Nokia N900 Froze after 10 random reboots

Any advice on how I can get my N900 up and running again or should I send it in for replacement or repair?

Have a look at this thread.. many people in your situation have been helped out there.. any questions, post them in there and I'll try and help..
If your device hasn't booted, it won't charge.. if it isn't charged, you almost certainly can't fix it.. the easiest solution is to find someone with a N900, X6, 5800 or 5230 handset and use theirs to charge your battery..
To fix your device (and get it booting, not to stop it rebooting) you can try:
remove battery
plug into USB cable and computer.. 
wait until screen lights up.. 
put battery back in..
This *might* get it booting again.. if so, you need to leave it on charge for as long as possible..
The reason your device is rebooting is a firmware bug that has been fixed...
the reason your device stops booting after 17 reboots is a firmware bug that has been fixed..
So, you need to upgrade your firmware (without it rebooting)
Have a look at site on your phone when it boots
If you get your device booting, follow the instructions there. That temporary fix may make your device stable enough to upgrade to the latest firmware.. then you can disable the temporary fix and enjoy your device with no more  reboot problems..
Any questions, post in that thread I'll try my best to help out

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  • Help for N900 that randomly reboot and that have s...

    A moderator deleted an entire thread with details that have helped many many users with N900 phones that are rebooting because they believed we were discussing debranding N900s.. 
    Firstly, the N900 is not branded..
    Secondly, we were discussing changing settings on the device to stop the devices from randomly rebooting.. Something SUGGESTED BY NOKIA on the bug tracker website.
    Nothing in this thread will invalidate your warranty and all information is condensed from official Maemo websites.
    If your device is randomly rebooting:
    There is a counter inside your phone that increases by 3 every time it randomly reboots. If this counter reaches 50 (after 17 random reboots in a row) your device will probably stop booting ALL TOGETHER!
    To stop your device from completely locking, you must power off your device normally. Use the power button then select "switch off". When you power your device back on, the counter is reset. Remember, if you don't reset your device, it will stop booting.
    If your device was randomly rebooting but now fails to boot it may have reached its count limit. When you turn on your device it may stop at the 5 dots loading screen and freeze.
    Here's a method for getting your device working again.
    Download flasher-3.5:
    Flasher can be obtained from the Nokia website:
    Download and install flasher onto your computer. For more information on using flasher, you can see the maemo page here:
    Turn off your N900
    Remove the battery
    Insert the battery.. but leave it off
    Plug the USB cable into your computer.. This may not work in ALL ports on your computer. Sometimes ports at the back of the computer work better than those at the front.
    Open the keyboard on your N900, press and hold the 'u' button and plug the USB cable into the N900.. keep the u button pressed.
    The Nokia logo should appear on your device, a small USB icon should appear in the top right of the N900 screen. The backlight may not light up leaving the screen dark. You can release the u button now
    Use flasher application. On windows 7 this may mean running in windows xp mode
    Open a cmd window (start run cmd) then enter these commands:
    cd "\program files\maemo\flasher-3.5"
    flasher-3.5.exe --enable-rd-mode
    Flasher should run for a few seconds then exit.. If it hangs "waiting for suitable device" Try another port on your computer. Try a different computer. Ask questions here. Flasher doesn't always work on all machines
    Remove the USB cable from your N900 and turn it on. It should boot up. Note that there is a small spanner icon under the Nokia logo
    If your device still does not boot:
    Check that the spanner icon is present when you turn the device on. If it is not, the device is not in R&D mode.. Start going through these instructions again
    If the spanner logo is present and the device still does not boot, stop.. this process may not help you
    Turn the N900 back off
    Press and hold the u button on the keyboard and plug the USB cable in. Keep the u button pressed
    The Nokia logo should appear on your device, a small USB icon should appear in the top right of the N900 screen. The backlight may not light up leaving the screen dark. You can release the u button now
    In the cmd window on your pc, re-run the flasher command with a different option:
    flasher-3.5 --disable-rd-mode
    Remove the USB cable and turn the phone back on
     I have written a tool to help stop the random reboots on N900 devices. This tool issues the following command
    echo 0 > /sys/power/enable_off_mode
    and updates the /etc/pmconfig file to make the change permanent
    To use the tool you will need to install the rootsh package:
     Now download the file:
     Open an x terminal and type the following command
    sudo gainroot
    sh MyDocs/.documents/ enable
    If you would like to disable the update, you can use the following commands:
    sudo gainroot
    sh MyDocs/.documents/ disable
     Please click the kudos button if you found this helpful and please let me know if you have problems with the instructions, need help with them or if they didn't work
    Message Edited by cpitchford on 28-Dec-2009 07:12 PM

    There are some steps you can follow to help stop your phone from rebooting...
    Follow the steps in the first post under the section:
    Open these links on your N900:
    Download and install the rootsh package:
    Download the fix script:
    Save it in the Documents folder
    Open an X terminal and run these two commands
    sudo gainroot
    sh MyDocs/.documents/ enable
    Message Edited by cpitchford on 30-Dec-2009 11:57 AM

  • Nokia N900 Rebooting after droping it...

    hello i have accidentally  dropped my nokia n900 on the floor from about 1 meter high. The battery didn't come out but the back cover was removed and the phone turned off...
    i then turned it on, the nokia logo appeared and then a black screen then the phone rebooted and it kept rebooting about 17 times then it gave me System Malfunction. System shutdown in 10 secs.
    I removed the battery and the sim card and i still got this problem...
    then when i came home i tried the R&D mode but it didnt fix the phone it kept rebooting even in the R&D mode...
    so what do you think is this a software problem or a hardware problem?
    i sent it to nokia today they told me to wait about 3 days to check if it is a software problem...
    please tell me what you think the problem is as i am worried !
    Thank you

    ooooh.. I'm way off this evening..
    It could be anything..
    Remember, the N900 has two flash units.. the first is small and very fast (256meg) which contains the core OS..
    The other is like an SD card and is 32gig and contains part of the OS
    Some users reported their devices failed and couldn't see the 32gig storage.. this causes all sorts of problems, failure to boot has been seen, failure to reflash is another.. general flakieness..
    If any of the components has failed, it might stop the device booting..
    The OS is remarkably intolerant of hardware failures.. but since there are practically no serviceable parts in the device it doesn't seem to matter..
    Point is, it is very unlikely to be a software fault.. I detest the test centers attitude..
    "It could be a software fault"
    then flash the device.. if it can't be flashed, its a hardware fault.. Infact no repair center would look at a modified, used OS.. A phone that has been messed with is very likely to have software problems.. what did the user do? delete some vital system file?!
    But still...
    if it can be flashed and STILL doesn't work, then the software is stock and it is essentially fresh-out-of-the-box meaning it has to be a hardware failure otherwise there is a flaw in the OS that could affect any brand new fresh device..
    it should be a 2 minute job to diagnose as "hardware"
    Point is, R&D mode does sometimes allow a faulty phone to boot and give you a chance to find out which hardware is playing up.. but if it still isn't booting I'd be hearing "my hardware is duff"

  • Brand new Nokia N900 ceases just after half a day ...

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    I have used Nokia for over 10 years, I never experienced this from Nokia.
    I think N900 is still 'Work in Progress', am not sure if it is fully tested yet!!

    you need this thread!
    This is a known problem.. And I'll be brief here since there are lots of posts about it..
    A bug in the firmware causes some devices to reboot.. Your's is an unluck one.. There is a permanent fix in an up and coming firmware release (not the one released today.. but soon) but in the mean time we have a work around..
    you have two problems.. first getting your device booting..
    Each time your device randomly rebooted itself, it increased a counter.. when this counter reached its upper limit (17 reboots) the device will STOP booting.. as yours has.. To reset this limit you need to manually restart your phone.. use the power button to turn it off.. use the power button to turn it on and the counter goes back to zero.. 
    problem is, your device has already reached the limit so we need to trick it into going back to zero..
    The easiest option may not work for you.. but it is fairly simple..
    Take the battery out.. plug your phone into your computer.. put the battery back in.. allow the phone to boot..
    If that doesn't work, you'll need to use the longer process detailed in the link above.. Read the first post carefully and see the section:
    If your device won't boot and won't respond to flasher.. the battery could be flat.. you MUST charge the battery to get your device booting. To do this you'll need to find someone with a Nokia N900, 5800 or 5230 handset since they all use the same battery.. If you device won't boot, it won't charge.. 
    Ok, assuming these instructions have helped your device boot, you need to implement the patch to stop it rebooting.. 
    Open this URL in your phone
    Click and INSTALL the first link.. when you click the first link select'll be taken to app manager and you must proceed with the install
    Go back to the browser and click and SAVE the second link.. Save the file in the documents folder of your device..
    now, open an Xterminal and type these two commands exactly.. remember they are case sensative:
    sudo gainroot
    sh MyDocs/.documents/ enable
    Reboot your device once more and you should hopefully have a happy N900!
    Any problems refer to the first link in this post... and post and questions in that thread..

  • N900 randomly rebooting

    I've done a search and read some previous posts, and cannot work out why my N900 is randomly rebooting.
    I have manually restarted my phone and checked the boot count is reset to 0
    I have attempted doing a nokia software updater firmware update and it confirms i'm on the latest firmware (10.2010.19.1) and i've used the app updater and updated all apps. It has happened before i enabled the extras-devel repository, so I doubt the fault lies there.
    Since i restarted the device prior to running "cat /proc/bootreason" i can't find out the reason why it rebooted, but i will update this post as soon as it does it again.
    I recieved this phone from Optus Australia, and is running a number of apps from both the ovi store and the app manager. The only apps i have installed from the extras-devel repository are unrar and unzip apps, although i did note that it updated a few other apps at the same time, like flashlight.
    Anyone else having issues, know what it could be, or does it look like i'm going to have to flash the device?

    Ok, I've reflashed the phone with the latest firmware, installed the maemo 5 update, installed a number of apps, and have NOT enabled the extras-dev repo. I even installed titan kernel as i've been told that has fixed a number of errors on these devices.
    I then noticed it restarting itself again, the bootreason was sw_rst, and the dmesg log looks a little more interesting this time. It seems to continually  be "disabling unused clock" for different variables, before it says "Bootup reason: sw_rst" and from that point onwards it looks normal
    Not sure why ">" didnt work as well this time, it seems to all be on one line unfortunately.
    I've also added the output for "cat /var/lib/dsme/stats/*" to this post
    Any help is appreciated - otherwise i might return the phone for warranty repair and hope to get a new one
    log2.txt ‏16 KB
    dsmestats.txt ‏1 KB

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    Could you add your problem here: This makes sure the discussion and in one place and we can attract more attention from Apple. 

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    As far as I know you can't delete the primary email address for an iCloud account.  It's assigned when the account is created.  But your neighbor wouldn't have been able to get into your iCloud account without your Apple ID and password.  Are you sure the account wasn't still on your phone when you gave it to him?
    You could migrate a copy of your data to a new iCloud account but I would still be concerned that someone else was using my old account, which presumably still has your data in it.
    I'm fairly certain that you're going to have to have iCloud support help you sort this one out as they may have the ability to make changes to an existing account that users can't.  Make an appointment with the genius bar at a nearby Apple store and have them take a look at it.  If necessary, they should be able to contact iCloud support for you.

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    Nokia N900 auto off after 15 minutes. I am also reflash my mobile but problem is not solve please help me

    More information..
    Does it happen when it is plugged into a charger?
    What is the battery level?
    Are you using the battery that came with the phone?
    Are you using a different battery?
    Have you "over clocked"?
    Does it power off when you are actively using the phone?
    Does it power off only when the phone is idle and untouched?
    What happens if you run this command in the terminal application?
      cat    /proc/bootreason

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    now the Ipad randomly reboots
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    Same issue with my iPad 3.  Happened with 6.1.3 and still happens after upgrade to 7.
    It's nearly full, perhaps that's contributing to the problem.  Apple doesn't seem to know how to do memory management properly, nor QA, for that matter.
    Also, they conveniently forego the troubleshooting tools present on other platforms.  So the only way to get some insight is to bring it to the "Genius".  Problems with that approach are: most often, the "Genius" isn't that bright a bulb and won't find (or won't be willing to spend time to search for) the root cause.  Also, they now require an appointment, and that's a major PITA.  I just don't have the time to deal with them and their ways to disguise shortage of qualified support resources under fancy terms..  My next portable device will be a slate!

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    After upgrading from Mavericks to Yosemite, my mid-2011, 21.5 inch iMac (1tb HD, 8 gb memory) is plagued with random reboots.  There are never any error messages - reboots seem more frequent when my Time Machine external drive is attached.  I thought I had solved the problem after reading an article about Chrome browser (which I'd been using) using an inordinate amount of memory & CPU resources, so I switched from using Chrome to Safari.  Switching to Safari seemed to resolve the issue yesterday, but today my computer is back to random reboots although it doesn't seem as frequent using Safari (only 3 reboots so far today),
    I booted the iMac into Safe Mode & worked for several hours including making a Time Machine backup without any reboots.  I've also run a hardware & hard drive check which showed no problems.
    So, I'm at a loss -- if I use Safari & keep my Time Machine backup unplugged it seems I can work with only 3 or 4 reboots & hope they don't occur in the middle of some transfer or other work -- at the end of the day when I am finished working, I can attach my external drive & hope the backup completes before a reboots occurs.  Very frustrating.
    Any suggestions?

    The following are the messages in the SYSTEM LOG QUERIES log just prior to one of the random reboots that has been plaguing my iMac.  These messages were repeated several times in the log.  For reference, I have removed the Sophos AntiVirus software from my computer prior to this instance of a random reboot (I see a reference to Sophos in the messages).  Also, I had reset the PRAM & SMC settings prior to this last restarts as well.  
    11/13/14 7:49:33.334 AM[1]: ( Service only ran for 0 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 10 seconds.
    11/13/14 7:49:43.345 AM[1]: ([571]) LaunchServices returned a bundle URL that does not match with the LoginItem's known association.
    11/13/14 7:49:43.345 AM[1]: ( Service only ran for 0 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 10 seconds.
    11/13/14 7:49:53.357 AM[1]: ([572]) LaunchServices returned a bundle URL that does not match with the LoginItem's known association.
    11/13/14 7:49:53.357 AM[1]: ( Service only ran for 0 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 10 seconds.
    11/13/14 7:50:03.369 AM[1]: ([573]) LaunchServices returned a bundle URL that does not match with the LoginItem's known association.
    11/13/14 7:50:03.369 AM[1]: ( Service only ran for 0 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 10 seconds.
    11/13/14 7:50:08.889 AM cloudd[267]: Couldn't create a PCS identity: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-25300 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (OSStatus error -25300 - SecItem failed to fetch ProtectedCloudStorage: keychain status: 0x7 auditInfo: asid=0x000186a5 auid=502    flags=0x00006030 paths: 0:/Users/judypallett/Library/Keychains/login.keychain 1:/Library/Keychains/System.keychain 2:/Library/Sophos Anti-Virus/Sophos.keychain )" (errKCItemNotFound / errSecItemNotFound:  / The item cannot be found.) UserInfo=0x7fd3207eae30 {NSDescription=SecItem failed to fetch ProtectedCloudStorage: keychain status: 0x7 auditInfo: asid=0x000186a5 auid=502    flags=0x00006030 paths: 0:/Users/judypallett/Library/Keychains/login.keychain 1:/Library/Keychains/System.keychain 2:/Library/Sophos Anti-Virus/Sophos.keychain }
    11/13/14 7:50:08.890 AM cloudd[267]: We have no stingray identity.
    11/13/14 7:50:08.890 AM cloudd[267]: Error creating zone PCS: <CKError 0x7fd3207877c0: "Unknown Error" (5000/-25300)>.
    Identity (null)
    PEM data was -----BEGIN PCS SHARE PROTECTION-----
    Zone PCS data <6182014e 3082014a 30818302 0100317e 307c3025 02010004 2081ecb4 fe180a60 23626e24 99e702ef d5bcaa01 64958fcc 21259e67 1236a2a6 80045301 0012cc5a 9f2ce412 91c49b87 eefaa986 d01fa43d f8fd7610 e45bb1ec b81491ab e530e6c0 92fc6077 06d0ebe4 b499c62e d8179d9f acae4295 cf428659 089aca85 396acae5 141385a8 f78787cb 38b905c3 ff3ba081 99048196 013e2ff3 40c10150 b7e0f328 05faeab2 ac1e083b a9126835 cb7db077 9f3d2bbc e5f59391 83c32169 eec2fd10 d313bbb1 30d4f27c 9d2354a3 ce0b16a2 a589f6fa 87b294f8 53d7fb18 f76f97d6 a3b43d9c 4d767178 c1c7a55c 246724b5 2f5b44cf eaa8e711 9c422988 4febe4e3 5624750a 9d1b8ecf 283d99de 38ac969a b0dc48c9 af00dd35 4fb6d291 7072100c 7f53c5a4 bdad52ed 549b0420 cd7490a5 b729774d c6af0004 eb1a6c41 31a00022 4db41989 40f4e3a0 1f485ae8 a2040402 aa72>.
    11/13/14 7:50:08.890 AM cloudd[267]: Error creating zone PCS for zone <CKRecordZoneID: 0x7fd320551000; History:__defaultOwner__>: <CKError 0x7fd3207877c0: "Unknown Error" (5000/-25300)>
    11/13/14 7:50:09.186 AM cloudd[267]: Couldn't create a PCS identity: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-25300 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (OSStatus error -25300 - SecItem failed to fetch ProtectedCloudStorage: keychain status: 0x7 auditInfo: asid=0x000186a5 auid=502    flags=0x00006030 paths: 0:/Users/judypallett/Library/Keychains/login.keychain 1:/Library/Keychains/System.keychain 2:/Library/Sophos Anti-Virus/Sophos.keychain )" (errKCItemNotFound / errSecItemNotFound:  / The item cannot be found.) UserInfo=0x7fd3206155b0 {NSDescription=SecItem failed to fetch ProtectedCloudStorage: keychain status: 0x7 auditInfo: asid=0x000186a5 auid=502    flags=0x00006030 paths: 0:/Users/JP/Library/Keychains/login.keychain 1:/Library/Keychains/System.keychain 2:/Library/Sophos Anti-Virus/Sophos.keychain }
    11/13/14 7:50:09.186 AM cloudd[267]: We have no stingray identity.
    11/13/14 7:50:09.186 AM cloudd[267]: Error creating zone PCS: <CKError 0x7fd3206b9ea0: "Unknown Error" (5000/-25300)>.
    Identity (null)
    PEM data was -----BEGIN PCS SHARE PROTECTION-----
    Zone PCS data <6182014e 3082014a 30818302 0100317e 307c3025 02010004 2081ecb4 fe180a60 23626e24 99e702ef d5bcaa01 64958fcc 21259e67 1236a2a6 80045301 0012cc5a 9f2ce412 91c49b87 eefaa986 d01fa43d f8fd7610 e45bb1ec b81491ab e530e6c0 92fc6077 06d0ebe4 b499c62e d8179d9f acae4295 cf428659 089aca85 396acae5 141385a8 f78787cb 38b905c3 ff3ba081 99048196 013e2ff3 40c10150 b7e0f328 05faeab2 ac1e083b a9126835 cb7db077 9f3d2bbc e5f59391 83c32169 eec2fd10 d313bbb1 30d4f27c 9d2354a3 ce0b16a2 a589f6fa 87b294f8 53d7fb18 f76f97d6 a3b43d9c 4d767178 c1c7a55c 246724b5 2f5b44cf eaa8e711 9c422988 4febe4e3 5624750a 9d1b8ecf 283d99de 38ac969a b0dc48c9 af00dd35 4fb6d291 7072100c 7f53c5a4 bdad52ed 549b0420 cd7490a5 b729774d c6af0004 eb1a6c41 31a00022 4db41989 40f4e3a0 1f485ae8 a2040402 aa72>.
    11/13/14 7:50:09.187 AM cloudd[267]: Error creating zone PCS for zone <CKRecordZoneID: 0x7fd3207dcf90; History:__defaultOwner__>: <CKError 0x7fd3206b9ea0: "Unknown Error" (5000/-25300)>
    11/13/14 7:51:05.000 AM bootlog[0]: BOOT_TIME 1415886665 0
    The SYSTEM DIAGNOSTIC REPORTS follows.  The most recent "crash" reference I could find was 3 days ago (11/10/2014) before I'd removed Sophos AntiVirus.  Thank you for your help with this issue!
    Process:               InterCheck [178]
    Path:                  /Library/Sophos Anti-Virus/
    Identifier:            InterCheck
    Version:               9.2.0 (???)
    Code Type:             X86 (Native)
    Parent Process:        launchd [1]
    Responsible:           InterCheck [178]
    User ID:               0
    Date/Time:             2014-11-10 09:22:03.104 -0600
    OS Version:            Mac OS X 10.10 (14A389)
    Report Version:        11
    Anonymous UUID:      
    Time Awake Since Boot: 83 seconds
    Crashed Thread:        0  Dispatch queue:
    Exception Type:        EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV)
    Exception Codes:       KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x0000000000000000
    VM Regions Near 0:
        __TEXT                 0000000000041000-000000000005c000 [  108K] r-x/rwx SM=COW  /Library/Sophos Anti-Virus/
    Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue:
    0       0x959eebde CFURLCopyFileSystemPath + 94
    1   com.sophos.sav.ic             0x00053552 -[TimeMachineObserver addTimeMachineExclusion:] + 370
    2   com.sophos.sav.ic             0x00045228 SendTimeMachineExclusion + 60
    3   com.sophos.sav.ic             0x00045ec4 ic_ipc_send_kext_config + 347
    4   com.sophos.sav.ic             0x00045cd7 ic_ipc_start + 970
    5   com.sophos.sav.ic             0x00045649 main + 634
    6   com.sophos.sav.ic             0x00042575 start + 53
    Thread 1:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x99f52e6e __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x969ba36d _pthread_wqthread + 939
    2   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x969b7eea start_wqthread + 30
    Thread 2:: Dispatch queue:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x99f538d2 kevent64 + 10
    1   libdispatch.dylib             0x9000c73f _dispatch_mgr_invoke + 245
    2   libdispatch.dylib             0x9000c3a2 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52
    Thread 3:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x99f52852 __select + 10
    1   com.sophos.sav.ic             0x00051218 ic_worker_thread + 1103
    2   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x969b9ecf _pthread_body + 138
    3   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x969b9e45 _pthread_start + 162
    4   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x969b7f0e thread_start + 34
    Thread 4:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x99f52852 __select + 10
    1   com.sophos.sav.ic             0x00051218 ic_worker_thread + 1103
    2   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x969b9ecf _pthread_body + 138
    3   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x969b9e45 _pthread_start + 162
    4   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x969b7f0e thread_start + 34
    Thread 5:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x99f52852 __select + 10
    1   com.sophos.sav.ic             0x00051218 ic_worker_thread + 1103
    2   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x969b9ecf _pthread_body + 138
    3   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x969b9e45 _pthread_start + 162
    4   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x969b7f0e thread_start + 34
    Thread 6:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x99f52852 __select + 10
    1   com.sophos.sav.ic             0x00051218 ic_worker_thread + 1103
    2   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x969b9ecf _pthread_body + 138
    3   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x969b9e45 _pthread_start + 162
    4   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x969b7f0e thread_start + 34
    Thread 7:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x99f52852 __select + 10
    1   com.sophos.sav.ic             0x00051218 ic_worker_thread + 1103
    2   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x969b9ecf _pthread_body + 138
    3   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x969b9e45 _pthread_start + 162
    4   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x969b7f0e thread_start + 34
    Thread 8:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x99f52852 __select + 10
    1   com.sophos.sav.ic             0x00051218 ic_worker_thread + 1103
    2   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x969b9ecf _pthread_body + 138
    3   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x969b9e45 _pthread_start + 162
    4   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x969b7f0e thread_start + 34
    Thread 9:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x99f52852 __select + 10
    1   com.sophos.sav.ic             0x00051218 ic_worker_thread + 1103
    2   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x969b9ecf _pthread_body + 138
    3   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x969b9e45 _pthread_start + 162
    4   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x969b7f0e thread_start + 34
    Thread 10:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x99f52852 __select + 10
    1   com.sophos.sav.ic             0x00051218 ic_worker_thread + 1103
    2   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x969b9ecf _pthread_body + 138
    3   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x969b9e45 _pthread_start + 162
    4   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x969b7f0e thread_start + 34
    Thread 11:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x99f52852 __select + 10
    1   com.sophos.sav.ic             0x00051218 ic_worker_thread + 1103
    2   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x969b9ecf _pthread_body + 138
    3   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x969b9e45 _pthread_start + 162
    4   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x969b7f0e thread_start + 34
    Thread 12:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x99f52852 __select + 10
    1   com.sophos.sav.ic             0x00051218 ic_worker_thread + 1103
    2   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x969b9ecf _pthread_body + 138
    3   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x969b9e45 _pthread_start + 162
    4   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x969b7f0e thread_start + 34
    Thread 13::
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x99f52852 __select + 10
    1       0x95a9c63a __CFSocketManager + 906
    2   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x969b9ecf _pthread_body + 138
    3   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x969b9e45 _pthread_start + 162
    4   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x969b7f0e thread_start + 34
    Thread 0 crashed with X86 Thread State (32-bit):
      eax: 0x00000000  ebx: 0xa0ff1038  ecx: 0x00000000  edx: 0x959eeb91
      edi: 0x959eeb91  esi: 0x00000000  ebp: 0xbffbf038  esp: 0xbffbec00
       ss: 0x00000023  efl: 0x00010246  eip: 0x959eebde   cs: 0x0000001b
       ds: 0x00000023   es: 0x00000023   fs: 0x00000000   gs: 0x0000000f
      cr2: 0x00000000
    Logical CPU:     2
    Error Code:      0x00000004
    Trap Number:     14
    Binary Images:
       0x41000 -    0x5bff3 +com.sophos.sav.ic (9.2.0 - ???) <182EB5C4-A308-3E51-98C8-997CE1695DA3> /Library/Sophos Anti-Virus/
       0x74000 -   0x554ff7 +com.sophos.sav.savi (2.07.355.0 - 2.07.355.0) <601D6B4C-1BC6-3D9C-B820-1CA55EBE830A> /Library/Frameworks/SAVI.framework/Versions/A/SAVI
      0x662000 -   0x690fff +com.sophos.sum.scan.kit (9.0.0 - 9.0.0) <9A82D637-3550-39B5-8636-50FF02D3CCED> /Library/Frameworks/SUMScanKit.framework/Versions/A/SUMScanKit
    0x8febd000 - 0x8fef0e03  dyld (353.2.1) <EBFF7998-58E8-32F5-BF0D-9690278EC792> /usr/lib/dyld
    0x90008000 - 0x9002ffff  libdispatch.dylib (442.1.4) <B26A176C-39F7-3362-B128-27B1211068B9> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
    0x90030000 - 0x90083ff7 (1.22 - 519) <5B54AB76-C487-367B-ACD5-2AF6BC85E1B9> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ HIServices.framework/Versions/A/HIServices
    0x90084000 - 0x900c7fff  libGLU.dylib (11.0.7) <3519CD46-386A-3702-A5EE-AE59923C5AA7> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGLU.dylib
    0x900e3000 - 0x900edffb (4.2 - 4.2) <4312D0A7-4B6F-3A1E-9A47-24C6E8C65E51> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CarbonSound.f ramework/Versions/A/CarbonSound
    0x900ee000 - 0x902b2ff3 (1.10 - 361.11) <9CED60CF-9B7F-3288-A7E9-3AE087F9E076> /System/Library/Frameworks/QuartzCore.framework/Versions/A/QuartzCore
    0x902b3000 - 0x902b9ff3  libsystem_platform.dylib (63) <509993B7-3F26-3360-B899-0BBB15152516> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_platform.dylib
    0x902ba000 - 0x9030fff3 (4.3.0 - 4.3.0) <F5A586C3-A440-3E0E-966A-7841A182E5B2> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreAudio.framework/Versions/A/CoreAudio
    0x905cc000 - 0x909b4ff7  libLAPACK.dylib (1128) <4E3D1289-2C98-3E53-BB8D-AD911357FF66> /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ amework/Versions/A/libLAPACK.dylib
    0x909b5000 - 0x909b6fff  libDiagnosticMessagesClient.dylib (100) <3EE83437-AA9C-356B-810B-589346B73797> /usr/lib/libDiagnosticMessagesClient.dylib
    0x909b7000 - 0x909b8fff  liblangid.dylib (117) <34A0F807-755F-300B-B01F-AABAE3838451> /usr/lib/liblangid.dylib
    0x90cce000 - 0x90ce0fff (328.3 - 328.3) <460DD833-B33A-369E-A5EF-B21D5AA231EF> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Sharing.framework/Versions/A/Sharing
    0x90ec6000 - 0x90eecff3  libc++abi.dylib (125) <E9AF8CA1-D54D-37E3-8363-A3E8C0840F71> /usr/lib/libc++abi.dylib
    0x90eed000 - 0x90eeefff  libsystem_blocks.dylib (65) <5D98F022-E863-31D4-8ADE-D53B2AE0D331> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_blocks.dylib
    0x90ffe000 - 0x9100ffff  libbsm.0.dylib (34) <C9F0C608-2794-3F6B-8078-583FC0046039> /usr/lib/libbsm.0.dylib
    0x91010000 - 0x91010fff  libkeymgr.dylib (28) <06DDCEF8-EB84-3F68-9E19-FD1A12B764FD> /usr/lib/system/libkeymgr.dylib
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    0x91038000 - 0x91045fff (10.10 - 187) <94A3ED17-CD64-3D4A-8470-69C937CABF50> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenDirectory.framework/Versions/A/OpenDirectory
    0x91046000 - 0x9105ffff  libsystem_malloc.dylib (53.1.1) <58CD8BC7-55D1-3862-8E5D-728EE2EBE447> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_malloc.dylib
    0x9107c000 - 0x9107efff (1.0 - 1) <47A71885-BB14-3DB8-AE19-F74ABA120290> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/login.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/loginsu pport.framework/Versions/A/loginsupport
    0x9108b000 - 0x9108efff  libpam.2.dylib (20) <E2F34522-448A-3392-BC1D-6625BEB612B9> /usr/lib/libpam.2.dylib
    0x9108f000 - 0x9108ffff (1.10 - Accelerate 1.10) <180BFBE5-2218-3A6F-A1B2-CCA1C92B66F7> /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Accelerate
    0x91090000 - 0x91092fff  libsystem_configuration.dylib (699.1.5) <CDD8D1DA-3414-3A19-B340-EA116D52EA21> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_configuration.dylib
    0x91093000 - 0x9111afff (640.3 - 640.3) <8DD52AC8-238C-3E5C-ADBB-ABDA770D708A> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/OSServi ces.framework/Versions/A/OSServices
    0x9111b000 - 0x91556feb (8.0 - 8.0) <56F6B317-9D70-3DC5-9868-BB6D7CB6E55D> /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ amework/Versions/A/vImage
    0x9155f000 - 0x9155ffff (3.10 - vecLib 3.10) <96675103-6E3D-326A-83C0-82D3A34C3A1A> /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ amework/Versions/A/vecLib
    0x915d8000 - 0x916c9ffb  libiconv.2.dylib (42) <4AF77F10-0BEC-3BE0-99DF-C5170EDB316B> /usr/lib/libiconv.2.dylib
    0x916ca000 - 0x916cbfff  libSystem.B.dylib (1213) <77FA0B3F-4412-31F6-A798-21D068AE16C3> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
    0x916cc000 - 0x91742fff (6.0 - 55126) <64E4CE02-8BE6-3408-99A5-23E5CF7545BC> /System/Library/Frameworks/SecurityFoundation.framework/Versions/A/SecurityFoun dation
    0x91743000 - 0x91754ff3  libsystem_coretls.dylib (35.1.2) <87AE2CBB-A397-3392-A152-02AEA6D194D6> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_coretls.dylib
    0x917b6000 - 0x917f3ff7  libsystem_network.dylib (411) <4D5BCDE3-5155-3D97-84C5-778D56A5122A> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_network.dylib
    0x917f4000 - 0x917f6ffb  libsystem_secinit.dylib (18) <3CBA3BD3-8BA2-358D-BD1A-A1C3DF5D84E6> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_secinit.dylib
    0x923a1000 - 0x923feff3 (10.0 - 451) <2563665B-7B7F-3B8A-83B1-E5AC8D389909> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ PrintCore.framework/Versions/A/PrintCore
    0x92569000 - 0x92571ffb (6.0 - 4.0) <141BFE7E-634E-32A0-8EC9-0A1A4DFEA7D9> /System/Library/Frameworks/NetFS.framework/Versions/A/NetFS
    0x92572000 - 0x92576fff  libheimdal-asn1.dylib (398.1.2) <71FCB9F7-A330-3C02-89F3-B483B1C67E54> /usr/lib/libheimdal-asn1.dylib
    0x92577000 - 0x9259afff  libJPEG.dylib (1231) <33D03A5B-CED8-3FDC-8892-723DD6E423FB> /System/Library/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libJPEG.dylib
    0x9259b000 - 0x925a9ff3  libxar.1.dylib (254) <D7C4FDEB-61AA-3FC1-8B7B-0AE3A3A64492> /usr/lib/libxar.1.dylib
    0x925aa000 - 0x926c0ff7 (352.0 - 454.1) <02F310BE-E185-328C-A461-6D6B762D4A6D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreText.framework/Versions/A/CoreText
    0x926c1000 - 0x92735fff (4.0 - 2.0) <5D2BE254-CFCD-3A15-9A89-1CBBDE0FF265> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Heimdal.framework/Versions/A/Heimdal
    0x92827000 - 0x92878fff  libcups.2.dylib (408) <08C5D411-533C-345A-B820-092C96215F2E> /usr/lib/libcups.2.dylib
    0x92879000 - 0x928a2ff7  libsystem_info.dylib (459) <4F7A7111-7F0D-3891-9DC9-41F5D79949FE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_info.dylib
    0x928a3000 - 0x928a3fff  libunc.dylib (29) <CE960997-9D4A-3848-BAC7-B2255E6765FD> /usr/lib/system/libunc.dylib
    0x928ba000 - 0x928d7ffb (1.3 - 313) <9ED23769-0725-3D4B-B7F4-AF08020D73C3> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Ubiquity.framework/Versions/A/Ubiquity
    0x92908000 - 0x929f4fe7  libvMisc.dylib (512) <56B7DE45-36B1-32BE-B823-DB14F315EEB9> /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ amework/Versions/A/libvMisc.dylib
    0x92da3000 - 0x92da3fff (6.8 - 21) <6AF80DDB-C28E-36FF-BC11-D7D561AC52A9> /System/Library/Frameworks/Cocoa.framework/Versions/A/Cocoa
    0x92da7000 - 0x92db3ff3  libcommonCrypto.dylib (60061) <024B3913-15C6-3005-9E5A-EB24918F6977> /usr/lib/system/libcommonCrypto.dylib
    0x92db4000 - 0x92db4fff (48 - 48) <76C301A4-705B-33DE-BA11-C89DCF1EDCDD> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Application Services
    0x92db5000 - 0x92dd2fff  libCRFSuite.dylib (34) <781A92EF-410E-39B2-953D-FEE12748D834> /usr/lib/libCRFSuite.dylib
    0x92ebd000 - 0x92f49ff3 (1.0 - 1) <CB175B15-8AA3-3ECA-88ED-E561D7722DFB> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/PerformanceAnalysis.framework/Versions/A/Perf ormanceAnalysis
    0x92f4a000 - 0x92f91ff3 (1.0 - 1) <C14A2B49-A664-3EDE-9B9B-6A678ED7F8DE> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleJPEG.framework/Versions/A/AppleJPEG
    0x92f92000 - 0x92f96fff  libCoreVMClient.dylib (79) <85CBF1F3-3CE1-304F-88DF-15608C9A2367> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libCoreVMClien t.dylib
    0x92f97000 - 0x9300dff7 (1.4.0 - 1.4.0) <B6F346D2-BF88-3925-B962-E59267FA2268> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/SearchK it.framework/Versions/A/SearchKit
    0x9300e000 - 0x93366fff  libmecabra.dylib (666) <2248841A-A8F6-3F98-AFA2-F60F7539B788> /usr/lib/libmecabra.dylib
    0x93367000 - 0x93376ff3 (11.0.7 - 11.0.7) <C4738E5F-C178-3A01-B941-C638E6A14D7C> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/OpenGL
    0x935e2000 - 0x935e8ff7  libsystem_networkextension.dylib (167.1.10) <FC20E3AD-A53D-3346-AC71-829E82832AE8> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_networkextension.dylib
    0x935eb000 - 0x93646ffb  libTIFF.dylib (1231) <14F5E31A-4ABC-3DF7-AB85-9DB406D3613C> /System/Library/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libTIFF.dylib
    0x9364f000 - 0x93666fff  libsystem_asl.dylib (267) <85BD88AD-618E-3325-AC31-10DBAB8E9AF3> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_asl.dylib
    0x93667000 - 0x9366afff (1.0 - 1) <942B9491-B97C-36DB-A9F0-3EA3273FCD2C> /System/Library/Frameworks/ServiceManagement.framework/Versions/A/ServiceManage ment
    0x9366b000 - 0x9367bfff  libGL.dylib (11.0.7) <2AF64D8C-3447-3C85-B4A1-77F03456E402> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGL.dylib
    0x9370e000 - 0x9371cff7  libz.1.dylib (55) <DF3B8F77-8931-3A6B-8BDF-DB67315050E6> /usr/lib/libz.1.dylib
    0x9371d000 - 0x93722ff7  libcompiler_rt.dylib (35) <6630682F-AB76-3E55-BE51-0A3E61B6CFC2> /usr/lib/system/libcompiler_rt.dylib
    0x93723000 - 0x93723fff  liblaunch.dylib (559.1.22) <2FDDB7A5-C022-3C40-A263-1DC74F0B446D> /usr/lib/system/liblaunch.dylib
    0x93724000 - 0x937a3fff (1.14 - 1.14) <89A67A1E-850F-3ED1-AB7D-9057A5B0FF0D> /System/Library/Frameworks/SystemConfiguration.framework/Versions/A/SystemConfi guration
    0x93d71000 - 0x93e7dfe3  libvDSP.dylib (512) <54403134-29AE-3806-89D7-2CBA7B455736> /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ amework/Versions/A/libvDSP.dylib
    0x93e7e000 - 0x941ddffb (6.9 - 1151.16) <76BF64BB-34C4-3409-BB6F-CAACDEE7681A> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
    0x941e1000 - 0x94dcdfff (6.9 - 1343.14) <8A4EA92C-E6DE-3F03-9B88-A183FCDD6644> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit
    0x94e73000 - 0x94e7cfff (4.0 - 2.0) <88D8A3D8-5F27-3545-8CD2-456FFDE5383D> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CommonAuth.framework/Versions/A/CommonAuth
    0x94e7d000 - 0x94ee9ffb (6.0 - 396.1) <77C29022-34D1-3556-95F6-FDBE4576CAF9> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DataDetectorsCore.framework/Versions/A/DataDe tectorsCore
    0x94eea000 - 0x9502efff (3.3.0 - 1038) <98EC2248-5270-3CB5-84FD-CD225A9875D4> /System/Library/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/ImageIO
    0x9502f000 - 0x95069ff7 (115 - 115) <D01FFA10-1734-31C5-B5A1-9CB61463FC15> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DebugSymbols.framework/Versions/A/DebugSymbol s
    0x9506a000 - 0x95119fff (4.3.0 - 4.3.0f10) <6BE1AED1-C590-36BE-B796-2F3856318633> /System/Library/Frameworks/IOBluetooth.framework/Versions/A/IOBluetooth
    0x9511a000 - 0x9514dfe3  libsystem_m.dylib (3086.1) <951F633F-57B7-398B-912F-F6ED4DB1C597> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_m.dylib
    0x9514e000 - 0x95150fff  libsystem_coreservices.dylib (9) <20E66A47-8D67-344A-A393-73926F0E5FB2> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_coreservices.dylib
    0x95151000 - 0x95153ffb  libRadiance.dylib (1231) <2F86BE82-404D-335C-B83E-F71D3C4969B8> /System/Library/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libRadiance.d ylib
    0x95154000 - 0x95167fff (1.0 - 1) <DF406F6F-C173-3598-8785-8A2014F770EF> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreBluetooth.framework/Versions/A/CoreBluetooth
    0x95171000 - 0x95179fff  libsystem_dnssd.dylib (561.1.1) <45CDAF46-03DE-33DB-A627-14F245993EF2> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_dnssd.dylib
    0x9517a000 - 0x9517fff7  libmacho.dylib (862) <48DE74F8-09E3-344F-A82F-665083A3BF8F> /usr/lib/system/libmacho.dylib
    0x9567b000 - 0x95979ff7 (1108.1 - 1108.1) <C18EC809-6E67-3D9C-82D5-34170A81254C> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CarbonC ore.framework/Versions/A/CarbonCore
    0x9597a000 - 0x9597effb (1.0 - 1) <BFA66EA1-2839-3648-80F6-96AE136A6838> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/TCC.framework/Versions/A/TCC
    0x959d5000 - 0x95d88fff (6.9 - 1151.16) <2F4FE1E8-D09B-3C62-B884-7A41111F4FBB> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
    0x95d89000 - 0x95d9cfff  libcmph.dylib (1) <2449B048-208E-36FB-9DFA-47E0F3BCF132> /usr/lib/libcmph.dylib
    0x95d9d000 - 0x95e42fff (10.7.0 - 916) <2776B7E6-9047-3E30-9297-DD5CF53D7C42> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Metadat a.framework/Versions/A/Metadata
    0x95e43000 - 0x95e4afff (5.0.9 - 5.0.9) <5D268178-3812-3777-92A6-D7D3395405B8> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/SpeechRecogni tion.framework/Versions/A/SpeechRecognition
    0x95e4b000 - 0x95e7afff (1.8 - 145.1) <A59466FC-6B5A-3B36-BDD4-AC9CD581B7A1> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreVideo.framework/Versions/A/CoreVideo
    0x95e7b000 - 0x95f91ff3 (1.9 - 1.9) <01A07F2E-9F9A-3847-AB11-C550827B3778> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DesktopServicesPriv.framework/Versions/A/Desk topServicesPriv
    0x95f92000 - 0x963c5ff3 (3.1.6 - 3.1.6) <EF92C25B-3E33-379F-A862-75C2FCA8B386> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/FaceCore.framework/Versions/A/FaceCore
    0x963c6000 - 0x963f0fff  libxslt.1.dylib (13) <0F55B64A-6C55-304E-ACE0-B531027AA066> /usr/lib/libxslt.1.dylib
    0x963f1000 - 0x96431ffb  libGLImage.dylib (11.0.7) <1F2F2EFE-1EFA-398F-80D6-8AC6EA5160DB> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGLImage.dyl ib
    0x96432000 - 0x96438ff7  libsystem_trace.dylib (72.1.3) <E1985F9C-78FC-3098-8683-81F0DCEE54BB> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_trace.dylib
    0x96439000 - 0x9656bffb (1.0 - 1) <00A59CFF-A217-3998-B22E-6E452278A302> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/UIFoundation.framework/Versions/A/UIFoundatio n
    0x9656c000 - 0x96577ff7 (5.0 - 5.0) <D6C31218-47E4-3553-9208-D1091A81044E> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/NetAuth.framework/Versions/A/NetAuth
    0x96578000 - 0x965b8fff  libauto.dylib (186) <1609D0F9-6E3A-3C67-87EF-BB0BD93EDAC9> /usr/lib/libauto.dylib
    0x9669c000 - 0x966b3ff3  libLinearAlgebra.dylib (1128) <B20FAAAA-1C76-3B20-B100-5FC90F7FE023> /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ amework/Versions/A/libLinearAlgebra.dylib
    0x966b4000 - 0x96930ff3 (7.0 - 57031.1.35) <4721C22E-D6C2-3202-B80D-5E67169466D2> /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Versions/A/Security
    0x96931000 - 0x9694bff7  liblzma.5.dylib (7) <D0BC984D-5B33-328C-8F1E-7E9C41813433> /usr/lib/liblzma.5.dylib
    0x969b7000 - 0x969bffff  libsystem_pthread.dylib (105.1.4) <D90BD4F4-8DFA-3683-9C26-313D2F4F8C41> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
    0x969c0000 - 0x96a5dfff (10.9 - 213) <F47949BC-ABEE-329B-B568-71C6FEF761F6> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Ink.framework /Versions/A/Ink
    0x96a5e000 - 0x96e54ff3 (1.600.0 - 772) <0D322365-219E-3D67-96BB-2B2416ACB4F5> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreGraphics.framework/Versions/A/CoreGraphics
    0x96e55000 - 0x96f59ff7  libJP2.dylib (1231) <77B25D2E-F9DE-3565-894A-970DE207B0EB> /System/Library/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libJP2.dylib
    0x96f5a000 - 0x97050ff7  libxml2.2.dylib (26) <2F37833C-4D55-3A09-9A0C-5904E8B6892A> /usr/lib/libxml2.2.dylib
    0x97051000 - 0x970baff7  libcorecrypto.dylib (233.1.2) <F188C1A7-E88F-3EC5-A6AA-22C02E3F0C93> /usr/lib/system/libcorecrypto.dylib
    0x98066000 - 0x98066fff (1.12 - 1.12) <64ED443E-25D5-3A2C-A028-0D0C7FAF57C6> /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioUnit.framework/Versions/A/AudioUnit
    0x98328000 - 0x98393ff7 (3.0 - 300.4) <632A811D-4706-3ED7-85E3-DD2CDB47CF8F> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreWiFi.framework/Versions/A/CoreWiFi
    0x98398000 - 0x983b7ff7 (2.0 - 209.11) <34CF76B2-8052-359D-816D-092608FB6919> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/GenerationalStorage.framework/Versions/A/Gene rationalStorage
    0x983b8000 - 0x983b8fff  libOpenScriptingUtil.dylib (162) <9872C464-DF90-37C2-9871-8A3F53C615EC> /usr/lib/libOpenScriptingUtil.dylib
    0x983b9000 - 0x983ceffb (260.30 - 260.30) <2E28AF1C-AC6C-364F-B181-C5926A7F5A4D> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MultitouchSupport.framework/Versions/A/Multit ouchSupport
    0x984a9000 - 0x984fffff  libc++.1.dylib (120) <D8DE4962-66CD-3491-904E-9291EEE5E570> /usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib
    0x98500000 - 0x98508fff (1210 - 1210) <FC372799-6E8E-3290-9816-6981D39BC9D6> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/FSEvent s.framework/Versions/A/FSEvents
    0x98509000 - 0x98552ffb  libFontRegistry.dylib (134) <023BB8A2-8BBA-30DC-B0C2-A5F0AE3667D8> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ ATS.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libFontRegistry.dylib
    0x98553000 - 0x985cdfff (360 - 375) <7E075657-314E-3130-97A7-AFD826000C7B> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ ATS.framework/Versions/A/ATS
    0x985ce000 - 0x98641ffb (5.0 - 500.35.2) <F46A7092-ADC6-3596-B046-8026F2814D8D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreWLAN.framework/Versions/A/CoreWLAN
    0x98642000 - 0x9864fff7  libbz2.1.0.dylib (36) <6BC7B049-8F03-3217-9840-B1804CCBF742> /usr/lib/libbz2.1.0.dylib
    0x986f9000 - 0x98700ff3  libunwind.dylib (35.3) <29D9343F-9A0A-3535-B0AE-E7CC761D95EE> /usr/lib/system/libunwind.dylib
    0x98702000 - 0x98705fff  libextension.dylib (55) <E191881E-EAFD-3FD4-A8C1-7620DDC6F125> /usr/lib/libextension.dylib
    0x98706000 - 0x98716ff7 (1.7.0 - 1.7.0) <DBECFAD5-DB53-390C-AE92-09549733C861> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ LangAnalysis.framework/Versions/A/LangAnalysis
    0x98717000 - 0x988a6ff3  libsqlite3.dylib (168) <C3F78985-C19B-3320-9F71-543969632128> /usr/lib/libsqlite3.dylib
    0x988a7000 - 0x98b99ffb (10.0.33) <75B23F45-8D99-3521-89AE-AF2AF4487096> /System/Library/Frameworks/QuartzCore.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CoreImage .framework/Versions/A/CoreImage
    0x98b9a000 - 0x98bb5ff7 (10.10 - 187) <12F3D599-88CE-3952-8987-7F6CEA2A809A> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenDirectory.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CFOpen Directory.framework/Versions/A/CFOpenDirectory
    0x98bb6000 - 0x98bdcffb  libxpc.dylib (559.1.22) <CB6B442F-8BE4-37B6-9A00-4753BC1C368C> /usr/lib/system/libxpc.dylib
    0x98c23000 - 0x98c2cfff  libcopyfile.dylib (118.1.2) <FAF3268F-C580-33D3-A5B4-74B8A8713216> /usr/lib/system/libcopyfile.dylib
    0x98c2d000 - 0x98caaff3 (2.0.2 - 1050.1.21) <C3A9E799-0B67-3292-AF44-43CCA846C169> /System/Library/Frameworks/IOKit.framework/Versions/A/IOKit
    0x98cdd000 - 0x98d0cff7 (1.2 - 229) <1F5C35C7-67AA-30A0-A366-EB4B361152A3> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Diction aryServices.framework/Versions/A/DictionaryServices
    0x98d0d000 - 0x98da7fff (4.9.0 - 4.9.0) <091CDCEC-1B25-3FE7-94C2-8AEFA6564E95> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ ColorSync.framework/Versions/A/ColorSync
    0x98dd2000 - 0x98dfefff (2.1 - 163.1) <2B0CBB85-EF91-351A-8750-A185996E4CDB> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ChunkingLibrary.framework/Versions/A/Chunking Library
    0x98dff000 - 0x98e2dff7  libarchive.2.dylib (30) <8758D35F-ADF8-30F6-8EB2-9B852876EAC8> /usr/lib/libarchive.2.dylib
    0x98ffe000 - 0x9903aff3 (2.0 - 99) <2839C2F1-88DA-3843-87BF-441A374A8967> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/RemoteViewServices.framework/Versions/A/Remot eViewServices
    0x9903b000 - 0x992172ef  libobjc.A.dylib (646) <EF789AF0-508F-3D49-A988-376CE2E1107C> /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib
    0x99267000 - 0x99275ff7 (2.0.32 - 2.0.32) <637E7AB2-1077-319C-A6A2-D0D0F01951BA> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SpeechRecognitionCore.framework/Versions/A/Sp eechRecognitionCore
    0x99283000 - 0x992e7ff7 (681 - 681) <EEE62980-421B-33BD-BB88-6BDE269A3060> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/AE.fram ework/Versions/A/AE
    0x992e8000 - 0x992eaff7  libsystem_sandbox.dylib (358.1.1) <12A90EA1-A218-3B6B-A441-E1A8F866FA44> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_sandbox.dylib
    0x992eb000 - 0x993e2fff  libFontParser.dylib (134) <95F8F2D1-B28D-3687-95A9-45033FEE0504> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ ATS.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libFontParser.dylib
    0x993fb000 - 0x993fdfff  libquarantine.dylib (76) <9ADD861F-A66E-3AD1-A77E-C622E91BD203> /usr/lib/system/libquarantine.dylib
    0x993fe000 - 0x99417fff (3.0 - 1) <92735F11-CF1C-3FA6-8682-9A30AC9E2651> /System/Library/Frameworks/Kerberos.framework/Versions/A/Kerberos
    0x99dc7000 - 0x99f38ffb  libBLAS.dylib (1128) <ACEF468C-5DB1-38F3-BCB2-6F3D7F2B2040> /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ amework/Versions/A/libBLAS.dylib
    0x99f39000 - 0x99f58fff  libsystem_kernel.dylib (2782.1.97) <9F86CA37-93FC-31F0-8ACC-53D244AF9EC2> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
    0x99f59000 - 0x99f5bfff  libCVMSPluginSupport.dylib (11.0.7) <A87C589A-DA64-3D62-8BDE-065784993B1A> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libCVMSPluginS upport.dylib
    0x9a070000 - 0x9a110fff (301 - 301) <4DFE3689-59DE-3FBC-806B-6A4056573E52> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ QD.framework/Versions/A/QD
    0x9a111000 - 0x9a11cff7 (10.10 - 629) <BB92BB57-6F2F-3348-BEF4-58036DF40FA4> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CrashReporterSupport.framework/Versions/A/Cra shReporterSupport
    0x9a3ad000 - 0x9a5b1ff3 (720.0.9 - 720.0.9) <7CDEA161-4DDC-381D-A2EF-B5F7B2154B8A> /System/Library/Frameworks/CFNetwork.framework/Versions/A/CFNetwork
    0x9a660000 - 0x9a683ffb (10.0 - 1000.57.3) <73620B5D-1E69-37DE-B186-AE9E8E7834D8> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/A/Apple80211
    0x9a684000 - 0x9a68dfff  libGFXShared.dylib (11.0.7) <AFC7CCD1-D935-3968-8CE3-303C13354F2B> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGFXShared.d ylib
    0x9a6bc000 - 0x9a847ffb (1.12 - 1.12) <44BCEAB8-306D-307F-92C8-6656F3578220> /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioToolbox.framework/Versions/A/AudioToolbox
    0x9b1cc000 - 0x9b2f9ff7 (2.1 - 305) <8D2978A1-8152-32CB-B265-4C923FDF3017> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreUI.framework/Versions/A/CoreUI
    0x9b2fa000 - 0x9b4f0fff  libicucore.A.dylib (531.30) <BD09E200-FF42-3E9D-814C-0BC8F2C0EAC9> /usr/lib/libicucore.A.dylib
    0x9b4f1000 - 0x9b4fdff7  libkxld.dylib (2782.1.97) <779DF7F9-9B34-3FD9-9BC1-482CDA59E17A> /usr/lib/system/libkxld.dylib
    0x9b4fe000 - 0x9b4fffff  libremovefile.dylib (35) <49DCAF7B-4466-3775-9E58-EA5D7CBA8AE0> /usr/lib/system/libremovefile.dylib
    0x9b53e000 - 0x9b542ffb (97 - 97) <ADB57CD2-455A-317C-818E-6379BF427D10> /System/Library/Frameworks/IOSurface.framework/Versions/A/IOSurface
    0x9b543000 - 0x9b60cfff (1.6 - 1.6) <3CE096B0-65A6-3696-8726-E0B28D062834> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Backup.framework/Versions/A/Backup
    0x9b60d000 - 0x9b63fff7 (4.0 - 2.0) <36CBBD76-19AC-333E-AB52-A93800ABC89A> /System/Library/Frameworks/GSS.framework/Versions/A/GSS
    0x9b640000 - 0x9b740ff7 (644.10 - 644.10) <9A64517C-7DAE-3247-AD6E-FD3FB49A54D8> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/LaunchS ervices.framework/Versions/A/LaunchServices
    0x9b741000 - 0x9b745ffb  libcache.dylib (69) <55501A00-AF64-3554-8F46-8D5AFEDEC332> /usr/lib/system/libcache.dylib
    0x9b746000 - 0x9b76cffb  libPng.dylib (1231) <A9ACFC7E-9F25-3F15-AFAB-C74C3DAA1D06> /System/Library/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libPng.dylib
    0x9b782000 - 0x9b7c2fff (1.4 - 56045) <BE1C4846-DA11-365D-9B46-3FF130401839> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Symbolication.framework/Versions/A/Symbolicat ion
    0x9b98d000 - 0x9bc20ff7 (110 - 526) <C2C79A0B-70B1-3D88-951D-1C19D35B78E1> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreData.framework/Versions/A/CoreData
    0x9bc21000 - 0x9bc2aff7  libsystem_notify.dylib (133.1.1) <B8503E99-214B-3AC3-A7CA-CC837ABD7B25> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_notify.dylib
    0x9bc2b000 - 0x9bc2efff  libdyld.dylib (353.2.1) <6533C0BC-6FE5-3E43-A44D-EF2193978EC0> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
    0x9bc2f000 - 0x9bcc1fff (3.1 - 56072) <BADFFEF1-5CD8-37BC-B8FD-7C955EF0D0A1> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreSymbolication.framework/Versions/A/CoreSy mbolication
    0x9bcc2000 - 0x9bd57ff3  libsystem_c.dylib (1044.1.2) <819FD4E2-3B29-38F0-AC5C-BEE865489F5F> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_c.dylib
    0x9bd58000 - 0x9c12eff7 (2.1.1 - 756) <5204085A-4D56-3430-889F-11C42E43729B> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.fra mework/Versions/A/HIToolbox
    0x9c12f000 - 0x9c182fff  libstdc++.6.dylib (104.1) <D0EB2C99-5939-3ABA-9C18-D9AD75CE23A1> /usr/lib/libstdc++.6.dylib
    0x9c183000 - 0x9c1d4fff (2.4.2 - 2.4.2) <33B19D84-C463-3762-B1AB-C5CB8F7DC87F> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenCL.framework/Versions/A/OpenCL
    0x9c29a000 - 0x9c29afff (62 - 62) <FF296ED2-0F90-3055-BBE4-7BF9E42322EF> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/CoreServices
    0x9c29b000 - 0x9c2baffb  libresolv.9.dylib (57) <C2C3810A-A45E-3375-B41D-6E1BECE1BA3C> /usr/lib/libresolv.9.dylib
    0x9c2bb000 - 0x9c2c4fff (2.6 - 2.6) <D906604A-1D8C-31BF-8F22-EA219FFC858F> /System/Library/Frameworks/DiskArbitration.framework/Versions/A/DiskArbitration
    0x9c2c5000 - 0x9c2d2ff7 (5.2.6 - 5.2.6) <DD10F01B-45E7-31A0-A19B-2AEEB689C6C4> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ SpeechSynthesis.framework/Versions/A/SpeechSynthesis
    0x9c2db000 - 0x9c2dfffb  libGIF.dylib (1231) <9DE811E6-6151-32B2-8C89-AD97EC7815B3> /System/Library/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libGIF.dylib
    0x9c2e0000 - 0x9c33bfff (1.0 - 1) <9B39E059-F48E-31AF-B1B3-B0872F362627> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/LanguageModeling.framework/Versions/A/Languag eModeling
    External Modification Summary:
      Calls made by other processes targeting this process:
        task_for_pid: 1
        thread_create: 0
        thread_set_state: 0
      Calls made by this process:
        task_for_pid: 0
        thread_create: 0
        thread_set_state: 0
      Calls made by all processes on this machine:
        task_for_pid: 106
        thread_create: 0
        thread_set_state: 0
    VM Region Summary:
    ReadOnly portion of Libraries: Total=148.0M resident=41.8M(28%) swapped_out_or_unallocated=106.3M(72%)
    Writable regions: Total=175.2M written=135.4M(77%) resident=136.0M(78%) swapped_out=0K(0%) unallocated=39.2M(22%)
    REGION TYPE                      VIRTUAL
    ===========                      =======
    Kernel Alloc Once                     4K
    MALLOC                            160.6M
    MALLOC (admin)                       48K
    Stack                              70.2M
    VM_ALLOCATE                         332K
    __DATA                             6688K
    __IMAGE                             528K
    __LINKEDIT                         41.9M
    __OBJC                             2200K
    __TEXT                            106.2M
    __UNICODE                           544K
    mapped file                       125.5M
    shared memory                         4K
    ===========                      =======
    TOTAL                             514.4M
    System Profile:
    AirPort: spairport_wireless_card_type_airport_extreme (0x168C, 0x9A), Atheros 9380:
    Bluetooth: Version 4.3.0f10 14890, 3 services, 27 devices, 1 incoming serial ports
    Thunderbolt Bus: iMac, Apple Inc., 25.1
    Memory Module: BANK 0/DIMM0, 2 GB, DDR3, 1333 MHz, 0x80CE, 0x4D34373142353637334648302D4348392020
    Memory Module: BANK 1/DIMM0, 2 GB, DDR3, 1333 MHz, 0x80CE, 0x4D34373142353637334648302D4348392020
    Memory Module: BANK 0/DIMM1, 2 GB, DDR3, 1333 MHz, 0x802C, 0x384A53463235363634485A2D314734443120
    Memory Module: BANK 1/DIMM1, 2 GB, DDR3, 1333 MHz, 0x802C, 0x384A53463235363634485A2D314734443120
    USB Device: Hub
    USB Device: My Passport 0830
    USB Device: BRCM2046 Hub
    USB Device: Bluetooth USB Host Controller
    USB Device: FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in)
    USB Device: Hub
    USB Device: Internal Memory Card Reader
    USB Device: IR Receiver
    Serial ATA Device: WDC WD1001FALS-403AA0, 1 TB
    Serial ATA Device: OPTIARC DVD RW AD-5690H
    Model: iMac12,1, BootROM IM121.0047.B1F, 4 processors, Intel Core i5, 2.7 GHz, 8 GB, SMC 1.71f22
    Network Service: AirPort, AirPort, en1
    Graphics: AMD Radeon HD 6770M, AMD Radeon HD 6770M, PCIe, 512 MB

  • My iPod 4 (2010) randomly reboots after 5.1.1 upgade to iOS6 (WDT timeout).

    My iPod 4 (2010) randomly reboots after 5.1.1 upgrade to iOS6 (WDT timeout).
    After reboot I cannot power it with Power Button. Have to do Power + Mac, hold to 10 sec and than it will go ON. After 1 minute when it will go to sleep it will start randomly reboots.
    Diagnostics & Usage Data log is shoving multiple "panic" error with Debug message "WDT timeout".
    Any Advice what is wrong? With 5.1.1 it was running like charm.
    Very disappointing.

    Try the following:
    - Restore from backup
    - Restore to factory settings/new iPod.
    If you still have the problem that indicates a hardware problem and an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store is in order

  • Sir please help me ...... my browser not showing downloads my mobile nokia n900 after tap on downloading option ????? thanks in advance..

    my mobile model is nokia n900 and os is maemo 5

    I dont think firefox is available for maemo 5 (linux based)
    refer to
    * [[Will Firefox work on my mobile device?]]
    article for more.

  • Droid Random Reboot After OS Update

    I have a Droid 2. The phone ran an OS update.  Android version 2.3.3.  System version 4.5.601.A995.Verizon.en.US.  Build number 4.51_57_DR2-31
    Randomly, when I wake up the phone from sleep and touch the screen it forces a reboot. 
    Also, and randomly when I power down the phone, it looks like it is off but a few seconds later it boots on again.
    Has anyone has been experiencing a similar problem? This  didn't happen before the OS update.

    I am having issues with random reboots.  It happens several times a day, twice so far in 4 hours this morning.  If I am some place I would normally put the phone on silent, I have to remove the battery because the reboots are not silent.  My screen will also freeze at times and a battery removal is the only cure.  Sometimes during a reboot, it will hang on R2D2 and again, a battery removal is the only recourse.  I was going to attempt a factory reset but since I see that hasn't worked for some, I may not bother.  It is a time-consuming process.

  • Can't flash kernel in nokia n900, please help.

    My nokia N900 has suddenly has gone into weired loop of showing error message>>rebooting>>again error meesage...
    message says "can't flash kernels, required files not found
    Guru Meditation #00000025.62017712"
    I tried flashing and downloaded "Flasher", "WinFlasher_3.12.1.exe", since I've windows 7 in 32 bit operating system.
    It opens properly, but after i give first command "flasher-3.5.exe -F pr1.2.bin -f". It shows prompt command and says nothing about detecting, as lot of post refers to.
    Please someone help me on this.
    Go to Solution.

    First, Thanks a lot for replying.
    Second, I'm not very familiar with linux. I followed the instructions posted by ceroberts75 as sticky at the first page. 
    1. Download the Flasher
    2. Download the latest firmware image for your N900  (you will need your IMEI of the device)
    3. when you save the global variant of the firmware to the "flasher-3.5" folder, save it as "pr1.2.bin"
    4.  When you save the vanilla file of the firmware to the "flasher-3.5" folder, save it as "vanilla.bin"
    5.  Turn your phone off
    6.  launch the flasher-3.5 program
    7.  type this command:   flasher-3.5.exe -F pr1.2.bin -f
    it will then scroll a bunch of gibberish and then say it is looking for a unit.
    8.  with the phone still off, hold slide the kb open and hold the "U" button while you connect the usb cable to the phone.  continue holding the "U" until you see the faint "NOKIA" logo and/or the USB connection symbol in the top right.  The flasher will find the device and automatically flash the unit to the original rom
    9.  after about 1.5 minutes, it will be complete.  DO NOT DISCONNECT YOUR UNIT!
    10.  type this command:   flasher-3.5.exe -F vanilla.bin -f -R
    11.  now it should reflash the device and wipe the emmc clean of EVERYTHING.  after it reboots, you can disconnect it.
    My problem starts after step 7. It doesn't scrolls any thing nor it says its looking for the unit. It keeps going back to prompt command.
    I hope somebody can tell me what mistake I'm doing.

  • Nokia N900 Software error

    i cannot switch on my Nokia N900. the last time i tried to switch it on it just kept on loading and got stuck. now the same thing keeps happening. when i plug the usb my pc wont accept it. when i plug the phone to the pc the phone gets stuck as usual. how can i install the Nokia N900 softwares again into the phone?

    1)Remove your battery for 30 secs. After that insert it and reboot.
    2) If nor, to flash your device, follow this guide...
    and search for " Flashing/Re-Flashing OS & Vanilla"
    Click here
    "You may loose faith on us.. But never in your selves! From here, the fight will be your own.."
    _____________[Protect Transformers]_____________

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