New hard drive and leopard.

ok so my hard drive failed the other day which sucked because nothing was backed up, but i have ordered my new HD and waiting for it to come in so i can install it myself. for now i am booting off of an external HD that the mac genius set up for me (which was a huge help).
but i was wondering, when my new hard drive comes in, how do i get leopard on it?
and i only have a single pack for ilife 08, and it has been used already, so can i just reinstall it, or do i have to buy another i life 08 pack?
thanks for the help guys!

Your allowed to have it on one machine and can reinstall it again since your replacing the hard drive. You could use SuperDuper or Carbon Copy Cloner to make a clone from the external drive to your new internal. You could also reinstall Leopard on the new drive and have a nice new copy to start from and then install iLife on that.

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    Another alternative is to put a Seagate or Hitachi bare HD into a FireWire enclosure—basically, rolling your own (for a significant savings). Here's one
    I have two Argosy enclosures with 200 GB Hitachi HDs. They used to be available at but apparently they ceased carrying them. However, a google search for ARGOSY EXTERNAL 3.5" firewir yields which isn't a bad price.

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    Here's the spec page on your PB. ml  It came with OS 10.2.7 installed. The max OS is Leopard 10.5.x
    Tiger install DVDs are in short supply. Tiger is no longer available at the Apple Store but may be available for $129 by calling Apple Phone Sales @ 1-800-MY-APPLE (1-800-692-7753). For other sources, do a Google search for MA453Z/A (10.4.6), MA190Z/A (10.4.3) and M9639Z/A (10.4). Also look on eBay. Be sure & buy a retail version (black with silver X) and not a model specific version (gray) (See Can I use another Mac's system restore disc on my Mac?.
    Also check these web stores: sku&sku=19521
    After you install the base 10.4.x, update to the final Tiger version 10.4.11. Here's the link for the 10.4.11 combo update
    Look at this link Mac OS X v10.4 Tiger Installing Software Support Page
    You can also download the Tiger Installation and Setup Guide
     Cheers, Tom

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    So all you need then is to know how to format the drive and install Snow Leopard.
    How to erase and install Snow Leopard 10.6

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    Welcome to Apple Support Communities. We're users here and do not speak for "Apple Inc."
    Power on the computer and insert the DVD immediately.
    Hold down the 'C' key to boot from the Snow Leopard DVD.
    After selecting the appropriate language, if necessary, select Utilities, and Disk Utility.
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    Prep your new drive:
    Drive Preparation
    1. Boot from your OS X Installer Disc. After the installer loads select your language and click on the Continue button.  When the menu bar appears select Disk Utility from the Utilities menu.
    2. After DU loads select your hard drive (this is the entry with the mfgr.'s ID and size) from the left side list. Note the SMART status of the drive in DU's status area.  If it does not say "Verified" then the drive is failing or has failed and will need replacing.  SMART info will not be reported  on external drives. Otherwise, click on the Partition tab in the DU main window.
    3. Under the Volume Scheme heading set the number of partitions from the drop down menu to one. Click on the Options button, set the partition scheme to GUID (for Intel Macs) or APM (for PPC Macs,) then click on the OK button. Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (Journaled.) Click on the Partition button and wait until the process has completed.
    4. Select the volume you just created (this is the sub-entry under the drive entry) from the left side list. Click on the Erase tab in the DU main window.
    5. Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (Journaled.) Click on the Security button, check the button for Zero Data and click on OK to return to the Erase window.
    6. Click on the Erase button. The format process can take up to several hours depending upon the drive size.
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    ("My Administrative Account"): Users / Owner / My Music
    ("My User Account"): Users / Yank / My Music
    My "Administrative" and "User" user accounts contain different songs in iTunes.
    If helpful, I could describe what is in each of these 2 backed-up music folders.
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    I've also played around with "Edit / Preferences / Advanced tab / 'Keep iTunes Media folder organized' "
    When I open my iTunes, I have no playlists.
    However, when I went to my "Yank" user account and opened iTunes for the first time, the playlists associated with that account were visible.
    How do I get my playlists back on my Administrative Account, which is my main song collection and had many, many playlists?
    Thank you.

    I didn't try shift-start of iTunes, but I DID GET MY PLAYLISTS BACK BY FOLLOWING YOUR OTHER ADVICE:
    I went to my external hard drive, went to my backup at Users / Owner / My Music / iTunes / and searched for library.itl
    Four files with that name were found, with different dates.
    I chose the most recent, dated just a few days before I made my backup to the external hard drive.
    I copied it to my computer's hard drive into the following location:
    C:\Users\Owner\NEW OWNER FOLDER\Music\iTunes
    which overwrote the file which was located there.
    CAN YOU IMAGINE HOW DISAPPOINTED I FELT WHEN I BELIEVED THAT I HAD LOST ALL OF THE PLAYLISTS WHICH I HAD CREATED OVER THE YEARS? Many of my playlists were composed of whole albums whose songs I had added to iTunes.

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    Is there some way to move everything?

    No, do not re-import your images. I assume you can see the thumbnails in the library module, just cannot access the full images, right? If this is the case there should be an exclamation mark in the top right corner of every one of your pictures and you only have to tell LR where the images are now.
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    How about the most likely occurance - something incorrect about how the iPhoto library was transfered
    What version of iPhoto '11 (9.4.3 is the latest)?
    exactly how was your iPhoto library transfered to your new hard drive
    This indicates that there is a problem in the iPhoto database - a possible solution to try is Back up your iPhoto library, Depress and hold the option (alt) and command keys and launch iPhoto - rebuild your iPhoto library
    Why did you get a new hard drive? What kind of backup do you have?

  • IPhoto events and pictures missing from iPhoto after restoring new hard drive and upgrade to iLife11

    My iPhoto events and pictures are ALL missing from my iPhoto Library after I tried restoring my programs on a new hard drive AND upgrading to iLife11!  Over the last few months, I upgraded my 2008 Macbook Pro's hard drive from a 250 GB to a 500 GB hard drive and since then have been manually installing and restoring programs and software.  I decided to do things manually because I had problems with doing Time Machine backups/restores in the past, so before I upgraded the drive, I manually saved everything to a Western Digital MyStudio 1 TB hard drive that I had just for the purposes of a second back up.  Anyway, I tried importing the pictures onto the new library, but couldn't find the hard copies at first, so that didn't work.  I then tried deleting the iPhoto Library that came with new operating system, then copying my old backup onto the new hard drive...that didn't work either.  However, when I right clicked on the iPhoto Library icon on my external hard drive (the original) and clicked on "show package contents," the folder not only contained the originals, but they were still organized by year and event just as I had them originally! 
    So, then I thought "why don't I try just importing the pictures directly into the new iPhoto Library!"
    I tested it out, and sure enough, it worked!  I then tried importing an entire folder (which, was actually the name of the event), and again it worked!  So, I literally clicked and dragged my entire 2007-2009 library of pictures (which was about 35 GB) back into my iPhoto Library!  AND, this only took about 30 minutes to download, enough time for me to write this post and the following instructions to Recap: 
              1. Open your new iPhoto Library
              2. Go to wherever your ORIGINAL iPhoto Library is saved/backed up, then Right-click (or Control click) on the iPhoto icon 
              3. Click on "Show Package Contents"
              4. Go to the folder called "Originals" or "Master"
              5. Click and drag everything INSIDE the folder (not the folder itself) to your new iPhoto Library
              6. DO NOT try Importing from inside iPhoto!  For some reaseon, iPhoto can't see these images, but I promise, they're there! 
    I assume this could work on other iLife programs, but luckily I have MobileMe and my iCalendar updated itself, though I did have to do some tweeking...
    Hope this helps other people out, GOOD LUCK! 

    I'm re-posting the answer to this problem so I can show it has been answered: 
    Open your new iPhoto Library 
    Go to wherever your ORIGINAL iPhoto Library is saved/backed up, then Right-click (or Control click) on the iPhoto icon
    Click on "Show Package Contents"
    Go to the folder called "Originals" or "Master"
    Click and drag everything INSIDE the folder (not the folder itself) to your new iPhoto Library
    DO NOT try Importing from inside iPhoto!  For some reason, iPhoto can't see these images, but I promise, they're there!
              GOOD LUCK!!!

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    i sent my 17inch mac pro to apple to install a new hard drive and my mountain lion was not on it when i got it back, using the same apple id i tried to re download it but it says i have to pay

    never mind i got it by going into my account and veiwing hidden items and there it was

  • Help.......I moved my LR5 catalog to a new hard drive and lost my COLLECTIONS

    I moved my LR5 catalog to a new hard drive and lost my COLLECTIONS.  In the collections i get the messageI then locate the file in the new drive :
    i locate the file and receive this message
    How can i get the Collection to redirect to the new location??   I have about  a LOT of missing pics in Collections. 
    Thank you!  Jamie

    Thank your for responding.......
    To clarify....I moved LIGHTROOM to a new hard drive....including 1) Working catalogs, 2) Working exports, and 3) Working Originals.  I now know i did not follow correct procedure for "moving a catalog".  I dragged  it to the new hard drive. Yikes!!
    (I was at Imaging last week and spoke to Julianne Kost, she recommended that i use the FIND link....but this gave me the same result as i am speaking about above.)
    To Clarify......The Collections are listed. The target path to the images did not change when i moved to the new hard drive.
    There is an exclamation point in the right hand corner of the images in each collection.  When i click on the exclamation mark i get the message....."“JK_120214_7782.NEF” could not be used because the original file could not be found. Would you like to locate it?"  I then locate the file IN THE NEW current which time i click on it and i receive the message.....
    this file is associated with another photo in the catalog.... each file can only be associated with one photo.  Then if i choose to show in points to the image in the FOLDER  tab...which is in fact where the image is located. 
    Up to this point, when i need one of these older collections i have had to recreate.  i have manually gone to the the FOLDER tab, found the image and added to the Collections again.  Then i go back and delete all the files with the ! ......a long and tedious task.  I was hoping there was an easier way to recreate my "collections".
    Initially i was going to just MOVE the entire library again ( the correct way) ....which i should've done i believe.  Now i have imported more jobs and have created additional collections , so i'd love to find a short cut!
    I hope this is a bit more clear!!
    Thank you.

  • Re: My Macbook 2009 model was recently upgraded with a new hard drive and upgraded to Mountain Lion OS. I am battling to retrieve all my photos that were ''saved'' in iCloud. Can someone help?

    Re: My Macbook 2009 model was recently upgraded with a new hard drive and upgraded to Mountain Lion OS. I am battling to retrieve all my photos that were ''saved'' in iCloud. Can someone help?

    If you are trying to recover photo stream photos, they are only held in iCloud for 30 days.  All you would be able ro recover is photo stream photos from the last 30 days.
    If you have an iOS device that still has the photo stream photos one it, you can save them to the camera roll by opening the my photo stream album, tapping Edit, tap the photos, tap Share, tap Save to Camera Roll.  Once in the camera roll, they can be imported to iPhoto on your Mac as explained here:

Maybe you are looking for