Nokia 6680 V 5.04.07 portuguese language

Hi there!
I have updated to the last firmware version available for Nokia 6680 (5.04.07) and i live in Portugal, but the portuguese language is not available! I have updated second time because i noticed that some users had that issue with another phones but i only have English, French and Dutch as available languages in the new firmware.
Here is my phone info:
V 5.04.07
Nokia 6680
Code: 0520999
Can someone help?
Thanks in advance

13-Jun-200701:20 PM
man2007 wrote:
the final firmware for nokia 6680 is 5.04.40
I know but my phone can update to 5.04.07 because there are 2 is different..
go to this web
and paste
this is my product code

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    Your 6680 was not a Spanish version originally, the update restored the original languages.
    If you take it to a local service centre and explain situation they can advise you further.
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    Well, only a Care point will be able to install a language pack which contains your language.
    I'm not sure how this works when you've bought it in another country. - Call a care point and hear if they can do it and if it will cost you a small fee.
    You can find your nearest care point here:
    Or you can contact nokia by clicking the contact us link.

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    After you go to system preferences/keyboard/input sources as suggested by sberman, click on the + button and scroll down to Portuguese and select that.  Over at the right you will see the choices Brazilian, Brazilian abnt, Portuguese.  You might want to add all three to see which you like best.
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      private final MyMIDlet midlet;
      private final Command exitCommand;
      private Command captureCommand = null;
      private Player player;
      private VideoControl videoControl;
      private boolean active=false;
      private StringItem messageItem;
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          messageItem = new StringItem("Message","start");
          exitCommand=new Command("Exit",Command.EXIT,1);
          //initialize camera
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             player = Manager.createPlayer("capture://video");
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             if(videoControl != null){
            captureCommand = new Command("Capture",Command.SCREEN,1);
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            messageItem.setText("No video control");
    } catch(IOException ioe){
    } catch(MediaException me){
          messageItem.setText("MediaException cameraForm(): "+me.getMessage());
    } catch(SecurityException se){

    Sorry for the late reply, have been really busy the past weeks.
    Yesterday I got another Nokia 6680 on which my MIDlet wouldn't run. Got the MediaException -5 (meaning "Not Supported") again.
    I tried the code *#7370# to hard reset the phone (see Step 1 below), with no success. But I did manage to get it working (after continuing with the procedure below).
    The following explains the steps I followed:
    NOTE: Backup all data on your phone before continuing as all will be lost!
    Step 1:
    a.) Enter the code *#7370#
    b.) Answer [Yes] to the following prompt: "Restore all original phone settings? Phone will restart."
    c.) Enter the security code when the phone prompts for it. (Default: 12345)
    d.) The phone will now restart.
    e.) Once restarted, all data will have been erased and the phone will ask you for some settings.
    Step 2: This is a bit tricky...
    a.) Turn off the phone.
    b.) Press and hold the following keys: [Answer] + [*] + [3]
    [Answer] = Answer key (green phone)
    [*] = Star key
    [3] = Numeric 3 key
    c.) While holding the above keys, press the [Power] button to switch on the phone.
    d.) Once again all data will have been erased and the phone will ask you for some settings.
    Step 3:
    Follow Step 1 again.
    Install your application after each step and test to see if it isn't maybe working. My MIDlet only started working after completing Step 3. I am not sure if Step 1 is actually necessary, but I have listed it as this is the path I did folow.
    That is it, hope this works for you.

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    Okey, I understand. Only a Nokia care point can fixe this for you as this is related to hw issue with your keyboard.
    You can find your nearest Nokia care point here:

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    15-Mar-2008 07:57 AM
    clairelouise73 wrote:
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    Prior to it being unlocked it charged up no problem.
    If you have a new phone you need to keep it on charge for 16 hours. Once the battery is fully charged the charge indicator stops moving which would tell you that the battery is full.
    If my post has helped you please click the white star on the right

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    It IS possible to change the font on a nokia 6680!
    Just install a new font of a bigger size. More info can be found on :
    CheersMessage Edited by z500 on 22-Nov-2005
    07:12 PM

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    Very odd, don't really know what to suggest about that one!
    Try entering the number as 0044 instead of +44.
    If you have delivery reports enabled, try disabling them or vice versa.
    Make sure "Reply via same centre" is set to "no" in the messaging options.
    Can't really thing of much else to try! My guess is that it's an odd network fault that is blocking it.

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    Did Nokia realese new firmware for Nokia 6680?:
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    via Nokia Software Updater. And I was surprise to find there are
    new updates. Then I upgrade my 6680 from v5.04.07 to v5.04.40.
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    Could it be the upgrades?
    What are the changelog for v5.04.40

    Yeah, that's what I thought. An upgrade is suppose to improve the use. Unless, the new firmware has a tiny bug, or it's an unofficial release. I looked up in the Internet, so far, no info about the new firmware.
    Can Nokia release an unofficial firmware?
    Thanks for the help.

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    Need more info. Crystal reports by itself does not use IIS. Are you using CR Enterprise 10 or did you develop an application using CR 10 runtime?
    I don't believe CR or CE 10 supported or had a language pack for Portuguese. CR 2008 and BOE 3.1 now does though.
    Also, CR/CE 10 had all of the language packs included so it you don't see it it wasn't something you could download.
    Thank you

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