No MSIPVS on install cd!!

:help:X-((We purchased the tv-tuner card for a barebones mega pc, and the install cd did not have an installation for MSIPVS, and the one I down loaded from the web site won't run!! HELP

try downloading it again without any download managers

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    Im Trying to install the Intervideo MSIPVS after i double click on it, it hangs then comes up with an error
    Error Number: 0x80040707
    Description: Dll function call crashed: Instutil.GetDVRProductInfo
    Steup will now terminate.
    Iv got this Master TV@nywhere in a MSI Mega 865 Cube Deluxe (intel) p42.4, 1gb ram, onboard vga, onboard Sound, iv tried putting a MSI 5200-t128 in but still get the same problem! can anyone help?
    Email: [email protected]

    not without reformatting  
    before installing windows, go into BIOS and temporarily disable the USB controller (to deactivate the Card Reader). Or you could open the case and disconnect the card reader from the mobo
    boot from the windows cd, and delete your existing partition, then when you create a new partition, C: will be the first available. once the partition is created, when windows reboots your PC you can go back into BIOS and re-enable USB controller (or reconnect), or you could just wait until windows has been installed, it will pick up the card reader and usb controller automatically

  • MSI PVS Iinstall Problems

    hey folks this is my first post and i hope it will be a sucsessful one. i recently bought a MSI TV @nywhere card and well....   i cant seem to run the PVS program. i think i got all the drivers installed but when i run the program i get "InterVideo?WinDVR Application has encountered a problem and needs to close.  We are sorry for the inconvenience.".   now i have reinstalled this program many a times and reinstaled the drives many times too just incase. programs like powerVCR 1 and 2 dont work same with InterVideo's WinDVR3 i get the same messages.   im really not enjoying my first MSI purchase and hope hope someone out there can help me
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    your windows xp has been installed to drive F:
    there is another thread which details this topic and how to temporarily disable the card reader elsewhere
    install windows xp to drive c: and msipvs will install perfectly

  • MSI PVS Installation Problems

    Hi. Yesterday I put together all the parts of my MEGA 865. All parts appear to be working fine and most of the software was installed without any problems. The only problem I'm having is with getting the MSI PVS software to install. When I try to install it a loading screen for the program does appear but then nothing after that. After a few minutes of waiting for something to happen I closed the setup program using task manager, when I did this I got the message:
    Setup failed to run installation:
    The remote procedure call failed
    Sorry if a solution to this has already been posted, I did look but couldnt see anything.

    your windows xp has been installed to drive F:
    there is another thread which details this topic and how to temporarily disable the card reader elsewhere
    install windows xp to drive c: and msipvs will install perfectly

  • [TV@Master] Not all availabe channels are detected

    A few weeks ago I bought the TV@nywhere master card. I downloaded the driver from this forum and MSIVPS.
    I already recorded some programs and movies and burned to DVD. In my experience this works best using WinAvi. When I use WinDVDvreator, sometimes the sound gets behind after burning to DVD, although the original file playes ok on the PC.
    The remote control works fine when you install MSIPVS after installing WinDVDcreator. The other way round it does not work. Then the Wincinema manager is set incorrectly (I suppose).   
    Altough the card is working I still have some problems:
    - I attached the Cable, but channels are only found setting the software to Antenna, 
    - Not all channels are found. I live in the Netherlands. The 2 main Dutch channels are not detected, many other channels are. When trying Christv it found these channels, so I suppose it is a software problem. Maybe something to do with the frequency range, but this cannot be adjeusted in MSIVPS? Does anyone have a solution? I is very annoing not being able to receive all channels.       
    After installing the beta versions of the driver and MSIPVS3, it appeared that some channels are detected in antenna mode and some channels are detected in cable mode. Why not all channels in cable mode?
    Is there something to adjust in order to fix this?

    have you searched or browsed through this forum to see if your problem has been solved?
    if you cannot find an answer you should have started your own thread, giving as much information about your system (including your location, local TV standard and connection) and your problem, and what steps you have already taken to remedy this. at the moment your post makes you sound lazy (which i'm sure you may not be) by expecting others to find solution for you. by demonstrating what you have already attempted in order to solve problem, other users will be more willing to help you
    if no answer then becomes apparent, you should contact your local MSI support office, to see if they can assist you. who knows, you might get a solution off them, if so, then post back here. in future, someone may have your same problem. by doing all the above steps, they will come to your thread, with your solution, and you will have helped someone down the line
    How to contact MSI.
    good luck!

  • Moderate success w/Win 98SE

    It has now been a few months of jacking around with my @nywhere Master, and I'm almost happy with the results. I finally have it running crash and error free!
     I'm posting to possibly help others, especially Win 98SE users.
     What a ride! Numerous installs, much time searching this forum. This card is like a plague around the world. I never gave up because I didn't want to invest in another, and I'm hopeful that one day we'll all have an incredible program to run it.
    I will tell you that this is a nice tuner, proven daily by the 10 foot high-quality picture it shows on my wall.
     The different installs each provided different results, even including the dreaded "Taliban Attack", where the settings always revert  back to Antenna in Aphganistan. ("Taliban Attack" is a quote from another user in this forum awhile ago).
     Here's how I have it working now;
          Latest Detonator drivers for my MSI FX-5200 128TDR, for which I always lose my Stereo viewing capabilities. Oh well, maybe someday I'll find the right drivers to play games with my 3-D glasses again.
          Latest TV Tuner drivers from MSI website, 8606 v.
          MSIPVS, old, from bundled disc, filename version 6,02,100,1247.
          After the MSIPVS software installed, the radio tuner driver was automatically installed from the disc. I haven't tried the radio, it probably works.
          NO Winproducer, Wincoder! That disc is trash, I think.
     So now when I click on the MSIPVS icon, it fires right up with no problems. All channels are in stereo,(finally, the settings stay!), records the way it should,(WOW!), and plays back without incident. Takes good snapshots, too. I haven't tried the aud/vid capture yet, I'm hopeful.
     The downside is that I've NEVER seen the remote work, nor the one that came with the FX-5200. Maybe someday, but for now I use a Gyration cordless keyboard and mouse for channels, volume, brightness, etc., in my home theater.
     I hope this may help, I can elaborate more if requested. Good Luck!!

    did you turn them on in bios ?
    page 3 19 manual

  • Tvanywhere and Mega 865, install MSIPVS fails ..

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    see threads in the Mega PC forum
    Windows XP has installed itself to the E: or F: drive because the card reader has taken C: and D: and in this case Intervideo software won't install correctly
    you're gonna have to disable the built in card reader (either unplug from inside, or disable USB controller in BIOS) format your hdd and reinstall windows to C: partition - not sure if Repair would fix it
    this happened to me the first time i built my mega 651 and it was SO frustrating, especially as everything else worked fine

  • MSIPVS Restarting the pc after install XPSP2

    Can any body help me on!!!!!!!!!
    My PC
    3.0 GHz intel processor with HT
    Intel 865Perl motherboard
    Gforce FX5200
    1GB Kingstone Memory
    80GB SATA Seagate hard drive
    Plextor CD writer 52x
    Operating System
    Windows XP with Service Pack 2
    MY Problem
    when in start InterVideo MSIPVS to start recording my pc is restarting
    i have tried it befor installing windows xp service psck 2
    i was working fine. the copy of InterVideo MSIPVS it's the same which comes  from MSI PVS CD. Itried to format my pc and reinstall every thing but the same.
    Any body help me please i cant record any thing.

    my capture program is InterVideo MSIPVS included with my MSI FX-5200 VGA + TV Tuner + Radio Tuner + Capture Card.
    I Solve it by disabling all Devices related to Nvidia in my Computer Hardware Manager and tring to start the program after enabling devices one by one to see wich one is the one giving the problem. at the end i found that the Capture Universal device is the responsible  for restarting of my pc.
    just i go to msi website to download the latest driver from the link wich one of members post it.
    Driver LINK
    I use the last one "Capture Driver for MSI Personal Cinema Card"
    Version= 3.08

  • TV @nywhere Master MSIPVS Does Not Work With P4 Hyperthreading

    For some months now I have been tracking down a problem that has plagued a large number of members in this forum. The symptoms of this problem are the intermittent freezing of the MSIPVS picture and the inability to exit MSIPVS, forcing a reboot to end the WinDvr task.
    Various causes have been identified by members including, IRQ conflicts, PCI slot location, component heating, DirectShow filter/codec conflicts, bad MSIPVS installs, Norton Antivirus, MS Messenger, and dial-out connections. I have extensively tested all of these and they proved not to be the cause.
    The credit to finding the needle in the haystack goes to "rbarat", who observed on May 5 that he had similar symptoms but only had them on PCs that had P4 Hyperthreading turned on. I was able to turn off Hyperthreading in my bios with minimum performance impact, and MSIPVS has been performing without picture freeze and shutdown hang for several days now.
    Now knowing what to look for, I searched the Internet for any mention of video problems related to hyperthreading. Talk about a well kept secret! Found a single relavent entry:;en-us;817589&Product=winxp
    In a nutshell there is a flaw in the Microsoft DirectX module "stream.sys" that results in the video stream from a TV tuner card no longer being passed to the application. This should affect all tuner cards and their application, but appears to have major impact on Intervideo programs (the publisher of MSIPVS, WinDvr, and HomeTheatre). I discovered the failure symptoms in all three of these programs.
    There is a hotfix available from Microsoft (If anyone already has this please PM me I would like to test a copy) but MS recommends waiting until Win XP SP2 is released. The other option is to go into your bios and turn hyperthreading off. This will have some performance implications on you PC and you will have to weigh the pros and cons of this temporary solution.
    I would also like to draw your attention to the fact that this problem was identified by MS before July of 2003, almost a year ago. With so many P4 hyperthreading PCs out there, I am not surprised that so many members of this forum have run into this problem. What I don't understand is, if this problem was known by MS a year ago, why would a manufacturer making TV Tuner cards not know about this and bring it to our attention.

    I am not aware of the Hyperthreading problem symptoms including the PC freezing. The reports I have read and from my own experience, only the picture freezes not the PC. Since you turned off hyperthreading in the bios, if you are still experiencing PC freezing, I don't think your problem is Pentium 4 related.
    I am not sure what you mean by IRQ conflicts popping up in device manager. The most that Device Manager would show is that you TV card is sharing an IRQ with another device. IRQ sharing is a valid process and would not be flagged as an error. It is just that this particular card does not like to share an IRQ, so it's just another thing to consider. There are a number of posts in the forum that describe issues with the particular PCI slot that the card occupies and the IRQ shares that are assigned as a result. Have you tried installing the card in other slots?
    Another possibility is codec/filter conflicts. There have been reports of problems related to the installation of codec packs. K-Lite comes to mind. If you have one installed, you may want to consider uninstalling the pack to see if that removes the symptoms. (Just a word of caution. The uninstall of some of these packs occasionaly results in other headaches.)
    If this is a PAL version of the card, there is a patch to Direct x to apply. The symptoms of this problem are not freezing of pc to the best of my knowledge.
    It took me three months to find the cause of my TV card problems. I would not blame you if you decide that life is too short for jerking around with this card. I took another point of view early in the game, saw it as a challenge, worked on it when time permitted and when I came up with new possibilities. Felt I met the challenge when I made it work. You may have more important challenges in life.

  • Can't get MSIPVS to start

    I got a MSI Anywhere Master, that I've installed in my comp.
    My computer is one I've put together myself parts list;
    Asus A7N8X-E Motherboard with a AMD Athlon XP3000+ Barton CPU, 1gb RAM, HIS Excalibur IceQ Radeon 9800Pro and a Sound Blaster Audigy2 sound card (if more items are needed listed let me know) Windows XP Home fully upgraded only SP2 is missing there (messes up some progs I use so can't use it). I've had the Anywhere Master in my PC a lil while and just today got my wireless signal sender (don't want a cable from the living room to PC room). SO i desided to set it up today and try it out. As I had the card installed the drivers where to, so I installed MSIPVS. Wait for program to finish install. Then I try to start program, it starts loadin then crash and get this message: InterVideo?WinDVR Application has encountered a problem and needs to close.  We are sorry for the inconvenience.
    Then I check forums here and use a few tips delete program and driver, restart comp, ignore driver install. Download drivers and MSIPVS from MSI support. Check other drivers are up to date. And install drivers again then MSIPVS. Restart comp and then try to restart prog same message still.
    Anyone got any clue on what could be wrong.

    see the tips and tricks sticky about nero and quicktime plugins....

  • Help please: MSIPVS do not work

    i have been instaling MSIPVS few time on my PC becoze that every time
    that "InterVideo?WinDVR Application has encountered a problem and needs to close.  We are sorry for the inconvenience."
    and then i can do "don's send" or "send error report"
    what can i do?

    Originally posted by kooloser
    I had the same problem, and after finding a post by another user, I can verify it worked for me.
    Here it is: Quote
    I had the same problem - with both MSI TV@nywhere Master, and Leadtek WinFast TV2000 XP Expert. I read on the messageboard at, that my problem too was new quicktime codecs. Codecs that are part of the newest update to Nero ( A "quick fix" is to rename the files "" and "" in "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Ahead\DSFilter\".
    That was Thanks_BobSee...boy am I glad he told me about that...
    I don't have those files, and still have the same problems as you guys. Could also be some other codecs that is the problem.  DivX, Xvid codecs and so on.
    Still MSI sucks regarding support/new drivers for TV @nywhere cards. They loose customers.
    Anyone else still having problems even after renaming those files ? (that I dont have)

  • TV@nywhere Master instalation problem

    I am new member and I need help. I have TV@anywhere Master card but I have trouble to install software MSI PVS. I download the latest sw and driver from the MSI site, but it still do not work. Problem is that I can not change Country (Slovak Republic) and Input type (Antenna/Cable). When I select them and push apply/ok button then setting change back to Afganistan and I can not tune any chanel. Can somebody help me, please.

    I forget, I have red the collection of tips & tricks and I tried it, but it does not help, MSIPVS still Stuck-at-Afghanistan and antenna Please help.

  • [TV@Master] Distorted sound despite clean install of XPPro

    Hi, an old problem popped up, reinstalled my MEGA651 installed the latest drivers for my 8086 card and MSIPVS. just like when the early betas were out i had distorted sound, but that was corrected with a later beta, now i have it with the official version. all settings are as low as possible but it does not help. recorded video just "screams". anyone had this problem? how can i fix it?

    yeah i know what you are going thru i've got the same problem,
    i use my pc to record tv-shows and watcht them on my tv
    but because it's so quit i've got to turn the volume high,
    so if i forget that and watch tv its very loud
    anybody got an idea how to boost the volume ?

  • Install Oracle10gR2 on mandriva 2005 (10.0)

    Hello, somebody can it give me the version of the libraries
    to install for oracle10gR2 on linux mandriva 10.0
    Thank yon
    [email protected]

    I have the same problem.
    When using the drivers from the original CD MSIPVS crash, disabling the Realtek in the bios, msi pvs runs fine and the image is good, off course i have no sound.
    Using the new drivers and the new msi pvs 3 from msi site ,  everything runs fine, driver installation, msipvs 3, but the image is very slow.
    i have tried intervideo DVD Recorder 5 , intervideo home theater, none of them is stable with the VOX USB 2.0,using any of their drivers.
    Realtek HD drivers ver.1.30
    any sugestion?
    Thanks, Nuno

  • [TV@Master] TV@anywhere MSIPVS won't load

    TV@anywhere card that was working fine in old XP machine. Moved it to new Abit AA8XE Fatl1ty machine. Cloned OS of the old machine, XP Pro SP2
    Uninstalled/re-installed MSIPVS and driver numerous times.
    TV card is detected and show working in Device Manager
    Radio works fine
    Winamp TV plugin runs channel scan and selects channels, get audio but no video.
    The InterVideo app starts to load then dumps out.
    No errors showing in Event Viewer.
    Not concerned with cideo capture or recording, all I want to do is watch tv with the thing!
    Limited on switching PCI slots as the mobo only has 2 and one is blocked by the water cooler. No IRQ conflicts.
    Suggestions and/or alternate software?

    is the PVS beta 3.0 useable on TV@anywhere PCI card or only TV@Master usb card?
    No, I am not doing any fresh install. System cloned over from old machine.
    I do see some Intervideo files that an uninstall failed to remove.
    I will uninstall and clean all the MSI entries and reg clean and then re-install.
    Card works ok with Winamp TV plugin. I can get channels and picture but resolution full screen is not satisfactory and no remote.

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