No volume controls on iPad 2 after Bluetooth unpairing

On an iPad 2 with ios 8.1.2, I can successfully pair and use a Bluetooth headset.  Volume controls work on the headset and the iPad 2.  No problems.  But after unpairing, the volume controls on the iPad 2 are gone or greyed out (depending on the app).  The mechanicals buttons do not change the volume level either.  I have tried hard reset without success.
One more data point ... if I plug in a wired set of earbuds, the volume controls return.  But if I remove the 3.5 mm jack, the volume controls disappear.
This condition started with pairing a set of Bluetooth earbuds.  Any suggestions appreciated.
ON EDIT:  This doesn't happen on my iPhone 5s with the same Bluetooth earbuds.

Same thing here. Started with iOS8, continues with 8.0.2. Only workaround I've seen is to reboot and/or power off/on.
Sometimes stays connected for hours. Other times No Service after a few minutes.
Since the upgrade to 8 never said it wasn't supported for iPad 2's my expectation is it should work. C'mon Apple.

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    Message was edited by: Mitsuharu

    Mitsuharu wrote:
    After installing Lion, my volume controls have seemingly been disabled.  If I plug in headphones, the volume controls work again, however, I have to do this everytime. I've searched around for an answer for about two weeks now, but haven't found one that worked.  I don't have a red light in my headphone jack and before this issue, I never used headphones.
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         Repairing and verifying permissions
         Verifying disk
    Message was edited by: Mitsuharu
    Reinstall Lion.

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    You can't downgrade the iOS.
    Take it to an Apple Store for evaluation.
    Make a Genius Bar Reservation
     Cheers, Tom

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    Pajaro wrote:
    For good sound quality, flat response is the most important thing. Take a look at qloud,, and find yourself a very good microphone.
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    Thanks, daniel.early79!
    I have an iPhone5 bought in late Dec 2012.
    I've noticed on rare occassions that the volume down button some times would not respond.
    Starting yesterday, the volume down button would not respond more consistently.
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    Came across this thread, and pressing gently on the upper right hand corner fixed it!
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    The Settings > General > Use Side Switch To does not turn rotation lock nor notification mute on or off, all that setting does is say what the switch on the side of the iPad is controlling. What do you have Use Side Switch To set to ? If 'mute' then you need to slide the switch on the side of the iPad above the volume control 'off' (so it doesn't show orange) to unmute ; if you have the side switch set to control 'rotation lock' then you can mute/unmute via  Control Centre (swipe up from the bottom edge of the iPad, if the mute is  white then sounds are muted, tap it to unmute and the icon should turn grey).
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    Am I at a stand still because I won't download 7.0.4 on my macbook pro?

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    Volume controll keys on my wireless keyboard do not controll sound. Doesn,t matter which one I press I do see the icons on the display but there is no effect on volume level. The sound "speaker icon" on the system bar is inactive and when I press it I see that slider is frozen at the very bottom and can't be moved.
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    Switch your iMac off.
    Remove batteries from the wireless keyboard.
    Switch your Mac on.
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    Try resetting the PRAM and SMC.

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    Well I had the same problem... and I found some files missing
    Go to... /System/Library/CoreServices/Menu Extras/
    (and look for file, etc...)
    I had a backup so I put back the missing files and I worked for me...

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