New page to find contacts

We need a page for mobile PC and Mac for new people just for online users to find new contacts

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    I have added a new page to an existing SAP Script BUT only want it to print if a condition is true.
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    Any idea how I can prevent the new page from printing?
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    To trigger a new page, there is script ediotr command NEW-PAGE.
    so find where is that command is triggered and use the below code for trigger it on any specific condition....
    if &condition& = 'True'
    /*  NEW-PAGE
    /: NEW-PAGE   
    so it means if condition is satisfied your new page will not work.. else it will...
    Hope you got it...
    Try this..
    Best luck..

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    Hi Bruce and fruhulda,
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    No more than anyone knew they were going to take away over 90 features.
    Have you tried using Pages '09 which should still be in your Applications/iWork folder?

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    There were 100+ features that didn't make it into the "new & improved, rewritten from the ground up” Pages 5. Some have returned with the updates & there are some new features that are worthwhile, but there are still 90+ features missing. Leave feedback for the Pages team using the link in the Pages menu and review & rate the new versions in the Mac App Store.
    If you previously had iWork '09, those apps are still in your Applications folder in a folder named iWork '09. You can continue to use them to get things done.

  • New Pages is double spacing after enter again- can't find the area in inspector that allows you to change paragraph

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    The "new" Pages is missing just about everything.
    Your best best is to go back to the old Pages (mavericks puts in in your applications folder in IWorks.
    Apple told me that based on input from users they will add back some missing features back but I suspect that will take a long time if ever.
    They (Apple) say they created a new Pages to make it work seamlessly on various devices.
    But in doing so they've dumbed down the programs to where they're nearly useless.
    Any new users who don't know what "old" Pages could do will probably be satisfied.
    But those of us who use this program to do real publishing should send feed back to Apple.
    Apple has decided that we are "heavy" users and not representative of the majority of their customers.
    That's why I suspect that putting back the features in Pages will not be top priority.
    But just in case they really do read the feedback send them your opinions and feature requirements and just maybe if enough people squawk they'll at least put the old Pages back in the App Store (it's gone now).
    One possibility crossed my mind. If the new OS Yosemite can mirror devices, perhaps we'll be able to mirror the old pages on to our IOS devices than you could have the full capability of Pages and the connivence of an IPad or IPhone.
    Wouldn't that be awesome?
    At least in the presentation, it looked like it could work, we'll see.

  • Created new page, upon opening for second time, not finding css or doc

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    Can anyone help? Thanks.

    I am just trying to be thorough. You are asking the questions, and I am answering not just for you but for others who may happen upon your question and want to know a little more.
    Regarding buggy-ness: It's all personal opinion, after all. I have not had any buggy experiences with DW. Your friend has, and that's her experience, which is valuable. Personal stories both. If you have buggy experiences with DW, then you will also think it buggy. A lot depends on the rest of your computer system, what operating system you are using, etc. etc. But I still do not believe that it is, across the board, buggy.
    What do you think the difference between Save and Save All is? You have actually figured it out, even if you have not articulated it. Save saves the file that you are working on. Period. It does not save the auxiliary files at the same time. Save All saves all files that are open in DW at the time.
    I am not Adobe. I have no idea why they chose to make both a Save and a Save All. But I use both of them daily.
    Dreamweaver gives you many choices in terms of your personal use of the program. What it does not do is duplicate the functioning of another GoLive...completely. It is Dreamweaver, it is not GoLive. Things you like there may not appear here, etc.
    I apologize for making you feel that I am being condescending, and ignorant is a term I would NEVER use. But the fact remains that as we learn (and yes, we are all still learning), we develop our intuitions for a program. I learn something new every day, and I've been at it a while.
    My question for you is, what possible difference does it make to you that there are both a Save and a Save All? It is not common, in my experience, for features to become fewer as a software product progresses through time. I'm unaware of any noticeable savings (in any dimension) to limiting the functions to simply a Save All.
    In fact, I frequently have open files in one website and files from another defined website that I am using for reference. I do not always want those reference pages to be saved when working in the first site. I realize they will always be saved in the correct place, but if I am altering them on the fly to see if something will work, I do not always want to save my experimentation.
    So I guess that's the long-form answer to your, "You uppity woman, you," but that's how it is.
    I wish you only the best,

  • Submit Button and New Pages

    Hello all~
    The questions i have may be too complicated for this forum,
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    if ( != 7)
    on (releaseOutside, rollOut) {
    if ( != 7)
    on (release) {
    if (<>7) {;
    _parent["b"].play(); = 7;;
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    L. Monique

    the movieclips are name b1, b2,... etc and, if your buttons
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  • New page from template

    When I try to create a new page via File>New>Page from Template, I get the error message saying it is nested inside itself. How do I get around this?
    Here's the code from the template:
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    When I try to create a new page via File>New>Page from Template, I get the error message saying it is nested inside itself. How do I get around this?
    Here's the code from the template:
    ob_start(); ?><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""><html xmlns="" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><!-- #BeginTemplate "project.dwt" --><!-- DW6 -->
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  • Front page opens works shortly freezes. only yellow green buttons work. I click yellow to minimize normal top bar menu appears I choose new page, opens works normally. The restart saved tabs does not work on that first page.

    front page opens works shortly freezes.
    only yellow green buttons work. I click yellow to minimize normal top bar menu appears I choose new page, opens works normally.
    The restart saved tabs does not work on that first page.

    Hi @prdstudio3 ,
    Thank you for visiting the HP Support Forums. The Serial Number needed to be removed from your Post. This is From our Rules of Participation:
    Protect privacy - yours and others'. Don't share anything about yourself that you would not want to see on a road-side billboard. Don't post contact or other personal information-your own or anyone else's-or any content that you receive in one-to-one communications without the author's consent. For example, don’t post your computer’s serial # or contact information publicly, and do not allow someone you don’t know to remotely take control of your computer.
    If you need people to contact you directly, either ask them to send you a private message or subscribe to the thread so you will be notified when there are replies. You may also click on your name anywhere in the forum and you will be taken to your profile page, where you can find a list of threads you have participated in.
    Sharing personal email addresses, telephone numbers, and last names is not allowed for your safety. If you have any questions feel free to send me a private message in reply.
    Thank you
    I work for HP

  • HT1338 i can't  update to the new Pages

    i tried to update to the new Pages  but  it  says Pages is installed on my computer and I have go to the update area But there is no option to update or upgrade there ?

    The old Firefox is no longer supported and presumably no longer supported by your email service so there is not much we can do to help you. Itis of course totally insecure.
    If you must attempt to use Fx3.6 have you tried zooming the page or trying to work out if there are any keyboard shortcuts available for the actions. You should contact your email provider's support site for help
    * [[Problems with email and how to find help]]

  • Finding contact file

    Last month my old computer and ipod went nuts so i ended up getting a new one of both. I backed up my old computer drive which has my contact informatiom for my ipod touch, i didn't replace the ipod till i had my new computer up and running and thought i had backed up my contact information from my old ipod, but i was wrong. when syncing my new one it didn't find it.
    Wouldn't i still have this file on my old harddrive of my contact list? (i had restore my previous ipod and all that information came back, so i know it is there somewhere.)
    The question is, where on my old computer in which ipod/itune folder would this information be located so i just had to drag and drop to the new one?

    You need to talk to iTunes about this.  No one here works for Apple.  We are users like yourself.
    How to contact an iTunes Advisor
    Go to
    (If you see a message that says 'There are no products registered to this Apple ID, simply click on 'See all products and services')
    Choose 'iTunes', then 'iTunes Store'.
    A new page will open.
    Choose 'Purchases, Billing & Redemption', then 'Apple ID account billing'.
    Fill out the 'Please tell us more about the issue' box.
    Click the blue 'Continue' button.
    Choose your country.
    Select the contact option that suits your needs best.
    Be advised that all iTunes purchases are FINAL.  It is at the sole discretion of the iTunes Advisor to offer any kind of refund.  You had the ability to disable in-app purchases with the device.  You chose not to.  That's no different that leaving out a wad of cash on the kitchen table.

  • Help!! adding new pages to doc with logo!!!

    I've posted various questions for a couple hours now, none are answered.  Is everyone sleeping or does no one know how to use Pages??  I'm near tears and I've read the manual about 10 times and don't understand it.  I've tried to Google it but I'm not even sure what exactly to Google.
    I have an 18 page document in Pages.  It's just a plain old word processing document.  A list of Gluten Free restaurants in my area.  I add new restaurants to this list all the time so it needs to re-order itself as it does as a plain word processing document.
    I want to brand it more so I'm putting my logo and a little design in the bottom left corner of each page, or at least thats how I'd like it to look.
    So I set up page one, saved it as a template, captured it, done everything I can think of. But when I copy the document and paste it into the text boxt on the first page of the new document with the little logo on the page, all the subsequent pages do NOT have that logo on them.  Just the first page. 
    IF I set up 18 pages with the logo, and then paste it just adds 17 blank pages after that first page with the logo.  And those 17 pages that I set up prior to pasting are after the pages it added after the paste that have no logo.
    How do it get this to add a page with the logo in the corner??
    So when I add 5 new restaurants and it has to add a page to fit them it it will have that logo.  This can't be that hard to do.  I need the doucment to automatically add new pages when text is add and those pages need to have the logo,
    Please help me!!!

    I'm sorry you think that Peter and it isn't true.  Maybe you are testy because its 2 am.
    I spent hours trying to figure it out on my own.  I looked all over these forums, I Googled it, I went to other Apple tips and forums I am familar with, went thru the manual.  I tried a lot of places first so I really don't think I'm demanding and I'm sorry if I came off that way. 
    I was just super frustrated.  Not being very computer savvy can be super frustrating, often I find what I "think" might be the answer for something I'm looking for and I can't even understand the answer.  I try, I follow the steps but some of the terms I don't know and then have to google and follow more steps and blah blah. 
    I'm sorry but I didn't just come here without doing research first for the answer, so its not fair to say I expected others to do the work for me.  I did try.  I agree the information here us beyond useful, I never could have done anything without out in the past, I've used it many times.  But you can shoot the messenger if you want but the response time does seem slower.  Not sure why you take that personally. 
    I'm sorry to **** you off so much. 

Maybe you are looking for

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  • Can I still install ios6 on my iPad 2 instead of ios8

    I've never updated the iOS (currently running 5.x). I now want to upgrade to ios6 but the software update wants to install ios8. Can I install ios6?