Newbie problem in binding

I am very new to JSF, I am using tomahawk data table.
<t:dataTable id="dt1"
                    var="lob" rows="10" width="100%"
                    rowOnClick="onRowSubmit(this)" rowClasses="oddRow,evenRow"
                    styleClass="gridTable" headerClass="dataTableHeader"
                    onmouseover="javascript:trackTableHighlight(event, '#d6ecf0');"
                    cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"
                    >The binding property is set in the bean as shown below:
private UIData dTable;with corresponding setter and getter.
But when I try to run the jsp I am getting below error:
javax.faces.FacesException: ServletException in '/jsp/template/layout.jsp': ServletException in '/jsp/pages/companySearch/companyLineOfBusinessInfoContent.jsp': not a valid binding: dTable
What could be the problem?

you have to use

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    I am facing problem while binding multiple parameters with different data types in View Object query. For example suppose I have following query in my view object.
    WHERE :1='deptAdmin' and Header.BATCH_ID
    select batch_id from batch_header_dept_mapping where dept_id in(SELECT * FROM TABLE(CAST(:0 AS TABLE_OF_VARCHAR)))
    I am able to pass the Bind variables of Array type for : 0 , using Steve's ArrayOfStringDomain example. (ArrayOfStringDomain) .
    But after passing value to second bind parameter ie.. :1 .
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    ## Detail 0 ##
    java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected - got CHAR.
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    setWhereClauseParam(1,11); // 11 is Number
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    But of no use , Please let me know if any thing missing form me or have any another solutions. Also please provide me any example if have.
    Thank you,
    Edited by: user11187811 on Oct 23, 2009 7:27 AM
    Edited by: user11187811 on Oct 26, 2009 12:52 AM
    Edited by: user11187811 on Oct 26, 2009 6:51 AM

    but when using non-Oracle named parameter binding styles as you've done (ie. , :1), regardless of what number you give each bind variable, they are sequenced 0, 1, 2 etc. As such your bind variable :1 is the 0th parameter, and your bind variable  is the 1st parameter.Your statment is correct.
    :1 i used was actually on 0th position and :0 was on 1 position. Like you said in sequence 0,1,2 etc. Now i get the answer and i corrected My mistake by assigning right values to right binding variable. and problem just solve.
    Thanks Chris.

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    Thanks a lot, both of your replies are immensely instructive. Maybe a little background on what I'm trying to do. In the table, I have header rows with dependent line rows. When a check box is ticked in the header, I want the corresponding check boxes in the dependent lines to be checked automatically (in slave fashion and ideally without using JavaScript). My idea was to update the bound components (for the lines) from within the Bean (in response to change on the header). However, given there's only a single component for each column in the table, this of course doesn't make sense.
    I'm trying to get to the typical MVC workflow of a) user updates a View component, b) Controller detects the change and updates the Model, c) The Model fires a property change event, which the View detects and updates appropriately. What's the way to achieve this in JSF (by design)?
    Here's a simple fragment (which does not work):
            <h:dataTable value="#{bean.lines}" var="line">
                <h:outputText value="#{}"/>
                <!-- (1) This is the master and (2) should refresh on update here --/>
                <h:selectBooleanCheckbox onchange="submit()" value="#{line.lineSelected}"/>
                <!-- (2) This is the slave and I want this to update in response to a change of (1) above --/>
                <h:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{line.slaveSelected}"/>
            </h:dataTable>In the setter method for lineSelected, I'm setting slaveSelected to the new value but the View is not refreshing based on this. How do I get the View to update (each dependent line) based on the new values for slaveSelected?
    Thanks again

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    Any pointers on how to go about this. Please also let me know if i am not doing it the right way.

    HI Keshav,
    Try writing the method which u create in the same name as the implementing class; also known as the provider class. I have faced the same problem, and when writing the method, use the operation name, which is used in PI 7.1, while creating the interface, and there shouldn't be any problem during Binding.

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    What is a common newbie problem/question and what is a simple solution?
    Q. Why do I get a java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError when I try to run my app from the command prompt?
    A. Use java -cp . MyClass

    The topics named at are the ones which seemed to me to crop up most often. (Which reminds me - I really should get on with finishing that FAQ).

  • PHP form field not displayed [was: Newbie problem.]

    Hello good people.
    I have a very basic question to ask.
    Here is my index.html
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
    <title>PHP Test</title>
    body {
        margin:50px;background-color:#232323; font-family:sans-serif; color:#B7B7B7; font-size:13px;
    input, textarea {
        border: #464646 solid 1px; background-color:#1C1C1C; font-family:sans-serif; color:#CECECE; font-size:10px; margin-top:15px; margin-bottom:15px;
    #submit {
    <form action="index.php" method="post">
    What is your name?<br />
    <input type="text" name="name" /><br />
    What is your age?<br />
    <input type="text" name="age" /><br />
    <textarea type="text" name="tekstas" rows="5" cols="40">Your message.</textarea><br /><br />
    <input type="submit" value="Go!" id="submit"/>
    And index.php
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    body {
        margin:50px;background-color:#232323; font-family:sans-serif; color:#B7B7B7; font-size:13px;
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
    <title>PHP Result</title>
    settype($_POST["age"], "integer");
    echo "Your name is ".$_POST["name"]."<br />";
    if ($_POST["age"]!=0) echo "Your age is ".$_POST["age"]."<br /><br />";
    if ($_POST["age"]=0 ) echo "Please specify your age."."<br /><br />";
    echo "<b>Message:</b><br />".$_POST["tekstas"];
    The question is:
    Why the Age part of php is not working properly? If I leave it black or type zero in the Age <input>, PHP just ignores the "Please specify your age" part of code.

    You're relatively new to this forum. Welcome.
    Please take a moment to read How to get help quickly. Using a subject line like "Newbie problem" is meaningless, and is likely to get ignored at busy times. Always try to use a descriptive subject line.
    The answer to your problem is very simple. It's a common beginner's mistake that even catches out more experienced people from time to time. It's in this line:
    if ($_POST["age"]=0 ) echo "Please specify your age."."<br /><br />";
    You have used only one equals sign, which assigns the value to a variable, so it always equates to TRUE.
    To compare two values, you must use two equals signs like this:
    if ($_POST["age"] == 0 ) echo "Please specify your age."."<br /><br />";
    There are other things that could be done to improve your code, but that solves the basic problem.

  • JClient Binding newbie problem

    Hi someone ;-)
    I have two views:
    - ListePosteStdView: binded to the table LISTE_POSTE_STANDARD (see SQL below)
    - TypePosteView1: binded to the table TYPE_POSTE (see SQL below)
    I have a panel displaying
    - a JComboBox, with a LOV binding ListePosteStd, updating a view named TypePosteView1
    - a JList, with a Navigation binding to the view TypePosteView1
    What I need is the JList to display the values of TypePosteView1 corresponding to the selected entry in the JComboBox.
    The table LISTE_POSTE_STANDARD has two entries
    The table TYPE_POSTE has two entries, both binded to the first entry of LISTE_POSTE_STANDARD.
    It doesn't work ! What I have instead is that
    - When I select the first entry in the combo box, it displays correct values for JList (the two entries binded to LISTE_POSTE_STD)
    - Then I select the second entry in the combo box, it displays an entry displayed previously, not belonging to that LISTE_POSTE_STD
    - Then I select the first entry again in the combo box and all entries in the combo box and the JLIst are removed (I can't select anything).
    Shouldn't a LOV binding enable me to select a value from a view and accordingly update the value to be displayed in another view ?
    What went wrong ?
    ========================= TABLES ==================================
    NAME_FR VARCHAR2 (50),
    NAME_NL VARCHAR2 (50),
    PRIMARY KEY ( ID ) ) ;
    NAME_NL VARCHAR2 (50),
    DESCR_FR VARCHAR2 (2000),
    DESCR_NL VARCHAR2 (2000),
    PRIMARY KEY ( ID ) ) ;
    ========================= CODE ====================================
    package agatte.listepostesstd.gui;
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import oracle.jbo.uicli.jui.*;
    import oracle.jbo.uicli.controls.*;
    import oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.*;
    import oracle.jdeveloper.layout.*;
    import java.awt.Dimension;
    import javax.swing.JComboBox;
    import java.awt.Rectangle;
    import javax.swing.JList;
    import javax.swing.JTextField;
    import oracle.jbo.uicli.jui.JUComboBoxBinding;
    import oracle.jbo.uicli.jui.JUListSingleSelBinding;
    import oracle.jbo.uicli.jui.JUTextFieldBinding;
    public class ListePostesStdPnl extends JPanel implements JClientPanel
    // Panel binding definition used by design time
    private JUPanelBinding panelBinding = new JUPanelBinding("Test.BcModule", null);
    private JComboBox jComboBox1 = new JComboBox();
    private JList jList1 = new JList();
    * The default constructor for panel
    public ListePostesStdPnl()
    * Constructor that takes a shared panel binding
    public ListePostesStdPnl(JUPanelBinding binding)
    * the JbInit method
    public void jbInit()
    this.setSize(new Dimension(700, 524));
    jComboBox1.setBounds(new Rectangle(95, 30, 124, 20));
    jComboBox1.setModel(JUComboBoxBinding.createLovBinding(panelBinding, jComboBox1, "TypePosteView1", null, "TypePosteView1Iter", new String[] {"IdListePosteStandard"}, "ListePosteStandardView", new String[] {"Id"}, new String[] {"NameFr"}, null, null));
    jList1.setBounds(new Rectangle(45, 140, 170, 345));
    jList1.setModel(JUListSingleSelBinding.createNavigationBinding(panelBinding, jList1, "TypePosteView1", null, "TypePosteView1Iter", new String[] {"NameFr"}, null));
    this.add(jList1, null);
    this.add(jComboBox1, null);
    public static void main(String [] args)
    catch(Exception exemp)
    ListePostesStdPnl panel = new ListePostesStdPnl();
    JUTestFrame.testJClientPanel(panel, panel.getPanelBinding(), new Dimension(400, 300));
    * JUPanel implementation
    public JUPanelBinding getPanelBinding()
    return panelBinding;
    public void setPanelBinding(JUPanelBinding binding)
    if (binding.getPanel() == null)
    if (panelBinding == null || panelBinding.getPanel() == null)
    panelBinding = binding;
    catch(Exception ex)

    Hi someone ;-)
    I have two views:
    - ListePosteStdView: binded to the table LISTE_POSTE_STANDARD (see SQL below)
    - TypePosteView1: binded to the table TYPE_POSTE (see SQL below)
    I have a panel displaying
    - a JComboBox, with a LOV binding ListePosteStd, updating a view named TypePosteView1
    - a JList, with a Navigation binding to the view TypePosteView1
    What I need is the JList to display the values of TypePosteView1 corresponding to the selected entry in the JComboBox.
    The table LISTE_POSTE_STANDARD has two entries
    The table TYPE_POSTE has two entries, both binded to the first entry of LISTE_POSTE_STANDARD.From the above description, it seems you need NavigationBinding in the combobox so that when you navigate the combo, appropriate detail set is shown in the list box. The listbox itself may be bound to yet another NavigationBinding or LovBinding as your case may be.

  • Problem with binding value on the UI  from a calculated column in the view

    I have calculated field "Readiness" in my db view, which gets calculated based on other columns in the same table. I have added new column to my EO using "Add from table" option and added the same column from to VO using "Add from EO" option. In my application, I will update a particular date field in the UI and this calculated column "Readiness" in the db will be set to yes or no and this logic is working fine, both date date field and calculated field are in same view object. I have added a attribute binding to this "Readiness" column in my view page. The problem is the calculated column value does not reflect the new value in the db, it shows the old value. I have tried different refresh option for the iterator and ppr option for the field binding. Even after reloading the page, the value shown on the UI page is different from the value in db, other bindings on the UI page works fine, not sure any special settings are required for the Calculated columns. any ideas are appreciated.
    Thanks for your help,

    I tried to add soms debugging statements in the EO and getters method, the calcaulated column is not picking the value in db view. I'm not any special iterator/field settings are required at BC level. I'm a newbie, any help is appreciated.

  • Problem with binding in h:dataTable

    I have a problem with h:dataTable, where the table rows are bound to objects (Bean$Line) nested within a backing bean (Bean).
    <%@page contentType="text/html"%>
    <%@page pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
    <%@taglib prefix="f" uri=""%>
    <%@taglib prefix="h" uri=""%>
          <link href="styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
            <h:dataTable value="#{bean.lines}" var="line">
                <h:outputText value="#{}"/>
                <!-- using value = line.lineSelected here works (assuming boolean property Line.lineSelected) --/>
                <h:selectBooleanCheckbox binding="#{line.lineSelected}"/>
    package com.test;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.List;
    import javax.faces.component.UISelectBoolean;
    public final class Bean {
      private final List<Line> lines;
      public Bean() {
        lines = new ArrayList<Line>();
        lines.add(new Line("one"));
        lines.add(new Line("two"));
        lines.add(new Line("three"));
      public List<Line> getLines() {
        return lines;
       * Nested class in order to access containing class
       * properties etc.
      public static class Line {
        //private boolean lineSelected = false;
        private UISelectBoolean lineSelected;
        private String id;
        public Line(String id) {
 = id;
        /*public boolean isLineSelected() {
          return lineSelected;
        public void setLineSelected(boolean lineSelected) {
          this.lineSelected = lineSelected;
        public UISelectBoolean getLineSelected() {
          return lineSelected;
        public void setLineSelected(UISelectBoolean lineSelected) {
          this.lineSelected = lineSelected;
        public String getId() {
          return id;
        public void setId(String id) {
 = id;
      } // Line
    }The setup works when I use value="#{line.lineSelected}" (assuming the property is defined as boolean in Bean$Line) but as soon as I use a binding, I get the following exception:
    com.sun.rave.web.ui.appbase.ApplicationException: javax.servlet.ServletException: javax.el.PropertyNotFoundException: Target Unreachable, identifier 'line' resolved to null
    at com.sun.rave.web.ui.appbase.faces.ViewHandlerImpl.cleanup(
    at com.sun.rave.web.ui.appbase.faces.ViewHandlerImpl.renderView(
    at com.sun.faces.lifecycle.RenderResponsePhase.execute(
    at com.sun.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl.phase(
    at com.sun.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl.render(
    at javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet.service(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.servletService(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(
    <faces-config version="1.2"
    </faces-config>What am I missing here?
    Help much appreciated

    Thanks a lot, both of your replies are immensely instructive. Maybe a little background on what I'm trying to do. In the table, I have header rows with dependent line rows. When a check box is ticked in the header, I want the corresponding check boxes in the dependent lines to be checked automatically (in slave fashion and ideally without using JavaScript). My idea was to update the bound components (for the lines) from within the Bean (in response to change on the header). However, given there's only a single component for each column in the table, this of course doesn't make sense.
    I'm trying to get to the typical MVC workflow of a) user updates a View component, b) Controller detects the change and updates the Model, c) The Model fires a property change event, which the View detects and updates appropriately. What's the way to achieve this in JSF (by design)?
    Here's a simple fragment (which does not work):
            <h:dataTable value="#{bean.lines}" var="line">
                <h:outputText value="#{}"/>
                <!-- (1) This is the master and (2) should refresh on update here --/>
                <h:selectBooleanCheckbox onchange="submit()" value="#{line.lineSelected}"/>
                <!-- (2) This is the slave and I want this to update in response to a change of (1) above --/>
                <h:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{line.slaveSelected}"/>
            </h:dataTable>In the setter method for lineSelected, I'm setting slaveSelected to the new value but the View is not refreshing based on this. How do I get the View to update (each dependent line) based on the new values for slaveSelected?
    Thanks again

  • Problem with bind variable

    I need to get bind variables on SIEBEL to test the performance of query and my problem is on BIND :3 because it's impossible to interprete this.
    :1     1,00     02/17/2010 11:54:25     1-15BVYY
    :2     2,00     02/17/2010 11:54:25     
    :3     3,00     02/17/2010 11:54:25     W1B 1AH%
    :1     1,00     02/17/2010 12:48:04     1-15BVYY
    :2     2,00     02/17/2010 12:48:04     
    :3     3,00     02/17/2010 12:48:04     TQ3 3BJ%
    Thanks for your help

    I have no erros.
    I just want to get the real value of bind variable to run my query, but the problem is on bind 2.
    When i run this
    select name,position,last_captured,value_string
    where sql_id='&SQLID'
    i obtain this
    :1     1,00     02/17/2010 11:54:25     1-15BVYY
    :2     2,00     02/17/2010 11:54:25     
    :3     3,00     02/17/2010 11:54:25     W1B 1AH%
    :1     1,00     02/17/2010 12:48:04     1-15BVYY
    :2     2,00     02/17/2010 12:48:04     
    :3     3,00     02/17/2010 12:48:04     TQ3 3BJ%
    What is the value of bind :2

  • Problem with bind variable in subselect

    Using the Oracle 9i JDBC Driver and a query of the form:
    select * from atable a where a.thing = ? and in (select id from btable where b.something = ?)
    via a PreparedStatement, the second parameter is not being set correctly. The query executes but does not return the expected results. If I hard code the param value into the query it works fine. I think the second parameter is being set to an empty string (hence the query executes OK but no results returned). This seems to be peculiar to bind variables in sub-selects.
    Has anyone else encountered this problem?

    ps.setLong(1, along);
    ps.setString(2, astring);
    I've checked this against different driver versions. It's OK with the 10.2 driver but fails with the 10.1. So I've moved to the 10.2.

  • A newbie problem - Why 'ORA-00942: table or view does not exist'

    I am a newbie having a very basic problem.
    I have just created a table by reading in a CSV file.
    However when I try to SELECT from it, I get an error message saying :-
    ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
    How can this be when I can see the table name ?
    I have tried a couple of things that I found in the Discussion Forum, like 'ALTER SCHEMA' and 'GRANT SELECT'.
    Neither seemed sensible because I have just created a table, and sure enough, neither helped.
    It's disappointing that something so basic can go wrong.
    I will be very grateful for any advice.

    This tool and forum is awesome. I'm a developer that was never touched HTMLDB and now with in a month I'm developing applications quickly and when I have a question I have this active forum to ask my sometimes stupid and othertimes valid questions! This is great! I don't know where you all find the time to help out so much!
    It is a little addicting though... I find myself sitting down Saturday morning just to spend a couple of minutes reading the posts and next thing I know hours have gone by as I use what I read because I can't wait until Monday...
    Thank you all for everything!!!! HTMLDB, APEX, Javascript and now in another post I'm learning about "Fine Grained Access Control" or "Virtual Private Database".
    Enjoy, BillC :>)

  • Problem with binding  sequences to attributes

    Hello everyone.
    [you may directly jump to the question at the bottom of this post and if you don't understand what the heck I'm asking, feel free to read the whole post ;)]
    I wanted to crate a table node where several attributes are for rows only.
    Because i want it to be a CustomNode, the table should be created dynamically (one should at least be able to define different amounts of rows and columns at the initialization).
    My problem is a combination of "creating dynamically" and binding attributes.
    To create an arbitrary amount of rows i use a "while(i < x) CustomNode{}" loop.
    To store the value of an attribute for a row i use sequences. So during the loop i do the following:
    someValue: bind sequenceValue[i]
    After quite some frustration i finally discovered that all the attributes will be bound to sequenceValue[last value of i].
    I don't find the right words right now, so here's some code to demonstrate the problem:
    package javafxtestbench;
    import javafx.stage.Stage;
    import javafx.scene.Scene;
    import javafx.scene.text.Text;
    import javafx.scene.text.Font;
    import javafx.scene.CustomNode;
    import javafx.scene.Node;
    import javafx.scene.Group;
    import javafx.scene.input.KeyEvent;
    var t1 = [true, true, false];
    Stage {
        title: "Application title"
        width: 250
        height: 500
        scene: Scene {
            content: [
                Text {
                    font : Font {
                        size : 16
                    x: 10
                    y: 30
                    content: "Application content"
    function createFubar(): Group{
        var grp : Group = Group{
                //this works
                /*b1{ blob: bind t1[0]}
                b1{ blob: bind t1[1]}
                b1{ blob: bind t1[2]}*/
                //this doesnt
            onKeyPressed: function( e: KeyEvent ):Void {
                println("=== KeyPressed ===");
                if (t1[2] == true) t1[2] = false
                else t1[2] = true;
                println("new sequence value: {t1}");
        return grp;
    function createSomeBs(): Node[]{
        var i = 0;
        var grp : Node[];
        while(i < 3){
            insert b1{
                blob: bind t1[i]
            }into grp;
        println("Sequence @ startup: {t1}");
        return grp;
    class b1 extends CustomNode{
        public var blob = true on replace{
                    println("attribute value b1.blob: {blob}");
        override function create():Node{
    }As you can see i created a CustomNode (b1) and use two different methods to add it to the scene.
    First method: i add b1 thee times to the scene and set the attribute
    2nd method: i use a loop (its index to bind the corresponding sequence entries to the attributes)
    finally i added a key listener, which changes the value of the last sequence value if an arbitrary key has been hit.
    output for using the "this works" block (1st method) after pressing some keys:
    === KeyPressed ===
    attribute value b1.blob: true
    new sequence value: truetruetrue  //contains {true, true, true}
    === KeyPressed ===
    attribute value b1.blob: false
    new sequence value: truetruefalse  //contains {true, true, false}and here for the "this doesnt" (2nd method) part:
    === KeyPressed ===
    attribute value b1.blob: false
    attribute value b1.blob: false
    attribute value b1.blob: false
    new sequence value: truetruetrueSo even though all elements in the sequence say "true", the attribute values of all CustomNodes will keep saying "false".
    Here it's due to the fact that "i" is in the end greater than the sequence (cause by the increment at the end of the loop).
    In the end all attributes will be bound to the same entry. So messing around with the index, so it doesn't get beyond the sequence size, won't help.
    So to finally bring this post to an end ;P, here's my question:
    How do you create an arbitrary amount of Nodes containing attributes which are bound to a list entries?
    Edited by: Mr._Moe on 08.09.2009 20:17

      May be  you can fetch the data from the table with  looping the table size  and catching the
    index of the elements .  To be more clear .
      1 . get the size of the table .
    int leadSelection=  wdcontext.node<TableName>.getLeadSelection();
        for (int i=0 ;i<n;i++)
            String name = wdcontext.node<tablename>.getelementatindex(leadSelection).getname();
             similarly fetch the size of the other elements from the table .
        and set to other RFC as
            ZClass  abc = new ZClass();
    and othere thing is when  you use Abstract class you can insert only one element at a time .
    or may be you may want to set the values direclty to the RFC
           AbstractList  lst = new  ZClass.ZClassList();
           ZClass cls = new ZClass();
    execute the RFC .

  • Problem with binding of a selectManyCheckbox inside a dataTable

    first i want to point out that my english is not the best. :)
    A german version is followed at the end of the english text.
    I have a class "MyClass" with few attributes like:
    private long id;
    private String text;
    private Set<MyClass2> childs;
    An a second class "MyClass2" wich also have some attributes:
    private long id;
    private String text;
    Now i have a List with lots of objects from typ "MyClass":
    List myList = new ArrayList();
    // Sample Data!!
    for (int i=0; i<100; i++)
    MyClass1 m1 = new MyClass1();
    m1.setText("MyClass1 Line " + i);
    // Now add some "childs":
    for (int j=0; j<i*2; j++)
    MyClass2 m2 = new MyClass2();
    m2.setId( i );
    m2.setText("Sample "+ i);
    myList.add ( m1 );
    So now i want to show the ID and text every Object of MyClass1 on my "test.jsp" (width JSF Tags).
    The Collections inside this class should display as checkboxes (value = id, label = text).
    ID: +1+ TEXT: MyClass1 Line 1
    [x] Sample 0
    [x] Sample 1
    ID: +2+ TEXT: MyClass1 Line 2
    [x] Sample 0
    [x] Sample 1
    [x] Sample 2
    [x] Sample 3
    Okay i think you know what i mean. ;-)
    I tryed it also with a dataTable to iterate in "myList" and use a selectOneMenu with selectItems to generate the checkboxes.
    Here is the code:
    <h:dataTable value="#{myBean.myList}" var="rowInstance" binding="#{myBean.dataTable}" id="dataTable">
    <h:outputText value="ID: #{}" />
    <h:outputText value="TEXT: #{rowInstance.text}" />
    <h:selectManyCheckbox id="cbox" styleClass="checkbox">
    <f:selectItems value="#{myBean.childs}"/>
    Maybe you see the that i've used childs in the selectItems.
    This is a methode like that:
    public SelectItem[] getChilds()
    MyClass1 mc1 = (MyClass1) dataTable.getRowData();
    // now i iterate the childs and make for each a SelectItem()
    Also you maybe see that i have no binding on selectManyCheckbox, because i have no idea how it works. :-)
    I've tried to bind it to a String[] but and the end this String[] always contain the last low.
    My Question is now:
    When the user pressed the submit Button how can i figure out which Checkboxen the user clicked ?
    Thank you a lot.
    Now the german version (surley better explained):
    Hallo nochmal,
    ich habe versucht auf englisch mein Problem zu schildern.
    Was mit sicherheit nicht zu 100% gelungen ist, deshalb hier noch mal eine deutschsprachige Version (maybe some germans out there).
    Wie oben abgeblidet habe ich im Prinzip zwei Klassen.
    Die erste Klasse "MyClass1" hat eine Collection die Objekte von der Klasse "MyClass2" enth�lt.
    Nun m�chte ich auf meiner JSP Seite die JSF Tags benutzt eine Liste von Objekten (die vom Typ "MyClass1" sind) abbilden.
    Die Collection innerhalb dieser Klasse soll als Checkboxen dargestellt werden.
    Ich habe es ohne gro�e Probleme hinbekommen, dass er das so anzeigt wie ich das m�chte.
    Nur habe ich z.Z. noch Probleme damit wie ich sp�ter herausfinde, welche der Checkboxen denn nun angew�hlt sind.
    Normalerweise w�rde man ja ein binding machen, so k�nnte man alle ausgew�hlten Checkboxen (getSelectedValues()) ja bekommen.
    Da aber die Anzahl der Objekte immer unterschiedlich ist kann ich nicht die entsprechenden Variablen anlegen.
    Deshalb die Frage: Wie bekomme ich mit welche der Checkboxen ausgew�hlt wurden? Wie muss das binding aussehen?
    Vielen Dank.
    Greetings from Germany. :)

    Just bind it to the row object.
    JSF<h:dataTable value="#{myBean.myDataList}" var="myData">
            <h:selectManyCheckbox value="#{myData.selectedItems}">
                <f:selectItems value="#{myData.selectItems}" />
    </h:dataTable>MyDataprivate List<String> selectedItems; // + getter + setter
    private List<SelectItem> selectItems; // + getter

  • A problem with binding a visual control to a class property defined with a getter&setter pair

    I am having the following problem (simplified here for
    I am using a class for data model with a property named
    x (using a getter & setter) as follows:
    public class MyData
    private var _x :String;
    public function MyData()
    _x = "default value";
    public function set x(value:String):void {
    trace("setting x with: '" + value + "'");
    _x = String(value);
    public function get x():String {
    trace("getting x: '"+_x+"'");
    return _x;
    I then linked (binded) the
    x property to a TextInput, as follows:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx=""
    private var _data:MyData = new MyData();
    <mx:TextInput id="inputX"
    text="{_data.x}" />
    When loaded,
    inputX is set with the "default value". However, when
    changing the value of
    inputX the value of
    _data.x remains unchanged (in this sample - there are no
    trace messages from the setter).
    I have tried numerous variations using <mx:Bindind
    ...>, mx.bindinding.utils.BindingUtils, changing order of setter
    and getter, and more.
    The only solution i could find for now is to add a change
    event handler to the
    inputX control as follows:
    <mx:TextInput id="inputX" text="{_data.x}"
    Is there something i did wrong? or is it ... simply ... a bug

    thanx for your quick reply.
    The actual problem was the that _data.x initialization should
    not be done in the MyData constructor, but after the object is
    fully created, as follows:
    private var _data:MyData = new MyData();
    // called in the application's initialize event
    public function init():void {
    _data.x = "default value";
    After this, adding the <mx:Binding> does the trick for
    the inputX.text --> _data.x binding, and there's no need to add
    "this". I simply have assumed (being a novice flex developer) that
    using <mx:TextInput id="inputX" text="{_data.x}" /> binds for
    both directions inputX.text <--> _data.x.
    thanx again,

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