ase in manual - it should be posible (because you can switch the RAID function on or off for each SATA port, but on the other side - phisicaly - its only ONE SATA controller on board.
    I need fast reply, so i can order the board in webshop. Thanx.

    Thanx people, but now i habe another question. On my ASUS board i have connected 2 RAID drives on Silicon Image RAID controller - but the NEO Platinum have nVidia RAID controller.
    Can i migrate with the RAID drives to another RAID controller without loose of data? I mean, i know that i must install again WinXP, thats no problem - the thing is, i want to keep my data on other partitions untouched. So, i have to boot to nVidia RAID options - to set a new Stripeset, but can i also mark the set as "healthy" and use it normaly (offcourse with fresh XP install on C:)?

  • 865PE Neo2-FIS2R, memory question!

    I´m thinking of buying memory for the 865PE Neo2-FIS2R mother board and have a few doubts that are on my mind.
    1. If I want to use DualMode memory, should I use 256+256 or 512+512.
    Lets assume that I buy 2x 256MB and uses them as DualMode.
    Can I later put another 2 x 256MB into the computer and use them all as DualMode, (256+256+256+256) or is only possible to use 2 of each size.
    Maybee I should buy 1x of 512MB and use it as SingeMode and later complement with another 512 and use them as DualMode.
    hmmmmm.......any point of views?
    The memory I´m talking about is:
     Corsair CMX256A-3500C2 256Mb DDR PC3500 CAS2 434MHz
     Corsair CMX512-3500C2  512Mb DDR PC3500 CAS2 434MHz
    I assume that they are the same as MSI has in its
    "DDR400 Memory Modules Qualified Vender List " and should work just fine with the motherboard.

    I would not go with that brand of ram. There are alot of issues being talked about involving that ram in this forum. I recommend Kingston and so does MSI. Keep in mind to obtain Ultr-Turbo in Bios you need to buy a latency of 2 or you will get an error message and your bios will reset to slow.

Maybe you are looking for