NF-e Rejeitada com 542 - Rejeição: CNPJ do Transportador inválido.

Estamos iniciando a operação com XML versao 2.00. e nos deparamos com um problema de rejeição que na versão 1.10 não acontece
Quando o transportador é Pessoa Jurídica está funcionando.
Porém, quando o transportador é PESSOA FISICA, a NF-e é rejeitada com o motivo 542 - Rejeição: CNPJ do Transportador invalido.
A rejeição está correta, pois no transportador tem um CPF e não um CNPJ.
Fiz um debug no ERP, até o momento que que o perform CALL_XI (function J_1B_NF_MAP_TO_XML)  é executado e confirmei que os campos XMLH-T1_CNPJ e  XMLH-T1_CPF estão preenchidos corretamente, exemplo:
XMLH-T1_CNPJ  = 00000000000000
XMLH-T1_CPF    = 86399845653
Ao analisar o XML assinado e enviado à SEFAZ, no GRC (SXMB_MONI), constatei que no bloco dos dados referente ao transportador, o tag  não aparece.
Alguém já passou por esta situação?

estranho que esse erro nao acontecia antes, pq esse codigo foi um dos poucos pontos em que nao mudou nada pro layout 2.00 em relacao ao 1.10, no GRC:
    IF NOT is_nfe_header-t1_cnpj IS INITIAL.
      ls_nfe_transp-transporta-choice-cnpj    = is_nfe_header-t1_cnpj.
      ls_nfe_transp-transporta-choice-selection    = 'CNPJ'.
      ls_nfe_transp-transporta-choice-cpf     = is_nfe_header-t1_cpf.
      ls_nfe_transp-transporta-choice-selection    = 'CPF'.
Talvez no ERP tenha mudado a maneira de passar os parametros, e daí agora tao jogando zeros no CNPJ qdo esse é vazio?
De qq maneira, a solucao é via chamado.
Eu sugeriria abrir chamado no SLL-NFE  e solicitar que implementassem pro CNPJ/CPF do transportador a mesma lógica que há no CNPJ/CPF do destinatário, mas sem o tratamento de vir vazio, pois o CNPJ do transportador nao aceita vazio, ao contrario do CNPJ do destinatario. Seria algo assim:
  IF NOT is_nfe_header-t1_cnpj = '00000000000000' AND  " RS 20081008
     is_nfe_header-1_cnpj NE ''.                      " RS 20081008
    ls_nfe_transp-transporta-choice-selection = 'CNPJ'.
    ls_nfe_transp-transporta-choice-cnpj = is_nfe_header-t1_cnpj.
    ls_nfe_transp-transporta-choice-cpf  = ''.
      ls_nfe_transp-transporta-choice-selection = 'CPF'.
      ls_nfe_transp-transporta-choice-cnpj = ''.
      ls_nfe_transp-transporta-choice-cpf  = is_nfe_header-t1_cpf.

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    Olá Zambra,
    Um membro do departamento de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento me pediu para traduzir o seguinte texto e postar para você como uma possível solução do seu problema.
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    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\IniFileMapping\autorun.inf
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    Como alternative, você pode modificar seu registro para remover ou renomear as chaves de registros ofensivas, tanto permanentemente quanto temporariamente. Se escolher esta alternativa, por favor, leia o seguinte KB da Microsoft para entender os riscos e o processo apropriado para modificar o seu registro:
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    Desde já agradeço
    - <n1:det nItem="1">
    - <n1:prod>
      <n1:cEAN />
      <n1:xProd>B. REDONDA 5" PONTAS 4140</n1:xProd>
      <n1:cEANTrib />
    - <n1:imposto>
    - <n1:ICMS>
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    - <n1:PIS>
    - <n1:PISAliq>
    - <n1:COFINS>
    - <n1:COFINSAliq>
    - <n1:total>
    - <n1:ICMSTot>
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    Carlos Eduardo, boa tarde
    Conforme sua orientação realmente a tag de impostos de IPI não estava sendo preenchida.
    Verifiquei na BADI NFE_PRINT e notei que o campo out_item-N_CENQ no Método FILL_ITEM não estava sendo preenchido, fazendo com que a TAG de IPI não fosse populada. Mapeie o campo com a entrada do valor da estrutura in_xml_item e a nota foi aprovada com sucesso.
    Agradeço pela orientação e ajuda.
    Somente com o seu apoio foi possível resolver o problema.
    Edited by: DIOGENES HENRIQUE PEREIRA BARBOZA on Feb 2, 2011 4:59 PM

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    Email [email protected]
    CLAREMONT CA 91711
    (909) 447-5670
    I am looking for a challenging hands on engineering position in electronics that is both challenging, rewarding and includes some circuit development and labView programming. I have researched analyzed, designed, constructed, programmed, tested and troubleshot many analog, digital, Rf systems and sensors.
    Work Experience
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    Parker Hannifin Design Engineer: November/1998 to June/2000
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    Talon Instruments Test Engineer: June/1997 to October/1998
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    D & K Systems October/1994 to March/1998
    Entrepreneur: Started a P.O.S. repair business. This included customer service,
    providing pick up and delivery service, maintaining inventory, test, and troubleshoot
    printers, workstations and circuit boards down to component level.
    Micros Systems February/1993 to October/1994
    Bench Technician: Test, and troubleshoot printers, workstations and circuit boards
    down to component level.
    Military Service
    National Guard December/1992 to December/1995
    United States Navy January/1984 to December/1988
    Operations: Petty officer with secret clearance. Researched data for out going reconnaissance flights, organized data, and operated radar systems.
    Designed, and implemented several stand alone test consoles, test fixtures, proto-type and LabView systems, for board testing and various motor and hydraulics, lvdt, Motorola 68000, mmics, Rf and analog circuits and various other sensors from concept to delivery. This included circuit design and board layout, signal condition, cable assemblies, component selection, scheduling, budgeting, mechanical layout, internal and external power systems, motor control, and digital displays or computer interface for output. These consoles would provide various controlling stimuli then read, interrupt and display the response.
    Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering Technology
    DeVry Institute of Technology
    Technical skills
    LabView Problem Solving
    68000 & Z80 Oscilloscope@ Spectrum Analyzers
    ViewLogic Orcad & Layout Test Fixture Development
    While working in the electronics field since 1993 as both an engineer and technician, and along with the projects I’ve accomplished at Chang Industry, Cardiac Science, Parker Hannifin, Talon Instruments, DeVry, and UCI. I have learned a lot of design, testing, troubleshooting, debugging, and management skills, which I believe, will be of use to your company. Thank you for your time and consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you.

    Daniel R. McNair
    Email [email protected]
    CLAREMONT CA 91711
    (909) 447-5670
    I am looking for a challenging hands on engineering position in electronics that is both challenging, rewarding and includes some circuit development and labView programming. I have researched analyzed, designed, constructed, programmed, tested and troubleshot many analog, digital, Rf systems and sensors.
    Work Experience
    Chang Industry Research Engineer: March/2001 to Present
    Designed, constructed and maintain Test equipment, Test fixtures, and prototypes used for proof of concept, R&D, design validation, production, and troubleshooting. Developed ATE systems using PXI hardware, LabView software to integrate modular, DAQ and standalone test equipment to test Antenna patterns, individual component and systems. Organization of production and test departments. Hardware design using Orcad with board layout using capture. Designed Rf and If cables assemble. If filters design. Integration of wireless transmitters with low light video and Infrared thermal imaging systems.
    Cardiac Science (Contract)Test Engineer: December/2000 to February/2001
    Designed & constructed analog test fixtures for design verification & production. Writing test procedures. Hardware validation test.
    Zyfer (Contract) Test Engineer: June/2000 to November/2000
    Updating documentation. Writing test procedures. Test development-using LabView. Problem Solving.
    Parker Hannifin Design Engineer: November/1998 to June/2000
    Design & develop of analog test equipment from conception to delivery of completed unit including circuit design, signal conditioning, net list, and test procedure, outlay and wiring diagram using View logic. Problem Solving. LabView programming and hardware design. Electronic hardware/ software integration. Component research. Update older fixtures.
    Talon Instruments Test Engineer: June/1997 to October/1998
    Test and troubleshoot VXI Emulators down to component level using oscilloscopes, logic analyzers. Programming in C++ and assembly language forembedded s ystems. Update and maintain older products, retrofitting obsolete components including re-targeting and recompiling new PALs & PLDs. SMT component soldering and rework.
    D & K Systems October/1994 to March/1998
    Entrepreneur: Started a P.O.S. repair business. This included customer service,
    providing pick up and delivery service, maintaining inventory, test, and troubleshoot
    printers, workstations and circuit boards down to component level.
    Micros Systems February/1993 to October/1994
    Bench Technician: Test, and troubleshoot printers, workstations and circuit boards
    down to component level.
    Military Service
    National Guard December/1992 to December/1995
    United States Navy January/1984 to December/1988
    Operations: Petty officer with secret clearance. Researched data for out going reconnaissance flights, organized data, and operated radar systems.
    Designed, and implemented several stand alone test consoles, test fixtures, proto-type and LabView systems, for board testing and various motor and hydraulics, lvdt, Motorola 68000, mmics, Rf and analog circuits and various other sensors from concept to delivery. This included circuit design and board layout, signal condition, cable assemblies, component selection, scheduling, budgeting, mechanical layout, internal and external power systems, motor control, and digital displays or computer interface for output. These consoles would provide various controlling stimuli then read, interrupt and display the response.
    Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering Technology
    DeVry Institute of Technology
    Technical skills
    LabView Problem Solving
    68000 & Z80 Oscilloscope@ Spectrum Analyzers
    ViewLogic Orcad & Layout Test Fixture Development
    While working in the electronics field since 1993 as both an engineer and technician, and along with the projects I’ve accomplished at Chang Industry, Cardiac Science, Parker Hannifin, Talon Instruments, DeVry, and UCI. I have learned a lot of design, testing, troubleshooting, debugging, and management skills, which I believe, will be of use to your company. Thank you for your time and consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you.

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    oracle.jbo.InvalidParamException: JBO-25006: Invalid param value_ row to method_ ViewRowSetIteratorImpl.scrollRangeTo. Explicação: not in the row set
         at oracle.jbo.server.ViewRowSetIteratorImpl.scrollRangeTo(
         at oracle.jbo.server.ViewRowSetImpl.scrollRangeTo(
         at oracle.jbo.server.ViewObjectImpl.scrollRangeTo(
         at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.model.binding.FacesCtrlRangeBinding$FacesModel._getRangeIndex(
         at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.model.binding.FacesCtrlRangeBinding$FacesModel.getRowData(
         at oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXCollection.getRowData(
         at oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXCollection.postRowDataChange(
         at oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXCollection.setRowKey(
         at oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXCollection.setCurrencyString(
         at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.renderkit.core.xhtml.table.TableSelectOneRenderer.decode(
         at oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXComponentBase.__rendererDecode(
         at oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXComponentBase.decode(
         at oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXTableSelectOne.processDecodes(
         at oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXCollection.processComponent(
         at oracle.adf.view.faces.component.TableUtils$1.process(
         at oracle.adf.view.faces.component.ChildLoop.runAlways(
         at oracle.adf.view.faces.component.TableUtils.__processFacets(
         at oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXTable.processFacetsAndChildren(
         at oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXCollection.decodeChildrenImpl(
         at oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXComponentBase.decodeChildren(
         at oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXCollection.processDecodes(
         at javax.faces.component.UIComponentBase.processDecodes(
         at oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXComponentBase.decodeChildrenImpl(
         at oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXComponentBase.decodeChildren(
         at oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXComponentBase.processDecodes(
         at oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXComponentBase.decodeChildrenImpl(
         at oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXComponentBase.decodeChildren(
         at oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXComponentBase.processDecodes(
         at javax.faces.component.UIForm.processDecodes(
         at oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXComponentBase.decodeChildrenImpl(
         at oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXComponentBase.decodeChildren(
         at oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXComponentBase.processDecodes(
         at oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXComponentBase.decodeChildrenImpl(
         at oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXComponentBase.decodeChildren(
         at oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXComponentBase.processDecodes(
         at javax.faces.component.UIComponentBase.processDecodes(
         at javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot.processDecodes(
         at com.sun.faces.lifecycle.ApplyRequestValuesPhase.execute(
         at com.sun.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl.phase(
         at com.sun.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl.execute(
         at javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet.service(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ResourceFilterChain.doFilter(
         at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.webapp.AdfFacesFilterImpl._invokeDoFilter(
         at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.webapp.AdfFacesFilterImpl._doFilterImpl(
         at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.webapp.AdfFacesFilterImpl.doFilter(
         at oracle.adf.view.faces.webapp.AdfFacesFilter.doFilter(
         at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindFilterChain.doFilter(
         at oracle.adf.model.servlet.ADFBindingFilter.doFilter(
         at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindFilterChain.doFilter(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.doProcessRequest(
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest(
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.serveOneRequest(
         at com.evermind.util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$
    My VO and corresponding EOs have a primaray key defined. From the console log i see this suspicious lines: "EntityCache:add WARNING - ignoring row with no primary key".
    Please help, I´ve been on this for 3 days. Thanks.
    PS: The bold highlited parts are literal translations on my part.
    Edited by: 891542 on 14/10/2011 07:57
    Edited by: 891542 on 14/10/2011 07:58

    More from the log:
    11/10/19 21:11:04 [1113] Reusing a cached session application module instance
    11/10/19 21:11:04 [1114] **** refreshControl() for BindingContainer :empenho_pesquisaEmpenhoPageDef
    11/10/19 21:11:04 [1115] Resolving VO:OrigensComerciaisVO1 for iterator binding:OrigensComerciaisVO1Iterator
    11/10/19 21:11:04 [1116] DCUtil, returning:oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.model.binding.FacesCtrlRangeBinding, for OrigensComerciaisVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:04 [1117] Resolving VO:CgRefCodesVO1 for iterator binding:CgRefCodesVO1Iterator
    11/10/19 21:11:04 [1118] DCUtil, returning:oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.model.binding.FacesCtrlRangeBinding, for CgRefCodesVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:04 [1119] *** DCDataControl.sync() called from :DCBindingContainer.refresh
    11/10/19 21:11:04 [1120] valiateToken:Decompressed BC state:BCST:=0%V%=NBrEmpenhosVO1Iterator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rigensComerciaisVO1Iterator=-D-000200000006C5020101101900000007414C4D4F474549,CgRefCodesVO1Iterator=-D-00060000000E5354415455535F454D50454E484F0000000C456D20646967697461E7E36F000000000000000C456D20646967697461E7E36F00000001310000001241414447574641416E41414142764F414261,
    11/10/19 21:11:04 [1121] Resolving VO:BrEmpenhosVO1 for iterator binding:BrEmpenhosVO1Iterator
    11/10/19 21:11:04 [1122] DCUtil, returning:oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.model.binding.FacesCtrlRangeBinding, for BrEmpenhosVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:04 [1123] ViewObject: BrEmpenhosVO1 Reusing defined prepared Statement
    11/10/19 21:11:04 [1124] Bind params for ViewObject: BrEmpenhosVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:04 [1125] Binding param 1: Em digitação
    11/10/19 21:11:04 [1126] setting rownum query between (0, 13)
    11/10/19 21:11:04 [1127] EntityCache:add WARNING - ignoring row with no primary key
    11/10/19 21:11:04 [1128] EntityCache:add WARNING - ignoring row with no primary key
    11/10/19 21:11:04 [1129] EntityCache:add WARNING - ignoring row with no primary key
    11/10/19 21:11:04 [1130] EntityCache:add WARNING - ignoring row with no primary key
    11/10/19 21:11:04 [1131] EntityCache:add WARNING - ignoring row with no primary key
    11/10/19 21:11:04 [1132] EntityCache:add WARNING - ignoring row with no primary key
    11/10/19 21:11:04 [1133] EntityCache:add WARNING - ignoring row with no primary key
    11/10/19 21:11:04 [1134] EntityCache:add WARNING - ignoring row with no primary key
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1135] EntityCache:add WARNING - ignoring row with no primary key
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1136] EntityCache:add WARNING - ignoring row with no primary key
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1137] EntityCache:add WARNING - ignoring row with no primary key
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1138] EntityCache:add WARNING - ignoring row with no primary key
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1139] EntityCache:add WARNING - ignoring row with no primary key
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1140] EntityCache:add WARNING - ignoring row with no primary key
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1141] EntityCache:add WARNING - ignoring row with no primary key
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1142] EntityCache:add WARNING - ignoring row with no primary key
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1143] EntityCache:add WARNING - ignoring row with no primary key
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1144] EntityCache:add WARNING - ignoring row with no primary key
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1145] EntityCache:add WARNING - ignoring row with no primary key
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1146] EntityCache:add WARNING - ignoring row with no primary key
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1147] EntityCache:add WARNING - ignoring row with no primary key
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1148] EntityCache:add WARNING - ignoring row with no primary key
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1149] EntityCache:add WARNING - ignoring row with no primary key
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1150] EntityCache:add WARNING - ignoring row with no primary key
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1151] ViewObject: BrEmpenhosVO1 Reusing defined prepared Statement
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1152] Bind params for ViewObject: BrEmpenhosVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1153] Binding param 1: Em digitação
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1154] setting rownum query between (210, 223)
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1155] EntityCache:add WARNING - ignoring row with no primary key
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1156] EntityCache:add WARNING - ignoring row with no primary key
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1157] EntityCache:add WARNING - ignoring row with no primary key
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1158] EntityCache:add WARNING - ignoring row with no primary key
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1159] EntityCache:add WARNING - ignoring row with no primary key
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1160] EntityCache:add WARNING - ignoring row with no primary key
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1161] EntityCache:add WARNING - ignoring row with no primary key
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1162] EntityCache:add WARNING - ignoring row with no primary key
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1163] EntityCache:add WARNING - ignoring row with no primary key
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1164] EntityCache:add WARNING - ignoring row with no primary key
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1165] EntityCache:add WARNING - ignoring row with no primary key
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1166] EntityCache:add WARNING - ignoring row with no primary key
    19/10/2011 21:11:05 com.sun.faces.lifecycle.ApplyRequestValuesPhase execute
    SEVERE: JBO-25006: Valor de parâmetro inválido para row passado para o método ViewRowSetIteratorImpl.scrollRangeTo. Explicação: not in the row set
    oracle.jbo.InvalidParamException: JBO-25006: Valor de parâmetro inválido para row passado para o método ViewRowSetIteratorImpl.scrollRangeTo. Explicação: not in the row set
         at oracle.jbo.server.ViewRowSetIteratorImpl.scrollRangeTo(
         at oracle.jbo.server.ViewRowSetImpl.scrollRangeTo(
         at oracle.jbo.server.ViewObjectImpl.scrollRangeTo(
         at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.model.binding.FacesCtrlRangeBinding$FacesModel._getRangeIndex(
         at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.model.binding.FacesCtrlRangeBinding$FacesModel.getRowData(
         at oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXCollection.getRowData(
         at oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXCollection.postRowDataChange(
         at oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXCollection.setRowKey(
         at oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXCollection.setCurrencyString(
         at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.renderkit.core.xhtml.table.TableSelectOneRenderer.decode(
         at oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXComponentBase.__rendererDecode(
         at oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXComponentBase.decode(
         at oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXTableSelectOne.processDecodes(
         at oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXCollection.processComponent(
         at oracle.adf.view.faces.component.TableUtils$1.process(
         at oracle.adf.view.faces.component.ChildLoop.runAlways(
         at oracle.adf.view.faces.component.TableUtils.__processFacets(
         at oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXTable.processFacetsAndChildren(
         at oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXCollection.decodeChildrenImpl(
         at oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXComponentBase.decodeChildren(
         at oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXCollection.processDecodes(
         at javax.faces.component.UIComponentBase.processDecodes(
         at oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXComponentBase.decodeChildrenImpl(
         at oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXComponentBase.decodeChildren(
         at oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXComponentBase.processDecodes(
         at oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXComponentBase.decodeChildrenImpl(
         at oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXComponentBase.decodeChildren(
         at oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXComponentBase.processDecodes(
         at javax.faces.component.UIForm.processDecodes(
         at oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXComponentBase.decodeChildrenImpl(
         at oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXComponentBase.decodeChildren(
         at oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXComponentBase.processDecodes(
         at oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXComponentBase.decodeChildrenImpl(
         at oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXComponentBase.decodeChildren(
         at oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXComponentBase.processDecodes(
         at javax.faces.component.UIComponentBase.processDecodes(
         at javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot.processDecodes(
         at com.sun.faces.lifecycle.ApplyRequestValuesPhase.execute(
         at com.sun.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl.phase(
         at com.sun.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl.execute(
         at javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet.service(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ResourceFilterChain.doFilter(
         at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.webapp.AdfFacesFilterImpl._invokeDoFilter(
         at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.webapp.AdfFacesFilterImpl._doFilterImpl(
         at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.webapp.AdfFacesFilterImpl.doFilter(
         at oracle.adf.view.faces.webapp.AdfFacesFilter.doFilter(
         at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindFilterChain.doFilter(
         at oracle.adf.model.servlet.ADFBindingFilter.doFilter(
         at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindFilterChain.doFilter(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.doProcessRequest(
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest(
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.serveOneRequest(
         at com.evermind.util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1167] BrEmpenhosVO1 notify ROLLBACK ...
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1168] Clearing VO cache for BrEmpenhosVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1169] Clear QueryCollection in cache for VO BrEmpenhosVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1170] MtlSystemItemsVO1 notify ROLLBACK ...
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1171] Clearing VO cache for MtlSystemItemsVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1172] Clear QueryCollection in cache for VO MtlSystemItemsVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1173] OrigensComerciaisVO1 notify ROLLBACK ...
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1174] Clearing VO cache for OrigensComerciaisVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1175] Clear QueryCollection in cache for VO OrigensComerciaisVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1176] CgRefCodesVO1 notify ROLLBACK ...
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1177] Clearing VO cache for CgRefCodesVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1178] Clear QueryCollection in cache for VO CgRefCodesVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1179] BrProdutosEmpenhoVO2 notify ROLLBACK ...
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1180] Clearing VO cache for BrProdutosEmpenhoVO2
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1181] Clear QueryCollection in cache for VO BrProdutosEmpenhoVO2
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1182] BrClientesUsuariosEmpenhoVO1 notify ROLLBACK ...
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1183] Clearing VO cache for BrClientesUsuariosEmpenhoVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1184] Clear QueryCollection in cache for VO BrClientesUsuariosEmpenhoVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1185] AuditoriasVO1 notify ROLLBACK ...
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1186] Clearing VO cache for AuditoriasVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1187] Clear QueryCollection in cache for VO AuditoriasVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1188] ObservacoesVO2 notify ROLLBACK ...
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1189] Clearing VO cache for ObservacoesVO2
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1190] Clear QueryCollection in cache for VO ObservacoesVO2
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1191] BrReforcosEmpenhoVO1 notify ROLLBACK ...
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1192] Clearing VO cache for BrReforcosEmpenhoVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1193] Clear QueryCollection in cache for VO BrReforcosEmpenhoVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1194] OrdensVendaEmpenhoVO1 notify ROLLBACK ...
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1195] Clearing VO cache for OrdensVendaEmpenhoVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1196] Clear QueryCollection in cache for VO OrdensVendaEmpenhoVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1197] NotasFiscaisEmpenhoVO1 notify ROLLBACK ...
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1198] Clearing VO cache for NotasFiscaisEmpenhoVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1199] Clear QueryCollection in cache for VO NotasFiscaisEmpenhoVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1200] Clearing VO cache for BrEmpenhosVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1201] Clear QueryCollection in cache for VO BrEmpenhosVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1202] Clearing VO cache for OrigensComerciaisVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1203] Clear QueryCollection in cache for VO OrigensComerciaisVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1204] Clearing VO cache for FiliaisVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1205] Clear QueryCollection in cache for VO FiliaisVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1206] Clearing VO cache for BrProdutosEmpenhoVO2
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1207] Clear QueryCollection in cache for VO BrProdutosEmpenhoVO2
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1208] Clearing VO cache for CgRefCodesVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1209] Clear QueryCollection in cache for VO CgRefCodesVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1210] Clearing VO cache for MtlSystemItemsVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1211] Clear QueryCollection in cache for VO MtlSystemItemsVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1212] Clearing VO cache for BrClientesUsuariosEmpenhoVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1213] Clear QueryCollection in cache for VO BrClientesUsuariosEmpenhoVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1214] Clearing VO cache for AuditoriasVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1215] Clear QueryCollection in cache for VO AuditoriasVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1216] Clearing VO cache for ObservacoesVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1217] Clear QueryCollection in cache for VO ObservacoesVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1218] Clearing VO cache for ObservacoesVO2
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1219] Clear QueryCollection in cache for VO ObservacoesVO2
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1220] Clearing VO cache for BrSegmentosClientesVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1221] Clear QueryCollection in cache for VO BrSegmentosClientesVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1222] Clearing VO cache for BrCategoriasClientesVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1223] Clear QueryCollection in cache for VO BrCategoriasClientesVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1224] Clearing VO cache for GruposContaVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1225] Clear QueryCollection in cache for VO GruposContaVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1226] Clearing VO cache for BrReforcosEmpenhoVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1227] Clear QueryCollection in cache for VO BrReforcosEmpenhoVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1228] Clearing VO cache for AtividadesANPVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1229] Clear QueryCollection in cache for VO AtividadesANPVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1230] Clearing VO cache for AtividadesSRFVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1231] Clear QueryCollection in cache for VO AtividadesSRFVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1232] Clearing VO cache for BloqueiosFaturamentosVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1233] Clear QueryCollection in cache for VO BloqueiosFaturamentosVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1234] Clearing VO cache for BloqueiosOrdensVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1235] Clear QueryCollection in cache for VO BloqueiosOrdensVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1236] Clearing VO cache for BloqueiosRemessasVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1237] Clear QueryCollection in cache for VO BloqueiosRemessasVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1238] Clearing VO cache for ClassesClientesVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1239] Clear QueryCollection in cache for VO ClassesClientesVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1240] Clearing VO cache for GruposContasVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1241] Clear QueryCollection in cache for VO GruposContasVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1242] Clearing VO cache for SetoresIndustriaisVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1243] Clear QueryCollection in cache for VO SetoresIndustriaisVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1244] Clearing VO cache for TiposGruposContasVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1245] Clear QueryCollection in cache for VO TiposGruposContasVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1246] Clearing VO cache for OrdensVendaEmpenhoVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1247] Clear QueryCollection in cache for VO OrdensVendaEmpenhoVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1248] Clearing VO cache for NotasFiscaisEmpenhoVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1249] Clear QueryCollection in cache for VO NotasFiscaisEmpenhoVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1250] Clearing VO cache for BrUnidadesVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1251] Clear QueryCollection in cache for VO BrUnidadesVO1
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1252] Clearing VO cache for CgRefCodesVO2
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1253] Clear QueryCollection in cache for VO CgRefCodesVO2
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1254] Clearing VO cache for BrEmpenhosVO2
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1255] Clear QueryCollection in cache for VO BrEmpenhosVO2
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1256] Clearing VO cache for ParceirosAlternativosLovVO
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1257] Clear QueryCollection in cache for VO ParceirosAlternativosLovVO
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1258] Clearing VO cache for BrEmpMensagemVO
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1259] Clear QueryCollection in cache for VO BrEmpMensagemVO
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1260] Clearing EO cache for
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1261] Clearing EO cache for
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1262] Clearing EO cache for
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1263] Clearing EO cache for
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1264] Clearing EO cache for
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1265] Clearing EO cache for
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1266] Clearing EO cache for
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1267] Clearing EO cache for
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1268] Clearing EO cache for
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1269] Clearing EO cache for
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1270] Clearing EO cache for
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1271] Clearing EO cache for
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1272] Clearing EO cache for
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1273] Clearing EO cache for
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1274] Clearing EO cache for
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1275] Clearing EO cache for
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1276] Clearing EO cache for
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1277] Clearing EO cache for
    11/10/19 21:11:05 [1278] Resetting AM=EmpenhoAM

  • [Error ORABPEL - 10900]... : Can not find definition for element 'process'

    When I try to deploy a bpel process using JDeveloper I'm having the following xml parse error:
    [Error ORABPEL-10900]: xml parser error
    [Description]: in line 21 of "file:/C:/JDeveloper/jdev/mywork/NERGA/CriarProjectoSA/bpel/CriarProjectoSA.bpel", XML parsing failed because file:/C:/JDeveloper/jdev/mywork/NERGA/CriarProjectoSA/bpel/CriarProjectoSA.bpel<Line 21, Column 63>: XML-24538: (Error) Can not find definition for element 'process'.
    [Potential fix]: Fix the invalid XML.
    I don't understand why... Any idea?

    This is my BPEL code. The sapattern tags are from a program that is generating part of the code. The JDeveloper doesn't show any error, I only get the error when I try to deploy.
    <?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" ?>
    <process name="CriarProjectoSA"
    xmlns:ns3="" xmlns:ns2=""
    <!--Generated by Telelogic System Architect on 05/01/2007 11:06:18 by easm-->
    <partnerLink name="client" partnerLinkType="ns4:CriarProjectoSA"
    <partnerLink name="NergaIS" partnerLinkType="ns2:ServiceSoap_PL"
    myRole="ServiceSoap_Role" partnerRole="ServiceSoap_Role"/>
    <partnerLink name="ValidacaoProjectos"
    <!--The System Architect objects used in the pattern. To ensure traceability to System Architect DO NOT REMOVE-->
    <variable name="outputVariable"
    <variable name="inputVariable"
    <!--The System Architect objects used in the pattern. To ensure traceability to System Architect DO NOT REMOVE-->
    <variable name="invocaVP_initiate_InputVariable"
    <variable name="recebeVP_onResult_InputVariable"
    <variable name="InvocaAdicionarProjecto_InputVariable"
    <variable name="InvocaAdicionarProjecto_OutputVariable"
    <receive name="recebeTemplate" joinCondition="False" partnerLink="client"
    portType="ns4:CriarProjectoSA" operation="process"
    variable="inputVariable" createInstance="yes">
    <!--The System Architect objects used in the pattern. To ensure traceability to System Architect DO NOT REMOVE-->
    <scope variableAccessSerializable="no" name="ValidarExigências"
    <assign name="assignInvalid">
    <bpelx:from expression="concat(ns8:getVariableData('inputVariable','payload','/ns3:Template/ns3:Projecto/ns3:Observacoes'), string('Projecto inválido!!'))"/>
    <bpelx:to variable="inputVariable" part="payload"
    <!--The System Architect objects used in the pattern. To ensure traceability to System Architect DO NOT REMOVE-->
    <sequence name="ValidarExigências" joinCondition="False">
    <assign name="assignVPIn">
    <from variable="inputVariable" part="payload"/>
    <to variable="invocaVP_initiate_InputVariable" part="payload"/>
    <!--The System Architect objects used in the pattern. To ensure traceability to System Architect DO NOT REMOVE-->
    <invoke name="invocaVP" joinCondition="False"
    partnerLink="ValidacaoProjectos" portType="ns1:ValidacaoProjectos"
    <!--The System Architect objects used in the pattern. To ensure traceability to System Architect DO NOT REMOVE-->
    <receive name="recebeVP" joinCondition="False"
    portType="ns1:ValidacaoProjectosCallback" operation="onResult"
    createInstance="no" variable="recebeVP_onResult_InputVariable">
    <!--The System Architect objects used in the pattern. To ensure traceability to System Architect DO NOT REMOVE-->
    <assign name="assignVPOut">
    <from variable="recebeVP_onResult_InputVariable" part="payload"/>
    <to variable="inputVariable" part="payload"/>
    <scope variableAccessSerializable="no" name="AdicionarProjecto"
    <!--The System Architect objects used in the pattern. To ensure traceability to System Architect DO NOT REMOVE-->
    <sequence name="InvocarISAdicionarProjecto" joinCondition="False">
    <assign name="assignIS">
    <from variable="inputVariable" part="payload"
    <to variable="InvocaAdicionarProjecto_InputVariable" part="parameters"
    <from variable="inputVariable" part="payload"
    <to variable="InvocaAdicionarProjecto_InputVariable" part="parameters"
    <!--The System Architect objects used in the pattern. To ensure traceability to System Architect DO NOT REMOVE-->
    <invoke name="InvocaAdicionarProjecto" joinCondition="False"
    partnerLink="NergaIS" portType="ns2:ServiceSoap"
    <!--The System Architect objects used in the pattern. To ensure traceability to System Architect DO NOT REMOVE-->
    <assign name="assignOutput">
    <from variable="inputVariable" part="payload"
    <to variable="outputVariable" part="payload"/>
    <reply name="devolveProjecto" joinCondition="False" partnerLink="client"
    portType="ns4:CriarProjectoSA" operation="process"
    <!--The System Architect objects used in the pattern. To ensure traceability to System Architect DO NOT REMOVE-->

  • Preciso de ajuda

    despois que eu fiz a atualização do software, o chip ficou inválido, porquê

  • Mensagem: "Código inválido da conta  [Mensagem 173-9]"

    Ola pessoal,
    estou enfrentando um problema com a simulacao da rotina de "Entrada de Produtos Acabados" no SAP B1 8.8.
    Ao tentar inserir o registro com base em uma Ordem de Producao criada no sistema, determino as quantidades concluidas, etc...
    Porem o sistema está me retornando a mensagem "Código inválido da conta  "...
    Ja revi todos os itens envolvidos no processo de producao e seus niveis de contabilizacao, bem como as contas que estao definidas em cada um desses niveis, basicamente trabalho com os niveis "DEPOSITO" e "NIVEL DO ITEM" tendo todas as contas assinaladas em cada um desses  depositos e itens do processo.
    Alguem tem ideia do conteudo dessa mensagem ou alguma dica para que eu possa checar melhor a origem desse erro?
    Abraço a todos.

    Eu tive este problema também.
    No meu caso, a  configuração de estoque estava por nível de empresa e não por estoque. O estoque que estava sendo baixado os insumos, um dos itens estava negativo neste estoque.
    Em administraçãoConfiguraçãoFinançasDeterminação contábil na Aba estoque a conta de estoque negativo deve estar preenchida.
    Depois que percebi o problema eu alterei a minha configuração apra controlar estoque po nível de estoque e não por empresa. Porque isso estava ocasionando que o estoque podia ficar negativo. Esta configuração está em :
    AdministraçãoInicialização do sistemadefinição de documentos
    aba geral, deixar macado a opção bloquear estoque negativo por depósito e não por empresa.
    Esta seria uma das posibilidades sendo que você informou que todas as ocntas estão preenchidas.
    Espero que ajude, me avise se deu certo. ok?

  • Dúvida sobre a fase de processamento em paralelo

    Boa tarde pessoal,
    Estou configurando / testando o processo de geração de XML em paralelo à NF modelo 1. Meu cenário aqui no cliente é a geração do XML no ECC 6.0, SP13, com a mensageria Mastersaf.
    Segui os passos descritos na documentação oficial da SAP, criando um tipo de mensagem que dispara a impressão da NF tradicional e adicionalmente executa o programa J_1BNFEXMLOUTPARALLEL. Também foram aplicadas as notas SAP relevantes para o processo, 1. 1238295  / 2. 1240212  / 3. 1255450 / 4. 1257030 / 5. 1254565 / 6. 1276438.
    O XML está sendo gerado com sucesso e o sistema Mastersaf está recebendo o arquivo perfeitamente e enviando-o à SEFAZ com êxito.
    A partir daí começaram minhas dúvidas:
    1. Como vou monitorar o processo no ECC, pois no momento da geração do XML, nenhuma informação é armazenada na tabela J_1BNFE_ACTIVE. Será que está faltando alguma configuração ou nota a ser aplicada? Busquei informações a respeito no help da SAP, mas não encontrei nada.
    2. Percebi também que o XML de entrada está gerando uma entrada na tabela J_1BNFE_INVALID. Ok, faz todo o sentido, pois como o RFC não encontrou o registro na tabela J_1BNFE_ACTIVE, ele grava erro nesta tabela de inválidos. Será que é por esta tabela que irei monitorar o processo? Terei que gerar uma consulta (abap ou query) para disponibilizar ao usuário?
    Toda ajuda é benvinda, obrigado antecipadamente.
    Rinaldo Conte

    Bom dia Rinaldo,
    Suas considerações sobre o paralelo no R/3 estão corretas. Processos completos de emissão, impressão, cancelamento/inutilização só são suportados fora do paralelo.
    A fase de emissão em paralelo que consiste em NF modelo 1/1A oficial com transmissão da NF como se fosse NF-e à Sefaz homologação não é controlado pelo R/3.
    Serve para você simular o funcionamento do R/3 e mensageria em ambiente produtivo (cliente) com Sefaz (homologação). Neste caso, as mensagens não devem ser reenviadas ao R/3 pois serão todas recusadas.
    A tabela J_1BNFE_INVALID contém todas as linhas recusadas pelo R/3, no caso, linhas de paralelo irão 100% para ela.
    Minha sugestão é que você utilize a fase paralelo para treinar a equipe no trato com problemas de entrega/processamento à Sefaz e ponto. Nada em relação ao R/3.
    Fernando Da Ró

  • Sales order is not taking shipping transit lead time into consideration

    We have following scenario -
    1. Sales order is created in AT organization.
    2. There is no onhand in any of the organizations including AT.
    3. The scheduled ship date for sales order comes as order creation date + item lead time = 15-Sep-2011.
    3. PO for sufficient quantity is available at UK org with need-by date as 01-Jun-2011.
    5. Post processing item lead time for this item is 1 day.
    4. intransit shipment is setup between UK and AT.
    5. Shipment Transit lead times are also set up at 3 days between locations of UK and AT.
    6. ASCP plan is run.
    7. Sales Order is unscheduled and rescheduled via API MSC_ATP_PUB, which takes the ATP details from UK (based on the sourcing rules). The sheduled ship date comes as 02-Jun-2011 (PO need-by date + 1 day of post processing).
    8. Expectation is that API should also take transit lead time into consideration while calculating the ATP dates and hence the Expectation is that scheduled ship date should come as 05-Jun-2011 (PO need-by date + Transit lead time + 1 day of post processing).
    Please let me know
    a. if this is standard functionality of oracle or not.
    b. if this is standard functionality then what setups are missing required for the same to be achieved.
    UAT is held up for this issue. Please help urgently.

    Oracle is supposed to take the in-transit time into consideration.
    Are you running a constrained plan or an unconstrained one?
    Make sure you defined the inter-org network as described in
    or go to Inventory > Setup > Organization > Inter-Location Transit Times and enter it there.
    Sandeep Gandhi

  • Unable to write a log file from EJB

    Hi i have a Stateless EJB deployed on OC4J 10.1.3 and it is tryig to create a logfile with the location given in properties file.when it is trying to create the file it is getting Access denied to that particular folder I have changed the folder to another location but it is still the same.I am able to create a file to the same folder using simple jave class.
    here is the stack trace.
    javax.ejb.CreateException: D:\Kernel7.3\GW_EJB\log (Access is denied)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAcces
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.joinpoint.EJBJoinPointImpl.invoke
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed(Inv
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.system.DMSInterceptor.invoke(DMSI
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed(Inv
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.system.SetContextActionIntercepto
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed(Inv
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.LifecycleManager$LifecycleCallback.invokeLife
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.LifecycleManager$LifecycleCallback.invokeLife
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.LifecycleManager.postConstruct(LifecycleManag
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.StatelessSessionBeanPool.createContextImpl(St
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.BeanPool.createContext(
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.BeanPool.allocateContext(
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.StatelessSessionEJBHome.getContextInstance(St
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.StatelessSessionEJBObject.OC4J_invokeMethod(S
    at GWEJBRemote_StatelessSessionBeanWrapper2.processMsg(GWEJBRemote_State
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAcces
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at com.evermind.util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$
    javax.ejb.EJBException: Exception while creating bean/context instance for bean
    GW_EJB_Bean; nested exception is: javax.ejb.CreateException: D:\Kernel7.3\GW_EJB
    \log (Access is denied)
    at com.evermind.server.rmi.RMICall.EXCEPTION_ORIGINATES_FROM_THE_REMOTE_
    at com.evermind.server.rmi.RMICall.throwRecordedException(
    at com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIClientConnection.obtainRemoteMethodRespons
    at com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIClientConnection.invokeMethod(RMIClientCon
    at com.evermind.server.rmi.RemoteInvocationHandler.invoke(RemoteInvocati
    at com.evermind.server.rmi.RecoverableRemoteInvocationHandler.invoke(Rec
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.StatelessSessionRemoteInvocationHandler.invok
    at __Proxy1.processMsg(Unknown Source)
    at GW_EJB_Client.callEJB(
    at GW_EJB_Client.main(
    Caused by: javax.ejb.CreateException: D:\Kernel7.3\GW_EJB\log (Access is denied)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAcces
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.joinpoint.EJBJoinPointImpl.invoke
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed(Inv
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.system.DMSInterceptor.invoke(DMSI
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed(Inv
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.system.SetContextActionIntercepto
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed(Inv
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.LifecycleManager$LifecycleCallback.invokeLife
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.LifecycleManager$LifecycleCallback.invokeLife
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.LifecycleManager.postConstruct(LifecycleManag
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.StatelessSessionBeanPool.createContextImpl(St
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.BeanPool.createContext(
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.BeanPool.allocateContext(
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.StatelessSessionEJBHome.getContextInstance(St
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.StatelessSessionEJBObject.OC4J_invokeMethod(S
    at GWEJBRemote_StatelessSessionBeanWrapper2.processMsg(GWEJBRemote_State
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAcces
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at com.evermind.util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$

    public void ejbCreate ()
    throws CreateException
    initializeprop ();
    catch(Exception ex)
    throw new CreateException (ex.getMessage ());
    on lone 140 I am throwing a create Exception.
    initializeprop() method is used to initialize the logeer properties etc.

  • Close PO / Cancel PO

    Hi experts,
    We are using SRM 7.0 with Extended Classic Scenario.
    We have a number of requirements related to closing a PO and to cancelling a PO.
    1) Closing a PO means closing the possibility of further goods receipts and invoices related to this PO.  This can be achieved by setting the corresponding flags in the PO item.  But what if the PO has several hundreds of them?  Is there a way to set these flags for all items at the same time?  (There is a button 'process all items', but it seems to be always greyed out)
    2) Cancelling a PO means that, for an already ordered PO, a cancellation message is sent to the supplier, and at the same time the PO is closed in the sense of the previous paragraph.  In particular, any PO commitment posted to the backend should be also cancelled.  However, I don't see how you can do this in SRM (7.0) 
    Deleting the items seems not be possible, since this triggers an approval workflow, but the approver cannot approve (The approver is getting an error: Execution of function module /SAPSRM/FU_WF_RFC_DECISION failed with error "Deleted items cannot be ordered") Furthermore, there is no comfortable way of deleting all items at the same time, in case you have a couple of hundred or even of thousands of them.
    Regarding 1, I know that there is the possibility of 'completing' the PO; for this you have to click on the button 'complete' at header level, which is only shown when you are in display mode.  Unfortunately, this only changes the status of the PO and it only prevents SRM users from creating confirmation or invoices in SRM, but a good receipt in MM (transaction MIGO) is still possible.  We want to close the PO from SRM, because purchasers work only in SRM, but the goods receipt come through automated interfaces directly to MM-INV and the 'complete' button has no influence in the backend PO.
    Any thought about how we can
    a) close a PO?
    b) cancel a PO?
    Thanks in advance
    Edited by: tangram7 on Oct 27, 2010 7:17 PM

    Hi Manasi,
    There is alternate way to cancel the incomplete PO.
    You will not have the control option to cancel the PO if it is in incomplete status. You need to delete the PO only since the document is in preliminary level.
    Audit trial will track this number. Still if you want to cancel this PO in an incomplete stage then submit for approval and get it rejected from the first level approver
    itself and then you can cancel this PO.

Maybe you are looking for

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