New application idea

I don't have a Mac computer so, I want to know if anyone out there can make an application for me.
Thank you.
Message was edited by: Chorikawa

The vast majority of readers here are not developers. I suggest finding a similar app and contacting that developer.

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    I am not a developer. I draw things for a living, but I reckon there should be a power profiler Application on the iphone as per laptops. Is this possible - can you alter the phone setting directly in the SDK?
    Not sure if you can have the app buttons on the home page behave as a 'state' switch which will show the state actively on the button - just press to change between green / amber / red for example changing the actual profile would be in the 'settings' app.
    red - High Power - Wifi On / 3g / Brightness max / Location service on
    amber - Med Power - Wifi off / 3g / Brightness med / Location service off
    green - Low power - Wifi off / 2G / Brightness low / Location service off
    Ideally you could adjust the states as you wish in the settings.
    Oh and if this is possible... make it Free! Everyone will love you.

    Only Apple would be able to add a program like that. The restrictions of the SDK don't allow a developer to mess with other parts of the phone (settings etc). They can only work within their own enviroment. They can tap some shared services such as read photo library, read contacts, get location, but they cannot tap into settings or anything really.
    Also note, the developers forum is here: Better chance at getting ideas to developers there.
    And to send feedback to Apple you would do it here:

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    I'm trying to get some feedback on brainstorming a good applications to keep me focused in the world of Java.I just finished my spring semester of elementary data structures, and getting ready to take data structures in the fall. So im kinda looking for input on ideas for an application that could be a good learning experience. I am familiar with the use of netbeans, and have actually taken some minimal training on it(6.0.1), and I have also used Eclipse for most of the semester.
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    Yes, but actually make it with foreground and hidden surfaces, and be able to rotate in free space. I did one a very long time ago when I was in college and it was wonderful to actually see the saddle point, or other complex surfaces, your were considering in the problems you were working.

  • ORA-20001 Error when creating a new application

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    ORA-20001: Unable to create modules. ORA-20001: Create pages error. ORA-20001: Unable to create form page. ORA-20001: Error page=2 item="P2_NON_ORACLE_EMPLOYEE_SPEAKER" id="1975288532127294112" ORA-20001: Error page=2 item="P2_NON_ORACLE_EMPLOYEE_SPEAKER" id="1975288532127294112" has same name as existing application-level item. ORA-0000: normal, successful completion
    The table I am creating the app on is defined like this:
       (    "ID" NUMBER,
            "STATUS" VARCHAR2(30),
            "SESSION_ID" NUMBER,
            "TITLE" VARCHAR2(255),
            "ABSTRACT" VARCHAR2(4000),
            "SESSION_TYPE" VARCHAR2(30),
            "SESSION_CATEGORY" VARCHAR2(30),
            "STREAM" VARCHAR2(30),
            "PRIMARY_TRACK" VARCHAR2(255),
            "OPTIONAL_TRACK" VARCHAR2(255),
            "CROSS_STREAM_TRACK" VARCHAR2(30),
            "SUPPORTING_VIDEO" VARCHAR2(4000),
            "ATTENDEE_ROLE" VARCHAR2(255),
            "TO_RATING" VARCHAR2(30),
            "TO_COMMENTS" VARCHAR2(4000),
            "COMMENTS" VARCHAR2(4000),
            "ORACLE_PARTNER_TYPE" VARCHAR2(255),
            "INCLUDE_CASE_STUDY" VARCHAR2(30),
            "CREATED" DATE,
            "CREATED_BY" VARCHAR2(50),
            "LAST_UPDATE" DATE,
            "LAST_UPDATED_BY" VARCHAR2(50),
       ) ;I am using APEX version
    Any idea what could be wrong and what can be done to resolve the problem?

    Thanks! Never thought of that.

  • Creating a new application profile

    Hi Hyperion Gurus,
    Need your advice on an issue we are facing now:
    In our current application (HFM EPMA), we have created our application profile with only English as the language. We have 3 applications residing on our current profile.
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    My question is: What will happen to the existing shared library that we use for our current applications? When I create a new application will it impact the old ones?
    Any thoughts and ideas are greatly appreciated!

    Hi Thanos,
    so I did create a new application profile and included the languages I needed. And when I created the application, the Alias dimension is blank.
    Here are the steps that I followed:
    1. Create a new application profile from the desktop client.
    2. Opened work space and created New application from Administer > Consolidation Administration.
    3. Registered the application to Shared Services.
    4. Transformed the classic app to EPMA in order to use the Shared library
    Not sure what I am missing. I have attached a screenshot of the dimension library from my new application.

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    >> Any good sample projects on this out there?
    Not suer if you are using C# as the develop language, if it is, i think you would find a lot of articles about this topic with your favorite search engine, here are some related links:
    COM Interop Part 1: C# Client Tutorial
    COM Interop Part 2: C# Server Tutorial
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Can't create new application

    Hi guys.
    We're having a problem with an application set this morning.
    A new application set was created last night and so far, 2 new applications have been added to it.
    This morning though, when we try to create another application (of ANY type), we get the following error:
    #2.0 #2011 11 01 08:12:04:152#+0:00#ERROR#AppSetClient##EPM-BPC-MS##278f95d9-89e9-4d5c-8064-3661e33c46e7###AdminApplicationMgr::SetSourceApplicationinformation#domainname
    user01########Plain##[LOG ID:598]System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
    Parameter name: index
       at System.Collections.ArrayList.get_Item(Int32 index)
       at OSoft.Consumers.Admin.AppSetClient50.AdminApplicationMgr.SetSourceApplicationinformation(ArrayList arrActionPane, Int32 nArrayListIndex, Int32 nArrIndex)#
    I have already checked that neither of the existing applications in the AppSet have the journal set to "1".
    We can successfully process the applications (with reassign SQL Index)
    I processed all dimensions, and the only errors related to the YEAR entity not existing, but this is not used in this AppSet so far.
    There are only 2 applications in this set and no data in either of them.
    This does NOT happen on any other application set on the server.
    The only thing that I can think of is that both of the original applications were deleted tis morning (RATE and PLANNING), which left no reporting type applications in there, since when, this error has arisen.
    Is it possible that in removing the last of the reporting type applications, we could have caused an issue with the indexing?
    Anyway, has anyone any ideas on how to resolve this, as it has put a stop to any development work until it is resolved.

    Never mind.
    Turns out that you cannot delete the pre-built applications in ApShell without either copying them or creating an alternate in their place first.
    We copied the ApShell AppSet again and it worked fine until we tested deleting the Reporting type application, after which we hit the same problem.

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    Most plugins have css,images or js files which can be placed on the server.
    It might be that you have placed those files on the server in the theme directory.
    If you change the theme then the plugin can not find those files any more.
    Kees Vlek
    If the question is answered please change it to answered.

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    I tried deleting .Ds_Store file in it, deleting, repairing permissions (both in leopard and by using the installation dvd), clearing caches, executing maintainance tasks, searching google, asking in it.comp.macintosh, praise the lord, but nothing. Now I'm going crazy, so I need to solve this.
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    Hm, I guess that makes sense - the idea is to save power; but the process of trying to transfer control between display interfaces on the fly would have to be somewhat perilous.  This (hot swap of display interfaces) is just not the kind of thing that would normally be expected by software designers.
    Are the two display subsystems made by nVidia?  If not, I'd imagine it to be a practically impossible task to get right.  GPU makers aren't normally friendly with one another!
    It makes sense that a manual switch to the more powerful GPU would be needed to run Photoshop properly, as complex as it is.

  • Receive 404 error when running new application

    I'm using JDeveloper
    I am encountering a 404 error when I try running the "Portal" project of a brand new WebCenter Portal Framework application. Previously I was able to run right after the project was created, and a college of mine is able to run right after the new application wizard has compelted, following the same steps that I do. I do not recieve any errors in the weblogic console window however and am at a loss for what is going on. I am able to run applications that I previously had created, but new ones fail. As far as I am aware, no configuration has changed either.
    The steps I am taking:
    -Create new application
    -Name and set default package
    -Set the Applicaiton Template to "WebCenter Portal - Framework Application"
    -hit next
    -Leave on defaults for project 1 name. hit next
    -Leave on defaults for Project 1 Java Settings. hit next
    -Ensure "Configure the application with standard Portal features" is checked on Project1 WebCenter settings. hit next
    -Leave on defaults for Project 2 name. Hit finish
    -Right click on the "Portal" project. Select Run
    -When the browser window opens, I receive the 404 error instead of the default home page with the autogenerated template.
    Does anyone have any idea what might be going on, or any ideas of what I can try to fix the issue?

    Another college of mine recommended checking for stalled deployments on the integrated weblogic server and after removing 4 deployments that were never actually undeployed (despite JDeveloper claiming that they were) the 404 error went away and things started working again.

  • Tomcat 4.1.12 adding a new application

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    <Context path="/apress" docBase="apress" debug="0" reloadable="true"/>
    into the server.xml file and tested the new application. Using localhost/apress/simple.jsp (or .html) all is ok, so the apress application is being recognized. When I install a simple servet into the /apress/web-info/classes directory (no packages) and call the simple servlet using TOMCAT-HOME/apress/servlet/simpleservlet I get a not found error page. Upon the simpleservlet class to the default ROOT/web-info/classes directory, the servlet works OK, so the invoker is working - at least for the default install - any idea how to get the invoker to work for the new application?

    Look at this article, especially the second page.

  • New Application appears in Sidebar Task list, but not in main region

    Sometimes, when I create a new application, it does not appear in my primary list of Applications.
    But it is available via the sidebar Recent list.
    It is not a matter of having a 2nd page of applications but that's not it (ie, at the bottom of the list region, it shows row(s) 1-2 of 2.
    Any idea why this is happening and how to change it?
    I looked thru the Application Builder Defaults, Developer Preferences, UI Defaults etc, but I don't see any setting to implement.
    Thank you
    Marion in NY

    Good morning,
    Perhaps one of the gurus will have a better answer, but what I've found is that if you log out of the workspace and back in again, the app usually shows up. I'm not sure if its a history thing with the browser or something in APEX. But logging out and back in usually solves the problem for me.
    You can reward this reply by marking it as either Helpful or Correct :)

  • White cross over new Application

    I have been working on a new application with XCode, and found how to create a new icon for the application - but now there appears a white cross over the icon when I run it. I am using XCode 2.5 on Leopard 10.5.5. Even if I have the default NSApplication icon (with the ruler and the paint brush) the white cross still appears. Any ideas what I have done.
    Looking at previous posts, the only semi-relevant one is here: - but it doesn't solve the issue (I took the *.icns file, renamed it without the file extension, but same problem).
    ??? - I'll try to set my avatar to the cross I am talking about. Thanks - JN

    I strongly suggest posting to the software development forum under OS X Technologies.

  • Create new application with same ID as a previous application

    10gR2, webtogo client. We are in a situation where due to what looks like some corruption issue/inability to publish correctly, we may need to drop our existing application and re-create. So the application will have a new applications.dsn and applications.publication value. This will most certainly force all our offline users to do a re-install which we want to avoid. (correct? - I'm assuming the offline databases like a1121.odb are keyed to the 1121
    Wondering if there is any way to re-create a new application but with the old application ID. One way we think we could do this is that after dropping the application, reset the mobileadmin APPIDS sequence so that it will pick up the ID of the old app when we create the new one. And so have the same applications.dsn and applications.publication value.
    However, wondering if we do this, we'd cause some other issue. Anyone have any ideas? (we have ticket open for the publication problem, but not much progress yet on that end.)

    You may create new mode with the same transaction.
    I'm not sure, that you may just "copy-paste" the content from one mode into another.
    To create new mode with the same transaction, you may use the following code:
    data: l_current_tcode like sy-tcode.
    move sy-tcode to l_current_tcode.
            transaktion    = l_current_tcode
            del_on_eot     = 1
    *        PARAMETERS     = l_pars
            process_dark   = 'X'
    *        mode           = 
            max_sessions   = 1
            internal_error = 2
            no_authority   = 3
            OTHERS         = 4.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
          MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                  WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    What transaction do you need to display?
    Message was edited by: Cyrill Smirnov

  • Step by step, new application

    I´m trying to create a new applications. For this I created a new Domain
    etc etc. then I copied teh stockportal to my domain and renamed it
    myportal. Altered several web.xml files and deployed everytinh I copied
    from the portal application to myportal. When I call
    http://localhost:<port>/ the initial portal´s index.jsp starts up just
    fine. However whe I go to http://localhost:<port>/<myportal>/, the jsp
    is compiled but generates the following exception:
    ####<17/12/2001 13h30min13s BRST> <Error> <HTTP> <Amsterdam>
    <cilixServer> <ExecuteThread: '5' for queue: 'default'> <> <> <101018>
    <[WebAppServletContext(15502105,cilixportal,/cilixportal)] Servlet
    failed with ServletException>
    javax.servlet.ServletException: Received a null Portal object from the
    ####<17/12/2001 13h45min40s BRST> <Error> <Tracking> <Amsterdam>
    <cilixServer> <ExecuteThread: '5' for queue: 'default'> <system> <>
    <402201> <EventService failure while attempting dispatch of Behavior
    Tracking event: Event [SessionEndEvent @ Mon Dec 17 13:45:40 BRST 2001 ]
    java.rmi.RemoteException: Error in ejbCreate:; nested exception is:
    Unable to find ApplicationConfigurationConfig=null with parent
    Unable to find ApplicationConfigurationConfig=null with parent
    I must have missed something but after about a day I still have no idea

    and what's a firewire port? how do i know if i have one?

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