New interface makes pages difficult to read

The new interface puts horizontal scrollbars at the bottom of iframes, making lots of pages a pain in the ... to read.
Here's an example, you need to scroll right and left all the time to read the blog:
Create new UI's for existing workflow tasks with ABAP Web Dynpro and Universal Worklist!
It would be best if the blog iframe would have a fixed width that matches its visual width, so the content will be resized and the scrollbar disappears.

Thanks for pointing this out Pascal. We'll see what we can do to fix this problem.

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    If the background of links is red then that is probably caused by an extension like SEO or SearchStatus that has the option set to highlight noFollow links.<br />
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    See [[Troubleshooting extensions and themes]]

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    Here is the link to the older version:
    Or you could try the resources listed at Access Firefox:

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    You can also try to reset the page zoom on pages that cause problems.
    *<b>View > Zoom > Reset</b> (Ctrl+0 (zero); Command+0 on Mac)
    If you have made changes to Advanced font settings like increasing the minimum/default font size then try the default minimum setting "none" and the default font size 16 in case the current setting is causing problems.
    *Firefox > Preferences > Content : Fonts & Colors > Advanced > Minimum Font Size (none)
    Make sure that you allow pages to choose their own fonts.
    *Firefox > Preferences > Content : Fonts & Colors > Advanced: [X] "Allow pages to choose their own fonts, instead of my selections above"

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    Hi Fritz,
    In the interest of full disclosure, I got the answer to the problem from one of my distinguished colleagues, I'm just the messenger in this case.
    The problem is that the form adds some items to the Arzneispezialität / Zusatztext combobox which are there during signing but the form doesn’t remember that it did this on the next form open. 
    Since this field is included in the MDP+ signature and the field has changed in the re-opened version vs. the signed version, the MDP+ signature becomes invalid.
    XFA has a feature that remembers these kinds of things for you but it is turned it OFF. Please open the attached screen shot to see the control in question.
    So, you can either (1) turn this feature ON (Automatically), or (2) write some script to clear the combobox items prior to signing or (3) write some script to repopulate the combobox items on the subsequent open to match the items that were there during signing.

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    To revert to Google as your preferred search engine, please do the following.<br><br>
    * In the location bar, type '''about:config''' and hit Enter.<br><br>
    * In the filter at the top, type: '''keyword.URL'''<br><br>
    * Double click it and remove whatever's in there (probably Yahoo) and replace it with<br>
    The URL to add in "keyword.URL" becomes a link in this post, so right click it and choose "Copy Link Location" to copy it to the Windows clipboard. Then hit CTRL+V to paste it. Saves you having to type the whole thing.
    '''To reset your home page, do the following'''.<br><br>
    * Go to the site you want to set as your homepage.<br><br>
    * Click the orange Firefox button and go to '''Options '''| '''Options '''| '''General'''.<br><br>
    * Make sure it says "''Show My Homepage''" in the first dropdown menu.<br><br>
    * Click the button called "'''Use Current Pages'''" to set the homepage to the one you have on the screen.<br>

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    [ Screenshot of the behavior]
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    It is very difficult to read this gray text on my monitor. I'd like to make it so that the entire address is displayed in black text, but I couldn't seem to find any kind of configuration setting under Options to change this.
    Please let me know if I can modify the URL display to be all black again.

    That is a new feature in Firefox to highlight the domain in the URL bar. You can change a preference to make the entire URL dark.
    Change a preference:
    #type '''''about:config''''' in the Location/URL bar and press Enter.
    #if you see a warning, accept (promise to be careful)
    #Filter: '''''browser.urlbar.formatting.enabled'''''
    #in lower panel, double-click that item to toggle value to '''''false'''''
    I am not sure whether or not you need to re-start Firefox after doing the above for the change to take effect. Test and if it does not work, then re-start Firefox and test again.
    '''If this reply solves your problem, please click "Solved It" next to this reply when <u>signed-in</u> to the forum.'''
    Not related to your question, but...
    You need to update some plug-ins:
    *Plug-in check:
    *Adobe Shockwave for Director Netscape plug-in: [ Installing ('''''or Updating''''') the Shockwave plugin with Firefox]
    *Shockwave Flash (Adobe Flash or Flash): [ Updating Flash in Firefox]

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    == URL of affected sites ==
    == User Agent ==
    Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.2; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; MS-RTC LM 8)

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    == URL of affected sites ==
    == User Agent ==
    Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.2; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; MS-RTC LM 8)

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    In 10.8 go to: Apple / System Preferences / Accessibility / VoiceOver and uncheck the box for Enable VoiceOver.

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