"No child left behind" - try this

Go to your address book and try this: Type in the name Jim or Tim as a child for an address book entry. Then try to print that address book entry as in trying to print an address book label. Both our iBook G4 and Power Book both refuse to print Jim or Tim. All other child names will print for us. "JI" will print, "Ti" will print, "Jimm" will print, "Timm" will print, "Kim" will print but "Jim" and "Tim" will not. Can you get child entries "Jim" or "Tim" to print? If not, what's going on here?

Here's the deal, copied form a post in another thread:
If you have a spouse or child listed on contact card it will print them all on the mailing label IF the first name of each person is unique to your entire address book. For example, if the contact is John Brown and the spouse is listed as Susan Brown and the child is listed as Chester Brown, the expectation is that the label would print as:
John, Susan and Chester Brown
This assumes that there are no other contacts in your address book with the first name of Susan or Chester. However, if, for example, you have another person in your contact list named Susan (the last name could be anything), Address Book will print:
John and Chester Brown
This is because Address Book looks at all the first names in your contact list and if it sees a first name that is also listed in one of the spouse or child fields then it looks to see if the the other contact shares the same address as the contact you are trying to print. If the address is the same, then it prints properly on the label. If not, then it doesn't print on the label. So if you have two Susans - Susan Anderson and Susan Brown - Address book looks at the address on each card and determines that Susan Brown has the same address as the contact you are trying to print (John Brown) and therefore prints her name on the label.
So, to make a long story short, if you want consistent and predictable results when printing your labels you should assign a unique card to each person that you want to appear on the label and make sure that the individual cards have the same address listed on each. So, in the above example, there would be a card for John Brown, a card for Susan Brown, and a card for Chester Brown. On John Brown's card, Susan Brown would be listed as spouse and Chester Brown would be listed as child. Print John Brown's card and you should get:
John, Susan and Chester Brown
Although this makes logical sense, it's not incredibly intuitive and not very well documented by Apple. I was hoping they would enhance Address Book in Leopard since this seems like a feature that a lot of people would use around this time of year. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case this time around.

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  • Trouble selecting and moving objects near text in Adobe Illustrator? Try this.

    It's been 4 years since I left Corel DRAW for Adobe Illustrator. One thing I could never get used to is the crazy way text has an impenetrable invisible sheet over it making it hard to select objects near or behind it.
    With Corel DRAW I was used to be able to select text by simply clicking on the visible area of the text. Selecting stuff behind the text by clicking between letters or right next to a decender was never a problem. But Illustrator is a different story.
    Tonight I finally found a way to make selecting text in Illustrator behave more like Corel DRAW.
    I wrote it up here: http://www.johnstanowski.com/blog/trouble-selecting-and-moving-objects-near-text-in-adobe- illustrator-try-this/
    Just thought I'd share! 

    It's not spam, but thanks for assuming.
    I was up really late writing that blog post. Posting a link was the quickest way to share and be able to go to bed.
    Plus it's rather lengthy. I thought that would be rude to use an Adobe forum for my articles.
    If you saw my blog you will have seen there's not much going on there at all, and no calls to action to hire me. I don't have anything to gain by getting traffic.
    And, yeah, layers work for selecting, but that slows you down. Who would want to look away from their work to find and select a layer when they're trying to tweak positions of objects? Layers suck for selecting quickly.
    And there must be something wrong with me but I find using Type Object Selection by Path Only by itself hard to use. I'd really just like to click on the text itself rather than an invisible hairline you have to probe to find.
    Here's the post. I hope people who had trouble like me find it helpful.
    Do you have trouble selecting objects near Point Type in Adobe Illustrator? You’ve been there. You want to select an object. Problem is, it’s really close to piece of Point Type. All too often we try to select objects that wind up being unreachable because they lie too close to a piece of Point Type, which we wind up selecting instead. Luckily, after years of angst, I discovered a solution.
    Point Type in Adobe Illustrator is funny. There’s this invisible “shield” around it. This shield is much larger (at least it seems that way) than the text itself. It prevents you from selecting objects behind text by clicking between letter and words. This shield is particularly meddlesome with lowercase letters and decenders because we think surely we can click on that blue box (or whatever) because it seems far enough away from that Point Type. But the lowercase “g” in the Point Type’s territory.
    Okay, now that we know we’re talking about the same thing, let’s move on to the solutions.
    Step 1. Check ‘Type Object Selection by Path Only’ in Preferences
    You’ll find this option in Preferences/Type. Click it and that nasty text shield goes away. But there’s a price to pay. With this option activated, the only way you can select your text is by clicking on the text path, a super, tiny, thin baseline thingy under all the letters, but above decenders. It’s really hard to grab. To do it right you need to slowly approach the text path with your cursor. When you’re right over it, Illustrator will let you know by adding a small black square to your cursor. Now, you can click, hold and move your text. But this workflow can really slow you down and break your rhythm, maybe even more so with it turned off.
    Step 2. Add the ‘Outline Object’ Effect
    Select your Point Type and, from under the Effects Menu/Path/, select Outline Object. This effect does something really sweet to text in Illustrator: it lets your Point Type objects be treated as if their were converted to Outlines. You can still edit the text, but as far as selecting it, Illustrator now considers it outlines and shapes instead of a text object. Basically, it now considers the Path of the text to be the text itself! Now, since we’ve already checked ‘Type Object Selection by Path Only’ we can now click on the text to select it. Just the text. Not the baseline, not the wacky invisible shield surrounding it.
    And now… you can select things behind the text by clicking between words and letters. And the ONLY way to select Point Type is to click on the visible parts of the text itself! Problem solved.
    Potential Problem:
    Too much of a good thing could be a bad thing. Let’s say you have some Point Type set in a very light face and it’s pretty small or you’re zoomed way out. Selecting that text could be a problem since you have to actually click on the text itself. Actually it isn’t that hard, it may just require an extra click to grab it. If you have a set of smaller, light-faced bits of text, you can elect to just not apply the Outline Object effect to these. They’ll get their ‘shield’ back and be easier to click on. And since they’re so small, they don’t pose a problem with selecting things behind them anyway.
    Applying this technique to your old files
    Now that you’ve learned this awesome new way to work around type in Illustrator, you may be anxious to open yesterday’s project and get back to work. But you may be not be looking forward to applying the Outline Object effect to each and every piece of type. For this you can use Illustrator’s “Select Same” feature. Select one piece of text. Then from the Select Menu click on Object/Text Objects. Now ALL of your text objects will be selected, and you can apply the Outline Object effect to all of them at once!
    That’s it. If you build ads or work with a lot of type in Illustrator, you’re about to be able to work a lot faster… and happier.

  • Can't burn DVDs? Try this first...

    Like a number of other folks, I had an unexplained failure to burn DVDs and thought something Very Bad had happened to my drive. However, doing some research before buying a new drive (if I had to buy one, might as well get the Latest and Greatest right?) I found there's a lot of really bad media out there. Companies are buying some really cheap junk, slapping their label on it, and putting it on the shelves.
    So before doing anything drastic, try this:
    Go to Applications -> Utilities and start "System Profiler".
    In System Profiler, left hand column (labeled "contents") click "Disc Burning".
    Insert a disk you haven't been able to burn.
    When (sometimes "if") the disc mounts, refresh System Profiler (command-R or from the View menu select "Refresh"). At some point, you should get something like this:
    Type: DVD-R
    ID: CMC MAG. AM3
    Blank: No
    Erasable: No
    Overwritable: No
    Appendable: No
    Pay attention to the ID field. In this case, "CMC MAG. AM3"
    Pop over to:
    And search for your disc ID. This likely is "all run together". That is, for "CMC MAG. AM3", you look for:
    And, presto, the discs my drive "quit" on are listed in the section:
    "Pathetic garbage media, landfill material, about 0-50% success rate. These discs are pretty much only suited for preventing drink cup rings from forming on a table. Most of the time, these are ready-made coasters. If you can actually get a burner to acknowledge the disc, do not expect much. And if the burn actually succeeds, do not be surprised if a DVD-ROM or player chokes on the disc (read/play errors). Cheap prices, cheap junk quality."
    How nice!
    Mind you, I did not buy "CMC Magnetics" discs. I bought a "brand name". I got CMC Magnetics discs with a "brand name" label. And, apparently, their lowest quality (they do have some listed as "3rd Class Media" but not the ones I have).
    This would also explain why I managed to get several burns from the spindle then everything just up and stopped. A "0-50% success rate" means I can expect half *or more* of the discs to fail. I managed about 30% before reaching a run of total garbage in the spindle.
    (In fact, many of the remaining discs--I've taken different ones out of the spindle at random--won't even mount.)
    Also, the fact that companies are "out sourcing" means that even though you may have tried different "brands", you may actually still be getting discs from the same crappy factory! Scroll down to "Branding Guide" at the digitalfaq.com site and you find that CMC is supplying (among many):
    Datawrite, HP, Maxell, Memorex, Staples, and some TDK even!
    Buying different "brands" doesn't necessarily mean you've bought different discs.
    So before doing anything drastic, before assuming the drive has konked out, buy some one packs or three packs of the "1st Class Media" and try them. I haven't a problem with the ones I bought from companies listed as providing "1st Class Media".
    Based on the "Branding Guide", I suggest buying a few from one or more of:
    Then see if your drive problem suddenly clears up. Did for me. Now to figure out what to do with the 60+ CMC coasters I have left...

    Matt Clifton wrote:
    A great tip that works in OS X 10.5.
    Does anyone know how to get the same information under 10.4?
    If Disk Utility in 10.4 doesn't do it, there are two things I've seen that could help though I cannot vouch for them. One is a little utility here:
    Now, that's a Google translated page in Japanese. But I could find no other widgets out there that read the info. I did download the program from here:
    And tried it out. It worked for me. Just leave the "Format" setting to: Pre-recorded Information in Lead-in. Insert a disk, click on the drive name in the top box of the window when the name appears (takes a sec as the disk is mounted). You get hex (which to most folks is known as "gibberish" <g>). But in the first couple of lines on the right hand side, you should see the manufacturer info such as:
    read DVD structure [0E]
    00 6C 00 00 01 40 C1 FD 9E D8 52 00 02 84 0D 12 [email protected].....
    98 99 90 00 03 43 4D 43 20 4D 41 00 04 47 2E 20 .....CMC MA..G.
    41 4D 33 00 05 88 80 00 00 00 02 00 06 09 0D 14 AM3.............
    Second line, far right, you see the "CMC MAG AM3" (with some spaces in "MAG", no I don't know why). Of course, you'll be looking for codes from here:
    They should show up somewhere in those first few lines.
    According to this discussion:
    You can get the info in Toast. I can't verify that myself as I don't have the software.

  • Address Book Sharing: are custom fields shared or left behind

    I want to share an Address Book on one system with 3 other users through MobileMe. I will also allow the 3 other users to add, delete and change the contacts. All 4 systems have their own MobileMe accounts.
    We make extensive use of custom relationship fields. Will those fields transfer with the with the shared contacts, or are they left behind?
    (I know that only a limited number of relationship fields (no custom fields at all) in Address Book are available to Pages and Bento)
    I've looked all over the Address Book sharing information (that I can find), and the issue of custom fields does not seem to be addressed in connection with Address Book Sharing.
    Can anyone recommend any documentation that answers this question?
    Is there any real (detailed) documentation at all about Address Book Sharing?
    Thanks for your help.

    @taylor thanks for the suggestion, but it's not quite what i had in mind. The red -/green + buttons are used to add/remove more items in the same category, ie., phone numbers, email addresses, URLs, etc. If you finish editing a record and then click on one of these fields, you get a contextual menu with various options.
    But, my Skype name is not an email address, nor is it a phone number. It belongs in the IM section of the Contact template, but unlike the "Custom" option for labeling a Phone Number, the IM drop-down menu doesn't have a Custom option, nor a Skype option.
    There are several possible workarounds, but that's the point, innit? Skype has been around a long time - there shouldn't be a need for a workaround.

  • Z@R temp files left behind with roaming profiles removal

    See previous old post: Acrobat/Reader: [email protected] files left behind in Temp folder after printing
    It states that the issue is resolved with Windows 7 and Server 2008 ang higher, however i'm running multiple Windows 2008 R2 servers and this problem is killing me.
    A simple terminal server with only 5-6 users working on it, but abou 200 (left behind) user profiles.
    What can i do yo fix this? Already tried the options in the article. Not working. Running multiple versions of Adobe Reader 11.0.xx
    Please help.

    Can anyone help me? In the meantime we have multiple servers, with multiple customers. And it is really getting fustrating?
    I can't imagen Adobe does not care about this bug?

  • Data left behind after scripted imaging

    I know this sounds a little weird, but sometimes after one of my techs runs one of the scripts we use stuff is left behind on the workstation (games, or media players that are not part of the image - but not everything). You can actually watch the image process and complete ok and restart the computer - it even goes though the post imaging stuff prior to login. Here is an example of one of the 2 scripts doing this sometimes -
    dd if=/bin/mbr.mbr of=/dev/hda
    dd if=/bin/mbr.mbr of=/dev/sda
    img pd1
    img pd2
    img pd3
    img pd4
    img pc1 ntfs
    img rp $PROXYADDR //$PROXYADDR/zen/images/imagename.zmg a1:p1
    img pa1
    reboot -f
    It's happening on XP and 2000 latest updates on both, were currently running Zfd version 6.5.2. Has anyone seen this, or do you see any reason with this script that this would happen?? It works normally if you go though imaging w/o the scripts.
    Thanks for any clues!!

    I had the exact same issue after updating from ZEN4 to ZEN7. The solution
    for it was to change the command from:
    img rp $PROXYADDR //$PROXYADDR/zen/images/imagename.zmg a1:p1
    img restorep $PROXYADDR //$PROXYADDR/zen/images/imagename.zmg a1:p1
    That was the solution to my problem.
    Hope this one helps for u
    > I know this sounds a little weird, but sometimes after one of my techs
    runs one of the scripts we use stuff is left behind on the workstation
    (games, or media players that are not part of the image - but not
    everything). You can actually watch the image process and complete ok and
    restart the computer - it even goes though the post imaging stuff prior to
    login. Here is an example of one of the 2 scripts doing this sometimes -
    > dd if=/bin/mbr.mbr of=/dev/hda
    > dd if=/bin/mbr.mbr of=/dev/sda
    > img pd1
    > img pd2
    > img pd3
    > img pd4
    > img pc1 ntfs
    > img rp $PROXYADDR //$PROXYADDR/zen/images/imagename.zmg a1:p1
    > img pa1
    > reboot -f
    > It's happening on XP and 2000 latest updates on both, were currently
    running Zfd version 6.5.2. Has anyone seen this, or do you see any reason
    with this script that this would happen?? It works normally if you go
    though imaging w/o the scripts.
    > Thanks for any clues!!
    > Dennis

  • I've noticed that when wearing headphones the sound is much louder in the right headphone than the left one. This wasn't a problem before.  Has anyone else noticed this? Is there a fix if so?

    I've noticed that when wearing headphones the sound is much louder in the right headphone than the left one. This wasn't a problem before.  Has anyone else noticed this? Is there a fix if so?

    Did you try different headphones!?
    If it's sounding the same thing on different headphones then you might have changed the Left-Right balance
    Have a look at Settings -> General -> Accessibility
    There's a slider for L-R
    If it's in the center then the headphone through which you're facing the problem might be damaged, try twisting the headphone wire of the speaker of the headphone (left or right) where you are encountering less volume.
    If it's sounding altogether same on all the circumstances, the headphone jack might be damaged. Get your phone to the Apple Store and book an appointment
    Try these steps and it will solve your question

  • Uninstall Bootcamp, What's left behind?

    Okay I know this may sound weird but I'm wondering if anyone knows an answer to this. About 8 months ago I used the Boot Camp beta to run WinXP on my MacBook Pro 2,2. I ended up deciding I didn't want it and used the Boot Camp Assistant to remove it. All ways fine. I have since did an Erase and Install of Leopard, all is still fine. But I was messing around with rEFIt (never installing it) but I ran its Partition Inspector and got this:
    Current GPT partition table:
    # Start LBA End LBA Type
    1 40 409639 EFI System (FAT)
    2 409640 312319623 Mac OS X HFS+
    Current MBR partition table:
    # A Start LBA End LBA Type
    1 1 312581800 ee EFI Protective
    MBR contents:
    Boot Code: Unknown, but bootable
    Partition at LBA 40:
    Boot Code: None (Non-system disk message)
    File System: FAT32
    Listed in GPT as partition 1, type EFI System (FAT)
    Partition at LBA 409640:
    Boot Code: None
    File System: HFS Extended (HFS+)
    Listed in GPT as partition 2, type Mac OS X HFS+
    Whats up with these FAT and FAT32 partitions? Was something left over from Boot Camp and I've never realized it? I ran diskutil list in Terminal and got this:
    0: GUIDpartitionscheme *149.1 Gi disk0
    1: EFI 200.0 Mi disk0s1
    2: Apple_HFS MacBook Pro 148.7 Gi disk0s2
    0: Applepartitionscheme *297.5 Gi disk1
    1: Applepartitionmap 31.5 Ki disk1s1
    2: Apple_HFS rob 297.5 Gi disk1s2
    I don't see anything there mentioning FAT or FAT32 but EFI is there. By the way /dev/disk1 is my File Vault Disk Image, I know that.
    If I run rEFIT on a thumb drive, by holding down option on boot, my Mac of course asks to boot from my internal drive or the thumb drive running rEFIt, once rEFIt is loaded it asks to boot into my OSX partition or a Windows partition.... huh!? I thought it was gone! If I run it I get a usual looking white text on black screen saying there is nothing to boot to. So how is there any windows-type partition still there?
    So does anyone know? Is something left behind from those partitions that Boot Camp made that not even an Erase and Install of OS X Leopard got rid of? I know this is a little OSD of me, but I'm dying to know. And would love to know how to remove all traces of it. Thanks!

    No. Firefox keeps all session data (incl. cookies) in memory in PB mode and doesn't store any data on disk. Only the memory cache is used and not the disk cache (see the about:cache page).

  • Shadow Instance Left Behind in SLD After Using SUM

    Is there a standard procedure for removing the SLD information left behind by the creation of shadow ABAP instances when using SUM to update or upgrade systems? Should SUM have some final step for this built in, or should the update instructions include a step to go into SLD and delete the shadow instance information manually?
    My situation is as follows. I recently updated the support package stack for my Solution Manager 7.1 system from sps4 to sps12 using SUM (this was for a new installation of Solution Manager). Afterwards, I used SOLMAN_SETUP to perform the System Preparation and Basic Configuration steps, and now I have progressed to Managed System Configuration. The first managed system to configure is Solution Manager itself, and in working on the SolMan ABAP instance, in step 6, 'Enter Landscape Parameters,' I noticed that there is an extra ABAP instance, DVEBMGS03, showing up as a landscape object node. I was puzzled for a bit about this, as there is no instance 03 in my SolMan system, only 00, 01, and 02. Eventually I figured out that SOLMAN_SETUP gets this landscape information from the obvious place, LMDB, which in turn gets it from SLD, and sure enough in LMDB and SLD I can find the "AppServer 03" instance defined.
    That's when the light bulb hit. SUM creates a shadow ABAP instance when updating the support package stack (unlike using SPAM), similar to as it does during an upgrade. It deletes the shadow instance at the end of the update, but in the meantime the system has synchronized itself to SLD, and now SLD has a definition for that shadow instance that doesn't go away when the instance is deleted.
    It's easy enough to manually delete it in SLD, of course, but that leads me to wonder if there's a preferred option for handling this other than manual manipulation of SLD data.
    The version of SUM I used was 1.0 sp11 pl9.

    That's right, although for a support pack update, I'm not sure if the jobs even get suspended. In the past, when doing this with SPAM, there was no shadow instance to worry about, so it wasn't an issue. In upgrades, when there typically is a shadow instance, things are much more "shut down" in the system (jobs suspended, etc) than is often the case with support pack updates (though perhaps those should be just as much "shut down").
    So in future I will definitely keep an eye out for it. Stopping the data supplier should be added to the tool and/or listed as a manual step in the guide to prevent inconsistent landscape and software component data from being replicated (or perhaps it already is and I missed it). I'm going to tag Boris Rubarth to get his take on it, as he is a key player in the development and maintenance of the SUM tool.
    Deleting the extra instance in SLD was very easy, and I watched it replicate to LMDB very quickly, and it immediately disappeared upon refresh from the managed system configuration tool. However, it later showed up in diagnostics agent administration, as well, as a warning about a system path not being reachable by the agent (it was trying to reach \usr\sap\SID\DVEBMGS03, which doesn't exist), and so I had to edit the agent landscape paths to remove that as well).
    Although the problem is long since solved in my system, as described above, I will keep the question open for a few more hours to see what Boris or others may have to add.

  • I'm a Pro Tools user, who just did an "Archive and Install" installation of 10.5.8 over my 10.4.11 on my 2 Ghz G5, now Pro Tools won't launch.  I checked the extensions folder and sure enough, the digidesign extensions were left behind.  Can I revert back

    I'm a Pro Tools user, who just did an "Archive and Install" installation of 10.5.8 over my 10.4.11 on my 2 Ghz G5, now Pro Tools won't launch.  I checked the extensions folder and sure enough, the digidesign extensions were left behind.  Can I revert back to the "Archive" of my 10.4.11 System from the "Previous Systems" folder?  If not, what's the point of creating the "archive"?

    Did you select "Preserve User Settings"?
    Archive and Install installation automatically moves existing system files to a folder named Previous System, then installs Mac OS X again. (See tip 3.) You cannot start up your computer using a Previous System folder, nor can you "re-bless" the Previous System folder. (See tip 1.)
    You can choose to preserve your user and network settings before installing. This option automatically moves existing users, Home directories, and network settings. This also skips the Setup Assistant after installation.
    Note: Because the "Preserve user and network settings" option moves, not copies, existing users, Home directories, and network settings, from the Previous Systems folder to the newly installed System, these items will not exist in the Previous Systems folder after the Archive and Install is complete.
    Read this:
    BTW, it is never recommended to do a major OS change without having a full, bootable backup.

  • Silent background update: old file(s) left behind

    On one of our systems, Japanese Windows XP Pro, I noticed that after the update, file Flash32_11_2_202_233.ocx was left behind.  Here is the FlashInstall.log file for that portion
    2012-5-4+23-10-8.265 [error] 1226 1062
    =O====== M/ 2012-05-04+23-10-02.421 ========
    0000 [I] 00000010 FlashPlayerInstaller.exe -install -iv 9
    0001 [I] 00000020 C:\WINDOWS\system32\FlashPlayerCPLApp.cpl
    0002 [W] 00001015 C:\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\Flash\Flash32_11_2_202_233.ocx 20
    0003 [I] 00000018
    0004 [W] 00001015 C:\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\Flash\Flash32_11_2_202_233.ocx 20
    0005 [I] 00000013 C:\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\Flash\Flash32_11_2_202_235.ocx
    0006 [I] 00000015 C:\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\Flash\FlashUtil32_11_2_202_235_ActiveX.exe
    0007 [I] 00000016 C:\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\Flash\FlashUtil32_11_2_202_235_ActiveX.dll
    0008 [I] 00000019 C:\WINDOWS\system32\FlashPlayerCPLApp.cpl
    0009 [W] 00001024 C:\WINDOWS\system32\FlashPlayerCPLApp.cpl 183
    0010 [W] 00001024 C:\WINDOWS\system32\FlashPlayerApp.exe 183
    0011 [I] 00000021 C:\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\Flash\FlashPlayerUpdateService.exe
    0012 [W] 00001106
    0013 [W] 00001106
    0014 [W] 00001024 C:\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\Flash\FlashPlayerUpdateService.exe 183
    0015 [I] 00000012
    =X====== M/ 2012-05-04+23-10-08.281 ========
    I thought that a Windows restart may clear that file, but it did not.
    How is the background updater handling this; attempt to delete it at a later stage (e.g. during the next update)?
    P.S. on all other systems, all files were successfully removed.

    Sorry, we only run Firefox, Chrome, and IE here, so I can't attest to what happens on those other browsers.
    The only other thing I can add is that this was the 32bit version of Flash.
    This is extremely easy to replicate.  I went into the
    directory and copied NPSWF32_11_2_202_235.dll to NPSWF32_11_2_202_233.dll
    I then launched ProcMon from SysInternals so I could spy on exactly what was happening.  Then I launched Firefox and went to the adobe flash about page.  Of course, it returned version 235.  But ProcMon told a different story.  Firefox had launched the plugin-container.exe using the 233 DLL I just copied!
    "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\plugin-container.exe" --channel=2500.56b6a60.744882939 "C:\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF32_11_2_202_233.dll" - -greomni "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\omni.ja" 2500 "\\.\pipe\gecko-crash-server-pipe.2500" plugin
    The problem comes because Firefox is using a QueryDirectory command with '*' when it looks in the Macromed\Flash directory for the DLL.  This returns items alphabetically.  It must be looking for the NPSWF32 prefix, so the LOWEST version number will always win!
    To prove this, I made a copy of NPSWF32_11_2_202_235.dll and named it NPSWF32_0.dll.  So now I'm looking at the following directory entries.
    Note that alphabetically, my _0 copy is above the real copy.  I use ProcMon to spy on Firefox once again.  And Firefox goes and loads NPSW32_0.dll into the plugin-container.exe command line!  This is despite the registry having no mention of this file, and all registry entries that refer to flash have NPSWF32_11_2_202_235.dll in them.
    You guys have a huge problem here.
    Get ProcMon -> http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896645

  • "ADMINI~1" folder left behind

    I use MDT 2013 to build reference images, and SCCM to deploy them, as I'm sure most people do. I get a folder left behind in the Users folder: C:\users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp. The folder is empty, so I'm not sure how to figure out how to find what's
    leaving it there. I've seen other folders where a Java log file is left behind, but no such luck with me.
    It's happened with a Windows 7 image, as well as a Windows 8.1 image.

    Here is a workaround:
    Manually running sysprep.
    Booting into a WinPE environment.
    Capturing a WIM using imageX.
    Windows 7 Temp folder within capture
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  • Flash Player 10 for IE (will not install, FIX Try this)

    OK Everyone here is how to fix Flash Player 10 Install problem
    I had the problem that Flash Player activex would not complete the install.
    I tried everything, I reinstall windows XP sp3, I reinstall IE 8
    I cleaned, uninstalled and even a tried a reg cleaner (waste of money)
    I used all the troubleshooting information from Adobe . (did not work)
    I was just about to reinstall XP and then I tried.
    Danger do not try this unless you are comfortable updating and using the registry files.
    Make back up before trying .
    This is what worked for me.
    I went to run regedit , went to HKEY_Classes_ROOT, Right Mouse click to show menu,Click on permissions
    Add the Administrator Group, then give it full rights , then Advance in same window,  Clicked the box replace permission on all child object ect. Then clicked Apply.
    This will add the Administrator group and give rights to all items in the HKEY_Classes_ROOT, which looks like what Flash Player installer is looking for.
    After that, Use the Flash uninstaller from Adobe restart computer the install Flash Player ActiveX from Adobe
    Good Luck

    Could you put all of that in an icon please ???
    They said to look at permissions.
    \                            Crazy in love,   Bob

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