Noisy fan on MacBook Pro?

I just got a MacBook Pro today, and the fan is very noisy when I'm playing a game.  Do I have a problem?

Probably not.
Games generally require more CPU/GPU power and they naturally heat up, making higher fan speeds necessary.
So when you're playing games, your processors are going to get hotter and your fans will run dfaster to the point where you can actually 'hear' them. At idle, MBP fan speeds run at right around 200rpms. When stressed they can go as high as (if not above) 6200rpms. And, boy, can you hear them then.

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    hey everyone, i created something for this very issue... and just  launched it on Kickstarter. Please check it out if you want to stay  'Cool'. ols-inside-an
    Lowers  BOTH internal and external temps... and it's tested and proven! contact  me through Kickstarter or [email protected] if you have any questions.  Thanks and please pass the word!!!!

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    the fan in the c2d model's is designed to be on all the time.
    open up smc fan control - if you have no app's open besides smc and your computer is just sitting there idle it is normal for both of the fans to be running at 2000 rpm.
    if youre laptop is idle with no apps running and the fans are at 5000rpm+ then i would be conserned, but a simple restart should help in that scenario.
    everything you have mentioned is normal.

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    I've had my laptop for a few weeks now. Almost every time it wakes from sleep, after about 30 seconds after logging in, the fans turn up to 5900 RPM. The fans gradually go back down to normal speeds (~2160 rpm) with no decernable change in temps (49-50 degrees C). The fan speed stays up for about a minute including the tapering off.
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    Also the left side of the laptop has more things to heat it up such as the hard drive and power port. My laptop also gets hot on the left as well but i do not really mind as the fan changes speed when the temp changes accordingly. If you want to manually control the fan speed you can use a utility such as SMC Fan Control or Fan Control. I just like to leave the fan settings as is because I don't want to rely on third party software to fix something that was meant to be as is but I have tried Fan Control and after I removed it the fans became back to the default settings.

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    You don't want to use a fan control app because they override the sensors in your MBP.
    At 90ºC, I would think that the fans should be running at a far greater speed than 2000rpms. Mine can rev up to around 3000-4000rpms when the machine is really being overtaxed.
    I would still recommend taking your machine into an Apple Store or an AASP and having it checked out. If your fans aren't working correctly you could be headed for a thermal shutdown.

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    Macbook Pro 1,1 bought in 2006
    Recently updated to snow leopard in June.
    500gb HDD, 2.5gb RAM
    8 month old battery
    Page in: 164.4 MB
    Page Out: 7.2 MB
    Swap used: 12.5 MB

    Unfortunately, I would have to very strongly urge you to STOP USING IT IMMEDIATELY!
    You are likely to cause damage to the important & expensive components. Replacing them means replacing the whole logic board. A cost almost the same as purchasing a new MBP.
    You are seriously playing with fire if you turn it on.
    Replacing the fan yourself is not too difficult, and you could probably pick up a replacement fan off eBay for ~$20.
    (Don't forget to update your paypal address).

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    It's good that you're looking into something to cool down your MBP. Unfortunately, even good fans will only moderately - maybe 5•F at best.
    Also, download this free software:
    And use your machine so that the temperature is never above 160•F at any time.
    Post with your questions!

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    Reboot into Safe Mode then reboot normally. Safe mode takes longer to boot than booting regularly. That is normal.
    Intel-based Macs: Resetting the System Management Controller (SMC)
    Resetting your Mac's PRAM and NVRAM
    Open Activity Monitor in the Utilities folder.  Select All Processes from the Processes dropdown menu.  Click twice on the CPU% column header to display in descending order.  If you find a process using a large amount of CPU time (>=70,) then select the process and click on the Quit icon in the toolbar.  Click on the Force Quit button to kill the process.  See if that helps.  Be sure to note the name of the runaway process so you can track down the cause of the problem.

  • Loud fan on Macbook Pro

    Hi, the fan on my late 2008 macbook pro is pretty loud I was wondering if anyone could help me fix this.

    Try resetting SMC.
        Reset SMC.
        Choose the method for:
        "Resetting SMC on portables with a battery you should not remove on your own".
    Runawy applications can shorten battery runtime,affect performances and
    increase heat and fan activity
    Activity monitor

  • Noisy headphone output macbook pro '11

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    I'm an audio professional, over 25 years in the biz and used Macs since mid nineties.
    I'm so ****** off.
    I never had this problem with my previous laptops or even the desktops.
    I know my cabling and system is fine.
    What to do?

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    This is very annoying.

  • Loud fan noise-Macbook Pro

    I'm due for a new battery and I was wondering if that was causing a loud fan noise.
    this is my activity monitor:
    Active Memory: 1.47 GB
    Free Memory: 1,012.1 MB
    Wired Memory: 608.8 MB
    Used Memory: 2.88 GB
    Inactive Memory: 835.2 MB
    Total VM: 132.11 GB
    Number of processes: 66
    PID    Process Name              User       CPU      Real Mem        Virtual Mem   
    0      kernel_task               root       5.3      240.0 MB        2.41 GB         
    1      launchd                   root       0.0      1.3 MB          2.36 GB         
    10     kextd                     root       0.0      6.0 MB          2.36 GB         
    11     notifyd                   root       0.0      640 KB          2.33 GB         
    12     diskarbitrationd          root       0.0      1.8 MB          2.35 GB         
    13     configd                   root       0.0      4.6 MB          2.38 GB         
    14     syslogd                   root       0.0      832 KB          2.36 GB         
    15     DirectoryService          root       0.0      6.3 MB          2.36 GB         
    20     ntpd                      root       0.0      1.1 MB          2.32 GB         
    24     usbmuxd                   _usbmuxd   0.0      2.1 MB          2.35 GB         
    27     securityd                 root       0.0      3.3 MB          2.36 GB         
    30     mds                       root       0.1      68.2 MB         2.52 GB         
    31     mDNSResponder             _mdnsrespo 0.0      2.4 MB          2.37 GB         
    32     loginwindow               izamarvira 0.0      9.3 MB          2.64 GB         
    33     KernelEventAgent          root       0.0      1.0 MB          2.34 GB         
    35     hidd                      root       0.8      1.7 MB          2.35 GB         
    36     fseventsd                 root       0.0      2.8 MB          2.36 GB         
    38     dynamic_pager             root       0.0      796 KB          2.32 GB         
    45     blued                     root       0.0      4.9 MB          2.37 GB         
    46     autofsd                   root       0.0      1.0 MB          2.35 GB         
    49     SmartwareServerApp        root       0.0      2.6 MB          630.6 MB        
    50     WDDMService               root       0.0      916 KB          616.4 MB        
    52     distnoted                 daemon     0.0      1.5 MB          2.35 GB         
    70     coreservicesd             root       0.3      21.3 MB         2.38 GB         
    73     WindowServer              _windowser 2.3      63.6 MB         3.02 GB         
    77     cvmsServ                  root       0.0      864 KB          2.33 GB         
    87     coreaudiod                _coreaudio 0.0      4.7 MB          2.36 GB         
    91     launchd                   izamarvira 0.0      1.2 MB          2.36 GB         
    95     Dock                      izamarvira 0.0      16.0 MB         2.69 GB         
    96     SystemUIServer            izamarvira 0.0      19.2 MB         2.71 GB         
    97     Finder                    izamarvira 0.1      41.7 MB         2.77 GB         
    101    pboard                    izamarvira 0.0      860 KB          2.32 GB         
    106    fontd                     izamarvira 0.0      12.4 MB         2.40 GB         
    111    UserEventAgent            izamarvira 0.0      6.7 MB          2.37 GB         
    119    AirPort Base Station Agen izamarvira 0.0      5.7 MB          2.64 GB         
    124    netsession_mac            izamarvira 0.2      12.6 MB         803.7 MB        
    125    netsession_mac_da586ac    izamarvira 0.0      12.6 MB         801.3 MB        
    131    WD Quick View             izamarvira 0.0      17.4 MB         970.7 MB        
    135    GrowlHelperApp            izamarvira 0.0      13.1 MB         2.64 GB         
    138    Monitor                   izamarvira 0.0      9.1 MB          970.7 MB        
    140    Dropbox                   izamarvira 0.1      67.8 MB         1.04 GB         
    143    AAM Updates Notifier      izamarvira 0.0      10.6 MB         944.5 MB        
    181    dbfseventsd               root       0.0      364 KB          582.8 MB        
    182    dbfseventsd               root       0.0      4.3 MB          590.8 MB        
    183    dbfseventsd               izamarvira 0.0      168 KB          582.8 MB        
    204    Image Capture Extension   izamarvira 0.0      6.6 MB          2.64 GB         
    243    AppleSpell.service        izamarvira 0.0      6.7 MB          2.37 GB         
    491    mdworker                  izamarvira 0.0      21.9 MB         2.38 GB         
    506    ocspd                     root       0.0      2.5 MB          2.37 GB         
    529    diskimages-helper         izamarvira 0.0      13.8 MB         2.38 GB         
    534    hdiejectd                 root       0.0      1.7 MB          2.35 GB         
    611    Preview                   izamarvira 0.0      23.8 MB         2.70 GB         
    715    diskimages-helper         izamarvira 0.0      13.9 MB         2.38 GB         
    802    Google Chrome             izamarvira 0.7      230.0 MB        1.48 GB         
    805    Google Chrome Renderer    izamarvira 0.0      88.1 MB         1.11 GB         
    808    Google Chrome Helper      izamarvira 0.0      44.1 MB         1.05 GB         
    813    Google Chrome Renderer    izamarvira 0.5      76.9 MB         1.10 GB         
    816    VDCAssistant              izamarvira 0.0      4.2 MB          2.62 GB         
    917    Silverlight Plug-In (Chro izamarvira 11.5     215.8 MB        1.36 GB         
    919    Google Chrome Renderer    izamarvira 0.1      134.6 MB        1.18 GB         
    920    PepperFlashPlayer (Chrome izamarvira 1.6      145.3 MB        1.22 GB         
    944    Google Chrome Renderer    izamarvira 0.3      93.1 MB         1.12 GB         
    958    Google Chrome Renderer    izamarvira 0.1      73.7 MB         1.11 GB         
    960    Activity Monitor          izamarvira 4.2      21.6 MB         2.74 GB         
    962    activitymonitord          root       0.6      1.3 MB          2.33 GB         
    963    Quick Look Helper         izamarvira 0.0      5.9 MB          2.87 GB         

    I had the same problem, one of my fans was making a loud noise even when my computer was just idling. It can occur because you dropped the computer, thus damaging one of the fans, or the fan broke down partially. I took mine to the Apple genius bar and they ordered a new fan for me and installed it in under a week (all covered by warranty). This is likely a hardware and not software issue, the only way for a fix is taking it to a genius bar.

  • Loud Fan in Macbook Pro

    My Mac has been very slow intermitatley since I bought it - such as glitches in the login screen.. not able to log on for ages.  The fan also very loud, nearly sounds like its loose.

    No sorry, it is just over a year. I moved back to Ireland were we dont have Apple stores but I was living in New York and visited the the Genius bar twice about it.  Both times they thought they had fixed the problem.
    Sorry I aso updated my profile there - My operating system is OS X version 10.9.2

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    Try a SMC reset:
    Follow directions for a battery you shpild not remove yourself

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