Nokia N91 Volume Output - need opinions ASAP -

Hi Everyone
i have owned the Sony Ericsson W810i for the last 2 weeks
i have now sent it back to 02 because im unhappy
the Audio quality is fantastic, but the volume output is NOT loud enough, does anyone know if the Nokia N91 is louder? and of equal or better Audio Quality?
my NEW N91 arrives on Monday, cant wait!

Ok, I feel like I should share some knowledge.
Loudness: This effect increases the bass response at low output volumes (it compresses the freq) so that the bass is better defined even in low volume conditions. At full volume it actually creates distortion.
Stereo Widening: Provides a sense of space by changing the phase of the analog signals.
Equalizer: Is used to change the gain of different frequecies to accomodate different tastes.
I have Senheisser PXC250 Noise cancelling and the HD485 (these are just awesome but the cable is too long)
I also have the PX200 that came in the bundle. These are good but lack some of the bass that the original Nokia earbuds have.
Also, keep in mind that the source digital file can have defects or artifacts that can create problems, depending on the codec used, the bitrate and how good the codec implementation is (did you adjust the digital gain or pass it through some form of DSP processing). Just saying is MP3 at 192 kbps may not tell us anything about the quality of the audio file. And then there is the source audio. THere are CDs and CDs, even if it's the same album/artist, there are different mixes, re-masterings and what not that will yield different results.
I've seen some files that seem to not play as good in N91 as others but when I re-ecode them they sound great.
640K Should be enough for everybody
El_Loco Nokia Video Blog

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    Well first off you need to define what you mean by "better" if by better you mean best compression then this is the order:
    eAAC+ (.m4a)
    AAC (.aac or .m4a)
    The "quality" needs to be depending on the bitrate but the bitrate depends on the encoder. E.G.
    Mp3 at 192 kbps= AAC at 128 kbps= eAAC+ at 64 kbps
    In terms of audio quality you can get higher quality by using WMA, AAC or eAAC+ at the same bitrate of the mp3.
    Say you convert a song to mp3 at 192 kbps, if you convert the same song with AAC, WMA or eAAC+ at the same bitrate (192 kbps) then they will be better than the mp3 in terms of audio quality. Mind you, you need to have very good ear to pick up the difference.
    When you go down lo lower bitrates say, 32 kbps. Then the difference is clearly heard.
    Encode a song in mp3 and also in eAAC+ at 32 kbps, and have a listen, the eAAC+ file will sound much better, this is due to the better compression algorithm.
    So what it means is that a file encoded into eAAC+ will have better audio when producing smaller files. When you go to high bitrates (like 192 kbps) the difference is not so noticeable.
    As for tools. I use Windows Media Player 10 to encode into WMA or Mp3. I also use Audiograbber from time to time to encode to Mp3. I use iTunes for AAC. And if I want to get small files I use Nokia Music Manager to encode into eAAC+.Message Edited by el_loco on 14-Jun-2006
    06:21 PM
    640K Should be enough for everybody
    El_Loco Nokia Video Blog

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    Some devices may need to have their software reset in order to see the latest benefits, or to resolve other potential problems. - Ensure you have the latest version of Nokia PC Suite. - Backup your device memory to your PC using Nokia PC Suite - Copy your files (music, videos, documents, images etc) from the Nokia N91 hard drive to your PC (use of USB mass storage recommended). - Copy any original SISX, Java, etc. installation files for your applications, themes, etc. from your Nokia N91 hard drive or memory card to your PC. (Do not simply copy over the installed directories/files.) - If your device has an internal hard drive, format your Nokia device’s hard drive by selecting Tools > Hard drive > Options > Format hard drive > Quick format (instructions are also in user the guide). - After the device has completely started up again, reset your device memory by selecting Menu > Tools > Settings > Phone > General > Orig. Phone Settings and entering 12345. - Restore your device memory from your PC using Nokia PC Suite by selecting Backup from the PC Suite menu and then selecting Restore. - Copy any hard drive or memory card contents from your memory card or PC back to your clean hard drive or memory card. - Re-install your applications/themes. If you find my post helpful please click the green star on the left under the avatar. Thanks.

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    N91 is better in the audio department.
    N91 has higher output power
    N91 has better frequency response (from very low frequencies to very high)
    N91 has better SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio, also because it has more output power)
    N91 has better THD (Total Harmonic Distortion)
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    N91 has better playback time.
    N91 comes with 4GB or 8GB.
    I have played with both the N91 and the N95, don't get me wrong, the N95 is not bad, but the N91 is better (WRT audio).
    Of course the technical differences in the end mean nothing and unless you really want the best sounding device, then N95 may be good enough for you.
    The N91 is not fragile, but it doesn't 'like' some of the third party apps. and that's when you start having probs.
    640K Should be enough for everybody
    El_Loco Nokia Video Blog

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    Which audio is low?, the audio YOU hear or the audio the other party hears?
    IF it's the audio YOU hear, have you tried using headphones?, is the audio also low on headphones?, have you tried using the Loudspeaker (speakerphone) is the audio also low that way?
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    640K Should be enough for everybody
    El_Loco Nokia Video Blog

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    Here are a few ideas off the top of my head:
    Try playing the file using a different xtra, sometimes different ones will work better.  If you have Director 11.5, there is a native flv playback xtra.
    You can build a player easily in Flash using the flvPlayback component, then bring that into Director as a swf.
    Once you have the video in Director, try making the member Direct To Stage (DTS).  If it is already DTS, try making it not DTS.
    Make sure the video is not transparent, and nothing in Director overlaps the video... in fact, when the video is playing, nothing should be moving at all, and try to keep the amount of code that is running to a minimum.
    Try lowering your video's data rate further or try using a different codec.
    Using VBR (Variable Bit Rate) compression often makes the video appear to play smoother.
    Try compressing the flv with different software.  FFMpeg, for example, is free and does a very good job, often better than the Flash Video Encoder that comes with Flash/Creative Suite.

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    19-Apr-2008 06:11 PM
    os2lover wrote:
    No the *#7370# doesn't affect your harddisk, only the phone memory.
    Best regards,
    Olivier Baum
    ohh thanks for this info... Im just curious, how do we format the hard drive? Thanks
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    Hi Shayesta
    Unfortunately the Moderators and administrators will not have this information available to us. This is a user to user support forum, therefore you will not receive direct feedback from Nokia through this channel.
    However, one of our many users may answer your query if they have information them selves. Alternatively you can contact your local Nokia support team if you wish a direct answer form Nokia.

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    frodojon wrote:
    I either didn't do the correct mapping sequence before or I'm starting to wonder if it has something to do with my keyboard which has the expression pedal set to the same volume control as the mod wheel.
    All this sounds like you are confused about the general nature of MIDI Continuous Controllers (MIDI CC). The MIDI specification allows for 128 different CC's: CC0 to CC127. Some are typically "preallocated" to 'standard functions: CC1= Modulation, CC7=Volume, CC10+Pan, CC11= 'Expression'. Some act as switches such as 'Sustain' CC64.
    frodojon wrote:
    Everything appears to be scaled from -63 to +64 if that's what you mean by scaling?  What do you mean by MIDI CC7?
    Mainstage works with MIDI CC's generally in a number of ways:
    Some standard ones are automatically passed through to all MIDI/Instrument channels unless you specifically block them. Others are not passed through unless you specifically map them to something.
    This mapping can be done basically two ways (with MS 2.2):
    a) Make a Screen Control in Layout mode, and assign it to a particular incoming MIDI CC message. Then, you can map this Screeen Control to a variety of parameters such as the volume of a particular channel strip.
    b) With MS 2.2, you can do the above Assign and Mapping directly, without the need for Screen Controls as an 'intermediary'.
    frodojon wrote:
    something to do with my keyboard which has the expression pedal set to the same volume control as the mod wheel.  I
    It sounds to me like you have an issue where you have several hardware controls on your Keyboard set up to transmit the same MIDI CC. This is probably not a good idea, and it would be much better if you assigned them to transmit different CC messages (CC1 for Modulation and probably CC11 for the Expression (though you may want to set the pedal to some other number instead.
    Once you are transmitting different CC messages, you will be able to Assign and Map much more flexibly:
    for example, you could one to control the overall output volume at Concert Level in MS, whilst the other controls the volume of a specific channel within a Patch.
    Your issue of layered patches is one of "Scaling": one Screen Control (assigned to an incoming MIDI CC message) needs to alter the ranges of different channel strips to different amounts. You can set this up by using multiple mappings for one Control, each set to work over a particular range (for example a goes from -20 to 0 whilst b goes from -30 to -20 etc.).


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    Is it just the case I wont use there email servers and so not spending money with them?
    Someone pls help me as its taken me a week to just get this far. If you can pin point what downloads I need and configuring it I should be fine.
    I want an aol email address on Nokia n91 and Im with o2
    Hope that helps someone and helps me!!
    Many thanks all

    Hi bluebirds
    Please read this post to see how email not supported on O2 PAYG but on pay monthly
    Happy to have helped forum in a small way with a Support Ratio = 37.0

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    Sennheiser CX 500
    Was wondering if anyone used the CX500 and how is the bass effect/quality compared to the standard Nokia N91 earphones. Can anybody point out a good earphones that have the same or much better bass reproduction than the standard Nokia headset that is cheap. Looking for something around £15 - £30 Max.

    All down to personal taste, I had N91 and sound was great I use Sony MDR-EX300SL which I find give good sound in and keep most background sound OUT, and they would fit your budget
    I'm sure you'll get some better expert opinions, but they are good enough for my ears
    If I have helped at all, a click on the White Star is always appreciated :
    you can also help others by marking 'accept as solution' 

  • My new Pc Build for Premiere Pro Editing. Need opinions!

    I have finally saved up enough money for my own Pc build and i need opinions on my parts list. My budget is aprox. $1800-$2000. This is a list I got from a local retail store, prices are taken from Pcpartpicker.
    This pc's main use will be editing in Premiere, Photoshop and After Effects, with some Gaming. Also, should I stick with Windows 7 Pro?
    Do you guys think this is a good build for the price range? Is there anything i should change?
    Many thanks for taking the time to read!
    Intel Core i7-4770K 3.5GHz Quad-Core
    Gigabyte GA-Z87X-UD3H ATX LGA1150
    Kingston 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR3-1600
    Crucial M500 240GB 2.5" SSD
    Seagate Barracuda 3TB 3.5" 7200RPM
    Video Card
    Gigabyte GeForce GTX 660 2GB
    Sound Card
    Creative Labs SB X-Fi Xtreme Audio
    Cooler Master HAF XM (Black) ATX Mid Tower
    Power Supply
    Corsair 750W ATX12V
    Optical Drive
    Asus BW-14D1XT Blu-Ray/DVD/CD Writer
    Operating System
    Microsoft Windows 7 Professional SP1 (OEM) (64-bit)
    Total:  $1522.46

    joshweiland wrote:
    What's the bad part? Multiple drives or RAID'ing them?
    The bad part that Jim refers to is RAID 0-ing them: If only one of those drives goes bad, all of the data on both or all of the drives in that volume get permanently and irrecoverably lost (unless one wants to spend tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars per disk just for professional data recovery).
    On the other hand, the only major disadvantage of multiple smaller drives is that they tend to cost more money overall than one larger drive. What's more, some of the smaller-capacity drives are still of older platter layout designs that are significantly slower in sequential speed than most of the larger-capacity drives (and even those that spin at only 5400 RPM instead of 7200 RPM).

  • Low volume output through earphone from ipad air, itouch 4 and itouch 5 comparing to previous models

    Has any body noticed that the latest iPad and i touch (i e from 4th generation onward) purchased from India (I don't know about other countries) has less volume output in earphones/headphones as compared to the old generations...
    This is because i had to replace 2 i touch (i e 4th gen and 5th gen) for the same problem.
    Now also when i purchased an iPad air WiFi cellular am facing the same problem.
    I am buying an apple product for music and videos preferably but at last get disappointed due to your same defective products.
    Has apple lowered their status of music and video for which they were famous.
    Anyone help me out there for this problem.
    Tell me solution excluding
    1.To turnoff volume limit
    2. reset all settings
    3.make some changes in equalizer
    4.restore factory settings and
    5. increase volume level from iTunes..
    All the above mentioned solutions i have tried nothing has solve my problem..
    If apple does manufacture such product with less volume than the previous version then please tell us. We will buy product of another brand. Apple its a major issue. The only thing that this issue has not been discussed so much because most of the people do not hear at the max level.

    Among the alternatives not mentioned... Using a TiVo DVR, rather than the X1; a Roamio Plus or Pro would solve both the concern over the quality of the DVR, as well as providing the MoCA bridge capability the poster so desperately wanted the X1 DVR to provide. (Although the TiVo's support only MoCA 1.1.) Just get a third-party MoCA adapter for the distant location. Why the hang-up on having a device provided by Comcast? This seems especially ironic given the opinions expressed regarding payments over time to Comcast. If a MoCA 2.0 bridge was the requirement, they don't exist outside providers. So couldn't the poster have simply requested a replacement XB3 from the local office and configured it down to only providing MoCA bridging -- and perhaps as a wireless access point? Comcast would bill him the monthly rate for the extra device, but such is the state of MoCA 2.0. Much of the OP sounds like frustration over devices providing capabilities the poster *thinks* they should have.

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    soulkiss wrote:
    I need the vocals to be the same volume throughout.
    a good tool for that would be one of the compressors (a web search on "audio mixing compressor" will yield tons of information on using them)
    soulkiss wrote:
    It always exports at the audio level no matter what.
    (Let the page FULLY load. The link to your answer is at the top of your screen)

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    If you need to format the phone memory then there's a way but you will loose everything you've installed, messages, DRM, pre-loaded contents, etc.
    640K Should be enough for everybody
    El_Loco Nokia Video Blog

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