Nokia model pink with gold buttons

Hi im looking for info on where i can purchase a nokia i seen in a magazine it was pink with gold buttons does anyone know where i could purchase it from? thanks.

we would love to help you, but you've given too little information to work with
many nokia phones came in pink colour, so i guess your best shot is to try to spot the phone you saw on the products page
Good luck
Fear not those who argue but those who dodge

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    lr_entity ?= me->typed_context->EMAINLEG->collection_wrapper->get_first( ).
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    Long text During a 'CAST' operation ('?=' oder 'MOVE ? TO')a type conflict occurred. The source type '\CLASS=CL_BSP_WD_MIXED_NODE' is not compatible for assigning with the target type '\CLASS=CL_CRM_BOL_ENTITY'.
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    lv_display = me->view_group_context->is_view_in_display_mode( me ).
      IF lv_display EQ abap_false.
         me->view_group_context->set_view_editable( me ).
      DATA:    lr_tx           TYPE REF TO if_bol_transaction_context,
              lr_entity       TYPE REF TO cl_crm_bol_entity,
               lr_comp type REF TO ZL_BT131QI__BSPWDCOMPONEN_IMPL.
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      Check lr_comp is BOUND.
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      CHECK lr_entity IS BOUND.
      IF lr_entity->lock( ) = abap_true.
        me->view_group_context->set_view_editable( me ).
      lr_entity ?= me->typed_context->EMAINLEG->collection_wrapper->get_first( ).
      WHILE lr_entity IS BOUND.
        lr_entity->lock( ).
        lr_entity ?= me->typed_context->EMAINLEG->collection_wrapper->get_next( ).
    The following error text was processed in the system:
    Source type \CLASS=CL_BSP_WD_MIXED_NODE is not compatible, for the purposes of assignment, with target type \CLASS=CL_CRM_BOL_ENTITY
    Exception Class CX_SY_MOVE_CAST_ERROR
    Error Name MOVE_CAST_ERROR
    Program ZL_ZBT131QI_EMAINLEG_IMPL=====CP
    Include ZL_ZBT131QI_EMAINLEG_IMPL=====CM00C
    Method EH_ON_EDIT
    Line 33 
    Long text During a 'CAST' operation ('?=' oder 'MOVE ? TO')a type conflict occurred. The source type '\CLASS=CL_BSP_WD_MIXED_NODE' is not compatible for assigning with the target type '\CLASS=CL_CRM_BOL_ENTITY'.
    Thanks in advance!!!

    in CRM a context can consist of model nodes,  value nodes and, unfortunately, mixed nodes. While mixed nodes implement the same interface as model nodes they can't be casted into a CL_CRM_BOL_ENTITY directly. Instead you need to perform the following conversion in order to get the model node from the mixed node:
    DATA:  mixed_node     TYPE REF TO cl_bsp_wd_mixed_node,
               entity              TYPE REF TO cl_crm_bol_entity.
    mixed_node = me->typed_context->EMAINLEG->collection_wrapper->get_first( ).
    entity = ?= mixed_node->if_bsp_wd_ext_property_access~get_model_node( ).

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    Remove the battery for at least 5 minutes and then replace and see if that makes any difference. Also try removing the memory card.
    If the above two don't work then try these.Always remember to backup your phone before performing resets as your data may be lost.
    First try these
    *#7780# - Restore factory settings - resets all the settings to the default 
    *#7370# - Reformat your phone
    If still not working
    Then try the "3 finger deep reset". With the phone powered off, depress and hold these three keys simultaneously "*" "3" "green phone" and then power on phone using the on/off button whilst keeping the three keys depressed until you hear start-up tone.
    This should ONLY be done if the device doesn't power up normally anymore and it wipes everything in the Phone memory that is not part of the ROM.

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    Many thanks again

    You'll be thoroughly thrilled to know that the N900 does not support complex headsets..
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    Bad luck, I'm afraid!

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    My working with jsp's in struts.
    I have a jsp with two buttons "Save" and "Delete".
    My requirement is, on clicking either the "save button" or "Delete button" in jsp, it should call the corresponding code in the Action class.
    wht is the logic required to call the corresponding code in the Action class ?

    Thanks nani and jHyena for ur reply , but its not working, can u tell me where i went wrong, how to set them in jsp and action class.
    This is my Action class
    public class EditUserDetailsAction extends Action {
          * Generated Methods
          * Method execute
          * @param mapping
          * @param form
          * @param request
          * @param response
          * @return ActionForward
         public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
                   HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws DaoException {
                   System.out.println("---------------in execute() befor try/catch-----------");
    //**************************the problem is here calling in if()/else, how should i call i?**************      
          if() {
                        EditUserDetailsForm editUserDetailsForm = (EditUserDetailsForm) form;
                        System.out.println("------------ execute()-----------------");
                        DaoImplementer daoImpl = new DaoImplementer();
                        Integer editUid       = (Integer) editUserDetailsForm.getUser_Id();
                        String editName       = (String)  editUserDetailsForm.getName();
                        String editTitle      = (String) editUserDetailsForm.getTitle();
                        String editEmail      = (String) editUserDetailsForm.getEmail();
                        Integer editTelephone = (Integer) editUserDetailsForm.getTelephone();
                        String  editUserName  = (String) editUserDetailsForm.getUserName();
                        String editPassword   = (String) editUserDetailsForm.getPassword();
                        daoImpl.registerUser(editUid, editName, editTitle, editEmail, editTelephone, editUserName, editPassword);
                        System.out.println("------------sent to model components---------------");
                        System.out.println("----------forwarding to edituserdetail.jsp----------");
                        return mapping.findForward("editUserDetails");
                   catch (Exception e) {
                        System.out.println("@@@ ---Exception in EditUserDetailsAction class--@@@@");
                        throw new DaoException("Error adding userDetails: ",e);
                   return mapping.findForward("addUserDetails");
    Here is the jsp
    <html:html locale="true">
        <html:base />
        <script type="text/javascript">
             function save_display(){
                  var x = confirm("Save: Are you sure ?")
                  if( x == true ){
                       confirm("Save: OK")
                       text("Save: Cancelled")
             function delete_display(){
                  var y = confirm("Delete: Are you sure ?")
                  if( y == true ){
                       confirm("Delete: OK")
                       alert("Delete: Cancelled")
             function funSave(){
                  document.form[0].ID.value = id;
             function funDelete(){
                  function funSave(){
         <meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache">
         <meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache">
         <meta http-equiv="expires" content="0">   
         <meta http-equiv="keywords" content="keyword1,keyword2,keyword3">
         <meta http-equiv="description" content="This is my page">
         <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css">
      <html:javascript formName="editUserDetailsForm"/>
      <html:form action="/editUserDetails" onsubmit="return validateEditUserDetailsForm(this);">
                   user_Id : <html:text property="user_Id"/><html:errors property="user_Id"/><br/>
                      name : <html:text property="name"/><html:errors property="name"/><br/>
                     title : <html:text property="title"/><html:errors property="title"/><br/>
                telephone : <html:text property="telephone"/><html:errors property="telephone"/><br/>
                     email : <html:text property="email"/><html:errors property="email"/><br/>
                 userName : <html:text property="userName"/><html:errors property="userName"/><br/>
                 password : <html:password property="password"/><html:errors property="password"/><br/>
                           <html:submit property="save" value="Save"  onclick ="funSave()"/>
                           <html:cancel property="delete" value="delete" onclick="funDelete()"/>
    pls let me know how to set the hidden variables within the  above jsp .
    and  in Action class how to call it.
    I would be very thankful to u guys.

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    Can anyone give me an idiots guide on how to do this.
    The phone is set with the normal menu system

    I take it you haven't used the phone much yet or the internet to be specific , you would have noticed when you're connected to the internet the E is encircled by a box and when you recieve a call it has a line through it.
    All this means is that your phone is registered to EGPRS on your network but a connection hasn't been made, if you travell you would probably notice the E change to a G depending on the coverage of the particular earea you're in.
    and you didn't really go through the manual
    Yours is a S40 phone so if you decide you want to remove this.
    I don't have my 5200 with me so I'm guiding you from my memory which isn't really the best but here goes
    Menu > settings > connectivity > Packet Data > Packet Data connection
    and set this from always online to when needed
    Show your appreciation. Hit that kudos button real hard

  • Does Nokia N9 work with Ovi Sync?

    I had an old Nokia N8 and I sync all contacts and calander entries with Ovi sync (  Does Nokia N9 work with Ovi Sync?  I cannot find where it is in N9.  Thanks for help!
    Go to Solution.

    I just tried it by doing in that way:
    - Go to "Accounts"
    - Choose your Nokia account.
    - Enable "Schedule" and configure it according your personal need (Peak time intervall, Peak time, Peak days, Off-peak time intervall)
    - For synching with Ovi Sync click on the Sync button in case you want to sync it manually.
    I just tried it and can see an actual timestamp in Ovi Sync for my N9:
    (Unfortunately in German language )
    Nokia N9: +
    Synchronisationsstatus: Aktiv
    Ihre letzte Synch.: 11/24/2011 23:59
    Hope this helps!

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    My old phone, type C2-01worked perfect with it. Now I have a new phone type 225. The phone finds tha car and the car finds the phone, but they cannot make a connection. I've also tried it with a nokia 206 and a nokia 301 and with those models there is no problem. What can i do to solve the problem. Thanks
    Go to Solution.

    The mentioned phone models used the operating system ‘Nokia Series 40’. The Nokia 225 uses …

  • Re: Nokia Email Setup with Exchange

    Are you familiar with Active Sync for Exchange? It is a feature available on the new Nokia E70 which I purchased for exactly this purpose. I am getting a message that reads "site is not sending a trusted certificate" but I was told that it should still synch without trusted certificate.
    Now, Nokia is telling me that it is dependent on my service provider which needs to enable Exchange Synch ML in order for me to use this feature. I have my own email server and am trying to sync with Exchange remotely.
    Any thoughts?
    Thanks for your time.
    edited to keep message to the point.
    Orinoco.Message Edited by orinoco on 17-Aug-2006
    09:49 AM

    When Mail for Exchange connects to a server using a secure connection, it is best if the device has the same root certificate installed that has been used to issue the server certificate. Otherwise the device will prompt the user about an untrusted certificate every time a connection is made to the server. This may happen several times daily, sometimes only minutes between.
    Nokia devices come with many certificates pre-installed. These can be viewed by using Menu-Tools-Settings-Security-Certif_management. If a certificate issued by one of these certificates is used on the server, no additional certificates are required on the device.
    If a certificate that can not be validated with the device’s pre-installed certificates is used, for example a certificate that has been self-created, the root certificate that has been used to issue the server certificate must be installed on all devices the administrator deploys.
    In the case of a self-signed server certificate, the root certificate is the same as the server certificate since there is no certificate chain. The server certificate is the one that should be installed.
    Before installation the administrator must convert the certificate to a format the Nokia device supports.
    For the experienced admin, this statement can be followed: A server’s root certificate must be converted to ‘DER encoded binary X.509’ format.
    Step 1: Obtain the root (not intermediate) certificate for the server in base64 format. This should look something like this:
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----
    Step 2: Cut and paste this into notepad and save (or rename) this file with “.cer” extension, i.e.
    Step 3: On a Windows PC (XP is used here), double-click the file you created. A Certificate application will start after several seconds. There are three tabs (General, Details, and Certification Path). Select the ‘Details’ tab.
    Now press ‘Copy to File…’ button to start the ‘Certificate Export Wizard’. Press ‘Next’. Now select ‘DER encoded binary X.509 (.CER)’ and press ‘Next’. Continue to save the file with any name like . Make sure the filename has a ‘.cer’ extension.
    Step 4: Get this file to the device via any means (email, Bluetooth, memory card, etc.). Find the file on the device and select it. If these steps were followed correctly, the device will start to import the certificate. Follow prompts and when asked, check the boxes for both ‘Internet’ and ‘Online cert. checking’.
    Result: You should see a new certificate installed in the device’s Security management list.
    Otherwise, the phone will display an error about file format not being supported. If this happens, the certificate has not been imported.

  • Nokia Model

    This is to inform you that I purchased a Nokia mobile 6080 from the dealer "Big C" at Hyderabad on the 4th of November 2007.
    From the day one we found that the mobile was a defective piece as the number used to get dialed automatically while on conversation itself. On contacting the Nokia Care Centre they seemed to first of all not look into the matter as they responded very reluctantly. Only after speaking to the customer care at Chennai they took the mobile for the so called replacement and I was informed that the handset would be coming back to me only in about 20-25 days.
    What I would like to tell you is that I have been a very loyal customer to Nokia from the past 7 years as I owned more than 10 models in that span. It is very disheartening to receive a poor response from Nokia who claim to be the World's No.1 Company.
    I was also informed that the particular model (6080) has so far received many complaints. If this is the case I just want to know why Nokia is allowing its dealers to promote this model. After the battery issue I think you got to be a lot more careful with the models that are being promoted as this is a case of severe contemplation as it costs the brand image of Nokia.
    Without a further delay and a stretching of 20-25 days I intend to get an immediate solution with either a replacement with a new model or with a new handset at the earliest.Message Edited by kenken on 15-Nov-2007 05:36 PM
    Message Edited by kenken on 15-Nov-2007 05:36 PM

    You can send an e-mail to Nokia Helpdesk here at this URL below:

  • Nokia 520 restarts with SD card after Amber

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    Could anyone who has experienced a similar issue suggest a solution ?

    thanks for the answer. Actually the Italia Nokia support suggests to use class 10 cards and specifically Nokia cards. The Sandisk website also suggest to use only certain models of SD cards and all of them are class 10. The first SD card i have used is a Sandisk and it is not a class 10, maybe a class 6. I saw that lots of users are affected by this issue and i would like to know how they solved (if they did).

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    >> Subject edited for brevity <<
    Message was edited by: Verizon Moderator

    GLIMMERMAN76 wrote:
    the phone is almost 3 years old they may not update it..  But then again there are suprise around every corner sometimes.  People with the 830 are waiting for an update also.When the update came out the phone was about two years old.  Now we expect GDR2. On the Microsoft update page there are seven AT&T Lumia phones. There would be eight but the 830 is no longer listed. Did AT&T have it removed ? Only three of these phones have the Denim update available, that is 37.5%.  Is AT&T even trying, I don't think so.  The same models of phones all over the world have been updated. Now WP10 is coming up. Microsoft says they will update WP10 directly, no carrier in the middle and they say it will be available to all phones and only phones running Lumia Denim, OS version 8.10.14219.341 or higher can be upgraded.  So, the phone has to have at least Denim before you can update.Will Windows 10 update be available for my Lumia phone? We bought two 920's from AT&T in 2012. Wife is still using hers and I replaced mine with a 1520.3 last year. It has Qi wireless charging and 32GB memory, not the AT&T version. We no longer have a contract and never will, using 'bring your own phone'.The other 62.5% of the Lumia phone users with AT&T probably feel the same way.  

  • List of nokia model

    can u list down the nokia model which could be used as a modem...
    i want to used it as modem with my laptop...

    Very few cannot. I think it's basically the entry-level 1xxx series phones that have no connectivity with a PC. Just about all the others have bluetooth and/or USB connectivity.
    This page will allow you to check the capabilites of almost any Nokia phone quickly.
    Was this post helpful? If so, please click on the white "Kudos!" star below. Thank you!

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