No synchronizing from Ipad2 to Ical

Hello there,
I'm desperately seeking for some answers about my Ipad 2.
It has stopped synching with Ical on my Macbook  and the options mentioned at all fora I Iooked didn't work so far.
This problem is not uncommon I presume, otherwise I would not have found so many questions about this synchronizing problem.
I tried synchronizing through I-tunes, I-Cloud, Wi-Fi. It's pretty frustrating, because I take my Ipad everywere and put my appointments in calendar. Later on I sync these with Ical in my Macbook. But that seems over now ):
Nothing helps or solves the problem. The only synchronizing is from Ical to Ipad, not vice versa. I have the latest software updates both on my Mac and my Ipad, I have snow leopard...
Is there anyone with an answer?

That feature is not yet available, it is coming with IOS 5

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