New Apple Magic Mouse

Has anybody tried to load the Wireless Mouse Update Software 1.0 for OS X 10.5.8 on a OS X Server 10.5.8?
Will it work?

neptune2000 wrote:
Has anybody tried to load the Wireless Mouse Update Software 1.0 for OS X 10.5.8 on a OS X Server 10.5.8?
Will it work?
Well, I tried it. It Works!! It does Secondary click, Scroll, Screen zoom, and Swipe left/right.

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  • Apple magic mouse

    I have just purchased the new Apple magic mouse.My operating system is Tiger version 10.4.1
    The booklet with the mouse says you need to have an Apple version of 10.5.8 or later and to install the wireless mouse software update.
    Has any one installed this new mouse on a G5 computer with Tiger OS.

    Hi Northwich boy, and a warm welcome to the forums!
    If that's 10.4.11 you have, then it'll only work like a regular Mouse as I understand it.

  • Apple Magic Mouse and kernel panics?

    I bought the new Apple Magic Mouse a few days ago and since day one I am getting random kernel panics. I've switched back to my old Apple Might Mouse and everything seems to work just fine.
    I am using a Macbook Pro 2.4MHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4GB 1067MHz DDR3.
    Apple's Magic Mouse was installed without the 'Wireless Mouse Software Update 1.0', cause my MacBook Pro was already running Mac OS X Version 10.6.2 (without any kernel panics).
    Here is one of the kernel's panic log file:
    Sat Nov 21 04:01:19 2009
    panic(cpu 0 caller 0x2a7ac2): Kernel trap at 0x012045f1, type 14=page fault, registers:
    CR0: 0x8001003b, CR2: 0xb0677879, CR3: 0x00100000, CR4: 0x000006e0
    EAX: 0x00000031, EBX: 0x0809fb40, ECX: 0x00000001, EDX: 0x00000400
    CR2: 0xb0677879, EBP: 0x5833bc48, ESI: 0x080a0800, EDI: 0x0120eec8
    EFL: 0x00010002, EIP: 0x012045f1, CS: 0x00000008, DS: 0x00000010
    Error code: 0x00000000
    Backtrace (CPU 0), Frame : Return Address (4 potential args on stack)
    0x5833ba38 : 0x21b2bd (0x5cf868 0x5833ba6c 0x223719 0x0)
    0x5833ba88 : 0x2a7ac2 (0x591c30 0x12045f1 0xe 0x591dfa)
    0x5833bb68 : 0x29d968 (0x5833bb80 0x4419703 0x5833bc48 0x12045f1)
    0x5833bb78 : 0x12045f1 (0xe 0x48 0x6660010 0xffff0010)
    0x5833bc48 : 0x11fcca4 (0x81e0a4 0x5 0x80a0800 0x0)
    0x5833bd28 : 0x11fe4db (0xba435d28 0x80001068 0x0 0x0)
    0x5833bdf8 : 0x2a8a3c (0xffffffff 0x7fffffff 0x10 0x202)
    0x5833be18 : 0x225527 (0x0 0xba11a28d 0x1068 0x84bc68)
    0x5833be78 : 0x2262fd (0x1 0x80c6b7c 0x7f4ec58 0x8d0b7a8)
    0x5833bee8 : 0x226f11 (0x80c6b98 0x0 0xc00770a6 0x1068)
    0x5833bf58 : 0x226f92 (0x22f88a 0x863ea0 0x0 0x2a0596)
    0x5833bf78 : 0x22fa24 (0x22f88a 0x863ea0 0x0 0x0)
    0x5833bfc8 : 0x29d68c (0x863ea0 0x0 0x10 0x8707ea4)
    Kernel Extensions in backtrace (with dependencies):>0x1215fff
    BSD process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task
    Mac OS version:
    Kernel version:
    Darwin Kernel Version 10.2.0: Tue Nov 3 10:37:10 PST 2009; root:xnu-1486.2.11~1/RELEASE_I386
    System model name: MacBookPro5,1 (Mac-F42D86C8)
    System uptime in nanoseconds: 18041987896475
    unloaded kexts: 2.0 (addr 0x1047000, size 0x12288) - last unloaded 96649228552
    loaded kexts: 1.9.2d0 - last loaded 31267223064 30.9 100.9.3 2.1.0 3.1.0 1.7.9a4 1.4.5d1 1.2.0 2.1.8 3.0.0d4 7.0.0 201 212 1.1.2 2.8.16 1.7.9a4 17 4.0.1d0 6.0.6 1.4.9 1.8.0b4 1.8.0b4 251.1.4 2.6.0 31 1.0.0d1 411.91.20 1.6.0 4.4.0 1.0.69 2.0.1 3.8.4 3.7.5 3.7.5 160.0.0 1.3.0 1.3 1.4 1.3 1.4 1.3 1.4 96.0.0 0 0 2.1.11 96.0.0 204.9 2.2.4f3 17 1.7.9a4 2.0.3 10 14 10 10 20 6.0.6 73.0 2.2.4f3 10.0.3 203 1.7.2fc1 1.3 1.7.9a4 1.7.9a4 1.0.4d0 1.0.4d0 41 3.0.1d2 4.0.1d0 6.0.6 2.0 2.0 204.9 2.2.4f3 2.2.4f3 2.2.4f3 3.8.4 2.6.0 2.6.0 1.6 1.6 1.6 2.5.1 3.8.5 3.7.5 1.2.1 2.6.0 402.1 310.6 4.1.7 1.9 2.0.2 3.8.5 3.8.5 1.3.0 1.6.1 1.1 1.0.0d1 6 281 1.6 1.3 2.6 1.3.0
    Does anyone might have the same problem?
    Is it really the Apple Magic Mouse fault?
    Thanks a lot in advance!

    Hello tom:
    Welcome to Apple discussions.
    Be sure you have all the software updates installed: areupdate10forsnowleopard.html
    If that does not help, I would contact Apple and ask for a replacement.

  • TS3039 Can I use my Apple magic mouse in windows 7?

    I just bought a new Apple magic mouse, and my main motive for this is to use primarily in Windows application. Can I use magic mouse in windows if yes than how? Please help me. Thanks.

    Thanks for your reply, well swipe features wont matter but I saw in some post that scrolling alos doesnt work, is that true?

  • I would like to purchase a Bluetooth Apple Magic Mouse to use on my new HP Windows 8.1 laptop. Will it work?

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    It's not officially supported, but Google "magic mouse windows 8" for a variety of potential solutions.

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    I bought a macbook pro and apple magic mouse 6 months ago and it has worked in the past, but when I tried to use it earlier it doesn't work. The macbook seems to recognise it but when you move the mouse the curser stays put. The track pad still works though, any sugestions?

  • Apple Magic Mouse and ID

    I've recently purchased the lovely Apple Magic Mouse and am finding it quite difficult to use with InDesign CS4 - other ID versions would be the same I imagine. With this mouse you scroll by stroking its top surface, rather like a trackpad. This is excellent in other applications but in ID, because the pasteboard area is so large and the sensitivity of the mouse so high (even when scrolling is turned down to the minimum in its preferences), it's very easy to make your document shoot sideways off the screen. I expect Illustrator would have similar problems.
    Is there a way in which the ID pasteboard can be resized or constrained? Maybe someone will come up with a prefs panel to control the new mouse's scrolling more precisely - but not yet.
    Thanks for any ideas.
    John Mallinson

    I agree, it's far too sensitive. The core problem is that we have become so accustomed to resting our fingers on the surface of mice, because they always require a *definite* press, or scroll action. Now the magic mouse is so sensitive to ANY touch that it reacts to touches meant to push the mouse or were not meant to contact the surface of the mouse.
    At first I liked it a bit, but the more I use it, I think it's Apple's worst mouse ever. Puck included (at least you could buy a housing to put them in). This mouse doesn't "seem" to track the same as all other wired mice I've ever used. The touch interface is great for vertical scrolling, but as pointed out here, far to sensitive in circumstances where such scrolling is not desired. Perhaps this could be rectified with a *very* comprehensive preference panel, ie one that lets a user specify the amount of scroll or movement required to initiate a swipe/scroll. The Wacom tablet panel has such prefs, for each program and an overall control as well (ie all unspecified apps). My other major complaint against the mouse is the overall shape. It is simple not comfortable or natural. I prefer a more bulbous mouse, since like many of you I imagine, I end up using the back of my palm to "push" the mouse around or rest my fingers on it. The Magic doesn't lend to resting on it at all. I also need to lift it up, or scroll it farther to the side of the screen than the room I have on my mouse surface. With my Mighty Mouse I pick it up by the sides and put it back down somwhere in the center of my mouse area. I have a dual screen setup, and my coworkers all have 24" iMacs, so it can still be a lot of screen space to traverse.
    My Magic Mouse was a gift, but I still feel the $70 for it was a waste. I use it primarily because the scroll ball on the Mighty gets dirty fast and does not respond, and at that I rest the Magic next to my keyboard to scroll but still use the Mighty 95% of the time. If Apple would have made the exact same Mighty Mouse but only made the center area where the ball is, a touch sensitive surface, I would be in mouse heaven (they could delineate the area with a small inscribed line or something).
    IMHO big Apple Fail.
    aka SuperMacGuy

  • Google Maps zooms with Apple magic mouse

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    Hey Dogs 'n Front- I have the same problem- I've had a Magic Mouse for years and never had the zoom problem with Google maps up until maybe a year ago?It's actually a fairly common problem that even CNET had an article about it a few years ago- sadly the problem still exists. I have a MacBook Air as well and have no problem with the trackpad scroll zoom and Google Maps, seems the Magic Mouse is just too sensitive...

  • Apple magic mouse gestures on Lion

    Hi all
    I just checked in this forum but didn't found a clear answer so I ask this question
    Are the Apple magic mouse gestures working on Mac OS Lion ?
    I just bought one 2 days ago and even recognized and in Preference panel all necessary check boxes checked no way to have the gestures working.

    Sorted !!!!
    I go back to the retailer and change the mouse and then once installed the new mouse doh !! still nothing..
    After looking around in several forums about Lion issue suddenly I remember of a software I installed some months ago which is taking in charge USB (USB overdrive) and once inside I discovered that the mouse was attached to it...
    Then I uninstall this software and restart my MBP and now my mouse works perfectly well all gestures supported, battery level shows and so on .....
    What a waste of time but it's my fault just install this software in order to use a game pad which didn't worked and even with this software still continue to not being recognize by my games.... so loss for me to uninstall it anyway..

  • Can I change the name associated with my Apple magic Mouse?

    How do I change the name associated with or the name of my Apple Magic Mouse?

    setting then mouse then set up blue tooth mouse then control click on the mouse name

  • Using Apple Magic Mouse With Windows 7 64 bit and Parallels Desktop 8 questions

    I will be getting an iMac in the coming months and installing Parallels Desktop 8 and Windows 7 64 bit.
    I was wondering if I would have the functions of been able to left click, right click, scroll (preferably vertically but also occasionally horizontally) with the Apple Magic Mouse when I'm running Windows 7 through Parallels Desktop 8?
    I just wondered if anyone has installed Parallels Desktop 8 and Windows 7 and have you been able to do what i mentioned above and also have you come across any other issues, problems whilst using the Apple Magic Mouse on the Windows side?
    If there is any problems/issues with doing the above, is there anything I will need to do to get the above functionality to work?
    Thanks in advance.

    stz-42 wrote:
    I'm using Parallels 8 Win 7 64 bit, on an iMac.
    - leftclick and rightclick is working
    - i miss the middle button in my cad-software
    The same with the trackpad!
    Sometimes scrolling is a bit too fast, becuase Win 7 isn't made to use with the Magicmouse or trackpad.
    The only thing i miss / doesn't work ist the middle mouse button!
    Thanks very much for the help stz-42 its much appreciated.
    Providing I can left click, right click, scroll, then that's OK for me as I will be spending the vast amount of my time on the Mac side.
    Are you able to scroll both horizontally and vertically when using Parallels 8 Win 7 64 bit on your iMac?

  • How to Setup Apple Magic Mouse in Windows 7?

    I have a MBP that runs "Apple OS X 10.6.3" and "Windows 7 Ultimate".
    I also purchased an "Apple Magic Mouse".
    I have no problem setting up the Apple Magic Mouse on the Mac side, but don't know how to set up the Apple Magic Mouse in the Windows 7.
    So how do I make my Apple Magic Mouse work in the Windows 7?

    I clicked "Add wireless devices", but it cannot show apple magic mouse.
    i put my apple magic mouse for a while and let bluetooth search, the apple magic mouse can be used, but still not showing in the panel.
    if i have to wait for 1 or 2 mins for the mbp to recognize my apple magic mouse,(in the windwos 7 of course), then it's too tedious.
    anyway that can solve this problem?

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    I have a mid 2007 Mac mini — the Model 2,1 — running Mac OS X Snow Leopard, 10•6•8
    I’m thinking of treating myself to the Apple Magic Mouse, or Trackpad.
    Will the Magic Mouse, work with this model and version of the OS … ?
    (I’m ALSO told I need to have Wireless Mouse Software Update 1.0: how do I go about checking that I do … ?)

    I'm not sure about the 2007 mini, but a quick check is to open your system preferences and look for Bluetooth preferences.  If there aren't any, then no magic mouse for you...

  • HT2845 can't get my apple magic mouse to work on my boot camp on my early 2011 macbook pro with latest Marveric OS

    I can't get my apple magic mouse to work on my boot camp,running Windows 7 Ultimate on my early 2011 macbook pro with latest Marveric OS........ It works perfectly on the Apple ,

    Not sure if this will help anyone, but I had trouble installing on 10.8.
    I then found this particular support page: w_lang=&product=4231205#N228
    Be patient with the download, it takes some time ... When it has downloaded, follow the install instructions. It works well.
    I use the printer through usb but my wife uses wireless from her PC laptop.
    Andre Francis

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    can i connect my apple magic mouse and my apple wireless keybord with my pc?

    try it find out

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