No Audio in Slide Play

I just upgraded to Captivate 2.0. I recorded audio for each
slide, but can not manipulate the timing in Edit because I can not
hear the audio. If I preview them I can hear the audio. I did
notice that before I preview the audio converts to mp files. Is
this the problem?

Hi jdella
I'm not sure I understand your issue. You say you recorded
audio. Got that. Where I'm totally confused is when you say you
cannot manipulate timing in Edit. Are you talking about the
Captivate slide editor where you adjust placement of objects such
as text captions or click boxes? Or are you talking about the
Captivate audio editor? Where are you not able to hear the audio?
If you are saying it happens when you play the slide via F3
or the Spacebar (where you preview right in the slide editor) I'm
wondering if you have managed to mute audio in the editor. Look
just below the Timeline. Just below the column where you would
click the lock. Do you see a tiny little speaker icon? Try clicking
that icon a single time and then see if you have audio.
Hopefully this helps... Rick

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    - Scott

    I suppose you have one of the playbars in the skin, in that case you cannot prevent the user from clicking on the Next button at any time.
    You could hide the playbar for that slide by assigning the value 0 to the system variable cpCmndShowPlaybar, and insert a 'Next' button that will appear after the end of the audio clip. If you are talking about all slides, I would recommend to skip the playbar totally and provide your own navigation buttons.

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    How do I fix?
    I am guessing that you may have accidentally made a selection in the timeline before exporting - and then only that was exported.
    Try exporting like Russ said.
    And Russ meant to write VLC.

  • Audio not playing in slide play mode

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    can anyone help me?
    Thank you!

    Hi Nikki
    My guess is that you have muted the slide. Look between the
    Timeline and main editing area. Just below where you toggle and
    lock slide objects.
    Take a look at the image
    here for help.
    Cheers... Rick

  • Having issues with getting the slide to advance properly after audio is done playing

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    I have a slide that plays a video.  When the video is finished the user clicks a Continue button, and a short audio clip plays, and then the slide advances to the next screen.  The problem comes when I'm trying to integrate closed captions.  Since CC is only allowed at the slide lever I created an advanced action that is intended to display the audio text and play the audio.  The caption with the audio text displays fine, but one of two things happens with the audio:
    The slide advances before the audio is done playing.
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    Does anyone have any advice on how to control the slide so it will advance once the audio is done?  Thanks in advance for your help.

    The Pause action WILL pause the slide if invoked.  And there is no way to set the duration of the Pause in the Advanced Action.
    I would suggest you add a button to the slide that the user clicks to go to the next slide.  Add the short audio clip that you want the learner to hear to the On Success caption of that button and set the button properties to Pause for Success/Failure captions.  You can add the CC text for the short audio clip into the success caption so that it appears as the audio is playing.  As soon as the audio clip finishes playing the success caption will disappear and the timeline will continue to the next slide.
    No Advanced Actions required for this solution.

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    I will be out of the office starting  22/10/2009 and will not return until
    If you require urgent assistance then please contact Emma Dawson on 15832
    alternatively I will respond to your query on my return.

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    That Photoshop Elements 9.0.3 Update has generally been discouraged by the Photoshop Elements gurus. But, I am not going to factor that into this at this point.
    This is what I would ask you to look at in the Elements Organizer 9 accessed from the Photoshop Elements 9 or Premiere Elements 9.
    a. Create your slideshow in the Elements Organizer 9/Create/Slideshow/Slideshow Editor. Then use the Output option of Edit with Premiere Elements.
    From your description, you are probably using the Output Option of Burn to Disc DVD which will take your slideshow directly in the Disc Menu section of Premiere Elements 9. The preferred transfer of the Elements Organizer 9 slideshow to Premiere Elements 9 Editor is by the non wmv route "Edit with Premiere Elements" not the wmv route of Burn to Disc DVD.
    Let us explore if any of the above is involved in your issue and then we will decide what next if necessary.

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    Can you please tell me what to do to make the 3 .SWFs NOT execute when slide one of the course is opened? 

    Did you ever get an answer to this question? Since you have partial success, perhaps you can share some info. My main .swf is loaded on a web server and links to other URLs works well but links to other .swf that are loaded in the same directory as the main .swf do not activate at sound, no visual. Did you load your sub-swf files in the same directory? did you use a special naming scheme? did you load the .html file for the sub-swf?

  • Jump to Slide Playing Incorrect Audio

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    I have a button located on slide #7. This button's actions are set to jump to slide #5. When I preview the project and click on this button, it does jump to slide #5, but it plays the audio from slide #4. Once the one minute audio completes, it plays the correct audio from slide #5.
    I tried creating an advanced action that would jump to slide #5 and stop triggered audio. This did not correct my issue.
    Any suggestions would be appreciated.
    Thank you!

    Make sure the audio clips on slides 4 and 5 do not touch either the beginning or the end of the timeline on those slides.  If the audio is hard up against the timeline ends then Captivate sometimes 'stitches' the audio clips together.  You want them to remain separate.

  • Captivate 6, audio on slides randomly doesn't play

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    Publishing to Flash Player 9 as it's a linear presentation with no interaction.
    Here are screenshots of the timeline and properties from a slide that the audio seems to frequently disappear:
    Any help/suggestions are appreciated.

    Your issue might be due to the audio getting out of synch with the slides.  Then at some point it has to wait to catch up.
    Try this: Your screenshot of the slide timeline shows that the audio file is hard up against both ends of the slide. You need to create a small gap at the beginning and end of the audio file on each slide by just selecting the audio file and hitting the right arrow key twice move it to the right two frames, and then hit the left arrow key to move it back one frame.  This will give you a one tenth second pause at the beginning and end of the audio on that slide.  The end users will not detect the pause but because the gap is there, Captivate will think this piece of audio needs to be a separate clip.  Isolating the audio on each slide this way helps synchronisation of audio with slides.
    In any project over a few dozen slides I would never recommend using a single large audio file with markers synched to each slide.  There are just too many different configurations of PC and browser out there that can cause playback to vary.

  • Help!! AVI audio won't play - Premiere Pro v.7

    I captured footage from my DV camera into Windows Movie Maker in the form of a DV-avi. (I use WMM because Premiere crashes when I try to capture DV video). And when I import the AVI into Premiere Pro v.7 the audio won't play in the project window. However, when I scrub the slider back and forth the audio does play (kind of).
    I have never had this problem before. I've captured video many times and this never happened.
    I tried re-capturing it 6 times, but still the audio doesn't play (except when I scrub).
    Is there an option I clicked accidentally?
    Any help would be really great.
    Thanks a lot!

    John T Smith wrote:
    I think WMM creates type 1 files and Premiere needs type 2
    You might Google for a converter
    You might also use the free to find out the file details, and report back so someone may be able to help
    I installed that program. Very helpful and interesting. Thanks for the link.
    I assumed, like you, that I had simply captured the AVI files as Type 1. But I guess they are Type 2, after all.
    I don't know if this helps, but the AVIs play just fine in Quicktime, Windows Media Player, WMM and Winamp.
    Thanks again for your help.
    Here is the information gspot provided:
    FILE_NAME                      tape6_raw0001.avi
    FILE_NAME_WITH_PATH            O:\EDITING\In the Woods\Tape 6\clips\tape6_raw0001.avi
    FILE_SIZE                      90,872,392
    CONT_BASETYPE                  AVI(.AVI)
    CONT_BYTES_MISSING             0
    CONT_SUBTYPE                   OpenDML (AVI v2.0),
    CONT_TOTAL_BITRATE             0
    VIDEO_ASPECT_CONVERT_AVI1      Resize to 656 x 480 (Use +/- for other target sizes)
    VIDEO_ASPECT_CONVERT_AVI2      Crop off any non-picture areas, if req'd
    VIDEO_ASPECT_CONVERT_CVD1      Resize to 360 x 480  ( w:[1/2]  h:[1/1] )
    VIDEO_ASPECT_CONVERT_CVD2      Trim 4 from each side for 352 x 480
    VIDEO_ASPECT_CONVERT_DVD1      No resize req'd
    VIDEO_ASPECT_CONVERT_DVD2      No cropping req'd
    VIDEO_ASPECT_CONVERT_SVCD1     Resize to 480 x 480  ( w:[2/3]  h:[1/1] )
    VIDEO_ASPECT_CONVERT_SVCD2     No cropping req'd
    VIDEO_ASPECT_CONVERT_VCD1      Resize to 360 x 240  ( w:[1/2]  h:[1/2] )
    VIDEO_ASPECT_CONVERT_VCD2      Trim 4 from each side for 352 x 240
    VIDEO_BITRATE                  28771
    VIDEO_CODEC_NAME               DVC/DV Video
    VIDEO_CODEC_STATUS             Codec(s) are Installed
    VIDEO_CODEC_TYPE               dvsd
    VIDEO_DAR                      1.333
    VIDEO_DURATION                 0:24.291
    VIDEO_FIELDS_PER_SEC           59.940
    VIDEO_FRAME_COUNT              728
    VIDEO_FRAMES_PER_SEC           29.970
    VIDEO_PAR                      0.889
    VIDEO_PICS_PER_SEC             29.970
    VIDEO_QF                       2.778
    VIDEO_SAR                      1.500
    VIDEO_SIZE_X                   720
    VIDEO_SIZE_Y                   480
    AUDIO_BITRATE                  1024
    AUDIO_CHANNEL_COUNT            2
    AUDIO_CODEC                    PCM Audio
    AUDIO_CODEC_STATUS             No Codec Required
    AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE              32000

  • Captivate 6 randomly dropping imported audio from slides during publish.

    I think I remember this occurring in 5.5 as well, but only very occasionally. In this (my first) cp6 project, it's occurred 3 times already.
    What occurs is that upon viewing the output (.exe), one slide will just not play the audio imported to it, although the slides before that one and the slides after it play their imported files.
    I have re-published the project 6 times, and in two of those new publishes, it has dropped audio in a different slide, and played the audio on the slide where it previously did not play audio.
    The imported files play just fine in all slides during preview in every case, so it seems to be occuring at publish. These are straight  Audio > Import to > Slide wav files.
    Anyone else see this?
    At this point I just have to keep re-publishing until I get one that plays all files and call it a day.

    Hi, Varun.
    I finally got around to updating to this morning.
    The audio issue seems to still be still drops imported audio from certain sildes, randomly.  It changes with every publish.
    THEORY: I noticed that on one of the slides where audio didn't play, the audio file contained a small silent region before the narration began. Maybe .3 or .5 seconds. I removed that silent portion so that the narration starts almost immediately (i.e. less than .2 second seconds of silence.) and for that slide, the audio did play at publish.  So perhaps something in the playback exe is ignoring any audio that starts "too late" into the slide.... ?
    I am now going back to check the audio files in every slide to remove any preceding silent passaages, and see if that cures this. Will update with my findings.
    Another issue I noticed  is that my background loop randomly stops playing. (This may have been  in the previous build, too, not sure.) Not sure if this is in any way related.
    If I pause and un-pause, the background music returns (starts at beginning of loop), and then stops again.. I verfied that "Loop Audio" is turned on.

  • HT4211 My audio apps keep playing in the background after I answer a phone call. How do I turn this off?

    My audio apps keep playing in the background after I answer a phone call. How do I turn this off?

    Hello BobWeaver,
    It sounds like we need to troubleshoot the software on your device as that is not expected behavior.
    I would perform steps 1, 3 and 5 from the iPhone Troubleshooting Assistant found here If you get to step 3, then I suggest closing all the apps. Here is step 1 to get you started:
    Restart iPhone
    To restart iPhone, first turn iPhone off by pressing and holding the Sleep/Wake button until a red slider appears. Slide your finger across the slider and iPhone will turn off after a few moments.
    Next, turn iPhone on by pressing and holding the Sleep/Wake button until the Apple logo appears.
    Is iPhone not responding? To reset iPhone, press and hold the Sleep/Wake button and the Home button at the same time for at least 10 seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    If your device does not turn on or displays a red battery icon, try recharging next.

  • Audio on slide not working?

    I have a new question I entered some text into the notes and did a speech to text conversion. The audio shows up in frame 1 of the slide. But I want the audio to start later in slide. I move it to say frame 100. The audio does not play now. It shows up in timeline, I hear it if I scrub the timeline, but nothing when published and played?

    Here is a screen shot of timeline. The audio plays here. Here is a screen shot once I slide the audio. Here the audio does not play? Same code, same audio. Just repositioned along timeline.

  • Can the playbar widget be configured to start an audio file once 'play' is clicked?

    Captivate 5
    I'd like to create a slide in which the user can click on a 'play' button to hear some audio.  Preferrably, I'd like the button to toggle between symbols representing 'play' and 'pause' when the audio is playing.
    I was hoping that inserting a playbar widget would accomplish this, but unfortunately the audio I've attached to the widget plays automatically when the slide begins.  I'd like the audio only to play when the user clicks the play button on the widget.
    I understand that there are work-arounds for this, but aesthetically it's important to me that the button be dynamic (that is, that it should change when the user clicks it).

    The general workaround for dynamic buttons like you describe is to use Show/Hide Advanced Actions to make it appear as if the button is changing by toggling the images the user sees.
    As for getting the user to hear audio when a button is clicked...this is easy enough to do by attaching the audio to the Success caption of the button.  That way, it will only begin playing when the Success caption appears, not when the button appears.  If you don't want the Success caption to be visible, just turn it into a Transparent caption with no text, or move it off stage (in Cp5).
    You'll need to experiment with Advanced Actions to get the toggling of the button images and the play/stop of the sound to work as expected, but it should be doable.
    Lilybiri has lots of great stuff on her blog about using Advanced Actions:

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